53rd General Assembly Session

An archive of previous sessions of both the General Assembly and Security Council as well as various ad hoc consultations and meetings.

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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby jamescfm » Sun Mar 21, 2021 1:00 pm

Image Gustav Anderle, Representative of the Republic of Dorvik to the World Congress:
At present it is not clear what the purpose of a "peace conference" would be. In this situation there is a clear aggressor, Malivia, seeking to enforce its imperial claims on surrounding countries. Nothing is up for negotiation here and the continued refusal by the Endralonian delegation to even acknowledge Malivian aggression is cowardly. Malivia must withdraw its irredentist claims and its neighbours do not need to offer anything in return. Anything outside of that resolution is appeasement.
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:03 pm

Image Ms. Horváth Brigitta
Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon

Mr. Anderle, can you please just listen for a moment?

This conflict is more complicated then just to say "Malivia is the sole aggressor" here. Malivia started the conflict? Yes. But remember of others' (for example Narikaton and Darnussia's) responsibility in the escalation. Instead of looking for a faulty one (or more like scapegoat) here, could we just make a beneficial-for-all compromise without unnecessary objections like yours? Or Dorvik would desire to invade Malivia this time, like it did with Hobrazia not a long ago? Looks like our Dorvish friends have a special interest in South Artania in the recent decades...
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby Aethan » Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:47 pm

Image Coruncania Cenaeus, Representative of the Senatus Populusque Selucianus to the World Congress

For the record, yes, Malivia is the sole responsible of this issue, as they were the responsible of turning against our very own nation other countries, bringing economic sanctions to us for just rightfully defending our territory. How can Malivia be called a "scapegoat", when their claims over other territories have been going on for centuries with no legal or historical basis? However, given the nature of Selucians as negotiators and patients, we have accepted these "peace talks" to explain - once again - to the government of Malivia its errors in its approaches. Of course Selucia is not going to move from this position, nor is it going to give up a millimeter of its territory. But everything that can help to relax the tension on the international scene is welcome.
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:50 pm

Image Ms. Horváth Brigitta
Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon

Its all I ask for, Representative Cenaeus.
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby colonelvesica » Sun Mar 21, 2021 4:23 pm

Garry Wilson
Acting Ambassador to the World Congress Security Council

The Kingdom of Hutori is currently going through a transition of power and we will report back to this August body once the investigation by the Hutorian Federal Police Service into the activities of the now de-funct Metizist Party is complete.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.
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Re: Yingdala Extremist arrested in Bianjie

Postby mrcricketer » Sun Mar 21, 2021 7:00 pm

Dear Head of Security Council ( WC)

A extremists who was of Yingdala origin was arrested in Bianjie

We would like to bring this to World Congress Security Council's attention

The extremists is said to armed & dangerous & problem is the arrested culprit is underage & is said to be related to a bigger conspiracy.Security should investigate this .

A strict action against Yingala be taken

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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby jellybean » Mon Mar 22, 2021 9:42 pm

Image Representative of Hobrazia, Beresbiy Hashpakovy:

Honorable members of this chamber,

The Hobrazian government wishes to call the General Assembly to censure the Federal Deltarian Socialist Republic. As all here should know, Deltaria is currently campaigning for Seat B on the World Congress Security Council. Hobrazia believes our interests are no longer compatible with Deltaria's, and so we changed our vote for Seat B to the Selucian Commonwealth. Our government then received a notice from Deltaria that, if the Hobrazian Parliament would not switch its support back to Deltaria, the Deltarians would military intervene in our conflict with Malivia to help our enemies. Using military might to pressure nations' votes is unconscionable and goes against everything the World Congress is meant to stood for. We suggest that any who support free and fair elections drop their support of Deltaria's bid for the Security Council.
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby Rogue » Mon Mar 22, 2021 10:14 pm

Pavel Štěpán, Representative of the FDSR to the World Congress

Members of the World Congress. It is with some disbelief that i come to you today after hearing the comments from the Hobrazian representative. Deltaria has under no circumstances suggested we would intervene in the "conflict" between Malivia and its neighbours. We merely notified the Hobrazian government of our possible intention to open a dialogue with the Malivian government on the possible reopening of the former Czar Dusan base. These talks have not been launched yet, but we believed it was kind to notify the Malivian neighbour of our possible intend. It is sad to see that our kindness is used against us to play a geopolitical, imperialist game. A game that we will not be participating in. Thank you
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby DueWizard70 » Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:10 am

Last edited by DueWizard70 on Tue Mar 23, 2021 2:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 53rd General Assembly Session

Postby jrandle8 » Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:24 am

Image His Royal Majesty Yu Bai Li, Third Prince of the Grand Union of Yindala Da Tong

Greetings from the Grand Union of Yindala Da Tong. The retiring of Ms. Yaling Mai Yu, who has served our country in this body honorably for over 30 years, has left a vacancy in our ambassadorship to the World Congress. Upon further consultation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Adiah Okadigbo, and the Imperial Staff and His Imperial and Royal Majesty, Emperor Yu Xi Gu, it has been decided that I enter the international political arena as the representative of Yingdala.

The true vision for Yingdalan foreign policy lies within centuries of history that have shaped and built Yingdala as the way it is today. Our deepest congratulations and respect to our former colonies who have survived the whims of time in their independence, which has shown the world a united Dovani with the official opening of the Dovani Pact. The Emperor would be elated to hear that Dovani is safe and prospering as it has been the Imperial family's dream to see happen since we granted them, by our grace, their independence over a millennium ago.

But, I don't stand here right now to tell the stories of the Yingdalan imperial family, no, I stand before the World Congress General Assembly to lodge an official complaint against the Hugamest Conference and the handling of the Malivy situation. Scathing evidence and concerns against Mailivia made by the international community are valid and must be heard not only by those making the complaints but, by Malivia and those who are seeking to appease Malivia's actions.

To better clarify, I would like to read some of the evidence standing against Malivia. In September 4770, the Malivy government unanimously passed a law that reclaims all lands that constituted Greater Malivia. These lands include the nations of Darnussia-Narikaton, Hobrazia Selucia, and Keymon. In November 4908, the Malivy military fired an empty missile into Narikaton-Darnussia's territorial water and then furthered their hostility in denying the facts of the case, causing the story to be covered up. In February 4909, less than a year later, the Malivy government covered illegal and dangerous activity by the terrorist group, Gau Raksha Paltan. This terrorist group infiltrated the Hobrazian meat market and poisoned the Hobrazian citizens. What could have been a quest to end rid Terra of these terrorists turned into a likely Malivy government-funded terrorist organization. I want to thank the Enralonian delegation for providing us with some evidence of Mailivy's dangerous actions.

With the mounting evidence on Malivy, I say to the World Congress that Mailivia is a threat to international peace and security. We also say that the Hugamest Conference is veering in the wrong direction as its delegation has shown interest in the Malivian proposal that would force a referendum on each of the country's territories. This further enables Malivian neo-colonialistic views and pushes Terra closer to the brink of war between member-nations.

Before I close, I want to remind everyone that we aren't seeking to punish those who appease Malivia, no, we are seeking to show them that appeasing Malivia will increase their threat to the international community and push us closer to the brink of war. We issue this complaint in hopes that the World Congress will take this threat seriously and prepare us for what could be a disastrous outcome if not handled properly. We further call on the Security Council to reject Security Council Resolution 116 on the grounds of 'lacking the necessary power and ability to enforce the proposed warning; furthermore, lacking preventative measures that will prevent any aggression on the behalf of Malivia or any of the victim nations'; and lastly, 'lacking the understanding of Security Council Resolution 110 clause 4 which allows war on the basis of self-defense. We respect the actions of our ally and friend, Endralon, for their desire to put an end to this conflict, however, we don't think that appeasing the Malivian government is a good thing.

With closing, may I remind everyone of the and existing importance of Security Council Resolution 88.
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