The Formative Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement to be held in Kaliburg, Ananto District
Who: All nations not currently associated with one of the major power blocs in Terra, or aligned to one of the Great Powers of Terra
Where: Kaliburg Polytechnic Institute, Kaliburg, Ananto, Kalistan
When: Beginning in January 4425- Treaty Ratification
What: The Formative Meetings of a new Non-Aligned Movement
Why: To form a new Treaty Organization aimed at counter-balancing the Hegemonic Influences of the Major Powers in Terra
We believe that there are many nations in Terra who are committed to security through peace, rather than through strength. The Constructive idea, that war is the result of powerful actors wanting war, more than peace. And so they have it. As the destructive power of the nuclear weapon detonated over Jelbania demonstrates, War does not determine who is right, only who is left.
To counter this impulse toward war, rather than away from it, we propose to organize a Non-Aligned Movement. Kalistan has a long history of neutrality in World Affairs, and this Organization seeks to build upon that to create a free association of States who are committed to avoiding entanglement with the World's Great powers, who frequently, and with little regard for our interests, drag us into their wars, and use us as cannon fodder for their conquest. And who reaps the benefits, but the most powerful.
It is time that we, as peaceful, neutral nations stood up and were accorded the respect and dignity that we deserve as Sovereign Nations. We are not pawns in a bi-polar struggle between Northern Alliance And Vanuku or other powers who seek to rise up and challenge the Imperialists. Working together, we can chart our own course, without the dictates of the most powerful nations in the world.
Tentatively, Membership to the Non-Aligned Movement should be opened to:
1) Nations which are not aligned with any Great-Power led treaty Organization (For example: The Northern Alliance, Majatran Alliance, etc.)
2) Nations which are not formally aligned with any Great Power, though informal association and trade agreements will not disqualify any state from joining
3) Not Deemed a [url]Great Power[/url] according to the GRC Military and Economic Rankings
We would like to ensure that membership is based on status as a non-aligned state, rather than an ideological commitment to a certain political philosophy. So the Non-Aligned Movement should be open to leftist and rightist countries, who are committed to the anti-expansionist, anti-imperialist foreign policy. The goal is not to discuss politics or to promote the parochial goals of one nation over the group, but to provide an opportunity to build consonance in foreign policy vis-a-vis the Great power alliances in Terra.
This organization promotes neither anti-militarism, nor isolationism, nor collective security. Instead, it allows an opportunity for smaller States who might be weak themselves, to band together to oppose the Great military alliances that cause world wars in Terra.
If the general goals of a Non-Aligned Movement are something you are interested in promoting, feel free to work with us. We shall work and take input until we are ready to put together a Treaty that takes the opinions expressed in these foundational meetings into formal agreements.
We welcome you to Kaliburg, and wish to get down to business here, and others may join as they will.