9th General Assembly Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Govenor12 » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:28 pm

We applaud the statements of our Rildanorian friends and are now demanding an official committee to scrutinize all security council resolutions and whether they were in line with the founding document of this organization, so indeed whether the General Assembly in all resolutions was consulted.If this is not the case, then they must be set out of effect immidately.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Zanz » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:29 pm

Cyrille Rodier, Rildanorian Ambassador

Ambassador Kavarana, Rildanor is intrigued by this proposition, though we recognize the right of Vanuku, Deltaria, and Jelbania to their well-governed segments of the continent. Would His Most High Majesty be open to an amended motion granting him the other pieces of Majatra, which he could rule with Seleyan grace? The nations in those regions aren't doing much with it, anyway.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby jamescfm » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:34 pm

Shahpar Kavarana, Aldegarian Ambassador to the World Congress:
His Most High Majesty is a highly gracious and generous individual and recognises that such a vast amount of land is not necessary for one person. Similarly, he understands that some individuals are simply incapable of being civilised, for example the Jelbic peoples, and so could not be properly ruled by such an intelligent human being as His Most High Majesty. With all of this in mind, we would be willing to allow some regions (Vanuku, Deltaria, and Jelbania as well as perhaps Pontesia, Jakania, Kalopia and Cobura) to have a degree of self-governance.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby stuntmonkey » Thu Jul 27, 2017 7:46 pm

Olimpio Gracchus, Leader of the National Socialist Party of Zardugal:

Of course it is an easy deflection tactic to rake over the past, Mr Rodier but we need to deal with the here and now. You have made accusations against a country, namely Istalia, and we ask you to provide evidence to back up your claim.

Similarly, I ask you to answer my charge that you have made the accusations purely because Istalia would not vote for you in the Security Council race and exposed inconsistencies in your campaign. My evidence for this is found in the records of the current Security Council session during which you were present for some of the time.

I am not a representative of the Zardic government as my party stands in opposition. But I have every right under international law to address this assembly and have my say. Unless of course it is your plan to change this policy if you reach the Security Council? I would have thought the fact I independently felt the need to speak up against your claims while not being a representative of my government would demonstrate how alarmed our party is with your behaviour. Instead your hubris leads you to brand me an insignificant lunatic. Well done, Mr Rodier, very erudite.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Auditorii » Thu Jul 27, 2017 9:26 pm

"We concur with the motions made by Rildanor. Istalia itself has become an Imperialist power, something that we cannot tolerate."

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Zanz » Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:06 pm

Cyrille Rodier, Rildanorian Ambassador

Rildanor applauds the work of Dorvik on Resolution 26 now before the Security Council, and asks all members of the Security Council to vote firmly in favor so that we might elucidate the abuses affected by the oppressors.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aethan » Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:22 pm

Cynthia Amphion, Selucian Ambassador

Selucia's sovereignty is not something to be played with. This is a serious advertisement to Aldegar, which dares to call uncivilized to a whole continent, while they believe in dreamed promises. Selucia will not play this game.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby RedReaper » Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:34 pm

Abdul Amari President of the Republic of the Union of Badara makes the following statement to the Assembly:

It is interesting to see so many parties of so many nations declare Istalia Imperialist due to their humanitarian intervention they made, at my own request, in Badara. These nations could not be further from the truth. The Istalian Government has at no point tried to force an action on my part, nor forced any actions on the illegitimate Coalition Central Command. They have, to my initial surprise I might add, been far more neutral than many other parties I could mention (gestures to the Beitenyu delegation knowingly). It is quite preposterous for Rildanor to pretend to know the inner workings and motives of the Istalians in the current Civil War when I find it hard to think of any nation less involved. We demand solid evidence of Istalia's imperialist motives, not simply farcical statements falsely regarded as facts.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Arapaima13 » Fri Jul 28, 2017 7:36 am

Tomas Allais, Kanjorien Representative to the World Congress

We fully agree with Rildanor's proposition. Istalia think that all nations should be accountable, so why shouldn't an enquiry into their country occur? It's hypocritical to say the least. They call us childish; is it childish to highlight the issues in the current World Congress?

The first step to solving a problem is recognising that there is one. And that is something Istalia must do. Their ignorance is causing these tensions. It isn't Rildanor's fault, or Beityenu's, or Vanuku's - it's theirs as they are a nation that does not stand by others, and merely cares about its own future. Sure they interceded in Badara. Why? To help create a peace deal? No. Instead they went into Badara to gain another unfortunate ally of the current Socialist Government, so that they can fling another nation in front of the anti-Istalian train before they finally realise they have to hold their hands up. And if that's not imperialistic, I don't know what is.

As for Zardagul, I would warn them that they are dealing with an exploitative and dangerous nation who should not be anywhere near the position of power that they are in currently. Sharing a bed with Istalia is like sharing a bed with a psychopath. You have no idea when they will turn around and stab you in the back. Take Rildanor for example. They asked for a long time friend's support for the Security Council nomination (you will find Rildanor-Istalia ties go further back than Baltusia-Istalia ties), and yet Rildanor was violently cut down. Istalia is a country that doesn't deserve your support - so don't give it to them.

To Istalia, I say if you really are not imperialistic, and you don't have anything to hide, then why don't you allow this organisation to be created? Blocking the creation of this investigative body just suggests that you have something to hide. I wonder how many skeletons are in that Istalian closet?

Resolution 26 sees the ejection of Vorona from the WC. How long do we have to wait for a similar Resolution on Istalia?
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Re: General Assembly

Postby RedReaper » Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:30 am

Abdul Amari President of the Republic of the Union of Badara makes the following statement to the Assembly:

If the Istalian government only intervened on my government's behalf in order to get support from us against their enemies, that was obviously a stupid idea. We're a Communist government embroiled in a violent civil war with a Capitalist Paramilitary Organisation. We're weak, and we're the exact opposite of them politically. We're attempting to join the MRSF for goodness sake. We're not a prime ally for them. Now I don't know what else they have been up to prior to my party's formation, but all I can say is getting us to support them against you is simply not what they are doing, and if that was their intention, they've failed pretty miserably in that regard.
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