Jelbic War

Major internal and international armed conflicts including armed uprisings, civil wars and multi-state conflicts.

Re: The Jelbic War

Postby Nickmaster » Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:43 am


After declaring war, His Majesty the Czar gave the order for the Pervaya Armiya(OOC:First Army), consisting of 160,000 personnel in total and thirty armed divisions, along with a substantial amount of artillery units, to push forward, marching respectfully through Jelbic territory to support the Khaganate's interests in the area. The Czar lept at the opportunity to "crush the Zardic dogs" and support Deltaria's ally.

While state control of the media ended years ago, the majority of the soldiers serving in this army have only known the heavy influence from the Marazanna era convincing them of the amorality of the Zards. Indeed, even most Deltarian civilians have a deep hatred for Zardugal that sometimes goes back hundreds of years. Our soldiers should fight like bears, and claim victory over the Zards!

There is some concern throughout the Imperiya, however. Tensions in Deltaria Nova is mounting, and fear of a full on rebellion from the already unwilling government is growing. The Doron Akigan nationslists seem to be rising out of the ashes of their last defeat and stirring up trouble. There are fears the great Imperiya may not be able to fully participate. But we shall, in the end, overcome, for our cause is just and righteous.
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Re: The Jelbic War

Postby PaleRider » Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:16 am

Zardic artillery firing at advancing Vanukuean troops
With the Vanukuean incursions increasingly drawing blood on both sides, Zardic artillery pounded enemy border positions in an attempt to send a clear and decisive message to the Vanukueans to keep out. Cross border raids were also used with light infantry and special forces attacking strategic locations on the border while civil authorities (the border patrol and police units) pulled back to secure the rear area from paratroopers. Thousands of Zardic troops in northern Endiraho are now mobilizing to defend their homeland, to defend the Federation as both sides careen ever closer to open war with one another.
Fighting is fierce on the border with guns booming and bullets flying everywhere. Casualty lists on both sides are already swelling as each nation prepares to fight a total war. Vanukuean forces are making slight progress towards taking the first major city in Zardugal, Sebasto, the state capital of Endiraho. Already the Governor and state officials have fled to Gatineo where they have set up their offices. The city itself is well defended and stocked however it remains to be seen how long their defenses can hold.

1st Army (GHQ: Sebasto); 65,000
2nd Army (GHQ: Belgae); 45,000
Strike Group 1: Based out of Gatineo
7th Army (GHQ: Gatineo); 55,000
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
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Currently the Zardic People's Party
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Re: The Jelbic War

Postby Reddy » Fri Feb 27, 2015 5:47 am

Sebasto Sandwiched

The Great Jelbek Horde has had a wildly successful start in the conflict. The Horde has taken a considerable number of small towns and villages in the eastern half of the northern Zardic state of Endiraho. This has been achieved by a solid mixture of aggressive aerial attacks via the newly acquired bombers from Mikuni-Harusutoria, grand camouflage tactics and speed. The bombers typically 'clear the path' before the 'white horde' as Zards have taken to call it, pull in, shrouded with clouds of white phosphorus, making it difficult to predict the Horde's planned movements and exact location at times.

'White rain' hits a small town in eastern Endiraho

Horde agents have spread horrific tales of brutality in order to demotivate Zardic defenders in early settlements. Others have sent south to target the Federation's restive border areas hoping to take advantage of the generally instability in the area although the trade unionists have rejected cooperation . The Horde has actually been quite gentle with its captives this time, it has made an effort to treat thousands of victims injured as it blasted white phosphorus into arrogant settlements and the Horde has even gone as far as helping some of them find work with the recruiting giant Xamolie Recruitment. An estimated 25,000 captives have founded employment and for the Horde, hundreds of millions of LODs for its 'head hunting'.

Leaving no more than five divisions to defend the captured territory, the Horde has pressed on, reaching the outskirts of the city of Sebasto from its south east. With its brothers from Vanuku marching towards the city from the north, and a comparatively smaller Zardic army in the vicinity, the city looks to be in Jelbic hands soon. The Jelbeks have 'greeted' the city already with their bombers begin to raining fire over the city's south eastern parts.

Great Horde forces
Great Jelbek Horde 302,000 men led by Generalissimo Beki Mandkh Vrn

Vanukuian forces - ?

Zardic forces
1st Army (GHQ: Sebasto); 65,000
Last edited by Reddy on Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Jelbic War

Postby Lionking » Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:13 am

Department of Information clarifies the situation to Domestic and Foreign Press


"Faltering forces of infidels cannot just enter a country of 100 million people and lay besiege to them! They are the ones who will find themselves under siege. Therefore, in reality whatever these miserable Jelbecs are been saying and claiming, they where talking about their own forces. Now even the Jelbec command is under siege. We are hitting it from the north, east, south and west. We chase them here and they chase us there. But at the end we are the people who are laying siege to them. And it is not them who are besieging us."

ooc: for the moral of the troops and Zardic civilians
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Re: The Jelbic War

Postby Kubrick » Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:42 pm

Sebasto and Gatineo under siege!
Belgae to follow in a week says Chief Commander-General.

The progress of the invasion as of spring 3808.

Southern Front, march 3808 - A good year has past since the great offensive has begun and much progress is to be seen for the Khaganate forces. The two major cities of Sebasto and Gatineo both lay under siege, while Gatineo is able to receive many supplies through the still open sea, Sebasto has been completely cut off by the daring Jelbanians. Local Khaganate commanders are uneasy with the fierce house to house fighting the local defenders are forcing them to enact. In the middle of the northern progress zone is the Russo Pocket, several Zardic units have entrenched themselves in the area and refuse to surrender, fighting to the very end for their homeland. The Vanukean offensive is aiming to generate a massive pocket by linking up with Jelbanian troops in the east but as of now fierce fighting makes it impossible to close the massive pocket to be. The Jelbanians are taking a careful but solid push forward in a broad front, leaving no enemy post untouched. Their new equipment is helping them along greatly in achieving total domination. The Vanukean assault is more based on breaking through a line and pushing until there is no more fuel left in the steel beasts of war. The Zardic defenders have shown themselves to be very aggressive in their relocating and the toll is heavy on both sides.

The Chief Commander-General, Bunjamín Wilhelmsrko, believes that the capital city of Belgae, only a few hundred miles south, will soon lay under siege. It is a few weeks until the mechanized troops can push forward for that final push to the Zardic capital. Meanwhile the brave Khaganate forces await reinforcements from the north, as fresh Barmenian and Pontesian troopers will join the fray. With the Indralan fleet steaming ahead as well, together with the Mikonu-Hulstrians, it can only be a short time until the entire Zardic front has to collapse.

The Khagan himself has already appointed a Court of Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Zardugal, which will settle itself in conquered territory. As soon as the area has been properly pacified the Court will get to work to crown the Khagan as Emperor of the Augustans, just as his forefather Temrkai Khan before him.
Last edited by Kubrick on Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: The Jelbic War

Postby PaleRider » Mon Mar 02, 2015 4:05 am

OOC: Kubrick that is a beautiful map :shock: but just switch Sebasto and Gatineo around!

Mortar positions trying to defend during the Siege of Gatineo
With Vanukuean and Jelbek troops rapidly advancing and coordinating around Sebasto, the city has been cut off and put under siege as their forces move rapidly south. Some 65,000 Zardic troops of the 1st Army are now trapped in the city which had a prewar population of 325,000. Citywide rationing has been put into effect and local residents have formed Popular Resistance Units to organize resistance at the citizen level.
Heavier Jelbek formations are arriving on the scene with heavy infantry and artillery taking up positions in and around the city. A long and brutal siege is expected now that heavier forces are present.
North of the city and in newly occupied areas, underground resistance movements are already forming. FIA ammo and supplies dumps left behind and strategically positioned prior to the invasion are already being used to arm local militants and resistance fighters. Sporadic terrorist attacks and hit and runs on enemy convoys have begun though not in any true intensity or regularity yet...

Zardic forces fighting on the front line just miles north of Belgae
With Sebasto under siege federal forces are rapidly trying to consolidate their positions north of Belgae. Thousands of freshly mobilized Zardic forces are attempting now to arrest the drive of Empire forces. Fighting is fierce on the front as both sides battle with the Zards trying to hold ground and the Jelbeks attempting to take more land. Despite hard fighting by the Zards the Vanukuean forces are slowly creeping forward.

In a daring and unconventional counterattack, Zardugal launched an ambitious and highly successful mass cyber-attack on Vanukuean and Jelbanian critical infrastructure. Power plants, strategic communications, and other automated and internet based systems. Ports had trouble documenting and processing trade while financial transaction networks were slow and haphazard. Strategic military and diplomatic communications networks are also down though basic telephone and internet services appear to be operating as normal. With Vanuku's lack of investment in cyber capabilities over the past few years Zardugal has a clear advantage in this area.
The attacks have been especially effective in Jelbania with power outages reported throughout the nation and military communications being down.
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Re: The Jelbic War

Postby Reddy » Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:43 am

Jelbeks Enter Sebasto

The last few defenders of Sebasto

Following a hard siege, slowed down considerably by ongoing cyber attacks, the Great Jelbek Horde has taken full control of the south eastern highway into the city of Sebasto. The cyber menacing forced the Jelbanian government to recruit foreign experts who have just about managed to keep the system barely functioning even as attacks continue. Only a handful of defenders remained and Sebasto was found to fairly depopulated as tens of thousands fled, fearing 'recruitment' by Xamolie amongst other Jelbek occupation tactics. Reports differ but it is believed that the main Khaganate army which had been besieging the city from the north had also managed to overwhelm defenders and may have entered the city as well.

Sowers of bombs...and confusion

The Jelbeks are to wait for a while in Sebasto and prepare to fully co-ordinate with their northern brothers and also wait for reinforcements from the Khanate, before the big one - Belgae. However they will not make t easy for their enemies to divine their intentions, Jelbek bombers have been seen around the western city of Gatineo while others have been spotted flying nearer to Belgae, carrying out no bombing, just hovering for a short while and returning to Sebasto. This is possibly a method of attempting to confusing Zardic defenders as to where the Horde will march next.

Great Horde forces
Great Jelbek Horde 257,000 men led by Generalissimo Beki Mandkh Vrn
Jelbek Occupation Forces in Eastern Endiraho - 92,000 men led by Gen. Emed Jeirisrmko Frjsrl

Vanukuian forces - ?
Last edited by Reddy on Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Jelbic War

Postby Kubrick » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:04 am

OOC: Made that map at like 4 am, completely forgetting about Reddy's post as well. Might retcon it later.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: The Jelbic War

Postby Polites » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:06 am

Barmenian Horde at Gatineo


The Barmenian forces have arrived at the gates of Gatineo to assist the Greatest Horde in its siege of the city. Roughly half of all Barmenian armed forces now take part in the invasion of Zardugal, with the rest being tasked with battling Jihadist insurgents in Barmenia and maintaining order in the Shahdom. Interestingly, most of the troops participating in the invasion of Zardugal are non-Israi; although no official confirmation was given by the government, it seems that the Shahdom sent troops of doubtful loyalty to the South, while the more loyal Israi forces remain in Barmenia.

OOC: Kubrick, as I have limited time these days, could you please do the military RP for my forces as well? They will primarily assist Vanuku's and Jelbania's forces, and maybe engage in some anti-partisan activity.
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Re: The Jelbic War

Postby Leonardo222 » Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:05 pm


I would like to now whether I an my nation could participate in your rp event. I would suggest some kind of humanitarian role of Selucia, handing over health appliances to both war parties and fly out extremly injured soldiers to Selucia for treatment.
Moreover, I also could suggest, depending on the end of the rp, that Selucia could act as an inttermidiary between the Jelbic empire and Zardugal or could act as a country which accepts Zadrugal refugees and officials.

Just as few suggestions and I would not cause hard feelings if you would disagree.
When your agree I also could suggest to the other players in the rp to ensure that everyone agrees. Zardugal player already agrees. I also wrote everyone a massage.

Thank you.
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