4th Dundorfian Civil War

Major internal and international armed conflicts including armed uprisings, civil wars and multi-state conflicts.

4th Dundorfian Civil War

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:16 pm

OOC: After conferring with several players in Dundorf, and passing a planning bill with 90% voting yes (rest was a party that had joined late, has no seats and is pretty inactive from what I've seen), and posting a news section in the Dundorfer Tageszeitung, the 4th Dundorfian Civil War is now underway. I will post the first action of conflict, and the other players of Dundorf will go from there. Additionally, other players may also roleplay as a foreign power, either observing or supporting one side or the other.
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Re: 4th Dundorfian Civil War

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Thu Jan 18, 2018 10:54 pm

VKPD's Sicherheitskräfte, Communist-supporting members of the military conduct raids in north and southwestern Dundorf

May 18, 4335
Wolfsdorf, Dundorf
10:30 AM

The early morning hours here in the rather quiet area of Wolfsdorf, in Gayern have been met with the crackle of gunfire as the combined forces of the Sicherheitskräfte and communist-supporting members of the DAF, now calling themselves the Dundorfian Volksarmee, have begun raids on strategic areas in northwestern and southwestern Dundorf. The ShK begun assaults on police departments, ransacking their weapon caches to arm themselves. They then received impromptu military training, a clear violation of Dundorf's paramilitary law, and from field reports, have apparently captured both the states of Gayern and Kronstein, after sieging their state parliaments, making them the first occupied areas of the DVA, and subsequently falling under the jurisdiction of the proposed 2nd Dundorfische Demokratische Republik. Troops here in Gayern, the home state of VKPD General Secretary Ernst Steindorf, were apparently welcomed with open arms, with residents even letting them into their homes. Seeing as though the VKPD had also campaigned repeatedly in the state, it is no surprise to see such behavior.

Two employees of the Sicherheitskräfte, effectively soldiers now after violating Dundorf's paramilitary law, stand watch outside the state parliament of Gayern.

Both high ranking officials of the ShK were present on the field, with Karl Loritz being the most approachable by leftist press groups. He stated that he was "fully cooperating" with the VKPD's Minister of Defense candidate and subsequent Armeegeneral Anton Keßler, and discussed that current plans were to assist forces in the capital, Zerlin. He gave vague details to reporters, but it is assumed that the ShK and army have gained a considerable amount of control of most areas of the Federal Republic's capital. But a rather ominous comment was also given by him. "One thing is for certain, however. The old flag of the DDR is surely flying over the Bundestag, and we've pushed the bastards out of the city. We still have a considerable amount to go, such as pushing into the south, and gaining control of Eastern Oderveld, which is currently clashing with our forces."

Deputy Chief of the Sicherheitskräfte, Karl Loritz, (left), discusses plans.

It is interesting to note that hardly any Dundorfian infrastructure was damaged in the takeovers of these two states. Lightly uniformed members of the ShK were also seen raiding the homes of those in connection with the assassins of Peter Hoffmann, as well as those to ties with the NDVP. These men have allegedly arrested a few hundred individuals, and will most likely submit them to questioning. Meanwhile, army divisions stand vigilant along the border of Eastern Oderveld, waiting for Loritz to arrive, before ordering the push towards Zerlin. So far, the VKPD has achieved more in the civil war than their ally, the SED. An incredibly interesting factor, seeing as though the VKPD had only 56 seats in the Bundestag, prior to the commencement of the civil war.
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Re: 4th Dundorfian Civil War

Postby wschmidt__ » Fri Jan 19, 2018 12:29 pm

Völkischer Beobachter: Stahlhelme für die Heimatschutz strength reaches 700,000, SHS head declares war on Communists and purges army and police ranks.

Dundorf is under attack again. The VKPD, has incited an unconstitutional revolution in Dundorf. Steffen Grunwald, head of the Stahlhelme für die Heimatschutz, announced in Zerlin today, that Dundorf has declared war on the Communists attempting to form the Dundorfische Demokratische Republik. Enraged and heavily armed members of the SHS stormed onto the streets in Holzspinstadt, Zarkitsch and the capital Zerlin, Oderveld to fight of the Communist insurgents. Heavy fighting is occuring in Gayern and Kronstein, where the VKPD has formed the 2nd DDR. Meanwhile the Minister of Defense, Tobias Schühmacher, has purged the army and police ranks and supplemented them with new members of the SHS. With the purges in place, the SHS strength stands at around 700 thousand. Herr Schühmacher has ordered the army and police into Gayern and Kronstein. Media reports in the Vereinigtes Königreich von Narikaton und Darnussien have stated that the Neue Ordnung have started financing the NDVP with training and weapons to help eliminate the Communist bugs.
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Re: 4th Dundorfian Civil War

Postby Mbites » Fri Jan 19, 2018 1:23 pm

"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: 4th Dundorfian Civil War

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 4:59 am

Karl Loritz secures control of western Oderveld, Zerlin reported to be under full control of ShK forces

The VKPD's Sicherheitskräfte, after significant months of fighting, has finally secured western Oderveld, as well as gained full control of Zerlin, with a small provisional government being set up, controlling most of Western Dundorf. Karl Loritz, under the orders of Tobias Geissler, began moving captured tanks into the state, cutting off DAF forces and eventually achieving victory by way of surrender of the remaining capitalist-supporting soldiers. Zerlin was secured after a week of heavy fighting across the city, with large amounts of infrastructure falling under serious damage. Surely enough however, the VKPD's headquarters remained unscathed, save for a few shattered windows, being broken by members of the ShK and DVA who had remained at the beginning of the civil war to secure police caches to arm themselves. After meeting up with Loritz's forces, they were able to easily overcome the opposition and push them to the outskirts of the city, where heavy clashes continue. Inside the Bundestag, soldiers have allegedly carved out any emblems of the Bundesrepublik featured in furniture and either burned them, or smashed them. In their place, flew the flag of the DDR, both inside, and on the roof. The securing of Zerlin has certainly boosted the morale of the communists, who are likely to become even more emboldened as the civil war continues. So much so, that DVA forces conducted an impromptu parade, in downtown Zerlin.

DVA soldiers on an impromptu parade in Zerlin.

Armeegeneral Anton Keßler begins push into Grozvic Muzelbergen

Elsewhere, in southern Dundorf, the DVA has swelled to ranks of approximately an astonishing 850,000. It seems the left coalition truly gained incredible support pre-war, whilst democracy still existed in the country. Under the leadership of Anton Keßler, and subsequently a small group of general staff, the DVA has begun pushing further eastward, this time into Grozvic Muzelbergen. Reports indicate that they have already gained control of the town of Karlsborn, and are slowly overthrowing the forces, with bad weather being a significant roadblock into advancing. Field journalists have observed the DVA using everything from artillery to even captured planes, which have begun carpet bombing campaigns in the aforementioned state. However, Armeegeneral Keßler states that while he is confident in his new army, foreign aid would greatly improve the war effort. "We've been fighting with a mix of captured police and military equipment. We continue to restock ourselves every now and then, but at some point we must reach outside our country and give a request for assistance." As the DDR's occupied areas continue to grow, despite the opposition to the communists receiving foreign aid, it seems the left coalition continues to gain support within their own nation.

DVA soldiers conduct combat maneuvers in northern Grozvic Muzelbergen.

A soldier of the DVA discusses strategic positions with others in a foxhole, during a bout of heavy snowfall in January.
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Re: 4th Dundorfian Civil War

Postby wschmidt__ » Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:29 am

Völkischer Beobachter: Crushing defeat in elections pushes Communist militias out into Kronstein.

The victorious Stahlhelme für die Heimatschutz (SHS) has successfully pushed the Communist ShK from the major cities of Dundorf following the crushing defeat of the Leftist bloc. As Dundorfians start to arm themselves against the Communist threat, the regrouped SHS and Loyalist members of the DAF made sting attacks and combatants in Oderveld, Grozvic Muzelbergen, Gayern and Zarkitsch, pushing the Communists out of these territories and into the state of Kronstein, the only state held by the Communists. In the regained territories, the local governments round up all pro Communist elements and send them to the Central Prison for questioning and trial. Upon hearing the news, the Vice-President of Dundorf Erik Schneider has this to say.

We have successfully pushed the Communist insurgents into the Bundesstaat Kronstein. The DDR was dead, and the bogus DDR state is now dead! The rights of the Dundorfian people cannot be trampled on anymore, we must rise up and fight these scum who have come and taken our land.

It has also been reported that the leader of the DVA Anton Keßler was killed in the battle for Zerlin by artillery fire. As the Völkischer Beobachter goes to press the feared security force SHS and the remaining loyalist DAF members, numbering around 1,000,000 in its ranks, have surrounded the remaining province of Kronstein and are waiting on orders to retake the province. Until then the Bundespräsident Jörg Hoffmann has set a deadline to June 4337 for remaining Communist forces to surrender and end the bloodshed.
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Re: 4th Dundorfian Civil War

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:53 am

DVA gathers up remaining air forces, conducts "extremely successful" carpet bombings of NDVP's headquarters, and Jörg Hoffmann's private residence overnight

After being backed into a corner, the VKPD responded with vicious bombing raids conducted nightly over each of the NDVP's three headquarters, and the private home of the current Bundespräsident of the Bundesrepublik, Jörg Hoffmann. After intelligence was gathered on the whereabouts of Jörg Hoffmann, who had retired to his private home in the night, the DVA dispatched 10 fighter jets, armed with captured missiles. The bombing raids were reported "extremely successful", completely levelling all of the buildings, leaving hundreds dead. The private residence of Bundespräsident Hoffmann was bombed by 4 planes each, completely obliterating it. Agents of the ShK dispatched over enemy lines were able to positively identify that the Bundespräsident was effectively dead, and reported the mission a success. Ernst Steindorf then released a statement, calling for immediate surrender of the NDVP, or the party will suffer an "endless bout of guerrilla warfare for years to come."

While we have been backed into a corner, we still will not surrender. After receiving word that the jets have done their job, the NDVP is effectively without a home or leader. Give up. You may have gained the upper hand, but we have shown that we aren't willing to give in. We've fought until the last man. And we damn sure won't go down with a flimsy peace treaty. We've already begun accepting aid from the CLT, and will certainly gain back our land in the coming months.That is, if you don't yield, however. I offer what you capitalists refer to as a "deal". I call a ceasefire, and our governments convene in Zerlin to call for and end to this war. The opposition is much larger than you, so it's practically inevitable. You can call your allies in Narkiaton over too, and we'll have a nice discussion about ushering in our Arbeiter und Bauernstaat. Perhaps over tea? The birth country of Karlstein Metz has suffered long enough under the yoke of capitalist tyranny. It's time you finally give up. Or else, you'll suffer an endless bout of guerrilla warfare for years to come.

Relocated Bundestag extensively bombed, large portion of members of NDVP reported dead or missing

The NDVP had relocated the Bundestag out of Zerlin after it had been sacked by the DVA, and after the communist forces had received intelligence on the whereabouts of the new temporary Bundestag, the same jets that had conducted night bombings were at it once again come daybreak, dropping their entire payload, causing massive damage to the building. An estimated 180 of the NDVP's 202 members have been reported dead or missing. In yet another move that shows that the communists will stop at nothing to achieve their worker and peasant state, these bombings have caused a devastating blow to the recent victories of the opposition. Reports have come flooding in that DAF forces, despite outnumbering the communists by 150,000, have begun mass surrenders against the orders of their superiors. Some have turned to their side once again, welcoming them with open arms, with one soldier saying "Acceptance is more preferable than years of bloody guerrilla warfare." With the future uncertain on the conclusion of the 4th Dundorfian Civil War, it is likely that the communists may finally have achieved victory, despite being pushed back to the furthest corner of Dundorf.

DVA jets spotted in the skies above the temporary Bundestag begin to fly towards the building and drop their payload.
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Re: 4th Dundorfian Civil War

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Wed Jan 24, 2018 3:49 am

DVA and DAF agree to a ceasefire, VKPD opens up peace talks

After achieving a resounding success with their air attacks, which resulted in several mass surrenders of DAF troops, despite them outnumbering the communists, generals and officers from both the DVA and DAF agreed to a ceasefire, on the grounds to keep the lands safe for representatives from both nations to convene in Zerlin for peace talks. The VKPD has kept the diplomatic cables open for any correspondence from the NDVP on the terms of an official surrender. After receiving a response from the opposition, the 2nd DDR's Acting Foreign Minister, Jürgen Kirschner, flew to Zerlin along with several lawmakers as well. The aforementioned lawmakers entered the Bundestag and introduced the "Rechnung für Neue Staatsführung", or Bill for New Governance. Aimed to introduce moderate reforms to begin the formal establishment of the 2nd DDR, it was submitted in advance, with the group of lawmakers stating that the bill, introduced in their provisional government, was voted with "unanimous agreement". The peace talks have yet to be commenced, however. In reports released to the press, Jürgen Kirschner remarked that the NDVP's delegate had yet to arrive, although he hopes for a speedy arrival so that formal terms of surrender of the NDVP can begin to be discussed.

Kirschner speaking in the provisional parliament of the DDR last year.
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Re: 4th Dundorfian Civil War

Postby thefalloutfan101 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 8:24 pm

NDVP accepts terms of surrender, left coalition ushers in the 2nd DDR

May 21, 4339
Zerlin, Hauptstadt der DDR
2:30 PM

After finally sending its delegate to the discussion table, and after several hours of negotiations, the NDVP has accepted unconditional surrender to the left bloc, and the newly formed 2nd DDR. The Dundorfian Armed Forces would also fall under the jurisdiction of the DVA. While the ZPD has assumed control of the Bundestag, the left coalition is still much larger than them, and is likely to win in the first general elections of the DDR. Jürgen Kirschner has commended the will of the NDVP to sign the peace treaty, now known as the Zerlin Accords. "It is better for them to submit, rather than face another several years of bloody warfare." Dozens of DVA troops conducted a parade in downtown Zerlin, and the old flag of the DDR was seen flying in several places. Effectively gone is the Bundesrepublik, and the first steps towards the building of a new, socialist republic have finally begun.

Key government leaders of the remainder of the NDVP sign the Treaty of Unconditional Surrender, with members of the VKPD and SED watching, in Zerlin.
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