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Transnational Association for the Sovereignty of Nations

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:07 am
by Rogue
In this thread members of TASN can discuss international issues, conferences will be held and other necessities discussed. The articles of the organization can be found below and on the treaty page.
( ... atyid=4632)

Article 1 "Founding Principles"
1. RECOGNIZING that the national sovereignty of nations has been under increased pressure in recent decades
2. FINDING that international powers have failed to adress these issues surrounding the national sovereignty of nations
3. WORKING TOGETHER to collectively protect the right to self determination for the terran people and the nations of terra
4. STANDING UP for those that cant stand up for themselves and always protect and defend the national sovereignty of nations and that of their people

Article 2 "Protective Clause
1. RECOGNIZING that nations stand stronger together then alone
2. FINDING that collective protection and cooperation increases the security of individual nations
3. ENCOURAGING to defend eachothers territory in case of a foreign invasion or hostile action (Not mandatory)
4. ENCOURAGING member states to work together militarily and defend both eachothers interests and the interest of nations subject to interventionist powers (Not mandatory)

Article 3 "Diplomatic Clause"
1. RECOGNIZING that member states value national sovereignty and all stand up against imperialist and interventionist powers
2. FINDING that in trying to achieve these goals member states should protect and defend eachother diplomatically
3. ENCOURAGING member states to work together diplomatically both in international bodies and in bilateral diplomatic talks (Not mandatory)

Article 4 "General-Secretary"
1. RECOGNIZING that a central figure is beneficial to cooperation between member states and expressing the associations ideals globally
2. FINDING that the need for a central figure to host conferences and meetings of TASN as well as being the symbol of the association is vital to a properly functioning organization like ours
3. CREATING a office of General-Secretary that will rotate between member states every 5 years based on alphabetic order of the member states, member states may put forward their own candidate for their term once it is due. The physical office of the General-Secretary will rotate with the position, obligating the member state to accomodate a location for their General-Secretary to reside.
4. OUTLINING that the General-Secretary is responsible for organizing and chairing meetings and conferences of TASN together with his staff and has the responsibility to encourage cooperation between member states and express/defend the associations ideals on the international stage

Article 5 "Financial Contribution"
1. RECOGNIZING that a transnational organization needs funds to operate its daily operations (construct residency's, maintain the General-Secretary staff, host conferences)
2. FINDING that the important work of the organization requires funds
3. REQUESTING every member state to provide a minimum of 3 million LOD to the TASN organization annualy to maintain the organization and its offices and staff

Current members:

Current General-Secretary
Mikuláš Bartoš (Deltaria)

Re: Transnational Association for the Sovereignty of Nations

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:03 am
by Rogue
Mahulena Kasnarová, Foreign Minister of the Grand Empire of Deltaria

Fellow member states. First of all we welcome everyone here. This organization will hopefully bring security and sanity to Terra in a way other interventionist organizations in the past have not. I therefor also hope that me and my delegation wont start on a bad note if we want to adress a situation that brings us concern and possibly threatens the sovereignty and/or security of neighbouring states. We are talking about the recent nuclear tests of Vanuku and its khaganate. We would like to hear the opinions of others within this organization on this subject. For Deltaria this is a sensitive and painfull issue, especially as the test was conducted in the old crater where thousands of Deltarians died due to a Vanukean nuclear attack centuries ago. We see this as rubbing salt in old wounds and possibly a danger to the sovereignty of Vanuku's neighbours. We will not propose any action and instead want to hear the opinions on the matter from our fellow colleagues.

Re: Transnational Association for the Sovereignty of Nations

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:29 am
by Pragma
Salim Pidugu, Foreign Minister of the Vascanian Empire

The Vascanian government is following the situation carefully. Ultimately, we must work positively with the Vanukeans to ensure that the situation remains peaceable. We encourage open and honest dialogue as the remedy for this situation.

Re: Transnational Association for the Sovereignty of Nations

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:08 pm
by Drax
Foreign Minister Nessim el-Yamani, Jumhuriat al-Badara

We apologize for addressing this organization prior to actual ratification which is imminent; we echo the sentiments of Foreign Minister Salim Pedugu of the Vascanian empire.

Re: Transnational Association for the Sovereignty of Nations

PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 7:04 pm
by Rogue
Mahulena Kasnarová, Foreign Minister of the Grand Empire of Deltaria

We thank both representatives for their assurances. Deltaria puts its trust in these assurances and looks forward to future cooperation

Re: Transnational Association for the Sovereignty of Nations

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:14 am
by Aquinas
Vrikodara Mahalanabis, Foreign Minister of the Greater Malivian Empire:

My country fully agrees with the comments made by the Deltarian Foreign Minister, and also empathises with the pain and insult that Vanuku's actions will have caused to many people.

Malivia has sent out a message to the government of Vanuku by unequivocally condemning its actions in the General Assemby and by imposing a 30% tariff on their goods. We hope that other governments within this organisation, and across Terra, will follow our example.

One option we could consider is to issue a joint statement on the Vanuku situation, on behalf of all of the members of the TASN.

Also, Jakania has previously urged nations to support Vanuku in the contest for Security Council Seat B. Now is surely the time for Jakania to withdraw that support, and possibly for the TASN to collectively endorse a single candidate in that contest, in opposition to Vanuku.

Turning to more mundane, organisational matters, it would perhaps be helpful for the TASN to develop a formal procedure for the admittance of new members to our organisation, and also for their expulsion (although one hopes, of course, that that would never become necessary).

Re: Transnational Association for the Sovereignty of Nations

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:20 am
by Rogue
Libor Hanák, Foreign Minister of the Grand Empire of Deltaria

Deltaria is also curious about this fact. Does Jakania still support Vanuku for the security council position? Despite their nuclear tests?

Re: Transnational Association for the Sovereignty of Nations

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 10:24 am
by Rogue
Jeroným Holub, Foreign Minister of the Grand Empire of Deltaria

Deltaria would like to announce it sending its Imperial Strike Group, otherwise known as the Nemec-carrier Strike Group, consisting of two cruisers, five destroyers and several other ships on its first mission. This mission is meant to show our allies, including those in TASN, that Deltaria can protect them when necessary. The strike group will traverse Terra for the next year and stop at several locations to ressuply and refuel if necessary all according to previously signed agreements. We wanted to make the TASN members aware of this development and welcome any and all member that wants to join our fleet during their journey near your lands to do so as we see cooperation between us as one of the hallmarks of national sovereignty within the world.

(OOC: Im making a newspaper post about it now too for more reference)

(Update, Post can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4398&p=162803#p162803 )