Rapa Pile War

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Re: Rapa Pile War

Postby jamescfm » Fri Dec 25, 2020 1:02 am

Image⬆ Image source

ImagePresident el-Salam attempts to strengthen Deltarian national resolve
Image20 July 4866

President of the Deltarian Federation Shani el-Salam has delivered a major address to the nation, the most significant since she announced that the country was at war with Vascania earlier in the year. In her latest speech she attempted to fortify the nation's spirit as the conflict in Rapa Pile begins to take its toll on the national consciousness. At the same time she criticised the international community for their unwillingness to respond to the "Vascanian annexation of Rapa Pile".

In her address, the President repeatedly rejected the claim that Deltaria has intervened in Rapa Pile for self-interested reasons. "As a nation we have already seen the devastating impact that this conflict has had on our society," she said, "this is why it is so despicable that any person or government would claim that we are fighting it for our own benefit. The people of Deltaria know too well how the dark cloud of tyranny destroys a nation and this is why we feel duty-bound to stand against it."

Since the formal declaration of war by Deltaria in January, there have been several months of naval skirmishes in the waters surrounding Rapa Pile and Vascania, as well as aerial strikes against military installations on the islands. No other country has been willing to defend Pilese sovereignty, something that has reportedly angered the Deltarian administration. Last month the government ordered the immediate expulsion of diplomats from a number of countries, notably including Cildania and Dolgava, for "potential threats to national security". Deltaria's Foreign Minister has also contacted various partners including Liore with threats of ending economic aid if they continue to attack the country diplomatically.

At the moment it is difficult to predict how the Deltarian public will respond to the long-term pressure of fighting a costly war in Rapa Pile. Opposition has been mainly from the right wing and those unconvinced of the need to defend a small, faraway country like Rapa Pile. Early signs show evidence of a "rally around the flag" effect which has boosted support for the President and the government though it is not likely this will last long. In recent weeks, el-Salam is reported to have been trying to convince the rest of her party leadership to support a wartime unity government with the Union for Democracy and the Farmer's and Agrarian League.

Image     Majatran Eye is a broadsheet newspaper available throughout Majatra focusing on international economic and political affairs
Image          Reposted from the original Deltarian source
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Re: Rapa Pile War

Postby Rogue » Fri Dec 25, 2020 11:15 am

OOC Source: The Independent Barents Observer

Rapa Pile: Its been several months into the conflict between Vascania and Deltaria over the status of Rapa Pile, a important archipeligo on the Dovani continent. Last month, in a striking blow to Deltarian prestige, one of its destroyers the DNS Horam was sunk by Vascanian aerial forces originating from the VIS Sagana. Furthermore a Deltarian Slava-class cruiser was damaged by naval forces. This was the largest naval loss of Deltaria in its last 200 years and marked the brutal nature of the conflict between the two great powers. Navy Staff Command, determined not to let the sinking of the Horam go unpunished, devised a plan to strike back at the Vascanian navy and put it on the back foot. Just a week after the attack on the Horam the Second Carrier Strike Group of the Deltarian Navy finally arrived from the east, pinning Vascanian naval forces in Rapa Pile in between the first and second naval strike groups of Deltaria. This "surrounding" maneaouver opened up a possibility for the admiral in command, Admiral Zbyněk Kubát, to execute his plan. Together with the second strike group and the unknown number of Deltarian submarines down below he lured the Sagana, using several smaller boats in the fleet to try and make it seem like the Deltarian formation was vulnerable.

After 2 days of cat and mouse the Sagana, together with 4 of her escort ships, found themselves just a mile outside of the range of Vascanian coastal batteries, opening up the window of opportunity for the Deltarian Navy to strike. The jets roared of the deck of the DNS Mrazek and missiles from the Gorshkov frigates and remaining Slava-class cruisers launched from the launchers. Within just 20 minutes of combat two more Vascanian destroyers layed at the bottom of the sea. Not out of the full effectiveness of the Deltarian attack, but because they put themselves between the missiles fired by Deltarian units and the VIS Sagana, desperately trying to protect the only Vascanian carrier from sinking. One eye witness on board of the DNS Voravek, a Gorshkov frigate, described the scene as, "A group of bees trying to defend the queen, perishing themselves". As the VIS Sagana tried to get away and its jets entered a dogfight with R33-C jets from the Mrazek it seemed like the suicide tactic of its escorts might have saved the Sagan from potential catastophe. But that showed not to be the case as, just before the Sagana got back into the range of coastal defensive batteries, a torpedo originating from a Deltarian diesel-electric submarine suddenly penetrated its lower deck, opening the large hull of the carrier and pouring in sea water at an alarming rate. While Admiral Kubát saw his chance to end the carrier once and for all he was prevented from doing so as his jets, still in dogfight with their Vascanian counterparts, reported a large amount of Vascanian gunboats approaching. With the Sagana still partially mobile and in range of coastal batteries and the carrier group its air wing in a aerial battle it became impossible to pursued the carrier, as the Sumrak submarine was forced to move back due to a lack of fuel.

The VIS Sagana, though not sunk, was heavily damaged. She was able to move to port on her own but was tilting right along the way, with around 100 of her crew killed in the initial blast or by drowning. It was a significant blow to the Vascanian navy, which would now likely have to put its only carrier in port, giving the Deltarian Navy mostly naval supremacy. As the Deltarian fleet destroyed the remaining Vascanian air wing, at the loss of 6 of its own jets, the second carrier strike group, just 2 days after the large naval battle, saw its chance in the east and, with permission from high command, launched "Operation Settling Sun". With the Vascanian Navy in dissaray Deltarian missiles hit coastal batteries while OKOB hackers and SDI agents dismantled as much of the central defense network as they could. In the cover of the early morning, 5 days after initial bombing for Operation Settling Sun commenced, 5.000 Deltarian marines launched a amhibious assault on coastal positions surrounding Rapa City as well as launching a direct assault on Rapa City harbour. Covered by aerial bombardment, made possible by the destruction of dismantling of most of the missile defense network, the marines stormed key positions in the weakest points of the line, scouted earlier by sattelite images and SDI scouts. With the marines came the new infantry assault vehicles and several older vehicles in the arsenal, specifically designed to aid the marines and eventual regular troops landing in such a assault. The Vascanians, tired from 5 days of heavy bombardment, tried to valiantly defend against the initial assault but failed to do so, allowing the marines to take several suburbs of Rapa City, 2/3rd of Rapa City Harbour and the city outpost on the west of the island, firmly establishing a beachhead. In the operation a deltarian destroyer was sunk as it hit a mine, forcing a cruiser in the fleet to pick up the still surviving crew. Around 14 Deltarian jets from the second strike group were also shot down by still functional defenses and between 100 to 300 marines have been killed or injured. Overall Deltarian naval command is talking about a resounding victory, made possible by the large absence of the Vascanian navy, still recovering from the attack just days before.

Observers are talking about a big victory for Deltaria, which is now preparing to move regular forces into the beacheads that have been established and push onward throughout the main island. A estimated 132.000 troops have been brought by the combined first and second strike groups as well as several transports reportedly on their way, together with hundreds of pieces of equipment all in an effort to take Rapa Pile and especially Rapa City as soon as possible.

The initial attack on Rapa Pile by marine forces of Deltaria drawn up by our own newspaper artist
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Re: Rapa Pile War

Postby Pragma » Sat Dec 26, 2020 5:42 pm

Brutal Fighting in Pilese Jungle as War Drags On
18 March 4867
Above: Vascanian jungle troops preparing for a Deltarian offensive

Months after the first landings by Deltarian troops, the fighting on the islands of Rapa Pile continues to rage and shows no signs of slowing down. In the northern theatre, the Deltarians have, through superior aerial firepower, managed to drive Vascania out of most of Rapa City and a number of other towns and cities on coastal Great Rapa island. The Imperial forces have largely retreated into the jungle and the mountains north of Great Rapa, a terrain on which they have more knowledge and training than their adversaries. On the south island - Datungu - progress for the Federation army has been slow as the thick jungle makes the travelling extremely treacherous. Machine gun nests have been disguised by Imperial soldiers to blend into the dense trees, unleashing sudden and violent retribution the 'dishonourable invaders' - as the army describes them.

Vascania's elite jungle fighters are some of the most well-equipt and well-trained soldiers in the nation's armed forces. Elite Imperial forces have been known to ambush unsuspecting Deltarian troops with unrivalled brutality, adopting the maxim of 'no prisoners, no surrender'. In a video that has since gone viral, a Vascanian captain admitted to having killed surrendering Deltarian troops, saying that they were 'unworthy of life for such cowardice'. He has not been relieved of his duty and was even celebrated by many Vascanians on social media, though the government says that they will 'take all accusations of improper conduct seriously'. Marshal honour is a significant motivator in Vascanian culture and many of these Imperial warriors see themselves as divine guardians of the Empire, who must never, ever surrender even if they are utterly beaten.

An unambiguous message was broadcast to troops just after the VIS Sagana's injury, commanding all soldiers to fight to the death and 'concede nothing without a fight'. In positions where Vascanian troops have no hope of success, this attitude has been made clear. Before the capture of Khariti village in Nago Valley by Deltarian forces, the entire Imperial garrison refused to surrender and died fighting to the last man. The Nago Valley, located in central Grand Pile island, has been the epicentre of much of the violence over the last few weeks and is filled with Imperial fighters, many of whom will sleep in the tree branches and drink rainwater to wait for the perfect moment to strike. Their energy has not depleted in part because they have repeatedly been promised more support, though hope is starting to fade after the VIS Sagana had to retreat to continent Vascania for repairs.

The Prime Minister knows that the country will require some good news soon after months of disappointment. The public has turned sharply against him and his government as a result of the damaging of the VIS Sagana, which was seen as an affront to the nation's prestige. Many Vascanians simply do not see surrender as an option and believe that the war must either be won or drag on eternally. A politician from the Nationalist People's Party received an astonishing level of support when he suggested on social media that the Vascanian Empire begin bombing Deltarian civilian centres, saying that 'Deltaria will not understand the reality of war until it is them who feel it'. Though he was denounced by most of his fellow parliamentary representatives, he received more 'likes' on the comment than the number of 'likes' on anything the PM has ever posted. There is indeed a sense among many Vascanians that their country has been invaded and that this warrants retributive violence.

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Re: Rapa Pile War

Postby Rogue » Sun Dec 27, 2020 8:58 pm

OOC Source: Wikimedia commons

Rapa Pile: In a shocking turn of events the DNS Mrazek, Deltaria's oldest supercarrier, has sunk near Rapa Pile. The devastating blow to the Deltarian navy comes after a brutal and desperate suicide attack by the remnants of the Vascanian Navy. After being forced to move its only carrier back to port the Vascanian Navy had to watch by for months as its Deltarian counterpart dominated the waves surrounding Rapa Pile, bringing in fresh supplies of troops and equipment as the jets from both carrier groups roared over the sky to provide air support. Eager to protect the honour and integrity of the Emperor and Vascanian Navy the Vascanian command had presumably planned what turned out to be a total suicide mission with devastating effects.

In the early morning of the 10th of december the First Carrier Strike Group was preparing to land another set of fresh supplies and troops on the greater island of Rapa Pile while the jets on the DNS Mrazek were being refueled. Then, just 40 minutes into their routine, alarms could be heard and personel scrambled to their stations. At what seemed to be lightning speed for those present a large formation of Vascanian warships, consisting of cruisers, destroyers, corvette's and presumably two submarines came from different directions. The forward scouts, already on their aerial scouting mission, reported the large formation which came from 3 directions. Before they knew it both sides were embroiled in a intense battle, as the two cruisers in the Deltarian carrier group launched their anti ship missiles and a few jets from the Mrazek scrambled in the air to counter the imminent threat. For the first 20 minutes it seemed like this suicide attempt by the Vascanian Navy would not lead to any results, with three Vascanian destroyers already at the bottom of the sea and the three cruisers being damaged. But as the situation seemed hopeless for the Vascanians one missile would change everything. With the remaining Vascanian forces heading straight for the carrier the escort ships of the Mrazek launched whatever they had available, sinking one submarine after it got destroyed by ASW measures and sinking one of the cruisers after hitting it with a Pancar anti ship missile in its ammunition storage depot. Two cruisers and one destroyer remained and unfortunately, this proved to be enough. Having rammed through the outer defensive perimiter one of the cruisers launched its anti ship missiles. The first few got intercepted by defensive measures on the frigates surrounding the cruiser but two missiles hit the carrier, one on the deck and the other in the hull. These hits didnt seem to have had a major impact, keeping the carrier affloat. One more missile was fired, going through the initial hull breach and exploding on impact. Two seconds passed by when suddenly the carrier hull ripped open. A mayor explosion rocked the middle of the ship before the massive carrier ripped open through the middle and another explosion followed, throwing shockwaves accross the ocean. A nearby Visryba class destroyer was consumed by waves and capsized, with both Vascanian cruisers destroyed in the blast as well while the remaining destroyer managed to hang on.

The explosion shocked the remaining battle group, which was looking on with fear. Fear was soon replaced by absolute chaos as all remaining ships of the battlegroup went into different directions as Admiral Kubát also perished on the carrier. Within an hour the DNS Mrazek, Deltaria's oldest carrier, had been destroyed, taking with it around 5000 sailors. This is a devastating blow to Deltarian morale, which was still quite high despite heavy battles on land. This is the first time a Deltarian carrier has been sunk since the Coalition War hundreds of years ago and it marks the end to the DNS Mrazek, which has been in Deltarian ranks for 120 years. While initially the battle group scattered reports have come in that the frigates in the group have started a rescue operation to try and find survivors at sea.

Deltaria has lost a carrier and a destroyer in the attack. And while devastating in life's but also costs (one Nemec carrier costs 10 billion) it will likely not change the balance of power for the battle on sea. The Vascanian Navy is now totally incapacitated, with their last firepower in the region now destroyed. They lost 3 destroyers, 3 cruisers and a submarine in the attack. The remnants of the first strike group together with the second strike group are likely to maintain deltarian naval superiority in the region. Despite this, it is a black day for Deltaria and above all Deltarian morale, with many demanding an answer as to why Deltaria's most powerfull warship could have been taken down and how it could have come to such a dramatic end. The battle at land is also progressing harshly, while most urban centers are under Deltarian control the Vascanian forces continue a brutal guerilla struggle, with heavy casualties on both sides and Deltaria continuing to pour in resources to try and turn the tide.
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Re: Rapa Pile War

Postby Pragma » Sun Dec 27, 2020 10:58 pm

Aware of naval losses, Vascania prepares for war of terror
24 December 4867
Above: Most of Vascania's remaining navy is stuck in Dolostipe harbour

The Vascanian armed forces have openly adopted a strategy of terror-warfare, VascaniaNews has learned from several inside sources. According to those with knowledge of the orders received by forces on the ground, the Imperial army is well aware that they are now outmatched at sea and in the air and will thus now result to acts of deliberate viciousness in a bid to collapse Deltarian morale and public support back in Majatra. The Vascanian Navy has now lost nearly half of its ships, and a further fifth of their pre-war total are now injured. This is including the nation's only carrier, the VIS Sagana. The Vascanian Air Force have lost a third of its planes and are barely engaging at all due to Deltarian's advantage in the skies. As such, it is believed that Imperial army command have come to the conclusion that their best hope of victory is through brutality and ruthlessness.

The frenzied, suicidal attack on the DNS Mrazek is the most spectacular demonstration of this tactic, with Vascania sacrificing two fifths of its whole navy and tens of thousands of personnel to inflict a blow that would frighten Deltarian soldiers and make civilians question the war. Deltarians were evidently surprised and distraught by the results of the suicidal attack, but it was met with jubilation from the Vascanian public, with loud cheers reportedly going up throughout Kamalata as the news was reported. A video of a female news presenter laughing as footage of the carrier's explosion was played has gone viral internationally, with the presenter in question working for the right-wing VNTV network. Many families of the lost have been eager to give interviews extolling the virtues of their lost sons, brothers and fathers - who they are proud to display as examples of honourable conduct and even martyrs for the Imperial cause.

On the ground in the forests of Datungu, the situation is even more frightful. Deltarian soldiers are rarely given the opportunity to surrender and their remains are often displayed as a warning to other Federation troops. Vascanian military command had been largely ignoring these reports before the new orders but are likely to encourage such savage action from now on. Locals loyal to the Emperor have been known to invite Deltarians into their houses, offer them food and then kill their guests as they eat. While this may seem incongruent with the aims of maintaining national honour, in Vascanian military tradition 'victory wipes away dishonour'. The image of the ancient Rhaka dynasty, who ruled much of southern Vascania before colonisation, has been invoked repeatedly due to the dynasty's legendary brutality and unwavering marshal spirit.

Among most Vascanians there is little opposition to the brutal behaviour of the military. This is partially due to most Vascanians considering this war an aggressive invasion of their nation, while others are convinced by the unending stream of government-sponsored coverage. Images and names of the 'martyrs' have been kept scrolling across the bottom of Vascanian TV even on non-news shows - a direct order from the Emperor himself, who has released several statements congratulating Vascanian soldiers on their 'success' and promising to award 'many medals when the war is won'. VNTV has spread rumours that if Vascania were beaten, Deltaria would force the Empire to dissolve into 'around 10 to 15 smaller countries' and try the Emperor for war crimes - though both of these are unfounded suggestions at this stage. Regardless, those willing to express their reservations are generally shouted down and frequently receive death threats, accusing them of 'anti-Vascanianism'.

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Re: Rapa Pile War

Postby Rogue » Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:05 am

OOC Source: Pinterest

Rapa Pile: Its been years since the initial conflict in Rapa Pile broke out and around 2 years since the ground conflict of the war commenced. Since then the Deltarian Army has captured urban centers and most coastal regions of Rapa Pile, establishing the Provisional Government of the Isles to govern over the captured territory with policing done by Military Police units. Rapa City, the capital of Rapa Pile, has mostly been named as a safezone since 4 months as Deltarian forces cleared the region surrounding it of Vascanian troops. The city, still largely in ruins due to harsh urban fighting, is now slowly being resettled with shops and public locations being reopened. Every once in a while a rocket from Vascania makes its way to the city, announced by loud sirens and taken down by Deltarian anti air measures.

But while this urban center is slowly rebuilding the fighting in the mostly jungle areas of the island continue. Vascanian jungle forces, still supplied by daring near suicidal air supply missions from the Vascanian airforce, have been fighting like maniacs in the dense jungle of the islands. Deltarian outposts, often situated on the outskirts of the jungle or strategically in valleys, are the frequent target of verocious raids resulting in countless dead or wounded. As the Vascanian jungle forces have so far managed to stoke fear into the Deltarian Army high command, seeing the difficulty of the jungle fighting, has now resorted to using its advantages against the enemy. In a change of plans command has now outfitted most of Deltarian air support with Napalm rockets and bombs, striking deep within the jungle in the hopes of "burning out the savages". So far the strategy is only working partially, with most Vascanian attacks repelled by the Napalm strikes while still suffering significant casualties. Deltarian morale at home has started to dwindle, specifically after the destruction of the DNS Mrazek, and the continued losses on the ground, now amounting to over 12.000 Deltarian deaths, is continuing to worsen the situation at home for both morale and the economy, which is also seeing a massive hit due to the ongoing conflict.

Despite these difficulties the Deltarian Army, supported by the air force, continues to launch targetted strikes and offensives aimed at slowly but steadily eliminating the remaining Vascanian forces. But as the conflict continues and methods become more brutal, many see no end in sight for this conflict and the possibility for thousands more to die is looming over the leadership of both nations.
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Re: Rapa Pile War

Postby jamescfm » Tue Dec 29, 2020 1:02 pm

Image⬆ Image source

ImageDeltarian capital experiences eighth day of major anti-war protests
Image9 October 4868

The Deltarian government led by President el-Salam is under extreme pressure from both external and internal sources as popular opinion increasingly favours an end to the country's military involvement in Rapa Pile. Over the past two years there has been a steady decline in public support for the war. The latest surge in anti-war sentiment was triggered by a combination of the horrific nature of the conflict as well as the announcement at the end of last month that the government would be implementing new measures to "ensure combat readiness" including the compulsory drafting of additional Deltarian citizens.

For the past seven days there have been large scale daily protests in the Deltarian capital Čachtice calling for an end to the war. The protests have involved a number of disparate groups but were organised principally by the Communist Student Action Committee. Despite the group's radical nature it has received significant support from members of the Solidarity party. In recent months it has become clear that the President can barely claim to lead the party, as almost a majority of its legislative contingent have offered support to the anti-war cause.

At this stage there has been no indication that the government will clamp down on the movement however this is likely a pragmatic decision in order to avoid fuelling public sympathy for the protestors. For the President there are more worrying signs within the corridors of power. As the conflict in Rapa Pile has dragged on it has become unpopular even with some military officials, who have seen decades of Deltarian rearmament suffer intense destruction. With the support of the other major parties the President may be able to resist popular opinion, however it would be impossible to continue the fight without the support of her generals.

Image     Majatran Eye is a broadsheet newspaper available throughout Majatra focusing on international economic and political affairs
Image          Reposted from the original Deltarian source
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Re: Rapa Pile War

Postby Pragma » Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:26 pm

Vascania's sudden new year offensive on Rapa City
2 January 4869
Above: Vascania troops in the north-eastern part of Rapa City

Imperial forces have launched a sudden and brutal offensive on Rapa City, the capital and largest settlement on the Pilese islands. The offensive utilised the majority of the remaining forces in on Rapa Pile's northern isle, who have been forced to abandon their jungle positions after heavy napalm bombing. Tens of thousands of Vascanian soldiers stormed through Deltarian defences at three key locations, capturing a hospital and advancing hundreds of metres into the urban interior. The city's defenders appear to have been taken off-guard, with the great mass of troops crashing into the barriers with great force and speed. Their rapid and unshakeable charge led to heavy Vascanian casualties but overwhelmed the better-equipped Deltarians. The shock of the attack was evidently deliberate, with the Imperial army making use of truck-mounted loudspeakers that loudly broadcast disorienting noises and traditional Vascanian war chants to spread a sense of militancy and fright. This was combined with Vascanians starting fires to 'flush out' Deltarians who were holding up in civilian buildings. As a result of these factors, many Deltarian soldiers were forced to regroup further inside the city, where they were reinforced by Federation reserves stationed near to the currently non-operational University of Rapa.

A counteroffensive was launched by the Deltarians with aerial support, pushing back the Imperial troops who were fatigued from their initial attack. As they advanced through the city, reports emerged of a variety of similar attacks on smaller towns across both of Rapa Pile's major islands. Though the urban areas of Great Pile island were largely abandoned by Vascania around a year ago, attacks on the fringes have persisted as exurban areas remain locked in bitter combat. Datungu City, one of the few settlements still largely in Vascanian hands, saw some extremely bloody fighting with the aid of pro-Vascanian locals who worked as saboteurs behind Deltarian lines. This was also the most successful of the offensives carried out that day, as most of the gains were held for a number of days. Elsewhere, the Federation managed to push back the attackers and reclaim most of their lost ground. Regardless, the external defences erected by those troops were destroyed, while the Imperial fighters captured many munitions and destroyed a great amount of other equipment.

The Vascanian army lost significantly more personnel than their opponents as a result of the new year's attacks, but the morale damage to the Federation was immense. Images of fire and the sound of blaring sirens dominated the city for day after day, providing a reality check to the assumption that the Imperial forces were anywhere near surrender. Much of Rapa Pile now lays in ruins and many pro-Vascanian civilians continue to volunteer their help to aid "the defence of motherland". Deltarian casualties were high; not high enough for them to lose ground, but high enough to put many of the remaining troops in a state of shock and even grief. In Vascania, pictures of their warriors on the march were met with celebration. There remains little chance of peace if this status quo does not change.

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Re: Rapa Pile War

Postby Rogue » Wed Dec 30, 2020 12:41 pm

OOC Source: The Moscow Times

Rapa Pile: After the new year offensive on Rapa City by Vascanian forces the situation for Deltaria on the ground seemed to stagnate. Where at first Deltarian forces continued to launch offensives in the past year the offensive of Vascanian forces saw that put to hold as resources dwindled and a worsening situation at home has made things difficult for both high command and forces on the ground. While Deltaria inflicted thousands of deaths on Vascanian forces in the offensive, while "only" suffering 1000 themselves, the offensive came as a shock for many Deltarian troops, who were thinking that the tide was turning in their favour. Demoralized, low on resources from the homeland and reports of unrest at home have caused morale on the battlefield to be at an all time low. 2 years of bitter fighting in streets and jungles has left the force of 90.000 Deltarian still in Rapa Pile to be diminished and a general feel of defeat has filled the air, this despite the fact that many consider the Vascanian position on the ground to be even worse. The new year offensive has decimated Vascanian ranks and it is beleived only a handfull of jungle units are still fighting in well entrenched positions deep in the jungle. Despite this clear advantage for Deltarian forces it seems that they are not able to capitalize on it.

The Deltarian economy is starting to see the effects of the conflict, which has raged for over 2.5 years. With the loss of thousands of pieces of equipment, an aircraft carrier and other material and men the Deltarian government is finding it increasingly difficult to maintain battle readiness and supply the forces abroad. Last quarter the Deltarian economy shrunk by 1.9% and unemployment, just a year ago on a historic low, is now once again on the rise as troops returning from the battlefield are unable to find a job. Meanwhile the unity government of president el-Salam is seemingly collapsing as protests against the war continue accross the country, now fueled by anger from several extremist groups. Furthermore the troops in Rapa Pile feel a sense of dishonour, not knowing what they are fighting for any longer, and some have openly called for an end to the war in private letters to relatives. Military leadership, usually silent on matters of politics, is also rumoured to be turning against the war, seeing instability at home and worsening morale at the front as a threat to Deltarian influence and military power. Since the start of the conflict over 98.000 Deltarian soldiers, sailors and airmen have died against a estimated 319.000 Vascanian soldiers making the toll on both nations heavy and the calls for peace all the louder.
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Re: Rapa Pile War

Postby Pragma » Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:51 pm

Empire In Decline: Vascanians reflect on a destructive decade
2 November 4869
Above: The Imperial Temple in Kamalata remains a symbol of Vascanian prestige.

The Vascanian public has sobered up to the realities of the war in Rapa Pile in a sudden way. Only a few months ago, there was still a sense of optimism that the unbreakable resolve of the Empire's honourable soldiers would be able to send back the 'foreign invaders', even if they were out-manned and out-gunned. The new year's attacks in Rapa City and the sinking of Deltaria's elder carrier were particularly powerful images to the people of the nation. The public revelled in stories of counterattacks and ambushes as examples of the Imperial war machine's unstoppable nature, even if the strategic affect of such actions was minimal. Now, however, the government's propaganda efforts are coming undone as rumour and reality crash against the shores of the continent.

Since the war began, the media landscape had been dominated by a slew of jingoism and bountiful stories of individual heroism - that is, until the causality figures were revealed. When reports leaked to the public that Vascania has lost three times more soldiers than Deltaria during the conflict, there was a sudden shift in public opinion and an instant reckoning with the truth. The numbers were splashed across every newspaper headline and quickly silenced the optimism of the people. Soon after the publication of these figures, rumours began to swirl: that the Empire was ready to negotiate; that Vascania would accept Pilese independence after all this fighting; that the war would have been for nothing. With the reality of Vascania's position on display for all to see, dread and apprehension replaced the nationalist fervour that was so powerful in the early conflict. The mood in the major cities of Kamalata, Sangora and Bhapor changed suddenly and sharply.

The turn in opinion has now been felt by the soldiers on the islands as well. Their morale has fallen dramatically as they are battered by aerial bombardment, trapped in the treacherous jungle - eating barely anything and completely exhausted. Everybody stationed there has seen at least a dozen of their comrades die, with new causalities piling up every day. Now, with the government expected to relinquish their claim on the islands as part of a peace agreement, these men are consumed by panic, grief and trauma. The patriotic mania instilled in them by their commanders has dissipated upon the realisation that all of their work has very likely been for absolutely nothing. All the deaths, all the destruction, all the sleepless nights - none of it could deliver the victory they were promised it would.

The government knows it cannot win the war. They are completely out-gunned and their troops are utterly spent. In the opinion of most in the cabinet, it is time to negotiate a peace that will include the independence of the islands and a massive expenditure in rebuilding what was destroyed. To the average citizen, this is tantamount to a total Vascanian surrender and a decisive Deltarian victory. It is an admission that the islands are not Vascanian and that their Empire was always inferior to the Deltarian Federation. It is an admission, furthermore, that the war was completely unnecessary. It is unsurprising, therefore, that the approval ratings for the Prime Minister are in the low single digits and his party is preparing for disaster in the first post-war election.

As Vascania reckons with terms it can only see as defeat, the question comes of how to rebuild. The polls conducted in the aftermath of the negotiation rumours show an extraordinary picture: the hard right Vascanian Nationalist Party (VNP) at 41% of the vote, the hard left United Socialist Labour Front (USLF) on 40% of the vote. The traditional centre-left and centre-right parties look set to be smashed into the single digits. Whatever is the moderate answer to this identity crisis, the Vascanian people are disinterested. As the Empire declines, the question of what comes from the ashes remains divisive and potentially destructive. The image of the aircraft carrier VIS Sagana provides a chilling illustration of this conundrum. Once the pride of Vascania's mighty and fearsome navy, she now sits disfigured and in need of drastic repairs in Dolopstipe harbour. The VNP's leader captured the mood of the country in saying that the ship's namesake, Takarana Sagana, the founding mother of the united continent, would weep if she could see what her country had been reduced to.

The Kamalata Times is a Vascanian newspaper based in Kamalata City with nationwide and international circulation.
Currently playing in: Cildania

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