Dovani War

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Dovani War

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:20 pm

This is the IC Thread for the Fighting war between the Dovani Union and those that oppose it.

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The Southern Dovani War


Dovani Union

New Alduria
Northern Council Treaty Organization
- Hutori
- Lourenne
- Luthori
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:39 pm

Luthorian Battlegroup Unable to Breathrough in Initial Engagement; Northern Council Preparing Sizeable Intervention Force

An initial clash between the Northern Council and the Dovani Union on the high seas ended relatively inconclusively as the ILS-Luthoria and her Battlegroup engaged with portions of the Dovani Union's western fleets.

The Luthoria, commanded by Commodore Richard Cunningham, had sailed east from Turtle Bay with a small fleet to break the DU naval blockade on New Alduria. Comprising a number of Destroyers and Frigates, and the critical Luthori in the centre Commodore Cunningham's fleet expected relatively light resistance, instead running into a major Fleet of outdated vessels, though far more numerous.

While no ships to Commodore Cunningham's Fleet Task Force were lost, the sheer size of the DU Fleet, and their uncanny tactics forced him to withdraw from the operations areas without being able to break through to New Alduria. Task Force Orange has subsequently pulled back north near Lourenne to meet up with Lourenne Naval Forces, and the incoming Hutorian Seventh Fleet from Kazullia. A spokesperson for Northern Council Joint Headquarters Chief of Staff General Anthony Bishop also confirmed that the moment the Vanukean Fourth Fleet was confirmed clear out of the Anatonese Ocean both the Kazullian Second Fleet and the Hutorian Fourth and Sixth Fleets would be rediverted to New Alduria with all haste, showing the seriousness of the Northern Council's positions.

Hutorian Aircraft from Eastern Air Command are confirmed for having been taken off from General Matthew Donahoe Air Force Base and are inbound to Kazullia before they are expected to be flown the rest of the way to New Alduria to begin immediate combat operations.

No Northern Council ground forces are confirmed to be readying for departure to Dovani, however it's well known that both Kazullia and Hutori maintain sizeable reaction forces, capable of full deployment with hours notice.
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:37 pm

Northern Council Dovani Operations Fleet Breakthroughs to New Alduria

HF-35C Taking off from the Deck of the HMHS-Alexandra Kennedy

A reinforced Northern Council Fleet has scored a decisive victory against the Dovani Union in southern Dovani as the newly created Northern Council Dovani Operations Fleet has smashed a chunk of the Dovani Union main battle fleet and broken through to New Alduria and cutting off the coastal assault forces of the Dovani Union.

The Hutorian Seventh Fleet, lead by the HMHS-Alexandra Kennedy Carrier Strike Group from Kazullia, has joined up with Luthori's Task Force Orange, and a Lourenne strike group and moved back east where they struck hard and fast with the overwhelming firepower brought to bare by the Seventh Fleet. The Dovani Union's Southern Battle Fleet was still reeling from repelling Task Force Orange, and their commander believed that Task Force Orange was the most the Northern Council would bring against him so quickly and was caught off guard by the Kennedy's assault power; the Alexandra Kennedy, one of Hutori's Graham class Supercarriers, is one of the largest Aircraft Carriers in the world, and it is the first time since the Wolfsheim War that Hutori's dominant Carrier Strike Groups have been pulled out against an organized foe.

The Southern Battle Fleet has withdrawn east while the Northern Council's Dovani Operations Fleet has taken a firm position between Dovani and New Alduria in the Straits where Combat Air Patrols have been set up and the marine assault forces of the Dovani Union have come under harsh naval bombardment, breaking up massing and formations, now entirely cut off from supply and under constant air and naval harassment. While this doesn't completely defeat them, it does give the New Aldurian Army the chance to push them back effectively into the sea and put their effort in the south. Thus far the Dovani Operations Fleet is only holding it's position however the Hutorian Fourth Fleet and the Kazullian Second Fleet is also inbound from Majatra and once they link up with the DOF its fully believed they will aggressively pursue and attempt to sink the remaining elements of the Dovani Union's naval strength.

On New Alduria itself Northern Council reinforcements have begun to arrive; the Northern Council's 3rd and 5th Tactical Air Forces have arrived in force on New Aldurian airbases and have begun immediate air sorties against the invading New Aldurian forces and attempting to wrestle the skies away from the Dovani Union's aerial forces. On the ground the opening elements of the 7th Marine Expeditionary Regiment, attached to Seventh Fleet has arrived, as the 1st Battlaion has arrived with the remainder expected shortly.

Hutori has also stated that it has begun mobilization of domestic forces across Hutori for immediate deployment, highlighting Hutorian commitment to the fight and it's critically known that the Commonwealth Joint Airborne Corps in Luthori, comprising the Luthorian 1st Airborne Brigade and Hutori's legendary 6th Airborne Division have embarked for Ostland, a small stop before continuing onto New Alduria.
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby lewiselder1 » Sat Jul 14, 2018 6:26 pm

Dovani Union Preparations In Full Swing
October 4423

The long-prophecised moment has arrived: Dovani is at war.

The Great Dovani War has begun. The Northern Council, led by Hutori, has charged forth with an arsenal of devastating weaponry and significant power. Commentators initially were dubious: how could the Dovani Union possibly hope to survive this?

Recently, the colonies have answered back defiantly, and now the conclusion seems a little less obvious. Could the Dovani Union hold out long enough to win?

While the Northern Council has spent its time breaking through the Dovani Union's naval defences and readying its air forces, the DU has been preparing for the coming invasion, with some nations like Medina appearing to have been readying themselves for years in secret defensive policies.

Clearly expecting the weaker naval and air branches of the pooled Dovani Union military, under the command of a handful of key generals and commanders, guided by military legend Emperor Azeez himself, to fail, they have elected to specialise in building up their land-based capabilities.

Aside from recuitment drives across the union providing a large boost to troop numbers, production lines rushing to develop equipment and arm the troops well, and the many nations of the DU organising its collective military for maximum efficiency, the DU has cleverly utilised its spare time (while it remains unopposed on land by the NC) to develop a complex, guerrilla-style set of defensive structures. Why bother with forts when the enemy has high-flying bombers? Instead, it appears a complex, top secret network of tunnel systems and underground bases has been crafted beneath the citizens' very feet!

While details are scarce, they're likely to be well-hidden, filled with decoys and traps, and labyrinthine, allowing the troops to hide away at night, do away with the restraints of conventional tactics and warfare, and secrete themselves underground until the time is right to strike. "The enemy could trample on all the land," said one general, "and still not win: they shall have to simply kill every last one of us, and we shall never -- never -- give up." Additional measures include releasing special forces operatives into particularly zealous local communities, it is said, a trick which could prove fatal for the NC if they don't counteract this measure -- or is it all just a decoy?

Indeed, morale seems high, with many still buying into the logic of colonial nationalism -- Azeez's landmark book on the ideology he helped to create describes it as an immortal idea where even death, failure and collapse cannot eliminate it, so long as it lives on in the hearts of the people. Considering the attack from the NC is widely viewed as an example of the "first-world modern-day imperialism" the book criticises in depth, it seems like an impossibly difficult task to undo this through violence -- but pulling out, of course, would only hand the so-called "Second Victory of Colonial Nationalism" prophecised by Azeez to the DU: defeating the West in battle. With colonial nationalism also seeming to be inherently linked to colonial imperialism in the likes of Medina, Xsampa, and, according to critics, the Dovani Union itself ("merely a tool for Medinese control," according to one Dundorfian commentator), this would be not only humiliating for the NC but disastrously bad for their main objectives (namely, combating the empires and their allies.)

All-in-all, the DU has prepared well for this war. Their victory -- and survival -- would depend not merely on manpower, but on morale, on belief. If the DU can hold out for long enough, utilising their massive numbers and skilled strategists well enough, could this seemingly one-sided war finally turn the tables on global politics, and hand the third-world the power it so desires?

All that is left is to watch events unfold -- the DU appears to be merely delaying, waiting for the real war, the war on land. Unfortunately for the champions of peace and an early retirement to hostilities, the NC is landing in New Alduria, and events appear to be in full swing. How will it end? Nobody knows. All that is known is that whatever happens, this war will undoubtedly change the continent forever, and perhaps even the face of Terra itself.
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby Luis1p » Sun Jul 15, 2018 5:36 am

Lourennais Offensive Begins. Paratroopers, Navy Fleet begin conflict in New Alduria
1st November, 4223

Lourennais 1st Paratroop Unit in New Aldurian Skies(below)

After the Dovani Union inveded New Alduria, the Lourennais Armed Forces quickly prepared and planned a large offensive in the country as forces from the Dovani Union have quickly begun to take ground. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ground Forces Units from the Infantry Component have been transported by the Lourennais Aerial Component as well as the the 1st and 2nd Paratrooper Unit. Following the invasion of New Alduria, The Paratrooper Units were prepared for an immediate aerial invasion of enemy troops in the country. As the sun rose n New Alduria, Lourennais paratroops began to jump from the transport planes and quickly land in order to immediately return fire towards Dovani Union troops. While troops came from the sure, transport ships from the Lourennais 1st Response Fleet arrived in New Alduria on the northwest coast of the country. Here the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ground Forces Units landed and began to quickly head over to the current battlefield located 20 miles east of their location. Troops traveled with armored vehicles, tanks, supply jeeps, and by helicopter. Lourennais troops will be using the effective tactic dubbed Épée Silencieuse. This tactic was created by the Lourennais Armed Forces during the Medinese War and proved to be a success for the armed forces. It is also said that Lourennais troops will be using the Northern Council Doctrine Cold Resolve when an Invasion of Dovani is required.

While Lourennais Ground troops fight DU résistance, thé Lourennais 1st Response Fleet had met up with The
Hutorian Seventh Fleet, lead by the HMHS-Alexandra Kennedy Carrier Strike Group from Kazullia, along with Luthori's Task Force Orange near the shores of New Alduria. The 1st Lourennais Response Fleet will be working with the Luthorian and Hutorian Navy in order to successfully launch large attacks against ships from the Dovani Union. The Lourennais Navy is significantly more accustomed to working with the Luthorian Navy as a result of military training that both nations conducted before. The Response Fleet, however, is ready to work with Hutori along with their strategies in order to obtain Naval Superiority in the oceans best New Alduria. Currently, Strike Group Or (Gold) [Air Fighter Squadron] from The Lourennais Aerial Component has begun a small mission to maintain and secure air superiority in the skies. Although this might be a somewhat challenging objective for some fighters, Air Superiority for the Northern Council might be easily achievable as the DU is not sufficiently ready for battling rapid fire jets, however DU forces will most certainly put up a well fought battle against the Northern Council.

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Re: The Dovani War

Postby colonelvesica » Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:27 pm

Northern Council Launches Operation Southern Shield

Northern Council forces have begun arriving in force in New Alduria, prompting the beginning of Operation Southern Shield, the Northern Council's initial opening combat operation in New Alduria. Hutorian Admiral Kyle Wright, newly appointed Supreme Commander Southern Dovani for the Northern Council, has stated that the bulk of his necessary combat forces have arrived for initial operations and they have begun the process of stabilizing the line, clearing out the coast and preparing for the hammerblow against the invasion from the south.

Hutorian HF-35C launching air strikes against DU positions

The Northern Council has seemingly begun to take control of the situation as more and more of it's combat forces have arrived in theatre. The Dovani Operations Fleet has been reinforced with the Kazullian Second Fleet and the Hutorian Fourth Fleet, giving the Dovani Operations Fleet a total of four Aircraft Carriers open to it. Upon arrival the Kazullian Second, Luthorian Task Force Orange and the Lourenne 1st Response Fleet have begun a pursuit of the Dovani Union Naval forces back to Medina. The sheer weight of the firepower pursuing them will likely force the Dovani Union naval forces back into port where they will be forced to stay from fear of the Dovani Operations Fleet operating near New Alduria. The Hutorian Fourth and Seventh Fleets have remained behind holding the straits between New Alduria and mainland Dovani. The presence of both of Hutori's mammoth Aircraft Carriers and their immense escort Fleets would likely scare off any assault, while the sheer amount of Aircraft pushed out by the two Carriers have given the Northern Council de-facto air supremacy in the Straits and over northern New Alduria.

In the air the Northern Council's 3rd and 5th Tactical Air Forces have arrived in force, and their punishing Fighter aircraft have effectively stolen the air over New Alduria from the Dovani Union in very short order, with the HF-44 Maelstorm, HF-35A Blizzards and Z-35 of the combined Air Forces spades ahead of their competitors without match as they fly over the sky, eliminating any resistance they have found as they have maruaded through the air. Once it's confirmed the Northern Council has total air supremacy it's widely believed the HB-22 Emancipators and HB-0 Ghosts of the 6th Bomber Wing are expected to be flown in to deliver a punishing bombing campaign, with the feared Hutorian heavy and stealth bombers holding incredible payloads.

On the ground New Aldurian ground forces have fully intregrated themselves into the command structure of the Northern Council, of which the Lourenne 1st Paratroop Unit, and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ground Forces units, along with the Luthorian 1st Airborne Brigade, Hutorian 6th Airborne Division and the 1st, 4th and 7th Marine Expeditionary Regiments, have thus far arrived. The well trained and equipped Northern Council forces, combined with their air superiority, have stonewalled the Dovani Union advance, with the Dovani Union's southern advance being kept in check, while the New Aldurian Ground forces and the Hutorian Marines have begun assaults on the coastal ground forces, to cut off the only threats to the New Aldurian rear.

Admiral Wright has stated the current disposition of forces is only the opening wave, and Operation Southern Shield is only the opening gambit. Further ground forces are expected; from Hutori alone it's known that the 1st Armoured Division and 14th Infantry Divisions are being embarked, along with the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Regiment, with further forces to arrive as necessary. Admiral Wright would neither confirm nor deny the activity noted by analysts at Joint Forces Bases Arianna Woodbury, that Hutorian special forces would arrive, though its widely known there has not been a single conflict in Hutorian history that did not also include forces from Hutorian Special Operations Command; indeed most Carrier Strike Groups are rumored to have a full platoon of the Navy's special forces the SPECTREs attached to them.
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jul 17, 2018 2:23 am

Northern Council Clears Out northern New Alduria
December 4424

Admiral Kyle Wright, Northern Council Supreme Commander Southern Dovani, has announced from New Villyan, New Alduria's Capital City, that the last combat forces of the Dovani Union in the north of the country have surrendered. Facing overwhelming pressure from the Hutorian 1st Marine Division, the named unit of all of the arrived Hutorian Marine Expeditionary Regiment, 6th Airborne Division and assistance from the New Aldurian 2nd Brigade. With the last of the beachheads cleared out Admiral Wright has announced that the Northern Council is making final preparations for the counter offensive south.

In the south, the combined Northern Council and New Aldurian ground force has indeed finished stonewalling and stablizing the line between the Temanian invasion force and themselves. Currently in the line against the Temanian Invasion force is the Lourenne 1st, 2nd and 3rd Ground Unit, the 1st Paratroop Unit, New Alduria's 3rd Brigade and the Hutorian 14th Infantry Division, which are holding firm, relying on the highly advancing and mobile Northern Council units and utter air supremacy over the battlefield to sustain their operations and momentum.

Admiral Wright has stated that the combined allied offensive would begin shortly and that the Northern Council would give the Dovani Union only one chance to surrender or else "We will not speak for what comes next."

With the northern shore clear, the Northern Council has focused all of it's considerable air assets against the Temanian invasion force, utter air supremacy established over all of New Alduria and air strikes, crippling Temanian and Medinese troop masses and concentrations, not allowing them to focus on preparing defences or even spoiling attacks. Its widely believed the Dovani Union will not surrender their Temanian invasion army, which many assume Admiral Wright and the rest of the Northern Council are counting on.

New Aldurian Chief Minister de Agincourt meanwhile has called for general conscription and mobilization of all able bodied persons for the national defence of the nation, with the nation being flooded by the Northern Council with money, aid, material and weapons for the growing New Aldurian Defence Force. It's rumored Hutori will be deploying further combat forces specifically for training the New Aldurian Defence Force though Admiral Wright, nor Northern Council Joint Headquarters in Bekenial would confirm.
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby Wu Han » Tue Jul 17, 2018 4:51 am

Beginnings of the War of Kimlien Independence...

Declaration of War: "Do you hear our nation calling?"
First major battle: "Trà Cai falls to Revolutionary Warriors as liberty sweeps across Northern Kimlien"
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby CCP » Tue Jul 17, 2018 12:14 pm

In Bid to Buttress Assets after Northern Council Battle, Xsampan Empire Lands Naval Forces in Vanakalam


Xsampan Empire Prime Minister Kamnan Babpiboon announced today that a small fleet of ships from the Imperial Navy has made landfall at a commercial port on the shores of Vanakalam. Reporters embedded with the deployment have said that the deployment was unannounced and had not been pre-arranged with Vanakalam authorities. No hostilities have been reported as yet, but Vanakalam security and military authorities do appear to be scrambling to intercept the Xsampan fleet. Excerpts from Prime Minister Babpiboon's remarks are below.

Yeah navy in Vanakalam, I send. Cause I tell King Wangdue Northern Council kick ass. Really fucked him up. So I say 'Wangdue, I always tell you. Got be tough. Got go hard. Can't be bitch.' I always say. I say 'look, Wangdue, you tired, you old. Go take nap. Go take sleep. I fix empire, you sleep.' So I say navy, 'go Vanakalam. They have war. They fuck up bad. They mess. Need order. Need discipline.' So I say navy go Vanakalam. Help make order. Make Vanakalam stop bullshit. Go there, help government. We there help. We not there invade. Vanakalam need help. They need join Empire. Empire I make. Cause everything of Dovani is Dovani Union now. Okay. So Vanakalam join too. But Vanakalam close to empire, so they join empire and be in DU like that. So don't go say bullshit okay? Don't report dumb shit. I not invade shit. There for help. Just few ships. Like two big ship, three small ship. They have port there. So we take port. War time, so can take port. Not problem, we take port. Sailors good dèk chaai, good boys. They know what do. They make base. They make fast, make good. Kumar Sagana do paperwork meantime. Make official. But yeah, Vanakalam empire now.


  • Xsampa-Hanzen deploys Naval Fleet to Vanakalam commercial port without permission
  • Apparent attempt to force Vanakalam into Xsampan Empire
  • Xsampa-Hanzen officials seek to rebuild forces following Dovani Union losses to Northern Council
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Re: The Dovani War

Postby Pragma » Tue Jul 17, 2018 1:10 pm

Chaos In Vanakalam; President Assassinated As Hanzen Invades
February 4425

Above: New President T. Sagana was also injured in the attack, but must now repel an invasion while in recovery.

While on the campaign trail in anticipation of an election that was due to the be held soon in Vanakalam after the end of the war, President Tambethra Kumar was shot and killed by an unnamed assailant who then threw his pistol square in the face of Vice-President T. Sagana. Kumar was declared dead shortly after being shot, Sagana is now in recovery. It was yet another massive tribulation in the rocky start this new era in the history of the Vanakalamese nation has had, with a massive outpouring of grief following the death of the young President, only in his 30s at the time of his death. Police have reported that his murder was motivated by loyalists to ousted communist President M. Rubini who was recently sentenced to life imprisonment for treason, despotism, murder and crimes against the people of Vanakalam. Sagana accepted the mantle of President, and was sworn in from her hospital bed.

Any other day, this would be the front-page news by itself, but today it is only one of two major events in the Free Democratic Republic of Vanakalam. The invasion force sent by Xsampan Empire Prime Minister Kamnan Babpiboon landed in the commercial port of Gaigram, taking advantage of the lack of military and police presence as the majority of all government resources and manpower is being used in the reconstruction of Thikkonagama which suffered heavily during the civil war. The invasion, which was downplayed by the Prime Minister, is apparently to 'help' Vanakalam by making them forcibly a part of the Dovani Union - which Babpiboon has already declared them members of. President T. Sagana release a statement saying that the nation will not join the Dovani Union and that she is not 'do paperwork meantime' as Babpiboon had suggested she was. Sagana called the PM a 'lying oaf'.

The military of Vanakalam has been redeployed and has now encircled Gaigram in an effort to contain the spread of Xsampan forces. Despite the small task-force of 5 ships being small, the Vanakalamese navy is hundreds of miles away in Sangora. They have been ordered to move south, however, and will be arriving soon to encircle the task-force sent by the Dovani Union. 'This assault on Vanakalamese sovereignty', Sagana says, 'will never be tolerated. There are two options for Prime Minister Baboon: get escorted back to your own, impoverished country or be blown out of the water'. Sagana's aggressive attitude suggests a President who is now coming into her own with her own position of power confirms, as she postpones the election scheduled 'until all immediate danger to the electoral process is cleared'. How 'Prime Minister Baboon' responds to getting a taste of his own crass medicine will be interesting to see, though his troops are now trapped within the port as civilians flee.
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