51st General Assembly Session

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Re: 51st General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:51 pm

Image Ms. Pap Sára
Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon

First and foremost, I would like to calm down everyone and telling that the Dolgavan Representative telling fake news when stating the destruction of the Kundrati Stock Exchange would affect our economy strongly, or Endralon's economy would be in freefall. The Indivisible Hand over our free market already properly managed this problem, with moving out from Kundrati, and finding another nations to fulfill our markets. We are not Deltaria or Lourenne, our Indivisible Hand is careful, there won't be an another global recession, I can assure everybody in this room. This was the most important part of my comment here, if you are not interested in the usual rectification of the usual Dolgavan lies, then you could calmly turn off your translators and headsets.

I hope all of you realized the irony in this chamber. Dolgava speaking in the name of the Kundrati people, referring to the statement of an infamously violent minority group not even has more than 1000 members. A violent terrorist minority group that is officially with war with the legitimate Kundrati government, recognized here and by this World Congress. I don't know if there is any other nations taking seriously the Dolgavan delegation's next try of Endralophobia, but if yes, I am sure they will do this by partisanship and not because they think it is the truth. Mr. Kasper Braun, do you think, that a violent tiny minority group, that killing innocent civillians, murdering politicians, attacking legal authorities, threaten its own nation with bombs all over it, and finally literally clapping on the neck of Kundrati's economy causing mass unemployment and starving, could represent the entire Kundrati nation?

Kundrati is a free and democratic nation, the Sovereign Republic is. If a party with an agenda to leave NACTO and for example, kick out Endralonian economists, would win an election there with 2/3rds supermajority, they would just need to withdrawn the Northeast-Artanian Covenant Treaty and the Treaty of Kundarváros, and making laws on regulating Endralonian businesses. This is a possible, legal and democratic way - your "freedom fighters" instead choosing to make hate, fear and violence. Only thing they would need to do, is registering a political party, start a successful campaign and peacefully convince the Kundrati people that NACTO and Endralon, the entities that literally helped them throughout the entire century and was peaceful neighbors since the born of Eliyhau or from older times, is bad for them. They choose instead terror and death - is this what a "freedom fighter" would do? I think both the terrorists and Dolgava should let the Kundrati people decide what is good or bad for them, whether they feel themselves puppets or not.

I honestly have to defend Grand Admiral Trón Valentin and the entire Operation Unitatis crew. During the Battle of Storfort, only terrorists were on the battlefield (the suburbs) and no civil people. The civil people who's house unfortunately was destroyed or damaged, of course got a compensation from the Northeast-Artanian Economic Fund way above market value. If I recall correctly, this event happened a two and a half years ago, the most of these buildings are already reconstructed. I invite also the Representative of the Union of Davostan and Kivonia, to confirm that no civilian population were killed or wounded. The Honorable Grand Admiral only did what he had to: acted for his Directorial Republic and for basic human rights, legally.

Your comment on your country would deal with an Endralon citizen "appropriately" is quiet disturbing and worrying, and you will not do that. The Dolgavan government can force nothing on our citizens, without the approval of the Endralonian government and the World Congress; contrariwise the Directorial Republic will be vengeful and not tolerative towards a nation does not respecting the basic rights of Directorial Republic citizens. Our nation care about every citizens of it, and let down no one being part of our community of 70 000 000 peoples. You could take this as a threat, Mr. Braun, because Endralophobia is one thing, arresting our citizens without our own or World Congress approval is an another. Of course Mr. Trón won't enter Dolgavan land, if your government and people wish so, respecting your national sovereignty. But do not try silly things in a third nation or, the worst, in the area of the Directorial Republic.

Your dramatic monologue on NACTO failed the region is irrelevant, Sir. Every communities facing challenges, every time. Our challenge is this, and we trying our best to solve it. Together, Telamon, Davostan, Ikradon, Kundrati, Endralon, Kirlawa and Lodamun, working on a better future without fear and terror. We don't agree with each other on all things, we are really a rainbow community, from the communist Lodamun and Ikradon, across the moderate Davostan, Telamon, Kirlawa and Kundrati, to the hypercapitalist Endralon, and we are not cutting each other's hands, we have our own principles, our own goals, our own life. The only thing we do commonly is defense; we are swore that we will defend every one of us' right to practice its ideological belief and way of life. Will it be successful? Who knows? But there will be on the history books, that seven nations, crossing the bigot lines of ideological warfare, successfully cooperated for decades, and lived together without any main ideological mainstream forced on anyone. This is what we already achieved, Mr. Braun, even with your country's malicious comments since the beginning.

The last part of your comment I would comment, is the "lead by a regime of CEO's masquerading as a competent democracy." I would also like to remind you, the Directorial Republic is a flawed, but democracy, while your system last time was considered a autocratic hybrid regime by most of the international democracy indexes. I know it won't matter to you, I just leave it for any other nations to know, that Dolgava preaching water and drinking wine. Thank you for all of your time, if you listened me, you are all good people here, let's throw aside hate and work for a better world!

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Re: 51st General Assembly Session

Postby imperialpearl » Thu Jan 28, 2021 12:48 pm

Image Dr. Thierry Di Costa, Keymonite Ambassador to the World Congress
The Republic of Keymon formally lodges a complaint against the Republic of Likatonia in response to what we view are unfounded allegations of warmongering. We note the comments of Likatonia's Defence Minister Samantha Elizabeth when asked about "Likatonia's strength to fight any aggression by Keymon & their warmongering policies": That would be risky for them. Not only Likatonia, the whole world knows how much strength & resilience is there in our Army. No one can even dare to think of having any misadventure near our borders. It's better for everyone to respect each other's borders. It is our view that these comments set a very dangerous precedent for the future whereby the Likatonian government creates its own facts and attempts to misrepresent the truth to its population and the wider world. We believe that the Liktonian Government is attempting to use Keymon to justify its jingoistic shift. Here are the facts as they stand:

1. The 2nd Republic of Keymon was proclaimed in November of 4850. Henceforth outlining a path for comprehensive reform in Keymon.
2. To ensure that our nation held true to its commitment to international peace and global prosperity, our government consciously ordered the disbandment of the Keymon Defence Force and oversaw its transformation into the Civil Guard (an agency whose primary responsibility lies in domestic law enforcement and in times of emergency, disaster relief.
3. To ensure that the arch was complete, the Department of National Defence was disbanded and the equipment owned and operated both by the Department of National Defence and the Keymon Defence Force were either sold mothballed, sold-off or placed in reserve.
4. Our government outlined a new foreign policy, one guided by both the Guiding Principles of the World Congress and the principles of Social Democracy.
5. Our government has argued in favour of small island states and developing nations to receive preferential access to export markets and also to international funding.
6. We continue to pay the prices for our nation's past and are actively working with our global allies and regional partners in reversing the numerous wrongs.

These are the facts. These are not made up and can withstand scrutiny. The comments of the Likatonian Government set a dangerous precedent for the future. They are unfounded, untrue and clear fabrications meant to justify their nation's militaristic tilt. We call on the right-minded members of this chamber to condemn this act of clear fearmongering. We call on the NACTO organisation to reel in its members as the comments of the Likatonian Government are inching NACTO towards something potentially dangerous. We also call upon the NACTO organisation to condemn these dangerous comments.
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Re: 51st General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Thu Jan 28, 2021 2:04 pm

Image Ms. Pap Sára
Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon

Dr. Di Costa, we - as a NACTO member-state - have a clear view on this situation. Thank you for the history lesson you just gave us about the modern, 49th century history of Keymon, but I honestly think it was a little bit incomplete. I would personally attach some happenings from Keymon from the late 48th century, that would clearly make the entire picture complete, if I may. Me and the Directorial Republic just think that this World Congress, the August Institution to unite all nations in peace, freedom and prosperity, deserves to know the truth about this situation.

In the August of the 4785th year of the Lord, the most terrible tyranny Keymon ever had, the Mad Dog Empire and a clearly mentally ill woman called Éva, reclassified our nation and the back then the Federal Republic of Likatonia as a "corporate puppet state" of ironically, our very own multinational corporation ran by our own citizens, the More Medicament Manufacture. This was one of the greatest attack on both Endralonian and Likatonian national pride back then, and this law is still not repealed by your newly featured Republic. Or at least we can't discovered such an act in your legislative history, so I would ask, is this law still valid in your nation?

Furthermore, are your children still learning that at the place of Likatonia and Endralon, there is nothing, but the open, wild ocean? Will you still have a claim on the LIKATONIAN island of Pirland? I hope these questions made you remember correctly, that what is Likatonia doing right now is not a malicious attack on some small island state, but a conflict with a great and dark history, that your Republic couldn't solve yet. Your Republic couldn't repeal these laws and couldn't start a proper reconciliation with Likatonia and Endralon, and however as the starter of this conflicts, it is your task.

The disbanding of your Armed Forces, well, it would be a quite good point, I admit it. And this point would made you the nation that does not have military, the "saint nation", that is got attacked by a militaristic, nationalistic and capitalistic big country. But the truth is, even if you don't have Keymonite military, hundreds or thousands of armed Dorvish soldiers stationing on your lands, close to Pirland, and I would bet that these soldiers would be capable of acting aggressively and even would have a shot on invading Pirland - or maybe Likatonia itself. These are unfortunately quite realistic thoughts, especially after the contemptuous words of the Dorvish Foreign Minister on NACTO, and, be surprised everyone, Likatonia is a NACTO-state.

Our liberal and globalist democracy however condemn the Likatonian wording, it is true, it was too militaristic, too nationalistic, but you can't deny that the Likatonian fears are based on the truth, and the situation Keymon created a century ago, and still not withdrawn. In my point of view, the solution is not the condemnation of the Likatonian efforts to defend their own nation, but it is the Keymonite start of reconciliation with our nations. I would gladly offer in the name of the Directorial Republic to the Republics of Keymon and Likatonia, to create a Keymon-Endralon-Likatonia Multinatonial Reconciliation Committtee, ensuring the end of the anti-Endralon and anti-Likatonia feelings in Keymon, and the end of the anti-Keymon feelings in Endralon and Likatonia as well.

Thank you, May Peace Prevail.
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Re: 51st General Assembly Session

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Jan 28, 2021 2:31 pm

Noah Morrison
Hutorian Ambassador to the World Congress

We are entirely unsurprised to see that the Endralon Ambassador as somehow take a diplomatic incident between Likatonia and Keymon and turned it an incident about themselves.

I'm sure everyone in this August Body enjoyed the condescending tone of your history lesson recanting the time of the Eva Regime in Keymon's history, something that surely doesn't matter anymore; Endralon constantly harps that we should forget the time that 3M was attempting to use the World Congress as it's personal intervention body when it didn't get its way, why are we not offering Keymon the same courtesy?

It is clear that NACTO is and the Directorial Republic specifically is attempting to make themselves appear as the victim; why else would the Honourable Grand Director from Endralon take a diplomatic incident between Likatonia and Keymon and make it about "anti-Endralon" feelings in Keymon, rather then simply addressing the issue that a Minister of Defence, within their organization made a clear threatening comment against Keymon, which has been working very hard to rid itself of the history of it's past.

The comment made by the Endralon representative about the deployment of Dorvsiche military personnel and vessels is irrelevant; unless they have proof of a pending invasion of Pirland, I suggest they withdraw those comments immediately. We could have said the same about the deployment of NACTO soldiers inside of Telamon and Davostan during the "AEFNS" incident and we have remained quiet. We could have seen them as being prepared for a possible second invasion of Hutori by Davostan as was done a century ago... but then my country doesn't need to dredge up feelings of the past.
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Re: 51st General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:04 pm

Image Ms. Pap Sára
Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon

To the honorable Noah Morrison.

First and foremost, you are telling me that the imagined "bad" of the declining Endralonian multinational corporation More Medicament Manufacture, especially active on world business around the second half of the 48th century, is equals with the bad of the Mad Dog Empire and Queen Éva. You stating we shall forget both, or we shall forget neither. This is how I interpreted your words.

The More Medicament Manufacture was not perfect, and it wasn't the Endralonian government's task to make it an ideal organization for everyone, since we are a free market economy. The Endralonian delegation only defended its citizens running 3M on the world stage, when they were unjustly robbed by the Medinese government - some years and the anniversary of that robbery is here. And I would also add that not only Endralon defended it, but many, many other nations that also agreed with us - stealing from an another country's citizens is not okay. Except this, the Endralonian government and the Endralonian people rather than some corporate officials, has no connection to the mainstream activity of 3M, so you can't force its existing or non-existing "crimes" on us or on our population.

However, the Keymonite government, as a sovereign state, declared THREE sovereign or half-sovereign other national governments a "corporate puppet state", carrying such negative elements like don't accepting their ID cards, their diplomatic representation, or treaties, that could easily led to a terrible war in our region, but thanks to the wise Endralonian and Likatonian management of this by-the-way ridiculous problem, it wasn't ended like that fortunately. Also, the Keymonite government aggressively tried to annex the Likatonian island of Pirland (especially referring to our reclassification above), and even a World Congress resolution was almost passed about its condemnation, if the Hutorian and Dorvish government wouldn't vote against it or Veto it, that was quitely an exploitation of the back then unjust World Congress Security Council selectoral and electoral system.

Do you still dare to state that these two things are equally bad and negative, that neither should be forgotten, or both should be?

About why we are commenting this diplomatic incident, well, the Keymonite delegation asked NACTO member-states' delegations to condemn or evaluate Likatonian efforts and we just calmly and kindly did. If Keymon wouldn't asked for our opinion, or any other NACTO states' opinion, believe me I would be quiet right now just as a grave. But they did. And I would also point out, that the Likatonian Minister of Defense only stated that if Keymon would show aggression against them, than they would defend themselves. If any country would show aggression (for example trying or speaking about the invasion of a part of its territory) against Hutori, wouldn't your government say the same? And about how much Keymon trying to get rid of its past; well if they would really try, they would start with the repealing of the laws I just mentioned in my previous comment.

About the similarities between the AEFNS Operation and the Dorvish military base on Keymon, I would just say, when we deployed troops in Davostan and Telamon, we didn't say things like "Hutori is a failed state", "Hutori is a corporate state that only pursuit profits" and other demolishing comments, or did we? We both know we didn't.
At governmental or military level, at least, surely no. But Dorvik does this from day to day, on governmental and military level, so excuse me if our fellow NACTO-states do not feel themselves in safety with a Dorvish military base in their back.

And the Dorvish just said the same Likatonia did: if there is any aggression by the side of Likatonia, they will defend Keymon and fight the enemy. Likatonia did the same statement: if Keymon shows aggression, they will strike back. I don't find any differences between these two.

Do you?
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Re: 51st General Assembly Session

Postby ChitinKal » Thu Jan 28, 2021 3:51 pm

Msia Ironsi, World Congress Representative of the Socialist State of Liore
It continuously amazes and shocks me and my country the ability of the Endralonian government to completely derail discussions in this chamber and make everything about them and their denigrations of other nations. Endralon is not the world and the world is not Endralon, and those ruling Endralon ought to learn a bit of humility and how to avoid inserting themselves as victims into issues having nothing to do with. We will not be considering any more of the Endralonian delegation's unhinged rants, and we encourage our fellow reputable comrades to do the same.

On the matter at hand, we concur with the representative of Keymon in that the accusations of warmongering on behalf of the Likatonian Defense Minister are completely unfounded and that the current Keymonite government obviously has no open plans of rekindling the Mad Dog Empire or instigating any war. We condemn these baseless comments, and would suggest that either Minister Samantha Elizabeth retracts these statements or that the Likatonian government formally and openly disavows them. Such malicious and unmerited claims ought to have no place in the realm of diplomacy and international relations, and only serve to poison the well from which the good-meaning nations of Terra can come together in mutual cooperation and comradery.
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Re: 51st General Assembly Session

Postby jamescfm » Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:41 pm

Image Mr. Mönkhbat Ong, Aldegarian Permanent Representative to the World Congress:
Aldegar shares the view articulated by other delegations that the rhetoric emanating from Likatonia is extremely concerning. As an elected representative to the Security Council, Aldegar is tasked with representing the region of Seleya and we are disappointed that two countries from the region would be caught up in a diplomatic row of this kind.

Having contacted representatives from both governments, Likatonia has made it clear that they are not interested in seeking a diplomatic, dialogue-based resolution to this incident. For that reason we feel there is little else to be done other than to ask Likatonia's allies (particularly Endralon), what reason can there possibly be for this nakedly aggressive tone against a neighbouring state?
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Re: 51st General Assembly Session

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Jan 28, 2021 6:23 pm

Kasper Braun Dolgavian Representative to the World Congress

Dear Members of this Esteemed Establishment

The bungling of Endralon and NACTO continues. On this year's episode our favorite antagonist has not only accused a sovereign state of something that they have not done, but then Endralon attempts to come to their new puppet's rescue once again. The most ironic thing the Right Honorable Lady from Endralon said was that she called nations in HER ALLIANCE "Half Sovereign". Thank you Ms. for just proving Dolgava right again, Endralon does not care about sovereignty and the nations in NACTO lose their sovereignty as soon as they join this organization. I will now cut the fluff and get to the point. NACTO is an aggressive alliance picking on those they see as weak. Keymon is not a weak nation. They fought fires that ravaged their nation, are still recovering from the lasting scares of the civil war all those years ago and leaving everyone around them alone. These accusations are unwarranted, uncalled for and ridiculous, Dolgava stands with our friend Keymon in solidarity against these baseless attacks and we are glad that the rest of Terra is condemning this as well.

Thank You
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Re: 51st General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Thu Jan 28, 2021 6:36 pm

Image Ms. Pap Sára
Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon

Mr. Kasper Braun, I won't lie, you became one of my very best friends here, we are talking with each other a lot. Happy to have you.

Just for a quick reference, without engaging in any further debates in this topic, the term "half-sovereign" in my comment was a referring to the back then situation of the Vascanian state of Rapa Pile, that was also classified as a "corporate subsidiary"/"corporate puppet state" by Keymon with the Endralon/Likatonia Reclassification Bill in 4785.
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