45th General Assembly Session

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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby Drax » Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:28 pm

Bashir ibn Ortoq, Representative of Jumhuriat al-Badara

Jumhuriat al-Badara also supports the views of Representative Gabropoulos of Jakania and the sovereignty of Likatonia.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:31 pm

Her Excellency, Márton Panna
Endralonian Representative to the World Congress

Ms. General-Secretary, Endralon is totally agree with Jakania, and supporting our great economic partner Likatonia to keep its sovereignty. As nearest ally in the region of the Federal Republic of Likatonia, Endralon ready to defend the Likatonian national independence with force, if Keymon would attack Pirland. Thank you, Ms. General-Secretary.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:37 pm

Ms. Boros Regina
Corporate Representative of the More Medicament Manufacture to the General Assembly of the World Congress

Ms. General-Secretary, Likatonia is the 3rd largest shareholder of our company with the 6,9% of the shares, and if we divide this number between the Likatonian regions equally, then we get that the local government of Pirland owning the 1,38% of the 3M-shares. We won't let that shares gone, to the hand of the imperialist Keymon. We are not a country, but we will be in the side of that countries with any kind of help from money to medical equipment who want to defend our client's sovereignty. Thank you, Ms. General-Secretary.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:05 pm

Zigmārs Salmiņš Dolgavian Representative to the World Congress

We are seeing a terrible new reality, a corporation bullying a country to its will... We would like to ask the representative for 3M to please refrain from negotiating in International Discussion, you are not a sovereign state and thus Dolgavia sees you as simply a company that is too big for itself. You are clearly propped up by the Republic of Endralon just like the Hamilton Company was propped up by Liktonia back in the day. Your attitude and your insistence to be apart of negotiations make a clear statement to the Dolgavian Government, 3M wishes to become a Conglomeration with the ability to control governments and spread its influence over many, many economies. This is not something any corporation should do. It should not be the job of a company to rebuke a nation, leave that up to your puppet master to do that.... We are getting tired of 3M and their insistence to grow and expand and wrap their tentacles around anyone who will let them... Businesses are allowed in this chamber however your actions are showing that you are using this chamber for your own personal gain... Enough is enough.

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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:17 pm

Ms. Boros Regina
Corporate Representative of the More Medicament Manufacture to the General Assembly of the World Congress

Ms. General-Secretary, to the Dolgavan delegation: we don't care what Dolgava think what a corporation should do. Dolgava is not the member of our company, and there is no 3M-facilities in Dolgava. This discussion, about our place here, was debated once, please read back that documents if you curious for our arguments. And the arguments of that 7 nations what backed us.

I think restart that debate is pointless and the Pirland-question is more important to discuss. And a little thing, the name of Endralon, the country where our corporation is registered is the Directorial Republic of Endralon. I don't know how a country want to ordering us what should we do, who do not knows the exact name of the country where we are registered. Thank you, Ms. General-Secretary.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:28 pm

Zigmārs Salmiņš Dolgavian Representative to the World Congress

Here fellow delegates is the classic case of where 3M frankly do not care and changes the subject and nit-pick my simple mistakes. They only care about their customers, not their critics, they want to wave this off as nothing when this is a dire problem, we have let 3M fester and take control over millions of people's lives and now you are seeing this manifest into something out of a horror film, what will 3M want next, its own police and military force??? Quite frankly my government does not care what you think or what other countries have said, they are either connected or sympathizers to your cause whatever that may be. We see you as a diplomatic and international bully and threat and we will not be quieted by you or anyone else.

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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:47 pm

Ms. Boros Regina
Corporate Representative of the More Medicament Manufacture to the General Assembly of the World Congress

Ms. General-Secretary, our last message for the Dolgavan delegation: we accept what you say, but we will do anything like we did in the past, with moral, goodwill and social responsibility to our customers. I think we should finish this debate, because this is pointless. I can assure you, we are not threat to Dolgava or any another country in Terra. We work for the people. We are a medicament company, our work resulted the saving of lives of hundreds of millions, maybe billions. I am sorry that you only see that what you think "bad" in us. Thank you, Ms. General-Secretary.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby LC73 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:01 pm

Mikelle Myers, Likatonia SC Representative

I would like to inform Dolgavia that this is not an issue about 3M, Likatonia is worried about Keymon trying to claim our territory whih I am sure all representatives agree is wrong.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:58 pm

Ms. Boros Regina
Corporate Representative of the More Medicament Manufacture to the General Assembly of the World Congress

Ms. General-Secretary, I'd to announce that I leave this August Body. I will return, if our interests are in trouble again, but I and my company do not want listening these baseless accusations, childish sulking and personal attacks against me and other important corporate officials.

We will not react to the world events here, unless if that events importantly related to the private properties or employees of our corporation. I wish the best for all of you, for my opposition just as my allies, I wish to bring justice and keep the world peace. Thank you, Ms. General-Secretary.
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Re: 45th General Assembly Session

Postby Yolo04 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:08 am

Image Allesandru Jisepu, Representative of the Mad Dog Empire (Keymon) to the World Congress

Fellow delegates, the attacks on my homeland, my nation, is quite frankly unbearable to watch. This body has attacked the people and nation of Keymon with no evidence and with no knowledge on the situation.

As none of the delegates who have spoke ill of Keymon know, as you are all uneducated fools who merely wish to further your political agendas and not further factual evidence, the nation of Keymon was founded by Bryce Leigh in 2113. He, along with 50 of his followers, landed on Keymon and established the settlement of Leighstown. He then spread the ways of the one true God throughout Keymon, via both missionary work and establishing more settlements across our island. By 2163, by the time Bryce Leigh had passed away, he had formed the Duchy of Keymon and had united the entire island under one government.

What the delegate from Likatonia fails to make clear however, is that some of Bryce Leigh’s followers left the Leighstown settlement and searched further afield for yet another rumored island. What they found was the island of Pirland (or by the correct term, the Isle of Bryce). They then set up a settlement on the island and unilaterally declared there unification with the Duchy of Keymon. But then, the government of Likatonia attacked the settlement, killing most of the men and then, after rounding up all the other Keymonites on the island, genocided them.

The government of Likatonia has failed to acknowledge the genocide of Keymonites on rightful Keymonite territory, and I doubt they ever will. Our people where murdered by them, and they have the gaul to deny us the island that Keymonites found and settled upon. And the rest of you have the gaul to back there blatant attacks on the sovereignty of Keymon and her citizens rights.

We have been peacefully requesting that the Likatonian government hand over the island that they stole from our ancestors. We have never once used military or diplomatic force in an attempt to regain our stolen territory. Even when we have received reports that the Likatonian government was mistreating refugees from Keymon living in Pirland, we continued to act peacefully. But it is now evident that this body does not care about our peaceful attempts to retrieve our rightful territory and it is also evident that the Likatonian side refuses to acknowledge it’s current and past atrocities. It is clear that peace is not an option…therefore, the government of Keymon must use extreme methods to guarantee the safety of our people and our nations sovereignty.
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