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Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:03 pm
by TheTsar
Mikhail Bogdanov, Trigunian World Congress Ambassador:
On the matters of Dalibor and Hyperion, I must agree with the Istalian Ambassador that the Hyperion Corporation had no right to just buy itself Dalibor, but I disagree that they must retire from politics. If free and fair elections (under observation of the World Congress) were to be held in Dalibor, and Hyperion Corporation representatives would emerge victorious, surely they will have a mandate to govern Dalibor. I understand your worries that a post-colonial nation is ruled by a multi-national corporation of another country, as my government is afraid of that too, as that can lead to neocolonialism, but if the Daliborian (OOC: is that right?) people want a corporation to rule them and that willingness is expressed through free and fair multi-party elections, then let it be.
On the matters of Dorvish nuclear weaponry, I must insist that Dorvik ceases the development of such weaponry until further notice - we believe the World Congress Security Council should select who may own nuclear weapons on a country-by-country basis. My government nevertheless would vote to allow Dorvik to own such weapons if Trigunia was a member of the SC.
On the matters of Vanuku's comments about Trigunia, we do not seek personal gain but gain of the international community - that is world peace and constitutional democracy of any kind.
On the matters of renewed Narikatonite radical Thallerism, Trigunia condemns it, and if a genocide or restoration of slavery occurs, as I might suspect from such a regime, sanctions will follow.
Thank you

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:14 pm
by Corvo Attano
Jaswinder Patel Minister of Foreign Affairs and liaison to the General Assembly from Malivia,

Ms. Julia I am afraid my government is legally not able to do something about this. You nation seized illegally assets of the Hyperion corporation, a company which I might add is know to protect its assets and take control of nations through political means and has some means to defend itself military. Yes this company is Malivian but it is not our branch that is causing this trouble nor have they broken any laws in Malivia for us to do something about this. I urge you to just simply pay the company off.

OOC: I don't control Hyperion colonelvesica if you want me to mediate sure I can do that but I can't tell another player what to do.

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:21 pm
by colonelvesica
Julia Winters
Hutorian Ambassador to the World Congress

Minister Patel I don't think you quite understand so let me make this bluntly clear. The Hyperion Corporation as a Malivian corporate entity is an indirect representative of your nation internationally. They directly threatened the national sovereignty of my country. Regardless of whether or not they speak for you, as a Malivian entity their actions, words and threats are directly a reflection of your nation to my government. If your government does not speak to the Hyperion Corporation about these measures the backlash will fall on the heads of the Malvian government to its own detriment. The moment they were declared persona non grata they lost all protection of the law within the borders of the Federal Republic of Hutori; there was nothing illegal under Hutorian Law about our seizure and freezing of their assets within our sovereign nation. Reign them in Minister or your nation faces the consequences.

OOC: I'm well aware you don't control it.. but it's still going to fall on your nation for literally allowing a company to threaten another government

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:40 pm
by Corvo Attano
Jaswinder Patel Minister of Foreign Affairs and liaison to the General Assembly from Malivia,

Ms. Julia you really should should stop with that attitude lest you disfranchise my government over a dispute you started. Its not our job to fix the problems you make. You illegally seized assets no matter the poor excuse of an of what can be called Hutorian law you spout at us. Repay what you took and be done with this.

OOC: Yes that is quite fine but where is this RP even going? I don't think either of us want a pissing match nor a war between us.

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:51 pm
by Carter Aaron Scott
Psy Scott, President, CEO, and Sole Proprietor of the Hyperion Corporation
If a man is living in my home and I say he is unwelcome, what right do I have to seize his bed? What right do I have to rob him of his wealth that he earned? What right do I have to take from him what he owns? And beyond that, what right does he have to defend himself?
On the matters of Malivia being responsible for the actions of the Pantheon Foundation, don't hold them responsible. They do not control the Hyperion Corporation, nor do our actions reflect on the government of Malivia.

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:52 pm
by colonelvesica
OOC: what happened to them is pretty much standard practise with any company or entity blatantly breaking international law. However that said, no company would get aware with half of what Hyperion is doing... if Lockheed Martin threatened Russia, you really think the US government could shrug and say no our problem... right now Malivia isn't being held accountable for Hyperion.. however Hyperion threatening yo break Hutorian Law is a direct threat to our nation.. under Hutorian we can seize assets... they can't just walk into the nation with weapons or anything else... it realisictally would never happen. We are asking you to tell them to back off the threats.. they could easily sue the government... instead they are threatening the Deployment of a paramilitary force.


Julia Winters
Hutorian Ambassador to World Congress

The Malivian Government has until January to reign their corporate entity in. After that everything further is entirely on the head of the Malivian Government.

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 6:56 pm
by Axxell
Salvatore Puddu, Istalian Ambassador:

Ambassador Patel,
I really think that the word "illegally" cannot be used in such a situation. A Government has all the right to take similar actions if considered in the best interest of its Nation, surely it is legal when that Government is expression of a democratic system.
Why? Because Hyperion, deciding to enter in the Dalibor market it have to respect the Hutorian laws and is subject to them as well as all the subsidiaries and other forms of association established in Hutori.
Furthermore, Hutori decided to proceed with such measures because Hyperion Corporation is judging to act against the most basical international law infringing the sovereignty of Dalibor.
Then, we invite Malivia to consider also the fact that Hyperion is a legal person based in Malivia. This could authorize third nations to see Malivia as accountable for the actions of Hyperion, which, if it will continue to persue its plans and will concretize statements it made, could be considered as a terroristic and criminal organization for its act against the sovereignty of more then one Nation.
This could cause to Malivia serious issues for its relations with the rest of world.
We invite the Government of Malivia, to which Istalia as established solid relations, to consider more seriously Hyperion corporation and how harmful are its activities for the international community and stability.

To express ourself on the issue about Dorvik, Istalia think that rather than let decide to the Security Council what nations can have a nuclear arsenal, something very very difficult to enforce and which could led also to serious crisis if not armed conflicts, we consider as more praticable to resume the work on an international form of regulation for the nuclear arsenals, maybe on the form of international organization charged to oversees on the nuclear programs of the nations and regulate the matter and related issues, like the trade in materials linked to the production of nuclear devices.
It could be also useful a treaty against the prolification and with which the signatoru nations can set form of limits on the size of their arsenal.
Maybe they can also agree to submit the use of their arsenal to the authorization of the other signatory nations.
However, we agree on the fact that the Security Council should retain the faculty to establish a classification of nations "worthy" or "unworthy" to have nuclear devices, considering first of all how this could be harmful for the international community.

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:04 pm
by Axxell
OCC: sorry, but I have to agree with Vesica. In the situation described by him, Russia would demand to US to take measure if a legal person base din US menaces the russian sovereignty.
And a corporation which send armed forces to march into a nation I think is the most unrealistic scenario here.

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:07 pm
by Corvo Attano
OOC: I am gonna wait and discuss this with Aaron because I can't take decisions for him.

Re: General Assembly

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:20 pm
by Carter Aaron Scott
OOC: I apologize if I'm getting to out of hand. Honestly what I'm doing is being insane IC because Psy Scott isn't the most sane person, if you can't tell. I'll pull back and colonelvesica, if you want, block them from entering or do a show of force to make us back down, and we'll take you to court.

And I'm not ordering a full scael invasion of Hutori or anything. Hyperion is sending extra security to protect its assets against what it sees as an illegal search and seizure. Remember, Hyperion is on edge thanks to Dorvik seizing Hyperion land and Dalibor spiraling out of control