10th General Assembly Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:55 am

Virginia Olivieri:

For Beiteynu: Security Council Resolution 30 was declared null and void by the Deputy General Secretary. And a law as well as a Resolution cannot have retroactive conseguences. Also if the Resolution 30 was accepted, it could have not undermine the previous Resolutions!

And could you explain us the concept you expressed about a rule of law?

And Beityenu is free to choice whatever it want as its candidate to the Security Council. The fact is that Istalia gained its position for so long time not for its lies or its shamefull laws and behavior, but because we never surrended to nations like Beiteynu, which we will continue to contrast, to defend other nations from the interference of Beiteynu.
Beiteynu is considered by us the main responsable for what did the Coalition and we can assure you that one day you will respond of your crimes!
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Govenor12 » Thu Aug 10, 2017 11:31 am

All resolutions so far were passed without appropirate discussion time given in the World Assembly. This is requiered by statutory law of this organization.
" As a result, it is expected that the Security Council consults the General Assembly when considering resolutions." In most of the resolutions this has not been the case therefore this organization is violating its own statutories. The first and foremost priority for the rule of law is that an orgnaization keeps within its own laws. How does the security council expect respect for its resolutions when its not keeping within its own laws?
We need to repeal all 30 resolutions and to repass them in accordance with the rules. Only though that the trust into this organiazation can be won back.

To the rest we just say that this is yet another example of your revenge driven poltical crusade. This is yet another example that the Istalian government is not able to remain objective but only sees its own gain.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Kalistani PLF » Thu Aug 10, 2017 1:35 pm

Benon Mua the representative of the Kalistani People's Liberation Front
Hounourable Members,

It is extremely worrying to hear of such developments. While we are appalled by the blatant disregard for human rights, we are equally shocked at the way in which certain nations are milking this crisis to further dishonest agendas. Many of you see a slaver's state. You are not wrong to call such backward practices out but you must also look deeper. We see terrible abuses but we also hear a different message from the Government of Beiteynu.

We see a people that have resorted to drastic measures to defend their sovereignty. They have drawn a line in the sand. For too long men and women have stood in their ivory towers and forced the world to follow their path. What has that brought us? We still live in a world were milions die due to poverty and preventable diseases each year. Should we continue to follow this path, we risk making this organisation a tool of naked imperialism.

Today they are the "enemy of the world order". If we arent careful tomorrow it may be your nation in the firing line.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby MolonKalopia » Thu Aug 10, 2017 2:01 pm

With Authority from State President of the Republic of Kalopia, Geórgios II Vasiléfs ton Ellínon
With Authority from Minister-President of the Republic of Kalopia, Ioannis Zogu

Honorable Member from Kalopia, Alexandros Koryzis:

Honorable Members of the General Assembly,

Here in Kalopia we have a saying, 'της πουτἀνας το κἀγκελο', or, 'this situation has turned into a whore's fencepost'. What it means in this context is that these conversations have gone out of control. While we do not support slavery and we do not support the friends of Slavers, we do understand the fight that is within the Honorable Member from Beiteynu's nation. As the Honorable Member from Kalistani said, we are risking making this organization a tool of Imperialism. We cannot let that happen.

But on the other hand, Rildanor is trying to destroy established international law that stops others from being used like animals, slavery has no place in a modern world and we will not support a nation who wishes to bring back such a... disgusting practice. I thought we were no longer in the Ancient Era Honorable Members, but Rildanor is showing the world that I may be wrong.

OOC: I'm new here, just got made head of state so like, tell me if I'm doing anything wrong. I'm still learning!
Last edited by MolonKalopia on Thu Aug 10, 2017 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Arapaima13 » Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:29 pm

Xiptibagħl Lawan, Party Member, and Foreign Minister Candidate of the Partit Libertarjul Nazzjonali Quildanja:

To repeal Resolution 3 would not do anything. It would just get rid of unnecessary legislation that has never worked. The fact that this organisation has wrestled with nations permitting slavery throughout its history - and has been slammed to the floor every single time - shows its lack of ability to achieve its purpose. This brings into question both its existence, and its motive for pursuing an aggressive agenda to those that the organisation disagrees with.

The issue is that nations that permit slavery don't give a damn about sanctions, or about resolutions barring them from speaking at the World Congress. They are going to continue this heinous practice regardless. This is why the Security Council has upped its rhetoric since the Vorona Slavery Crisis back in the 4230s. It wants to be seen as an organisation that can actually achieve something. Its establishment, has attempted military action in the Badaran crisis and the Vorona crisis and has been violently repulsed. It has not been able to compete with the naysayers. It no longer has the recognition or sovereignty to carry out the resolutions that it passes.

I would warn Rildanor and Dorvik of becoming what Istalia has become. Your nations stood upon platform of changes, regarding your election to the Security Council, however I fear that you as well are becoming more imperialistic by the day through your treatment of your opposition. You all attempt to flex your muscles whilst on the Security Council, to try and get the SC to do something. But every time, all of you have been rejected by large opposition.

And this rejection is a consequence of the sides that nations have decided to take. I struggle to find a nation that could not be described as either pro-Istalia, or pro-Rildanor nowadays, though I must say that the contributions from Kalistan and Kalopia were certainly a welcome break from the battle of words that has been conducted within this Chamber recently. The truth is that whilst SC power is in the hands of either camp, the security council shall not be able to achieve anything. It will have too many objectors.

Therefore, I would call upon all non Security Council members to come together and choose collectively five completely new members who will be open to the needs of all nations. Who will not have the shaky history to contend with when attempting laying down the law. We need to get rid of this establishment at the top, and promote new, corruption-free nations. Beiteynu talks of wanting Istalia voted out. Istalia talks of wanting Dorvik and Rildanor voted out. In truth we need all three voted out, and a complete overhaul of who holds power within Terra.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Govenor12 » Thu Aug 10, 2017 5:55 pm

"Therefore, I would call upon all non Security Council members to come together and choose collectively five completely new members who will be open to the needs of all nations. Who will not have the shaky history to contend with when attempting laying down the law. We need to get rid of this establishment at the top, and promote new, corruption-free nations. Beiteynu talks of wanting Istalia voted out. Istalia talks of wanting Dorvik and Rildanor voted out. In truth we need all three voted out, and a complete overhaul of who holds power within Terra. "

We cannot agree more. It needs a fresh start and a fresh start would also requiere the repeal of all resolutions since this would allow to start these nations with an empty page which would allow them to set aside the conflicts. We need less confrontation and the truth is, that we all made mistakes but as responsbible nations we need really a fresh start.

And we also thank the Kalistan delegation for their words. It is so incredible hard for us to get our country on the right track because Istalia serves as an ideal picture of an enemy, hence helping the military and the breucracy to opress people. We now have a state of emergency in Beiteynu and more then 3 millionen soldiers are on duty since the mobilization was finished. This is not something which we enivison as freedom lovers.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby RedReaper » Fri Aug 11, 2017 11:14 am

Breaking News:Badaran Government Collapses As Coalition Breaks Through Defences And Takes Capital

The Badaran Civil War is over. In a surprise attack, thousands of Coalition Fighters broke through Badaran Government Defences and advanced unhindered into the Capital. Abdul Amari has fled the country to a secret location. The victorious Coalition now have control over Badara.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Arapaima13 » Fri Aug 11, 2017 11:22 am

Xiptibagħl Lawan, Party Member, and Foreign Minister Candidate of the Partit Libertarjul Nazzjonali Quildanja:

Wow. Wasn't expecting that. Let us all celebrate the ending of the conflict in Badara, regardless of what side we were on, and collectively aim to restore normality and stability within the nation.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby stuntmonkey » Fri Aug 11, 2017 1:52 pm

Constantine Zonarus, Zardic Ambassador to World Congress:

We echo the words of Xiptibagħl Lawan in welcoming an end to this crisis but must warn against complacency. Badara now has no government and we need to know what the Coalition's intentions are. Once again, Majatran security and stability is at risk and when we need it most the security council is in a chaos, arguing over what this organisation can or can't do.

We demand strong leadership from those who represent us on the council and a quick action plan to help ensure a lasting peace.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Auditorii » Fri Aug 11, 2017 2:55 pm

"The League of Independent Nations condemns the inaction of the Security Council, notably Hutori and Luthori, on the growing reform movement and condemns the actions of the World Congress' leadership for failing to support the reform movement that has grown tremendously."

Press Affairs Office of the General-Director of the League of Independent Nations
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