The idea is to drag a complex geopolitical roleplay as much as possible, leverage the brink of war and avoid shortcut solutions. Players are encouraged to post their headline snippets here so they can be included in the timeline.
After Kafuristan witnessed a bloody coup by the Ba'athist Regime which sought to garner domestic support by painting Beiteynu as the scapegoat, Yishelem reacted swiftly at the anti-Beiteynuese sentiment, which in turn incited a cascading domino of reactions and moves by the international arena, as Kafuristan and Beiteynu continued to escalate the situation. A game of diplomacy, geopolitics and intelligence began, edging with the threat and on the brink of war.
- Kafuristan is known as Majatra's cheap oil and gas supplier, with a rather volatile domestic situation.
- Beiteynu is known as Majatra's overbearing figure, especially as the leader of defence and security via the MSCO.
Timeline: Beginning
- 5398, Ba'athists overthrow government and kill 4 Beiteynuese citizens
- 5398, Beiteynu issues 1st Azhara (warning)
- 5398, Kafuristan cuts oil and gas exports to Beiteynu
- 5398, Beiteynu issues 2nd Azhara
- 5398, Alduria condemns Kafuristan
- 5398, Kafuristan cuts gas exports to Beiteynu and warns Majatra
- 5398, Alduria stands in support of Beiteynu
- 5398, Luthori condemns Kafuristan and stands in support of Beiteynu
- 5398, Lodamun condemns Kafuristan
- SIDEARC 5398, Dolgava heeds caution against Beiteynu
- 5398, Dolgava stands in limited support of Kafuristan
- 5398, Trigunia stands in support of Kafuristan
- 5398, Dorvik stands in limited support of Kafuristan
- 5398, Lourenne condemns Kafuristan and heeds caution to Dorvik
- 5398, Gas prices skyrocket in Beiteynu
- 5398, Beiteynuese fleets upgrade to DEFCON 3 (weapons armed)
- SIDEARC 5398, Beiteynu calls 2 Dolgavan nationals for questioning
- 5398, Hutori condemns Kafuristan but leaves alignment open
- 5398, Jelbe, Vanuku and the MSCO rally behind Beiteynu
- SIDEARC 5398, Luthori ousts Dolgava from Malivia
- SIDEARC 5398, Dolgava slams Beiteynu
- SIDEARC 5398, Dolgava abandons Malivia in a fury
- SIDEARC 5398, Lourenne casts vote of confidence to Luthori in Artanian leadership
- 5398, Yingdala condemns Kafuristan and stands in support of Beiteynu
- 5398, Alduria arms its navy
- 5398, Dundorf condemns Kafuristan
- 5398, Al-Saad elected President in Kafuristan
- 5398, Kafuristan cuts oil and gas exports to Majatra
Timeline: Middle Part 1
- SIDEARC 5398, Beiteynu seeks to remove limits from counter-intelligence
- SIDEARC 5399, Lourenne initiaties O3 for intelligence sharing
- SIDEARC 5399, Beiteynu develops short-range ballistic missiles
- SIDEARC 5399, O3 receives Allink access
- 5399, Beiteynu moves carrier fleet from Hanzen to Alduria
- 5399, Hanzen condemns Kafuristan and stands in favour of Majatra
- 5399, Aldurian intelligence enacts backchannel between Kafuristan and Beiteynu
- 5399, Beiteynu refuses to recognise regime and stalls
- 5399, Majatran energy crisis looms in
- 5399, Kafuri President shot inciting anti-Ahmadi sentiment
- 5399, Badara condemns Kafuristan and stands in support of MSCO, offering extended supply of oil and gas
- 5399, Selucia feels the dangers of the energy crisis
- 5399, TRA captures 2 Dairat agents in Beiteynu
- 5399, Kafuri piracy harasses Badaran maritime trade
- 5399, Kalopia arms up its eastern borders
- 5399, Beiteynuese navy prepares for 3rd Azhara
- 5399, Lourenne and Alduria begin anti-piracy patrols in the Sea of Lost Souls
- 5400, Beiteynu engages with pirates
- 5399, Jelbe calls upon action in the World Congress
- SIDEARC 5400, Vascania smells the money on oil and gas supply to Majatra
- SIDEARC 5400, Lourenne begins drilling in South Ocean with Luthori and Beiteynu
Timeline: Middle Part 2
- 5400, Security Council begins debate
- SIDEARC 5400, TRA sends captured Dairat agents to black site in Jelbe
- 5400, Kafuristan sees new moderate leader
- 5400, Security Council introduces resolution against Kafuristan
- 5400, Kafuristan introduces new moderate cabinet and invites Beiteynuese PM
- 5400, Beiteynu confirms negotiations are in progress
- 5400, Beiteynu accepts invite but on neutral ground outside Majatra
- 5400, Security Council passes resolution against Kafuristan
- 5400, Multiple nations engage in fiery discussion in the General Assembly
- 5400, Badara witnesses domestic turmoil in standing against the Ba'athist Regime in Kafuristan
- 5400, Badara begins controversial anti-piracy efforts
- SIDEARC 5400, Security Council introduces resolution for International Court of Justice in Lourenne
- 5400, Security Council debates resolution against Badara
- 5400, Jelbe and Badara argue against resolution in the General Assembly
- 5400, Lourenne and Alduria assist Badara in protecting maritime trade
- 5400, Beiteynu sends 3rd carrier fleet to region
Timeline: Middle Part 3
- SIDEARC 5400, Hadayim meets with Imperial Vascanian Oil (IVO)
- 5400, Beiteynu changes guard in the World Congress and the MSCO
- SIDEARC 5401, Badara witnesses rise of domestic turmoil => Badaran Civil War
- SIDEARC 5401, Beiteynu brokers Vamaj Network with Vascania on decentralised oil and gas distribution
- SIDEARC 5401, Luthori reaffirms relations and trade with Vascania
- 5401, Kafuristan and Beiteynu begin peace negotiations in Kanjor
- 5401, Badara seeks summit with Beiteynu
- 5401, Hutori warship attacked
- 5401, Lourenne scales back in Sea of Lost Souls and asks Kundrati and Hutori to recall fleets
- 5401, Alduria revokes docking rights for Hutori and echoes scale-back
- SIDEARC 5401, Luthori extends deal with Imperial Vascanian Oil (IVO) and acquires major shares in Beiteynuese shipping titan Birco active in Majatra
- 5401, Luthori echoes Lourenne's position
- 5401, Hutori retreats and protests to Aldurian revocation of docking and refuelling rights
- SIDEARC 5401, Dolgavan media hint at geopolitical "cold war"
- 5401, Beiteynu scales back on naval deployments
- 5401, Beiteynu pushes for recognition of Kafuri regime
Timeline: End