10th General Assembly Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Reddy » Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:49 am

Skanderbeg Bej Rama, Kalopian Ambassador to the WC

Off course you had to ask for your Istalian masters'' permission to speak! Nonetheless we are happy to see our fellow countryman, even just a provincial government official, rant publicly. No doubt this ranting is caused by stress due to Istalian occupation. We will free you of that soon and happily return you to the Hegemony where you belong. The Tyrant has at many times expressed his dearest desire to see all of the country re-unified under his excellent leadership. Many friends like Beiteynu, Kazulia share this aim for the stability in Majatra and have availed their strength to help our cause.

Istalians are not true Majatrans like us so obviously they want to keep Kalopia divided. Little KW threatening us with war (laughs) as you can imagine, we are gritting our teeth in terror. The Tyrant said that you may submit peacefully and be treated with whatever respect rebels like you deserve or if you like, be turned to ashes ,but still, they will be the Hegemony's ashes when we are done with you.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Axxell » Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:16 pm

Virginia Olivieri, Istalian Representatives:

What hypocrisy! Istalian are not true majatrans?
laugh among the istalian delegation
Of course his excellency the Thaller Tyrant is a genuine majatran, of course the Thaller family is majatran! It isn't?
And really is Kazulia ready to defend such dictators and his regime when it was the first to work for the indipendence of the two oriental provinces of Kalopia-Wantuni from the yoke of the MRSF, to assure Democracy and Liberty for these provinces?
The people of the Federal Republic have to choice if they want a reunification. They were close to begin the negotiation for a reunification, but... I don't think that they could be ready now to say goodbye to their Democracy to become the subjects of an Artanian Tyrant ready also to enslave them due to their political opinions.

And why we are not surprise by the Beiteynese support? But, the Istalian Government asked me to warn in this place Beiteynu from support the Thallerists: this will not benefit to the dialogue and the negotiations we are conducting with the Government of Yishelem.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Govenor12 » Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:55 pm

It is unworth of the Istalian side to threaten or to insult other delegates and nations. We believe that cooperation is the key to solve this potential devastating war. Noone can win from the complete destruction of countries. The Istalians have invaded another country and are working in the same direction as they did in Badara. It is time to stand up to Istalian imperialism

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Re: General Assembly

Postby Reddy » Thu Aug 24, 2017 8:49 am

Skanderbeg Bej Rama, Kalopian Ambassador to the WC

In response to growing Istalian aggression and continued occupation of our eastern provinces of Mossavi and Wantuni, the Kalopian governmenthas been forced to deploy extra troops to the provincial borders in order to defend our nation from further annexation by Istalia. We ask all freedom loving nations in favour of territorial integrity to impose exemplary sanctions and diplomatic isolation on Istalia so that they may withdraw from our sovereign territories and allow our beloved nation to be reunited peacefully.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Mbites » Thu Aug 24, 2017 10:54 am

Foreign Minister of Narikaton, Merlin III zu Merenbürg-Thaller

In an attempt to help our brethren in the cause against the growing Istalian Imperialism, I announce in the name of the people of Narikaton, the government of the land and of course the whole Thaller family that we will of course put sanctions on Istalia and support the actions of the rightful Kalopian state as well as its legitimate ruler Malgus III.
In hope of a peaceful solution we only wish freedom for the people of Kalopia-Wantuni.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Aethan » Thu Aug 24, 2017 2:37 pm

OOC: was a new General Secretary named for the General Assembly?
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Reddy » Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:20 am

Aethan wrote:OOC: was a new General Secretary named for the General Assembly?

OOC: One will be named very soon.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby CCP » Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:41 am

Aethan wrote:OOC: was a new General Secretary named for the General Assembly?

OOC: Not yet. The IC and OOC reason is that Security Council deliberations became contentious for a moment there, so we didn't want to insert another disruptive element in the form of a new character with his or her own quirks and agendas.

As Reddy said, a replacement will be named soon. We're just waiting for the moderator Jamescfm to return from vacation to approve the replacement.

In the meantime, the Deputy General Secretary is overseeing things. I know she's quiet in these parts, but that's only because you bunch are so well-behaved in comparison to the Divas of the Security Council. But rest assured she's watching and available if you ever need her. Feel free to PM me directly if you need help with something right away Aethan and everyone else.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby stuntmonkey » Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:08 am

Anton Clausewitz, Chief Plenipotentiary of the Imperial Crownlands of Hulstria:

Members of the Security Council and the General Assembly,

This organisation's almost hypnotic obsession with matters in Majatra means that a great atrocity on the continent of Dovani is going unnoticed and we are here to raise the issue and ask for earnest discussion.

The Kingdom of Kazulia is politically subjugating citizens of Hulstrian ethnicity living in the south of their country. These are our close kin, our Dundorfan-speaking brothers who wish to have much closer association with their true and historic homeland - the Imperial Crownlands of Hulstria.

We have encouraged and urged the government in Kazulia to hold a referendum amongst these three milllion-plus people who are eager to demonstrate democratically that they want closer ties with our nation. This right of self-determination should be paramount.

Instead we were at first confronted with a wall of silence... and later received alarming reports of Kazulian troops moving towards our border. In response, our forces have also moved towards the border to protect our frontiers. It is a dangerous time and we are now hearing that those Hulstrians living in southern Kazulia who have raised objections are being mistreated and their protests stifled.

The situation is intolerable: a wrong move on the border will spark a war and paranoia is setting in - we feel if we do not strike they will take the initiative. Furthermore, we cannot sit back while Hulstrians in Kazulia are being mistreated.

Our army is ready to act to liberate our people and with no diplomatic intervention from this organisation it would be counter-intuitive for me to say that this issue can be resolved in another way.

We know the security council has been almost inactive for a long period - too long, in our opinion. But now is the time for action so we call on long-time incumbents Dorvik and Istalia as well as those three nations recently promoted to the council Malivia, Baltusia and our own Seat D representative Trigunia to act.

We ask them to condemn the Kazulian government for its undemocratic processes and for its subjugation of Hulstrians by preventing them from the right to self determination. We also ask this organisation to understand that where diplomacy fails conflict is inevitable.
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Re: General Assembly

Postby Maxington » Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:58 am

Arbjartur Gilbertsson, Kazulian Ambassador to the World Congress.

We see that it will be an irrational and nonsensical move by the members of the Security Council and the various nations represented in this assembly to conduct business with a regime holistically and openly committed to ensure our nation's destruction. Months ago, the regime in Hulstria accused the Kazulian government of suppressing cultural freedoms, specifically of the Hulstrian culture. It goes without saying that this regime is more than hypocritical, it is the benchmark of idiocy and utter stupidity. This regime has been blinded by their own genocidal intentions, which they have made clear in the past. Suppression of protests of the ethnic majority of this nation by the regime, the discrimination of the ethnic majority and the bolstering of the ethnic minority by this regime are prime examples of cultural suppression.

I believe that I am accurate in saying: the regime in Hulstria are not true Volksdundorfische. How many Kazulians live in your nation of Hulstria? Hulstria, you had more than 500,000 Kazulians in your nation. Where are your Kazulians? Could it be the fact that prior threats from the Hulstrians, dating back to the period prior to the War for the Emperor's Protection, forced the government in Skalm to recall its citizens from Hulstria? Or was it the fact that the Hulstrian regime openly discriminated against its Kazulian minority for the idiotic reason that it upheld western ideals, rather than eastern ideals? Since our nation's formation, Hulstria has been a growing threat to the security of Kazulia and its citizens.

The response from the various nations, especially those within the security council. This body refuses to recognise the fact that Hulstria intends to seek the destruction of our nation and will subsequently enslave an entire nation's population under the pretence of liberation. If Hulstria's leaders were working to destroy your country perhaps you would be more reasonable in your responses. If Hulstria's internal proxies murdered and tortured your citizens perhaps you would be more open for a rapid response. And if other nations jumped onto this attempt by Hulstria to destroy your nation, perhaps your responses would be more measured. Hulstria is not only a danger to Kazulia but it is a danger to international security.

Your silence in the security council is a testimony to your thoughts that this issue is irrelevant and that majatran affairs is of greater importance. The people of Kazulia have maintained silence in this assembly and have refrained from tangling itself into controversy, however, with respect to this issue which threatens the survival of our nation, it is becoming more clear that we can no longer be silent. The times of when the people of Kazulia remain silent against threats of a genocidal nature has come to an immediate conclusion. Kazulia will not allow for Hulstria to continue its screed of genocidal threats under the pretence of liberation. It is difficult to be against an issue which the various Great Powers are being silent on.

To the Hulstrian Ambassador and his cohort, a message from the King himself: Du vil ikke lykkes i å forsøke å ødelegge denne nasjonen.
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