85th General Assembly

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Re: 85th General Assembly

Postby BananaZebra » Tue Nov 28, 2023 11:31 pm

Qisma el-Kamal, Badaran Representative to the World Congress General Assembly
Foreign Minister Malfois,

Badara does not question the ability of the MSCO CMRF to deal with the present piracy issue. Our president and our government acted quickly in the face of a threat to the south, and fearing the rogue regime of Kafuristan was behind the piracy and may be planning further hostilities in Badaran waters the special operation was conceived. Given the increased tensions in our own country, we cannot really take the risk. If the Beiteynu-Kafuristan talks are successful, and there is assurance of peace to our south, Badara will end the operation and allow Kafuri vessels once more.

And to Lord George Loyd Bailey, the Imperial Ambassador,

I appreciate your sentiment that we were acting in our own defense and I agree it may seem like an overreaction, but it only seems so glaringly so in hindsight. At the time, Badara was well within our rights to initiate the operation. As the situation continues to evolve, we can also change our response to it. I hope that the conditions will soon arise to make the special operation no longer necessary, and that peace will soon be restored.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: 85th General Assembly

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:18 pm

Ashley Sterling, Hutorian Ambassador to the World Congress

Honoured delegates.

As many in this chamber no doubt know, and for those who do not, the Kingdom of Hutori honoured the call of the World Congress Security Council for the international community to strike back against the scourge of piracy in eastern Majatra. In executing those duties the HMHS-Kincardine was attack by these pirates and the ship damaged. This attack resulted in the severe injury of seven sailors and the death of one, Leading Seaman Daniel Jacobs. Now all the sailors and office of the Kincardine and the rest of our naval vessels all acknowledged and knew joining the armed services of our nation may result in their death of injury in the line of duty to thier counry.

Why the death and injury of these sailors angers me so is the response of two nations. Knowing full well of the death and injury of our sailors and the damage of our Allied naval vessel, Alduria, a nation we thought our friend and ally sealed off their ports to us to refuel and told us to go home. We find out as well that the Medinant Department of Beitenyu was the one who "pulled strings" to encourage the smaller allied navies return home.

My question then i ask is blunt; to whom should i direct the fury of the Hutorian people? To Alduria who sealed their ports and not offer us refugee even to refuel and return home snd tend to our wounded? Or to Beitenyu's Medinant Department who again are showing themselves meddling in other affairs and now may have directly lead to the possible death of six more Hutorian sailors who can not recieve immediate medical attention because they thought it would be better we return home immediately?
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Re: 85th General Assembly

Postby TRA » Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:35 pm

Katerina Sheket, Head of the Medinat Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Homeland State of Beiteynu

It is with great shame that not only I acknowledge the remarks made by the Hutorian Ambassador, but to concede to them in their truth. We have stumbled upon the politeness, candour and cooperative spirit from Hutori, traits that the Beiteynuese Government has not been familiar with in the last 2 centuries in its dealings with the far north; attempts that have been received by evasiveness, selectiveness and overbearingness in foreign policy in the past.

In its extensive international reach across the world, the Medinat Department fumbled in its latest endeavour to de-escalate the region following the attack on a Hutorian warship; in our rush to coordinate the efforts, we have made a terrible mistake.

And global leaders should be accountable for recognising their mistakes, failures and losses, lest we risk the world falling into morbidness.

Upon returning to Yishelem, I shall be handing my resignation effective immediately; urging leadership to issue a state apology and attempt to repair the damage that we have unintentionally done to the Hutorian people.

If Hutorian warships are still present in the region, the Reshout Carrier Strike Group will immediately move to assist by any means necessary.
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Re: 85th General Assembly

Postby BananaZebra » Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:43 pm

Qisma el-Kamal, Badaran Representative to the World Congress General Assembly

To the honorable Hutorian Ambassador,

Badara humbly offers its assistance in this matter. While our ports may not be the best in the world, they are open to Hutorian ships in need of refueling and repair, and will provide any necessary medical assistance all with no charge to your government. We cannot express enough our gratitude not only to Hutori but to the whole international community for your efforts resolving this crisis and offer our deepest sympathies for the loss Hutori has endured.
Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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Re: 85th General Assembly

Postby hyraemous » Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:09 pm

Alexander Hulanevek III, Representative of the Kundrati Union to the General Assembly

Kundrati ports are open to Hutori should they need it. Kundrati also urges Alduria to reconsider their current cours as our ships are at risk as well now.
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Re: 85th General Assembly

Postby Autokrator15 » Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:31 pm

Lord George Loyd Bailey, Imperial Ambassador to the World Congress - Holy Luthorian Empire

We would ask our honourable collegues to not quickly condemn the Aldurian government. We understand the concern and the harm the decision of the government has done to Hutori and that it concerns Kundrati. Both nations are proud nations, allies and friends of our Imperial government.

The Holy Luthorian Empire is an allied nation of Alduria, we are close friends, have cultural and historic ties and are in frequent communication with them. The nationalists seem to exert some very strong pressure on the current Aldurian government. This concerns us also. But lets not make it worse. We ask this honourable congress to have faith in Luthorian diplomacy. The Empire will visit its Aldurian friends, speak on how we can resolve the situation as to not endanger the Kundrati fleet and to see how we can aid in their domestic struggles and make sure they do not intervene in important international missions.

And let us remember that Alduria already opened its ports to us all for refueling and docking at the start of the mission. A cost they had to bear. Their economy is still recovering and growing. They did aid us in the beginning, that its unfortunate they didnt stick it out till the end doesnt mean we need to be too harsh, for they did what other nations could not or did not do: offer their port.

We call for this body to support the Luthorian efforts in talking and aiding Alduria.
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