10th General Assembly Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby RedReaper » Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:53 am

The Secretariat of the GA-URSR;

The URSR understands fully the points brought up by the Representative of Cildania. Indeed the Secretariat personally doesn't use the left right spectrum much when describing political ideologies, it is much more useful to state what the specific ideology is about and analyse it from there, rather than using an oversimplification of politics that varies depending on the Overton Window of each nation. We simply brought up the left-right spectrum due to the fact Beitenyu was using it to argue Fascists aren't extreme.
As for the comments that Fascists dislike religion, there are many Fascist organisations and governments throughout history which allied with religious forces or even based their ideology upon them; (OOC; Franco being the obvious example). We assure you that the DYP is not left leaning in the Metzist sense, they may regulate their economy more than say a right libertarian or a neoclassical economist would but that certainly is not in anyway socialist by Metzist definitions. As you said, the left-right spectrum is too arbitrary to use, it's far better to describe your definitions and ideology before the debate begins.
As for why we group you and the DYP together, it's mainly due to your pro-capitalist stance; although we're not going to pretend you are in anyway truly alike. Indeed we agree with many policies that your government supports. The fact that the URSR is an anti-capitalist organisation and you are both pro-capitalist is ultimately the important distinction between our two ideologies.
As for your comments about communists and libertarian socialists, your distinctions are more useful when describing the differences between Metzists-Leonidists and say Mutualists or Social Democrats. The 'left' is a far more complicated place than most people on your side of the argument tend to suggest and most of your definitions of say 'Communisn' are incorrect and based on a lack of knowledge of Socialism in general, whIch we'll admit is understandable.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby stuntmonkey » Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:33 am

Anton Clausewitz, Chief Plenipotentiary of the Imperial Crown Lands of Hulstria:

Representative Lawan,

We welcome your attempts to prevent the further expansion of the URSR but cannot accept your comments in regards to communism and allowing it freedoms.

Organisations like the URSR are secondary cancers - but they are only there because communism has been allowed to take hold and flourish in the first place.

Therefore, to prevent the formation or the growth of the URSR we must eradicate its primary source - that being the ideology of communism. Whatever it takes, we must wipe it out.

In our country, such political thoughts are often the disease of the non-Dundorfian speaking lower classes, which is why we have introduced legislation to prevent Class C citizens from establishing political parties. This has helped to a great extent.

However, we are looking to go further: We believe that the very nature of communism (whether it be Metzist-Leonidist-Kaminikist-Anarchist or otherwise) is unconstitutional in Hulstria as exercising the theory of communism would, in all cases, look to overthrow our established constitutional monarch system and the democratic and economic order of our country.

We canot allow it, we will not allow it and we urge other nations to follow suit.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:43 am

Virginia Olivieri, Istalian Representative:

Why spent time talking about semantics and words? It is clear that "fascist" could be used in many contests and could be applied for some things and not for others.
Here we should retourn on the issue: as already said, any military intervention would be strongly condamned. Obviously we doesn't care of the DYP, but we want avoid a war in Majatra and the sufference by a war for the civilians in Beiteynu.
We already talked with the URSR segretariat to discourage any military attempt.
About the request made by Mikuni-Hulstria representative, this organization is not in place to persecute this or that ideology.
All the ideologies in fact, if they work into a framework of democracy and respect of the foundamental human, political and civil rights has the right to exist and also govern.
But, however, here there are too much nations and organizations ready to bend their own definition of "democracy" to thier interests, like Minkuni-Hulstria in this moment, which talk about democracy and freedom when actively persecute the free expression of this or that political opinion.
And of course, lassifing citizens in category (like A, B, C) each with different degree of rights make Mikuni Hulstria not democratic as well as the communist regimes which it accused.

For this reason, we would like propose to work together on a Definition of Demoxracy which could be used internationally and as foundamental aource to lead the actions of the World Congress.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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Re: General Assembly

Postby RedReaper » Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:53 am

The Secretariat of the GA-URSR;

Creating a universal definition of democracy is a pointless endeavour, for their are many types of democracy with varying degrees of support and with massive differences in the way they operate. We would be extremely concerned if such a definition excluded some forms of democracy.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Govenor12 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:55 am

Again we hear the talk of an imperialist power. They know that we will never allow any interference with our internal policies as we do not interfere into Istalian internal policies. The law which is currently discussed in the Knesset serves only to outlaw this obscure communist worldwide alliance. No opinion is being outlawed.
We still are under state of emergency regulations and with more then one millione men mobilized we fear nothing not an Istalian imperalism nor a communist something.

The Istalians again like all the time try to lecture other nations how they should do business. They define again is what desirable or not in e.g Hulstria. This is inacceptabel and highly offensive. All nations are unequal and different and threfore any Istalian forced definition of democracy or "fundamnetal human rights" is uncalled for and only serves to inflame conflict.

Answering machine of the government of Beiteynu
Last edited by Govenor12 on Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby stuntmonkey » Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:56 am

Anton Clausewitz, Chief Plenipotentiary of the Imperial Crown Lands of Hulstria:

Ambassador Oliveri we are delighted to see that a member of the Security Council has come to debate this issue and that you strongly deter the violent overtones of the URSR. However, we must express two points:

Our country is no longer called Mikuni-Hulstria - we democratically voted to remove the word Mikuni to better reflect the dominance of the Hulstrian culture and Dundorfian language in our nation. I hope you can respect that decision.

Secondly, every nation has the democratic right to make decisions for the betterment of its people as a whole, we believe that the Citizens' Classification System is an excellent way to ensure our nation grows economically, socially and culturally and this will be for the betterment of everyone whether they be Class A, B or C citizens.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby RedReaper » Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:07 pm

The Secretariat of the GA-URSR;

The DYP calling the URSR imperialist? Ha! Have they no sense of hypocrisy at all. Beitenyu is fresh off the heels of using a terrorist organisation to create a puppet state and overule an elected government and they have the audacity to declare the URSR imperialist? The URSR is only seeking to defend the rights of the RWPB to exist and for its supporters to not be wrongfully punished. What did the DYP have to defend in Badara? Nothing. They went in for power and they went in to crush a government which is critical of them. That was their motivation then and that is their only motivation now.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Govenor12 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:15 pm

Noone was talking about this obscure communist sth. organization.Our statement was directed at the Istalian government.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby RedReaper » Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:35 pm

The Secretariat of the GA-URSR;

Pardon our misunderstanding: but the point still stands, regardless of whether the imperialist comment was directed towards the URSR or Istalia. Beitenyu is a well known imperialist nation and it is hypocritical for them to condemn other nations for carrying out imperialist acts.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:47 pm

Virginia Olivieri:

You are undermine thousand of years of history, political history, accademic history, sociology history, etc... Etc...
The term Democracy design a system of Government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body charaterized by precise features.
Democracy consists foundamentally of four key elements: (a) A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections; (b) The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life; (c) Protection of the political, civil and human rights of all citizens, equal before the law in rights and duties, and (d) A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.
Legal equality, political freedom and rule of law are the core elements to define a Democracy.
And these elements cannot taken indipendently, because they are heavily linked, so that the undermining of one of these elements undermine all the others.
It was not Istalia which "invented" this word, it was not Istalia to delineate its charateristics, it was not Istalia to "influence" millennia of political studies to give such a definition of Democracy.

And of course, criticize or undermine the government system of Beiteynu is imperialism, but criticize and undermine the govenrment system of Badara was not Beiteyenese imperialism... Of course... The Beytenese "logic". Beiteynu, the Government of the Hypocrisy. This will remain of you into the History, the shame and the hypocrisy of its shameless rulers.
Do you want call Istalia imperialist because we persue the spread and application of values and principles even more noble, high and pure which yearn to the respect of every human beings in its dignity and needs?
Well... Call us imperialist!
And finally, maybe the communism has chosen the wrong means to persue such goals, but we can find even more Democracy into the communist ideology than into obscurantistic and racial suprematist ideologies which profess the superiority and betterness of some people compared to other, a policy indeed enforced for decades by the YDP which without any conseguence persue the ethnic cleaning of its nation against numerous people, infringing all the most basic requirement of a "Democratic", society. So, you are the last which can talk about the communism as an obscure and dangerous undemocratic ideology.
Alleanza Radicale (Radical Alliance) - Istalia (Active)
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