Communist Revolt in Deltaria

Major internal and international armed conflicts including armed uprisings, civil wars and multi-state conflicts.

Re: Communist Revolt in Deltaria

Postby phonexia » Sat Sep 10, 2016 7:54 pm

Deltarians Accept Compromise, Draft Laid Out

Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Deltaria
In order to create a lasting peace in Deltaria, the delegations of Trigunia, The Czar of Deltaria, and the Union of Deltarian Socialist Republics, have put together a plan to end conflict in the nation and bring the great nation of Deltaria back into a state of peace.

Section 1. Territorial Exchange
A. The current western front and the entirety Doron Akigo shall be given to the Facist Kingdom of Deltaria
B. All other territory shall be ceded to the Union of Deltarian Socialist Republics
C. Both sides will recognize the territory of the other state as the legitimate territory of the other state.

Section 2. Movement of People and Goods
A. The Facist Kingdom of Deltaria will have the right to use the port and highway system of the Deltarian Union for the movement and trade of non military goods.
B. Any citizen in territory ceded to the Deltarian Union will be given the right to choose which nation they wish to live in.
C. Deltarian Airspance can be crossed by planes from Trigunia
1. The Deltarian government reserves the right to search planes suspected to be carrying military equipment and may deny a plane carrying military supplies entry if and only if a state of conflict exists between the two Deltarian states.
Section 3. Rights of the Trigunian Military
A. Trigunia may station military forces in the Facist Kingdom.
B. Trigunia may transfer its airbase in Deltaria to the new territory of the Facist Kingdom.

Section 4. The Nobility, Royal Family, and other High Ranking Officials of the Facist Kingdom
A. The royal family and the nobility will have the choice to either go to the new Facist territory or abroad without interference
B. The Deltarian Union government will compensate lost assets for property from this relocation.
C. Any military official of the Czarist military will be allowed to retire and stay in any part of Deltaria.
1. Should they be found to be committing actions against the government of the Deltarian Union, the penalty shall be exile to either the fascist kingdom or any other country willing to accept them

Section 5. Reparations
A. The Deltarian Union shall be responsible to pay 1,000,000 TRA to Trigunia to cover Trigunian losses.

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Re: Communist Revolt in Deltaria

Postby Oakwood » Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:06 pm

Barmenia mulls war with 'Union' of Deltaria.

In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the government stated that the communists had violated international law. Arguing that though the government of Lady Danica was illegitimate, it had nonetheless provided a means of services and a stable regime, the King declared that regardless of the state of affairs for the deposed Lady, the communist regime was now guilty of a long list of war crimes.

Among the crimes listed were the intentional killing of civilians, the destruction of civilian property, pillaging, the settlement of occupied territory and the deportation of inhabitants of occupied territory. The final crime listed was that of murder of civilians.
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Re: Communist Revolt in Deltaria

Postby TheTsar » Sun Sep 11, 2016 9:37 am

Hours after the Union of Deltarian Socialist Republics had drafted a document to end hostilities between the Fascist Kingdom of Deltaria and the UDSR, Trigunia accepts all the points mentioned in the treaty. The Trigunian government has announced that all compensation received from the UDSR will be sent to the families of the soldiers who died in the war.
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