International Monarchist Cooperation Organization (IMCO)

Organizations whose scope is global and which all national governments may theoretically participate in.

International Monarchist Cooperation Organization (IMCO)

Postby Auditorii » Fri May 12, 2023 2:49 pm

International Monarchist Cooperation Organization (IMCO)
Treaty: ... atyid=5067
Treaty (Google): ... sp=sharing

Crown Council - Consists of the monarchs of each member nation or their appointed representative, the Crown Council is responsible for the approval of all matters of the IMCO, including the budget, guiding principles and goals of the organization.
Government Council - Consists of heads of state (where a Governor-General system is present) and heads of government. The Government Council will focus on matters of multilateral cooperation between member nations and organizational matters.
Secretariat of the International Monarchist Cooperation Organization - The Secretariat will be led by the Secretary-General of the IMCO, the Secretariat is responsible for the administration, operations and functions of the IMCO as a whole and is empowered by both the Crown Council and the Government Council. The Secretary-General will be an international civil service position vetted by the Government Council and approved by the Crown Council.

Secretary-General of the International Monarchist Cooperation Organization Matthias Brasseur (Lourenne; as of September 5298)
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
Controller of Mina
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