Dovani Pact: Dovani Assembly

Organizations whose scope is limited to a particular region of the world, usually a single continent.

Dovani Pact: Dovani Assembly

Postby ChitinKal » Sat Feb 13, 2021 3:04 am

We peoples of Dovani and the oppressed nations of the East gather united to pledge our commitment to our liberation from the tyranny of imperialism and colonialism. Long have we found ourselves subject to the whims of self interested overlords who seek to exploit our lands, resources, and people in order to extract wealth and enrich their overseas fatherlands, leaving Dovani underdeveloped and scarred, and her people chained and starved. It is for the righteous goal to move past this dark goal of history and create for the continent of Dovani and her nearby brother lands a fair and equitable international system with Dovani as a free and strong entity that we establish the following organization.

Article 1
1) This treaty and the organization created by its ratification shall henceforth be referred to as the Dovani Pact, its founding members having discussed and accepted the treaty at the Kiego Conference.

Article 2
1) All nations of Terra may sign the Dovani Pact as observer states, committing themselves to the principles of the Dovani Pact enshrined in the language of the treaty.
2) Prospective member states of the Dovani Pact may come only from the continent of Dovani and certain neighboring continents and non continental regions (e.g. Temania, Rapa Pile). Prospective member states ought also to share the common history of being victim to imperial exploitation, but must not have a history engaging in imperialism or colonialism (e.g. Yingdala).
3) Member states may fall into three categories: Associates, Full Members, and Security Members.
3.1) Associates are entry-level members who may benefit from certain institutions of the Dovani Pact, but may not vote in the Dovani Assembly and may opt out of certain requirements and obligations. Admission requires a simple majority vote in favor in the Dovani Assembly.
3.2) Full Members benefit from all institutions of the Dovani Pact and are permitted to vote in the Dovani Assembly, but must fulfill all requirements and obligations that being a Full Member confers. Admission requires a ⅗ vote in favor in the Dovani Assembly.
3.3) Security Members in addition to being Full Members commit themselves to the mutual defense of fellow Security Members and the guaranteeing of the sovereignty and integrity of all member states. Admission requires a ⅔ vote in favor in the Defense Council.

Article 3
1) The signatories and member states of the Dovani Pact and observers thereof commit themselves to the principles of mutual cooperation and anti imperialism, to the establishment of regional ties and friendships, and to the dismantling of the reigning international system of imperialism and neocolonialism that abuses their continent in common and fellow member states.

Article 4
1) The signatories and member states of the Dovani Pact and observers thereof commit themselves to the principles of national sovereignty and non alignment to any great power blocs in the polar international system. Furthermore, those signatories, member states, and observers recognize the Dovani Pact as an organization of free and equal nations that is not and shall never become a bloc for an eastern world power.

Article 5
1) The signatories and member states of the Dovani Pact and observers thereof commit themselves to the principles of the World Congress and dedicate themselves to the adherence to and the defense of the just and righteous resolutions passed by its Security Council. Furthermore, those signatories, member states, and observers commit themselves to the election to the Security Council nations with a history and/or platform of defending the sovereignty of all nations and dedication to the freedom and strength of Dovani.

Article 6
1) The signatories and member states of the Dovani Pact and observers thereof commit to never engage in offensive military operations against one another, and to not sign any treaty or agreement which would require that they participate in offensive military operations against one another.

Article 7
1) The member states of the Dovani Pact commit themselves to mutual cooperation and regional development through the establishment of free and fair trade with their fellow member states. As such, member states shall abolish all trade barriers between one another as a prerequisite for joining as a Full Member.
1.1) The Dovani Assembly may admit Associates who have not fully abolished trade barriers as Full Members following a ⅔ vote in favor.
1.2) The Dovani Assembly may vote to recognize the need for and endorse trade barriers between member states under certain situations where free trade between members would be harmful to the mutual and symmetric development following a simple majority vote in favor.

Article 8
1) The member states of the Dovani Pact hereby establish a supranational voting body among member states titled the Dovani Assembly.
2) All member states have the right to attend and speak at Dovani Assembly meetings, but only Full Members and Security Members have the right to vote on resolutions.
2.1) All voting nations each send a single delegate to the Dovani Assembly with the authority to vote, and each nation is afforded only a single vote.
3) The Dovani Assembly may pass three types of resolutions: Declarations of Principle, Binding Resolutions, and Charter Amendments.
3.1) Declarations of Principle are resolutions which lend the support of the Dovani Pact to certain statements and ideals. These resolutions require a simple majority vote in favor to pass.
3.2) Binding Resolutions establish and amend international laws, procedures, and institutions backed by the Dovani Pact. These resolutions require a ⅔ vote in favor to pass.
3.3) Charter Amendments are resolutions that edit the fundamental text of the documents establishing the Dovani Pact. Under circumstances where Charter Amendments are being voted upon, Associates are permitted to send a delegate to vote on the resolution, requiring unanimous support from all member states.

Article 9
1) The member states of the Dovani Pact hereby establish an advisory and voting body on collective defense among Security Members titled the Defense Council.
2) All member states have the right to attend and speak at open Defense Council meetings, but only Security Members have the right to vote on motions and have the right to hold closed meetings between only Security Members.
3) Security Members commit to their collective defense and shall use Defense Council motions to sanction military operations within other Security Members at their behest. These motions require a simple majority vote to be passed.
3.1) Once a Defense Council motion sanctioning defensive operations is passed, all Security Members are obligated to take part in and/or support defensive military operations. Under certain circumstances, Security Members may petition for exemption from these obligations and be approved by a simple majority vote in the Defense Council.

Member States
Security Members: Kitembo Union (Liore, Kurageri), Utembo, Ntoto, Ostland, Vascania, Bianjie
Full Members: Tropica, New Alduria, New Verham, Suyu Llaqta, Utari Mosir, North Dovani
Associate Members: South Englia (Autonomous region of New Englia)

Passed Resolutions
Resolution 01 "Dovani Development Fund"
Resolution 02 "DDF Kurageri Development Grant"
Resolution 03 "New Verham Humanitarian Aid"
Resolution 04 "United Response in Reaction to Suyu Llaqtan Coup"
Resolution 05 "Formation of the Dovani Pact Inter-Alliance Trade and Development Organization (DPIATDO)"
Resolution 06 "Tropica Development Grants"
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Re: Dovani Pact: Dovani Assembly

Postby ChitinKal » Sat Feb 13, 2021 3:14 am

Akida Okpara, Permanent Liori Representative to the Dovani Pact
Dovanian comrades, it is my great honor to serve as the first permanent representative of the Socialist State of Liore to this organization of friends and brothers. It is the greatest joy of my government and people that this organization may exist, and I hope that we use it properly to achieve its high goals of a Dovani united, strong, and free.
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Re: Dovani Pact: Dovani Assembly

Postby Auditorii » Sun Feb 14, 2021 5:08 pm

Leopold Bletzin, General-Plenipotentiary (Permanent Representative) to the Dovani Pact, Grand Duchy of Ostland

I am likewise elated and deeply honored to serve as the first Permanent Representative to the Dovani Pact from the Grand Duchy of Ostland. I must ask what is our first order of business? What do we wish to accomplish without the shackles of foreign intervention?
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Re: Dovani Pact: Dovani Assembly

Postby ChitinKal » Tue Mar 02, 2021 4:30 am

Akida Okpara, Permanent Liori Representative to the Dovani Pact
Dovanian comrades, as the first order of business for this most esteemed body of nations, I would like to bring to discussion the creation of an organ of this body dedicated to the promotion of economic and infrastructural development both for member states of the Dovani Pact and eastern brothers from without. This organ would seek to fulfill the need of some eastern nations of financial and intellectual capital that is far too often fulfilled and abused by imperialist nations with the objective of exerting economic influence and creating reliance in nations of the east. This organ would do so by providing conditional development grants and loans to underdeveloped nations of the east as well as access to Dovanian advisors in fields necessary and helpful to development. I have created a draft resolution for the creation of this organ, given the working title 'Dovani Development Fund', all present members with a copy, and hope to hear feedback on the proposal.

Dovani Assembly Resolution XX "Dovani Development Fund"

A1) The member states of the Dovani Pact hereby establish the Dovani Development Fund, its mission being the provision of resources necessary to the development of eastern economies and infrastructures.

A2) The Dovani Development Fund will maintain a reserve of funds for the issuance of grants and loans to applicant nations.
A2.1) The reserve of the Dovani Development Fund will be maintained by the contributions of Full and Security Members, who will provide yearly a percentage of their national budget to the reserve no less than one percent.

A3) The Dovani Development Fund will keep in its employment experts in an array of fields necessary for the development of economies and infrastructure.

A4) All member states of the Dovani Pact and nations eligible for membership in the Pact may apply for the issuance of a grant or loan from the Dovani Development Fund's reserve or the assistance of development advisors employed by the Fund.
A4.1) Funds issued by the Dovani Development Fund must be used solely in the development of the domestic economies and infrastructure of the nation issued the funds. Any further limits or specifications will be applied case by case and will be specified on the contract signed by the Fund and the applicant nation.
A4.2) Applicants for grants, loans, or advisors will draft a contract with a representative of the Dovani Development Fund outlining what benefits will be issued to applicant, over what time frame, and with what limitations on its use. This contract will then be approved by the Dovani Assembly before it enters effect.
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Re: Dovani Pact: Dovani Assembly

Postby Pragma » Thu Mar 04, 2021 9:44 pm

Irene MacHannon, Englian Representative to the Dovani Pact:

New Englia fully supports this proposal and hopes to see its institution soon. We as a continent must be willing to invest in ourselves and each other. Looking through each of the addendums to the resolution, we fail to see anything objectionable.
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Re: Dovani Pact: Dovani Assembly

Postby DueWizard70 » Thu Mar 04, 2021 11:35 pm

Tamdin Gyatso
Utemban Representative to the Dovani Pact

Utembo too fully supports this.
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Re: Dovani Pact: Dovani Assembly

Postby ChitinKal » Fri Mar 05, 2021 3:59 am

Akida Okpara, Permanent Liori Representative to the Dovani Pact
We thank the New Englian and Utemban representatives for their words of support. Hearing no opposition, I'd like to move this Binding Resolution to a vote.

Liore will open this bill with a vote of YES.

Dovani Assembly Resolution 01 "Dovani Development Fund"

A1) The member states of the Dovani Pact hereby establish the Dovani Development Fund, its mission being the provision of resources necessary to the development of eastern economies and infrastructures.

A2) The Dovani Development Fund will maintain a reserve of funds for the issuance of grants and loans to applicant nations.
A2.1) The reserve of the Dovani Development Fund will be maintained by the contributions of Full and Security Members, who will provide yearly a percentage of their national budget to the reserve no less than one percent.

A3) The Dovani Development Fund will keep in its employment experts in an array of fields necessary for the development of economies and infrastructure.

A4) All member states of the Dovani Pact and nations eligible for membership in the Pact may apply for the issuance of a grant or loan from the Dovani Development Fund's reserve or the assistance of development advisors employed by the Fund.
A4.1) Funds issued by the Dovani Development Fund must be used solely in the development of the domestic economies and infrastructure of the nation issued the funds. Any further limits or specifications will be applied case by case and will be specified on the contract signed by the Fund and the applicant nation.
A4.2) Applicants for grants, loans, or advisors will draft a contract with a representative of the Dovani Development Fund outlining what benefits will be issued to applicant, over what time frame, and with what limitations on its use. This contract will then be approved by the Dovani Assembly before it enters effect.

Yes: Liore, Ostland, Vascania, Utembo
Abstain: Ntoto, New Alduria, Tropica

Voting Nations: Liore, Utembo, Ntoto, Ostland, Vascania, New Alduria, Tropica (vacant)
Last edited by ChitinKal on Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:55 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Dovani Pact: Dovani Assembly

Postby Auditorii » Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:51 am

Ludwig Oster, General-Plenipotentiary of the Grand Duchy of Ostland to the Dovani Pact

”The Grand Duchy of Ostland supports this.”
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Re: Dovani Pact: Dovani Assembly

Postby Pragma » Fri Mar 05, 2021 10:21 pm

Irene MacHannon, Englian Representative to the Dovani Pact:

New Englia supports this and would vote yes if it could!
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Re: Dovani Pact: Dovani Assembly

Postby Pragma » Sat Mar 06, 2021 3:45 pm

Ajit Pakh-Raana, Vascanian Representative to the Dovani Pact:

Vascania votes yes.
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