50th General Assembly Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby jamescfm » Fri Dec 18, 2020 9:44 pm

Image Ms. Fodor Blanka*, Representative to the World Congress of the Deltarian Federation:
Endralonian hypocrisy continues. When the democratic government of Medina agrees to the construction of a Deltarian military base on their own soil, this is a cause for Security Council intervention. When the imperial government of Vascania threatens to colonise Rapa Pile, they are happy to approve. The difference? Deltaria doesn't allow Endralonian multi-nationals to ravage our economy whereas Vascania does.

Despite the lies perpetuated by Endralon, Rapa Pile is a sovereign state that is in a free associative relationship with Vascania. Deltaria takes very seriously any attempt to unilaterally incorporate Rapa Pile into the Vascanian Empire, which would amount to a direct invasion and would necessitate an international response.

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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Sat Dec 19, 2020 12:57 am

Image Ms. Vászoly Csenge
Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon

Ms. Fodor, we nearly speak the same language by a weird historical development, still you simply can't understand me and just speaking to the air without good points or arguments. Medina is not democratic, this is an internationally accepted FACT, and it won't changing just because you are keep saying that it is democratic. Just repeating the same, untrue thing always is not constructive, and only serve the deception of this August Body, by you.

And I guess there is a lot of science-fiction lovers here, including me, however unlike you, my fanatics do not enter the doorstep of this Assembly. Because a sentence like this: "When the imperial government of Vascania threatens to colonise Rapa Pile, they are happy to approve." is a galactic lie.

(1) Imperial government of Vascania? Vascania had been one of the most democratic countries on Terra for centuries, and it is unfortunately true that they're currently under the influence of a little Renessaince of authoritarianism, still they're a well-functioning flawed democracy, unlike the hybrid regime Medina.

(2) Threatens to colonise Rapa Pile? Wow. The truth is, Ms. Fodor, that Rapa Pile already 'colonized' itself into the Vascanian Empire, several years ago. They has common defense and foreign policy with the Empire, since long decades, and they're voluntarily accepted the authority of the Vascanian Throne and Constitution over them. What currently we can see is a legitimate step from the two sides towards unification, that was in the air for a long time between Rapa Pile and Vascania.

(3) They're happy to approve it? Well, no. We do not approve anything, we just thinking there is nothing illegitimate or wrong going on between Rapa Pile and Vascania, based on the small amount of information we surely have. Of course if there will be human rights violation, or possibility of genocide, we will (as Security Council) step in immediately.

Also, I wouldn't call Rapa Pile a sovereign state, and definitely wouldn't call 'free associative relationship' the situation between it and the Empire. As I mentioned, they have common defense and foreign policy, and the same monarch and constitution. A free associative relationship is when a corporation cooperate with an another company to gain more profits. This is a tone of ties between the two nations, ensured by the traditions of unification and that they're united since a century almost.

Also: "Deltaria takes very seriously any attempt to unilaterally incorporate Rapa Pile into the Vascanian Empire, which would amount to a direct invasion and would necessitate an international response." The World Congress Security Council definitely won't order an international response to a country's legitimate step. And as we said, its not the imperialist Deltaria's job to determine what is dangerous to the world, and what is not. You are not the policewoman here, Honorable Person from Deltaria.

Your permanent referring to Endralon is led by economic purposes are starting to be racist, and only generating hate against the Endralonian people all across the world. Please, if you can, you and your 'Sovereignist' fellows should stop it, before innocent people from the Directorial Republic will suffer its consequences by anti-globalist, white supremacist and other terrorist groups, as many Endralonian families were already threatned.

Thank you.
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby jamescfm » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:45 pm

Image Ms. Fodor Blanka*, Representative to the World Congress of the Deltarian Federation:
Deltaria has absolutely no interest in listening to the constant lies from the Endralonian delegation. Who exactly do they think is believing this? Endralon has made a number of things very clear: they have no interest in preserving national sovereignty, they do not care about the interests of anyone other than the shareholders of multinational companies, and they are happy to destroy any remaining reputation that this institution had by cheerleading for an imperial invasion of Rapa Pile. At this stage we simply encourage the Endralonian representative to continue their deranged ranting in the hope that more countries will recognise how totally broken their priorities are.

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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby Pragma » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:51 pm

Tarabai Ghadhaabi, Vascanian representative to the World Congress

The Vascanian government maintains that the issue of Rapa Pile's status is an internal matter for Vascania. It is not the business of other nations and will be decided internally. We appreciate the concerns of certain groups that this is an expansion of our territory in some sense, but this is nothing compared to the endless campaigns of hegemony that the Deltarian Federation has embarked upon in recent years.

Of course, the Deltarian representative is completely ignorant as to the economy of Vascania and is choosing to malign us. Deltaria as a nation is starting to exist only as a reactive force against eastern nations who seek to manage their own affairs. It has no real substance anymore, it is simply one long production line of jet fighters. I wonder, are there no roads that need paving in Branovice? Are there no hospitals that need equipment in Hradnice? Are there no schools that need more teaching staff in Sörpatak? In the spirit of comradery, we ask the esteemed nations of this body to concentrate on uplifting themselves before taking shots at others.
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby Drax » Sat Dec 19, 2020 10:16 pm

Chancellor Mustapha al-Maktoum, Jumhuriat al-Badara

Really think we should be figuring out what we internationally as a World Congress should be doing. To do this it is really helpful to know accurately what is happening. We do not find it helpful to hear that some party likely did worse on some occasion.

Do realize that the General Assembly is famous for its hyperbole on the sins of others. It would certainly be different to address the issue at hand.

Vascania seems to want to incorporate Rapa Pile and claims some surrender of sovereignty has already occurred. Is that all Vascania has, which is nothing more than because Vascania can it will, or is there something else? Anything?
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby Pragma » Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:04 pm

Tarabai Ghadhaabi, Vascanian representative to the World Congress

Vascania has the right to incorporate a willing territory into its federal system, in accord with all relevant international standards. The people of Rapa Pile have long shown support for joining Vascania proper, and this is just our way of honouring their views.
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby jamescfm » Sat Dec 19, 2020 11:22 pm

Image Ms. Fodor Blanka*, Representative to the World Congress of the Deltarian Federation:
Nobody in Rapa Pile has been consulted about this change, there is no popular mandate for enforcing this incorporation. Despite the malicious lies of the Endralonian delegation, which (as the Badaran delegation rightly notes) substantially reduced the ability of the World Congress to discuss the matter properly, the current threatened action by Vascania would constitute an invasion and colonisation of Rapa Pile.

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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby Drax » Sun Dec 20, 2020 5:26 pm

Foreign Minister Salman Duqaq, Jumhuriat al-Badara

If there truly is a claim that Rapa Pile wants to surrender its sovereignty, the easiest way to test that would be a World Congress plebiscite overseen by actual independent neutral parties. Would the Vascanian Empire be willing to have an actual vote overseen by neutral parties?

We do realize the ancient custom is for the General Assembly to debate ( several subjects at once) and wait for the Security Council (membership in which is believed to temporarily bestow wisdom) to actually do something. While realizing this suggestion is likely be unsupported, we believe if the General Assembly passed a resolution calling for an agreed upon plebiscitre and funds were provided for implementation, no actual diplomatic protocol would be breached.
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby Pragma » Sun Dec 20, 2020 7:17 pm

Tarabai Ghadhaabi, Vascanian representative to the World Congress

Vascania is willing to conduct a fair and honest referendum over the island's status, with a straightforward vote between the status quo and incorporation. We are not willing to have this referendum conducted by any party associated with Vascania's adversaries and as such will hold a referendum on our own terms with the help of the duly-elected government of Rapa Pile.
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Re: 50th General Assembly Session

Postby Drax » Sun Dec 20, 2020 8:17 pm

Foreign Minister Salman Duqaq, Jumhuriat al-Badara

So the answer is no. Apparently the Vascanian Empire is not willing to have a plebiscite overseen by neutral parties but only one in which it is involved in conducting. Or have we misinterpreted the response of the Representative of the Vascanian Empire?

Since the Vascanian Empire is not willing to have neutral nations agreed to inter alia by Vascania from among her neighbors conduct a plebiscite, would it be willing to conduct it with not only the Rapa Pile government but the government of an outright adversary so that Vascania and it its adversary could watch each other like eagles?
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