Great Terran War

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Re: Particracy World War: RP Thread

Postby Doc » Wed Mar 09, 2016 3:25 am

Reprinted from
Republican Dispatches: News from the Front
Kalistani Regulars, Militia reinforce Mountain strongholds

Said to be Preparing for Final Assault into Eveari

Near Mt. Shmee, Ananto
February 7, 3995

Kalistani Regulars Reoccupy positions in the Angry Mountains over the Winter

Kalistani reinforcement from the Mainland was completed last fall, and Central and Northern Army Combined forces have moved out of the demolished capital into the Mountains north of the City. Nearly a year after the pitched battle of Mt. Shmee, Kalistani Regulars are on the mountains in even greater strength than before, and are preparing a slow advance toward Eveari and Dulnerstaad. Combined Forces spokespeople have stated that they expect the fighting to be fierce outside of these two cities which have been in the hands of the Indralan Army since the beginning of the war.

Socialist Militia forces bravely regroup on the Slopes of Mt. Shmee

In addition to the arrival and deployment of the Regulars from the Mainland, some Socialist Militia units have been reformed. Most elements of the RSMoK on Ananto took casualties exceeding 80 percent in the Shmee campaign, and so units have been combined and redeployed to hill top fortresses and firebases overlooking the Angry Mountains and the Blue Grass Valley. While greatly reduced in size and strength, the Militia forces maintain their mobility and can continue to act as an Auxiliary for the Regular Force as they advance toward Eveari.

Kalistan reverses many of the gains if the Indralan Invasion

Back on the Mainland, Peace Protests continue and intensify as the war draws nearer to its end. The President of the Republic has gone on record saying she will not seek unconditional surrender from the Indralan Armed Forces, but would consider a negotiated Settlement of the conflict, should an opportunity present itself.
"Kalistan is a peaceful and neutral country. We have only ever called for Justice in Kalistan's case. To show we want peace, it is our hope that when Indrala realizes that their invasion cannot possibly succeed, they meet with our commisars, who will be traveling with the Combined Forces, and who have the power to negotiate a cease fire on Kalistan's behalf, and agree to end this wretched bloodshed once and for all."
Few hold out hope that without a decisive victory by Kalistan, the overtures of the President will be met with anything but a hail of bullets.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Particracy World War: RP Thread

Postby Polites » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:27 am

Crucifixion and Corsairs
Cildania executes Asad commander and hires privateers


May 3995 - In the aftermath of the crushing naval defeat inflicted on Cildania by the Trigunian fleet and with Badara quickly slipping away, the Kingdom still struggles to regain the initiative in the North Majatran theater of the conflict. Its first major step is a massive overhaul of the nation's naval capabilities, with an emphasis on punishing incompetence and corruption in the armed forces. Not long after the battle of Asad, the Cildanian Senate passed a bill implementing the death penalty via crucifixion for officers under whose command Cildania suffers major defeats. And now, the first victim of this new law is the commander of the battle of Asad, Rear Admiral Sifaks Kilani, who was found guilty by a court martial and has now been executed by crucifixion. With Cildania's already diminishing control over parts of Badara under threat from the forces of the self-proclaimed Emirate, many more unfortunate officers may share Kilani's fate unless they manage to turn the tide in the bloody conflict waged on the Badaran isles.

Another development part of the Cildanian attempt at recovering its lost naval power is the gradual replacement of its regular naval forces with privateers. Privateering was legalized almost immediately after Asad, and with reemerging piracy in the Majatran Sea and the various concurrent refugee crises, Cildania has a large pool of pirates, escaped Deltarian slaves, Zardic refugees, or Badaran collaborators fleeing the Azahari Emirate from which to recruit its new corsair forces. Of these, Reşid Pasha, the captain of Kalopia's mercenary corporation Danoi and now employed by Cildania, has emerged as the unofficial leader of the Cildanian privateers. Capitalizing on his experience as a mercenary corsair and enjoying high popularity among his subordinates, Reşid Pasha has the difficult task of reconstructing his employer's navy and reversing its fortunes, a daunting task now that Cildania barely has the means to resist the upcoming Azahari naval blockade on its Badaran stronghold in Bier Qassem.

Reşid Pasha, the new leader of Cildania's navy

Cildania is also considering recognizing the independence of Badara, as a constitutional monarchy under a personal union with Cildania, as a way of disputing the legitimacy of Iksandar ibn Tomas Al Azahari. If that happens it will be a symbolic move, as beyond a small number of settlements, most Badaran territory is under Azahari control and the Emirate now enjoys growing international recognition.

In other news, the opposition Democratic Advancement Movement was disbanded after a number of irregularities found in their registration process and accusations of corruption. The fact that the party was also campaigning for an end to CIldanian involvement in Badara was immaterial to the decision to dissolve the party. Cildanians are free to express their political views however they wish, even those views that go against the Kingdom's national interests. Regardless, the Cildanian Senate, now free of potential traitors, can now focus its attention to restoring order to the Badaran isles.
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Re: Particracy World War: RP Thread

Postby Maxington » Thu Mar 10, 2016 12:40 am

Bear regains sense of awareness.
High Command calls Kozak into action.
Kozaks during a brief training exercise in Bretrinka to familiarize them with the holding machine-guns once more instead of ceremonial swords.
13th August, 3995

It seems that the bear has finally regained its sense of awareness. Since the initial back stabbing by the Hutorians, the bear had been tumbling like a duck in a tsunami, for she was caught off guard with her Western Flank open to enemy attack. After she had her hands shivered by the Hutorians she know feels the pain that this war has brought. The loss of land, civilian and military infrastructure are a few things that the bear is now aware of since she recovered from her dangerous tumble. But what many fear would drive the bear into an immense rampage is the loss of civilian lives. The invading Hutorians are having no consideration for civilian life, and this is what the bear tackle? Hutori's inability to recognize the death and bloodshed on their hands. But with this invasion they simply seem to have wiped the blood on their pants and press onward.

News of the recall of the bulk of the Imperial Trigunian Navy spread like a disease across the country and many took to the streets to celebrate. On the front-line moral has increased after the news came their way. But the Imperial Navy has not left Majatra untouched. For the Vanukeans delivered some fatal blows to the bear when their First Fleet nearly brought the Green Sea and Mad Dog Ocean Fleet to their knees for the bear had trampled on the lion's territory. But by the skin of her teeth the bear escaped the deadly claw of the lion and bolted back to her den. The Navy is powering back to Trigunian to tango with the Hutorians once more. And so is the Anantonese Sea Fleet who is currently on a witch hunt for the entirety of the New Endralonian navy, as the puppet state takes the bear from behind.

The Anantonese Sea Fleet is preparing to open a gab in the East where she could support Trigunia's troops in the East whilst battling the New Endralonians by sea. The bear is battling the New Endralonians in a war of numbers for each side races to gain strength through numbers but the bear is cautious for she cannot devout all her troops to one from but must now divide them into two. But that will be no longer. The Government has decided to call in their last resort, something which should have been done since this begun. The Kozak, Trigunians battle hardened paramilitary group. Despite their lateness to the battle,there could still be a chance that the tables may turn. Some two-hundred thousand (200,000) Kozak have been ordered to grab arms under the banner of the Tsar. It is expected that these forces will be split as 100,000 defend with the regulars on the Western front and another 100,000 defend on the Eastern front to begin the counter-offensives on Cheya and Gorniy Zamok. With the Green Sea ad Mad Dog Fleet booking it back to home base it is clear that the tides will soon turn on the Hutorians and the New Endralonians with the inclusion of the Kozaks into the fight and the return of the bulk of Trigunia's Navy.

The bear has truly recovered from its dangerous spin and is now preparing to strike back at the Stag who has waged a war of quick movement instead of the tactics which the bear is accustom too, brute force. For now Fire will surely be met with Fire. As the bear and the Stag are about to clash over control of ground.
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Re: Particracy World War: RP Thread

Postby Oakwood » Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:16 am

Barmenia invades Pontesi; 'Army of Akim' sent to Badara.

Eksandr- Following a lull in the war in recent months, the region was shook by the movement beyond the Pontesian border of over 190,000 troops. The force is reportedly a combination of the 100,000 which was previously set aside for the Zardic War, the 85,000 already on the Pontesian border and a reinforcement of 5,000. There are rumors that they shall be accompanied by shipments of monodithase (Phosgene) and primniene (VX) for the war effort.

In other news, a force of 500,000 Ahmadi volunteers has been sent to Badara in order to fight for 'the holy will of Akim' under the banner of Lady Han bat Nasir, a descendent of Sara bat Nasir.
Last edited by Oakwood on Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Particracy World War: RP Thread

Postby kylejenkins27 » Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:19 pm

Chaos in Western Jakania


Western Jakania has broken down to utter chaos as Deltarian forces attempt to avoid Cobura's better armed military. Estimates place current Deltarian losses at 26,000 troops thanks to devastating airstrikes targeting Deltarian positions and a stunning rise of Majatran insurgents attacking Deltarian troops and attempting to free their enslaved kinsmen. Deltaraian military leaders have accused Cobura of funding these insurgents as well as arming them. In response to the rise of insurgency Deltaria is sticking to its scorched earth policy to combat the insurgents destroying as many homes and buildings as possible in an effort to leave the insurgents with as little resources and hope as possible. Months of airstrikes from Cobura and destruction by Deltarians is leaving Western Jakania a desolate wasteland, the damage is immeasurable.
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Re: Particracy World War: RP Thread

Postby Doc » Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:13 pm

reprinted from
Republican Dispatches: News From the Front
Indrala to Leave Ananto; Emmisaries meet under flag of Truce

Last push from the Mountains "Barely Resisted"

Eveari, Ananto
January 17, 3996

Kalistani Troops return to Eveari, and provide local security while awaiting the departure of the Indralan Forces.

For all intents and purposes, the War in Ananto is over. Last Fall, Kalistani Combined Forces under General Melanie Shepherd drove north from posts in the Angry and Constipated Mountains, and descended into the Blue Grass Valley. Soldiers noted the surreal atmosphere as very little resistance was met. Indralan forces kept few pickets very far outside the city, and when these positions were over run, the Indralan forces surrendered in the face of the massive onslaught. Soon, Kalistani Combined Forces arrived at the outskirts of the town and were met by an Indralan Flag of Truce.

The Kalistani forces halted in the plain, and quickly ordered the embedded Political Commissars to the fore, who subsequently accompanied the Indralans into the city. The Indralan Commander stationed there informed that Kalistani commissioners that they had not been reinforced from the Indrala as expected, and he hoped to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. The Commissars agreed that this was also the wish of the Kalistani Government, and presented the terms of armistice to the Indralans, who have provisionally agreed, pending formal agreement of Tian'an. The terms of provisional armistice between the two nations are as follows:

1. Indrala shall be allowed to leave Kalistan in peace. All prisoners of war shall be returned from both sides.
2. Kalistan and Indrala shall not indemnify each other for losses leading to or during the war. There will be no reparations due, nor shall either side be made to accept fault for the war.
3. When hostilities have ended, Kalistan and Indrala will participate in a joint conference concerning freedom of movement and transit in the Anantanese Ocean. Until formal negotiations are concluded, Kalistan shall not give up its claims, but shall not hinder, specifically, Indralan movement which is not directed at Kalistan through the Ocean in any way.
4. Kalistan shall insist upon neutrality in all other wars going on across the globe, and shall not participate in any further military actions in support of Indrala's enemies.
5. Both sides agree that, after Indrala is fully at peace, the Kalistani President will visit Indrala to restore the Kalistani-Indralan Fraternal Community pact.

With the Return of Peace, Kalistan may begin to Rebuild

With the Agreement of the Provisional Armistice, General Shepherd accepted the terms of the truce, and ordered several Kalistani companies to take up positions around the town with the aim of securing the city ahead of the departure of Indralan forces. To signal the desire to end the war, General Shepherd did not require the surrender of Indralan forces, nor did she disarm the Indralan forces, but requested that they relocate to the Port district of the City pending formal acceptance of the terms of the Armistice.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Particracy World War: RP Thread

Postby Maxington » Thu Mar 10, 2016 10:44 pm

Fighting for the Bashnya, Special Report
Trigunia claims success in Cheya Counter-Offensive.
Trigunia now battling for Gorniy Zamok; Heinrichgrad falls
Troops of the 1st Guards Airborne Brigade of the 1st Airborne Corps push up the mountains which overlooked the city of Cheya.
29th January, 3996

The Trigunian Military is currently claiming to have retaken the costal city of cheya after a simultaneous counter-offensive on Cheya and Gorniy Zamok. After facing minor resistance on their drive to retake control of Cheya, the Trigunian military have been forced to go into the defensive against New Endralonian attacks on the city. Over the weekend, New Endralonian forces mounted a fierce counter-offensive on the city of Stary Kautsky, to the east of Gorniy Zamok and to the west of Cheya. Minister of Defence, Demian Golumbovsky, who was seen in his field uniform did not comment on ongoing military operations. Overnight the 2nd Airborne Corps took control of a mountain path which lead to Cheya and captured strategic heights overlooking the city.

So far, the Imperial Air-Force, has conducted around twenty-five (25) combat missions in Zarvospol and about fifty (50) in Radin. Despite their optimism of the abilities of their colleagues, several field officers admit that it would be necessary for further operations to be conducted in order to fully retake the land which Trigunia has lost on both fronts. A wave of refugees have found their way to the central military district, which seems to be the only safe district so far. After heavy pounding from the Trigunian Air-Force, most notably from the 4th Bomber Aviation Regiment and the 1st Night Bomber Aviation Regiment has left the city of Cheya soft for the counter-offensive, troops of the 2nd and 3rd Naval Infantry Corps were able to advance into the city under the cover of air-strike from the air-force.

The 1st Airborne Corps is currently fighting a tight battle of urban warfare in Gorniy Zamok. After the New Endralonians waltzed into the coastal city with ease for there was nothing for them to shoot at except for a few brave civilians who attempted to fight back, the New Endralonians took the city within a matter of hours. The 1st Airborne Corps is currently opening a gap for 2nd and 3rd Naval Infantry Corps who will reinforce them. The bear has learnt from its mistakes in the West and with its mind set in-order, it could now set intellectual decisions and tactics as the bear tangos with the pelican.

Meanwhile on the Western from, the Trigunian loss of the city of Heinrichgrad has lowered the moral of many. Heinrichgrad, the once prominent capital and economic powerhouse of the Trigunian Empire had fallen to Hutorian hands after the Trigunians fought a bloody battle of tight cornered urban warfare. The streets of Heinrichgrad now run red with the blood of young and old Trigunian soldiers as armored and mechanized units of the Hutorian invaders startled the Trigunians who were still entrenching themselves. Some days before the Hutorian surprise attack, retreating Trigunian forces from Morozorota and Rodshyadam, fought little skirmishes with the advancing Hutorians before retreating into the city.

The city center turned in from a financial district to the middle ground for the last Trigunian defence of Heinrichgrad, as Trigunian troops of what remained of the 4th, 9th and 10th Naval Infantry Corps with the 4th Airborne Corps being sent back far behind Heinrichgrad. Fifteen-thousand (15,000) base hearts attempted to defend the city, but were simply brushed aside by the Hutorians who overwhelmed them in numbers. On a logistical standpoint, the Rear of the Trigunian Armed Forces has attempted to establish logistical lines between them and those in Radin, but have found much difficulty since the Air-Force is not willing to send its cargo-aircraft into Hutorian Anti-Air, so munitions, food etc have been very scarce for those in Heinrichgrad, but with the Hutorian massacre of the Trigunians in the city, with a decisive Hutorian victory, it seems that logistical support to those in Radin will be mo more.

The Bloodbath in Heinrichgrad is what many are calling it. Now they look to the Military High Command, who is currently formalizing a counter-offensive. A Counter-offensive which many have heard state media utter but have do not know detail information about. But many hope that this counter-offensive, which has taken up months to formalize is the counter-offensive that will allow the bear to regain control over her den as a pelican and a stag challenges her dominance.
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Re: Particracy World War: RP Thread

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Mar 11, 2016 1:37 am

Indrala Accepts Armistice, Immediately Begins Evacuation of Troops and Prepares for Trigunian Theatre

With the Kalistani assaults on Indralan positions in Ananto, the Imperial Army has only been able to defend itself by cautious attacks while ceding ground to the Kalistanis. Knowing the end is near, the Grand Council of Military Secrets has authorized a truce. Thankfully, the truce has been warmly received by the Kalistani government. They provided Indralan generals in Kalistani a generous armistice, essentially allowing both countries to enter a status quo ante bellum relationship while opening the door for relations to be restored and improvements to be made.

As the armistice has been agreed to, Indralan soldiers have begun their leave of Ananto for the homeland. These troops will be sent with the Black Tortoise Fleet to Trigunia. The Black Tortoise Fleet has sailed full speed ahead for Trigunian waters to aid Hutori and the Conferederation in their fight against the bear. The fleet, suffering very minor casualties in its fight against the Kalistanis, will sail through Dolgaria, using their waters as cover, allowing it to avoid Trigunian attacks for the majority of the journey.

In the meantime, the Azure Dragon Fleet will be escorting an additional 50 thousand troops to Trigunia, making the total amount of troops sent to Trigunia around 70 thousand. The fleet will also provide support to the Black Tortoise Fleet in their inevitable encounter with the Trigunians.

Hatred for the Trigunian bear is well known. Their natural tendency for betraying their allies is well remembered by the Indralans. Many desire to see the bear skinned alive, roasted, and fed to sewer rats, for that is all a Trigunian is good for. Shangdi is on our side. The Trigunians will pay for their defiance of the Divine Emperor!
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Re: Particracy World War: RP Thread

Postby DocDunsmore » Sun Mar 13, 2016 3:21 pm

Deltarian Embassy Bombed in Gadur, Deltarian Refugee Group Claim Responsibility

Workers tend to the damaged Deltrian Embassy in Downtown Gadur

Gadur, Federal Union of Gaduridos

Downtown Gadur is at a standstill after a car bomb exploded outside the Deltarian Embassy. There are currently 138 dead and over 300 wounded. 37 staff inside the embassy were killed, with 101 civilian deaths, the majority of whom were attending an art gallery gala next door to the Embassy. A Deltarian refugee group living in Gaduridos has claimed responsibility, whilst also apologizing for the civilian deaths, describing them as 'martyrs in the struggle against Avram'.

Former President Luke Dunsmore caused controversy and a military stand-off with Deltaria after accepting refugees who were about to be condenmed to slavery under Boris Avram's ethnic slavery laws. There has been growing discontent amongst the Gaduri population on how best to integrate the refugees, whose numbers some estimates put at 300,000.
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Re: Particracy World War: RP Thread

Postby kylejenkins27 » Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:15 pm

Deltaria begins slow retreat in Vanuku and Western Jakania

While not giving up completley Deltaria's forces have been forced to make a slight retreat and both fronts in Majatra due to heavy losses at the hands of Coburans, The forces of Prince Juhn, and insurgents who now even threaten Deltarias homeland. Deltarian military leaders have expressed their resolve to turn the situatiom around soon, especially in Western Jakania as they scope the area for towns to serve as good bases of operation.

5 Members of Deltarian cabinet resign as rift in DDP grows

To make matters worst for Boris Avram 5 cabinet members have resigned all led by Foreign Minister Popov. In a press confrence held by DDP members of the Rada it was announced that the party shall depart from the orthodoxy of Boris Avram and shall push for more decentralization until such a time that Avram can be removed from office.
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