54th General Assembly Session

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54th General Assembly Session

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Mar 31, 2021 10:17 pm

Below are the archived discussions of the 54th General Assembly Session.

Image Mr. Izydor Broż, General-Secretary of the World Congress:

Following the 4914 Security Council elections, the World Congress welcomes governments, political parties and other organisations to the 54th General Assembly Session.
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Re: 54th General Assembly Session

Postby Aquinas » Wed Mar 31, 2021 11:16 pm

Vishnu Satavelekar, Foreign Minister of the Greater Malivian Empire:

On behalf of the Greater Malivian Empire, I need to bring the General Assembly's attention to the irresponsible and dangerous conduct exhibited by Kalistan.

They are wrongfully detaining, a peaceful and innocent Malivian lady, Kamala Ghoshal, and during the process of brutally interrogating her, have forced her to take mind-altering drugs against her will. They are also proposing authorising pirates to attack our vessels, and are piloting legislation through their parliament to bring this about at this very moment.

This sickening abuse of Mrs. Ghoshal's dignity and human rights is not something Malivia will tolerate, and I hope fellow World Congress members will feel as strongly about this as we do. Furthermore, let me state that piracy at sea is a a great evil which cannot be tolerated under any civilised international order. If piracy is encouraged by Kalistan to flourish, it can be expected that sooner or later this will start to affect other countries as well, not just Malivia.

Against this background, my country has no choice but to request the international community to apply pressure on Kalistan to change the course upon which it seems embarked. Mrs. Ghoshal must be released immediately, and this madcap scheme to put pirates on the seas must be put a stop to.
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Re: 54th General Assembly Session

Postby Aquinas » Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:12 am

Vishnu Satavelekar, Foreign Minister of the Greater Malivian Empire:

As a further note, I would like to remind the General Assembly of Security Council Resolution 109 on the international maritime law:

The Security Council,

Recognizing the importance of maritime trade for global peace and prosperity,

Affirming the impossibility of any nation to claim the high seas or any part thereof as its national territory,

Condemning the vile practices of piracy and slavery,

Recognizing the existence of admiralty law as a part of customary international law,

Proclaims the Law of the Sea as jus cogens, peremptory norm that is applicable erga omnes, to all states, whether they are party to the treaty or not,

Declares all bodies of water not included in the Territorial waters or Exclusive Economic Zone as the High Seas, and proclaims that all vessels sailing the High Seas are under the jurisdiction and protection of their flag state,

Proclaims the High Seas the common patrimony of all humanity and all nations,

Asserts that pirates and slavers, by engaging in private war against all nations or by trafficking slaves on the High Seas, render themselves hostes humani generis, enemies of the human race, and holds that all nations have the right and the duty to capture, try, and, if their laws permit it, execute any pirate and slaver they come across,

Recognizes the ancient custom of privateering and proclaims it distinct from piracy, recognizing that privateers are at war with only one nation, not all nations.
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Re: 54th General Assembly Session

Postby ChengherRares1 » Thu Apr 01, 2021 9:24 am

Image Most Serene Representative of Lodamun, Rua Rata:
Lodamun is grateful to be again in this body, however I have to announce my departure as both as a Security Council member and as a GA member. Thanks for all the support and happy to have worked with everyone Resolutions and maintaining peace in the SC chamber. For now, I will let my colleague to take my place.
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Re: 54th General Assembly Session

Postby ChengherRares1 » Thu Apr 01, 2021 9:31 am

Image Most Serene Representative of Lodamun, Jonah Marshall:
As new representative to this pristine GA assembly, I will have two things to say.

One, Lodamun will not occupy their seat for SC, as promised, and will let the next contender take the seat, this to speed up procedures and do not wait for Lodamese delegates to present themselves.

Secondly, I will say that Malivia has provoked an international dispute with Kalistan, by claiming their sovereignty, so their reaction is rather normal to the situation ongoing. While piracy is not the best path in our vision of solving crises, we do think that Malivia has it's fair share of blame by extending claims onto others' sovereignty. How Malivia would feel if Lodamun would start to claim another's sovereignty? It would feel bad, just as for the rest.

For what is worth, for us, claiming right over others' nations is like claiming you want to kill your friend, who knows your intent. Despite you wont act upon it and try to just convince him to accept it, he will still be horrified at the idea that his best friend is contemplating killing him. So there is no surprise, when a nation is claimed, it is similar to a wish of conquest on them, even if no action is taken by the pretender, the fact that we allow this is similar to allowing death threats "because they do no harm as long as the one aiming for it wont act upon the words".
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Re: 54th General Assembly Session

Postby Aquinas » Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:03 pm

Vishnu Satavelekar, Foreign Minister of the Greater Malivian Empire:

My government can only repeat, as if we have done previously, that Malivia has made no territorial claim to sovereignty over Kalistan, and has no plans to make one.
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Re: 54th General Assembly Session

Postby robmark0000 » Fri Apr 02, 2021 9:31 am

Image Ms. Horváth Brigitta
Grand Director of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Second Directorial Republic of Endralon

Fellow diplomats,

to choose my words on a funny way, I smell international law violations in the air. If Malivia really sent spies to Kalistan, that constitutes as an armed operation, which is forbidden for Malivia through World Congress Security Council Resolution 116, and for any other countries through World Congress Security Council Resolution 110. On the other side, if Kalistan reintroduced piracy that is against World Congress Security Council Resolution 109, however I would gladly have debates with diplomatic jurists whether is this constitues as "national self-defense" or not. The worst thing in this conflict is that everything is so uncertain.

I think we should create a special World Congress committee tasked with finding out (1) whether the Malivian citizens arrested in Kalistan were spies or not, (2) whether the reintroduced piracy from Kalistan is national self-defense or a violation of Resolution 109, and (3) determine a quick way how to solve the tensions. The commission of course shall consist neutral countries, who would have to negotiate with both Kaliburg and Modalin about this. Before we would clearly condemn any sides, or take any actions, I think we shall see the clear and full picture first.
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Re: 54th General Assembly Session

Postby ChengherRares1 » Fri Apr 02, 2021 9:37 am

Image Most Serene Representative of Lodamun, Jonah Marshall:
I think a good start would be for the government of Malivia to officially drop any claims on fellow neighbors, as a great start for diplomacy. As we saw, Hugamest peace talks failed, and giving in to those who claim on others is not a great sign. This is our proposal: Malivia ceases officially to give in to any committee or so called "historian" and recognize sovereignty of all. .
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Re: 54th General Assembly Session

Postby Aquinas » Sat Apr 03, 2021 12:24 am

Vishnu Satavelekar, Foreign Minister of the Greater Malivian Empire:

Kamala Ghoshal arrived in Kalistan as a researcher, not as a spy or a saboteur. Malivia has no spies or saboteurs in Kalistan. She is being unreasonably and unlawfully detained by Kalistan, and has been forced to consume drugs. This is not the way any civilised country would treat a woman.

Since my last intervention here, our beloved Prince Hasan, along with 3 others, has lost his life in an explosion at sea, and we have now learned Kalistan's pirates were directly responsible for this.

This cannot be dressed up as anything other than what it is: an act of lawlessness and an act of murder by a government of one of Terra's leading nations.

If the international community and the World Congress do not take this situation clearly, then I am at a loss as to how to explain this to the Malivian people, who rightfully demand justice.
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Re: 54th General Assembly Session

Postby Mr. F49 » Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:07 pm

Image Flemming Elínmundsson, Ambassador of the Confederation of Telamon to the World Congress

Fellow delegates.

From what I have been able to investigate, last year a committee of the ruling party of Malivia studied extending the country's territorial claims to other sovereign lands and administrative divisions of some countries. This could be seen as violations of sovereignty to independent countries and is open to condemnation. Although this committee has lasted four years, ending in October of last year, we see it as an attempt to annex these countries, however this extension was rejected by 557 members of the party, who consider these nations to be sovereign and independent as far as I have researched.

However, it does not detract from the fact that these territorial claims may arise again, a country cannot force or demand another country to reunify if it does not agree, and annexation without prior consent may result in severe violations of sovereignty and international law established by this body.

I suggest to the government of Malivia that:
    1.- Drop all territorial claims as stated by the Right Honorable Representative Marshall
    2.- Take a more extensive step towards diplomacy and internationalism. This would be a very important step towards reestablishing ties between neighbors, of course without any threat of annexation.
    3.- The committees that have been commissioned to investigate these claims should stop, their neighbors are independent nations, with founding documents that demonstrate the separation of any colonial power that no longer exists and that this demonstrates their sovereignty and before any attack they will defend themselves.
    4.- If you manage to open investigations regarding the "Kalistani pirates", you must have unbiased evidence.
    5.- Finally, by implementing point 4, a dialogue table would be initiated between the two countries to ease tensions.
It should be noted that the Hugamest Peace Talks, which were supported by our Confederation, were the first step towards reconciliation between the two countries. However, seeing that some dialogues can become volatile and fail to reach any resolution such as the Kundrati-Deltaria Dialogue in which several countries were interested in resolving the Kundrati-Deltaria conflict, it failed because the then government of Deltaria did not show interest in the dialogue. Still, we hope that a possible dialogue can ease the tensions between Malivia and Kalistan and not escalate them to war-like levels.
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