A Battle Unseen

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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:48 am

"The Campus", near the city of Glentingham, Province of Adelia, Kingdom of Hutori

Henry Ashhfield was confused to find himself in the office of the Superintendent of the Campus, the Hutorian Security Intelligence Service's training site for paramilitary officers. Technically speaking he was here on assignment; he had been a fully qualified Officer of HSIS' Alternative Options Branch for the past three years and had come back to train a class in advanced interrogation. Ashfield was the apex of a professional intelligence officer; he had extremely unassuming features and a complexion just dark enough that he could easily pass himself off from near anywhere in the world. His father had been an Aldegarian immigrant, his mother from Dorvik. Combined with a natural litany for language and growing up in Saint Anslem, Ashfield was able to fluently speak Hutorian-Luthori, Canrille, Aldegarian, Dundorfische and, because his curiosity had gotten the best of him, Jelbek. There was not a part in the world he could not get by in without little difficulty in one capacity or another.

He had no idea what could have possibly gotten the attention of the Campus' Superintendent and he was trying to figure out what grave mistake he had made before the door to the office opened. In walked, not the Superintendent, but a small petit woman in her early 40s. Like Ashfield she was entirely unassuming, but a glance at her eyes told her she missed nothing. What brought Ashfield to rigid attention was the identity of the woman.

Few in the world understood that the Director of the Hutorian Security Intelligence Service was a political appointee, and was usually simply the public face of the agency. The real power inside of HSIS was the Deputy Director of Operations, specifically in their capacity as the head of the Alternative Options Branch. This particular woman, was Chelsea Hazeldine, and she was the current holder of that particular office at Sarah Steuart Intelligence Centre in downtown Bekenial. He was about to say something when she simply raised her hand, ordering silence with silence of her own. Hazeldine's reputation as a spook was something that could only be described as terrifying, but then, to hold the title of DDO in HSIS, your reputation needed to precede you.

She motioned to the chair and Ashfield sat back down. She sat in the Superintendent's chair and open a folder she had with her; Ashfield noted with a start, though not true surprise, it was his own. She didn't say anything for a moment, preferring to read his file before she spoke, though not in their native luthori but in perfect Aldegaran. "How is your native tongue?"

Ashfield responded without conscious thought. "Just as good as the day I learned to talk."

Hazeldine nodded, continuing. "Perfect, unless you have absolute need you will continue speaking in that language at all times from here on out." Seeming without missing a beat she swapped to Canrille. "You speak this as well."

Ashfield again, was able to respond without missing a beat. "Oui bien sûr."

She nodded again, accepting it, before handing him the folder. She spoke in Luthori for the rest of the transaction. "This is your assignment. The Anti-Endralon Front for National Sovereignity is a massive national embarrassment to NACTO and to Endralon specifically. Despite putting their "best" tactical mind on the task, they still exist. He wants them to continue to grow until they can be wiped out all at once, or at least that's my read of the Grand Admiral. So, let's make it slightly more difficult shall we? Your legend is Shaleen Hashemi. You are an Aldegarian national and gunrunner. The Aldegarian government does not want Endralon coming up in the world. Your job, which will of course be denied by the Aldegarian government is to ensure that the AEFNS continues to embarass the Endralon and NACTO government at their imcompetence at being able to handle their house. If they can't get their own house in order, who are they to dictate to other people's houses."

Shaheen Hashemi, as he was now known as nodded, responding with a simple Aldegarian "It shall be as God wills."

Hashemi looked at the plane ticket. He was to take a direct flight to Aldegar, and from there... now wasn't that interesting.

"I assume I'll be doing this alone for the time being?" Hashemi asked.

Hazeldine nodded. "Yes, your contact for the merchandise is retired Vanukean Colonel, Aldrkai Mirza, he'll provide you with everything you need and the ability to get it where it needs to go, it's one of his many specialties. Make sure the AEFNS continues to be a pain in the neck for Endralon... and if for whatever reason they cease to be a problem for Endralon..." The barest veneer of a smile crossed her lips. "Continue making them a problem for Endralon."

Hashemi nodded one last time, his task set, his legend in stone, his identity as Henry Ashfield now forgotten until it wouldn't need to be anymore. Time to make the enemies of the Republic bleed.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby colonelvesica » Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:21 pm

Embassy of the Kingdom of Hutori, Kiego, Republic of Ntoto

While never publicly acknowledged, it was a widely accepted fact within both the diplomatic community, but more importantly the intelligence community globally, that Hutori, regardless of it's form of government, generally had intelligence assets deployed at all diplomatic posting terra wide. The Hutorian Security Intelligence Service's Diplomatic Information Branch was a not so subtle way of reinforcing that fact, and HSIS, having spent centuries perfecting it's tradecraft, never failed to miss a trick. Even in far flung diplomatic posting such as Dovani, there was an HSIS Intelligence Officer assigned to the Embassy, even if not the smaller consulates throughout the country.

In Ntoto, the Intelligence Officer was a man by the name of Jason Cayfield, who had the Official Government Cover of the Hutorian Cultural Attache to Ntoto. He was on his third tour in the Diplomatic Information Branch of HSIS, and Ntoto, was by far the most interesting, especially in the most recent days. Normally a sleepy post, other the occasional spate of activity, that this Dovani nation was weeks if not days away from Civil War was something of interest to Bekenial, even more that Baltusia had sent 2,000 men in a private militia force to Ntoto, to train the Pro-Democracy forces. It was a not so subtle way of trying to expand influence in a situation that honestly had nothing to do with them. There were some paranoid spooks at the Sarah Steuart Intelligence Centre that believed it was a NACTO initiative. Cayfield thought it was a load of bunk, but with the arrival of about two Battalions worth of troops, lead by a "former" Major within the Baltusian Marine Corps, he was becoming a slow believer.

Having witnessed that he had sent along a subtle message to the DDO's Office, who was the true definition of paranoid and a true believer in direct preemptive action asking for a few "specialists" to come to the country to keep him company. DDO Hazeldine had responded with the two people now knocking on the door of Cayfield's Office. "Come in." He said, not looking up for a moment, as the two people came in. He looked up, assessing them with a practiced eye. They were a man and a woman. The woman was 5"6, with a lithe athletic build. The man was taller then here, coming in at 5"9, with a similar build. Both were dressed in light clothing and, for this kind of operation, were of New Aldurian descent, allowing them to blend into the country perfectly, by comparison to Cayfield who stood out like a piece of ivory amongst ebony. He nodded; the DDO definitely knew her stuff.

He gestured for them to sit down. "Come to Ntoto, Ayo and Akanni." Cayfield said, having recieved their legends in advance. He knew not their real names, nor did he care; that was tradecraft 101. THe less he knew, the less he could betray. "I assume you have a general idea of your jobs here?"

The man, Ayo, didn't speak, letting Akanni, the woman, speak for them both. When she spoke she spoke in Luthori, with clear influence of both the local dialect and the Canrille influenced New Aldurian variant of the language. "We were told in general terms that were to cause general mischief for some specific people and ensure that Ntoto develops how it will develop without other nations mucking it up. We can appreciate that."

Cayfield nodded. "Exactly correct. This will be the first and only time we likely meet, though we will be in contact. We have created numerous dead drops for you to collect your gear, and you will recieve daily instructions on things we need done. But for the most part, do as you see fit. But your first target is this man." He pushed a photo of Major Charles Phillips across the table to them. "We don't care how it's done, we just care that he and his senior staff are... removed the equation. We'll let the locals deal with everything else. Is that clear?"

Ayo looked at the photo, taking it from Akanni, committing it to memory. He spoke his first words. His speak was even more laced in the local dialect then his compatriot, he could have been a local without anyone giving him a second glance. "It will be done sir."

Cayfield nodded and dismissed the two Operatives from his office. They had entered the Embassy through a delivery truck, and would exit just as subtlety, and as far as everyone was aware, they were never here. And soon... they would be causing mayhem across the country.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Jan 20, 2021 1:29 am

Abandoned Industrial Warehouse, City of Venora, Sovereign Republic of Kundrati

The man, an Aldegarian based on his complexion and name, that referred to himself merely as Faam, a name Mogensen found out later meant Shade in his native Aldegarian, gave a shrug and the slightest of smiles. When he spoke it was with in Dorvische, one of the most commonly spoken languages in northern and eastern Artania, laid with a deep and heavy Aldegarian accent. "It matters little Bruder, but let's just say that the border between this fine country and that piece of land known as Irkadon is no where near as secure as one would believe. Plus, Kundrati border guards are just as hungry and under paid as anywhere else in the world. With a little incentive there is little that I can't move. Further, there are plenty of markets in the world with surplus of goods, as long as you can get them to their customers, a sentiment the Undronlische Dogs can truly truly appreciate; they do after all worship their vaunted "free" market."

The cell all nodded, understanding Endralon's cult worship of their apparent free market, despite the fact the corporate masters only enriched themselves and Endralon, and left their "partners" in the dust. Despite all the good that Endralon claimed would come, Davostan, Kundrati and Telamon were becoming nothing more then corporate outposts. Well not as long as they still had breaths in their lungs. "Will there be more?"

Faam gave a non-committal shrug. "As long as you have the bodies to use them bruder there will be guns to be had. If you need any... assistance on a target, I have one in mind. Prove you can take this target out, and I will see about getting you some more... serious hardware.. ja?"

Mogensen was handed a folder with a possible target in it. "This?" He asked in surprise.

Faam looked impassive. "Will that be a problem?"

Mogensen shook his head. "No, if our brothers in Davostan can hit targets, we can certainly hit this simple one. Rest assured, we will take care of it."

Faam nodded. "Gut. If you are succcessful we will meet again, after I set up the meeting location. Viel Glück."
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby robmark0000 » Wed Jan 20, 2021 3:03 am

5 AM, 5 December, 4876 - Frihedsbyen, Dovmark, Union of Davostan and Kivonia

(Frihedsbyen just recently been liberated from terrorist rule. On a helicopter, Grand Admiral Trón and General Palmstruch arriving to the city centre that is controlled by NACTO military forces. In one of the main park, there is a table full with weapons - especially pistols - getting from the violent rebels.)
PALMSTRUCH: This is the result of your tactics, Grand Admiral? Now the whole world laughing at us, because a terrorist cell occupied one of our cities for more than a week.
TRÓN: Well, it was definitely not them.
PALMSTRUCH: What do you mean?
TRÓN: These people, mostly, are just local radicals. Local radicals who couldn't be held back by their "professional" fellows. It was not a planned operation. It was just a... glitch.
PALMSTRUCH: Based on what, do you stating this?
TRÓN: The most of the rebels were poorly armed, and that is not a typical sign of the AEFNS. Plus, working publicly is also strange from them.
PALMSTRUCH: And what it has anything to do with your failed tactics?
TRÓN: Failed? I think exactly the other way around.
PALMSTRUCH: How could you this entire mess explain?
TRÓN: We made them popular, aren't we? And the people here, the unexperienced part of the organization, joined after being encouraged by former incidents, is that correct?
PALMSTRUCH: Correct. (Thinking.) The more people they have, the more risk they take. The unexperienced part of them led them into danger. And now we have more then a hundred prisoners who are most likely to confess something important.
TRÓN: I doubt it.
PALMSTRUCH: Excuse me?
TRÓN: Would you share national security secrets with a simple soldier?
PALMSTRUCH: Then what is the essence? Why we are here?
TRÓN: As I said, they were just mostly local radicals. Members of the professional AEFNS, especially those we caught in the sport centre, were also here.
PALMSTRUCH: You used unexperienced idiots to led their more clever fellows into our grabs?
TRÓN: Yes, I did.
PALMSTRUCH: And how do you knew that this will happening?
TRÓN: Your culture.
PALMSTRUCH: Excuse me?
TRÓN: The Davostani and Kivonian are famously warrior peoples. Proud peoples. Even the clever AEFNS members can't hide or escape, when their fellow, poor-minded comrades running against the Endralonian oppressor. They simply can't hide or not join them. Because this is their way of life without cowardice.
PALMSTRUCH: I am impressed, Grand Admiral. So you expect the clever ones to speak?
TRÓN: For the reasons I just said, I don't think they will, however the Davostani laws on torture are quiet... permissive. Its up to your officers from now on. However I will win this war with or without their information.
PALMSTRUCH: These are the rebels' weapons? (Looking at the table.)
TRÓN: That's correct. These are Kivonian pistols?
PALMSTRUCH: Strangely... they're.
TRÓN: Interesting.
PALMSTRUCH: Do you have specific thoughts on them?
TRÓN: Not so sure to share them yet.
(A little boy running towards the Grand Admiral with tears in his eyes.)
BOY: Tyrann! Tyrann! Tyrann!
(Four soldiers running after the boy and securing the Grand Admiral.)
(With one wrist move Trón stops both the kid and the soldiers.)
TRÓN: Gentlemen, if you thinks I can't handle one little child myself, then you are really despising your Grand Admiral. And now, Child, why do you consider my a tyrann?
BOY: Because you took my Far!
TRÓN: Your Far hurted other peoples. Han ødelagde andres frihed. It is quiet better, that he will not raise you anymore.
BOY: I loved him!
TRÓN: Love is an illusion. Life is about reason. And reason gave you an another chance to not end like a rebelling paesant, like your father was. And now, Child, hvad hedder du?
BOY: Leo... Leo Pallesen.
TRÓN: Good, Citizen Pallesen. I will remember your name.
(The soldiers taking the boy back to the distance with other walkers, Trón and Palmstruch heading to the helicopter.)
PALMSTRUCH: Do you speaking Davostani?
TRÓN: I speaking many languages.
PALMSTRUCH: Maybe I misjudged you, Trón.
TRÓN: Everyone does it, for the first time. Let's hope the Rebels as well.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Jan 20, 2021 10:19 am

SMS Āmrija Somewhere in the Northern Mad Dog Ocean..... 23:00 September 31st 4879

Sonar Technician Specialist Nathaniel Woodward for His Majesty's Navy was sitting beside Sonar Operator Raimond Viiding in the sonar booth or the newly Dolgavan, SMS Āmrija. Luthori and Dolgavan were being spoken interchangeably throughout the ship as the Dolgavan crew were still being shown how to work it properly and effectively. For Raimond and Nate, the day had been slow. The sub was laying off the coast, out of major shipping lanes. So far the Dolgavan crew had learned quickly. Raimond had been a sonar operator for over 4 years on the SMS Grand Duchess Elzete but never worked a submarines sonar system. The sub was deep and was at a full stop. Suddenly a smell of a cigar broke the air and a tall man with a thick mustache entered the room, his thick Dundorfian-Dolgavan Accent broke through, his broken Luthorian.

"How is the sonar working, haven't heard any reports for some time"?

It was captain Norbert Fenchel a long time veteran of the Dolgavan Navy and an excellent captain,

"Negative", reported Raimonds, "the scope has been clear for 14 hours.

The captain replied "Good to hear", then he blew out a thick cloud of smoke. Suddenly a second man walked in, he wore blue and contrasted to the grey color of the Dolgavan crew, this was Lieutenant Commander of His Majesty's Navy of Hutori Tucker Davis. He was a tall man with a thin face and a skinny chin that was slightly pointed. He always had a smile on his face and was carrying a tray of tea. Davis was in charge of teaching the Dolgavan crew how to use the submarine, SMS Āmrija, other officers were on the other 2 active boats teaching those new crews as well.

"Would you all like some tea", he gestured to all of the men in the room as Captain Fenchel moved out of his way. Both Raimond and Nick eagerly grabbed large mugs of tea and started to sip, them. Then Davis spoke again "How is the sonar training going, I know my man Woodward is a good teacher, he has always been an amazing sonar operator, and I can tell you once you know this old girl", he patted the top of the sonar machine "She'll never let you down".

Captain Fenchel put puffed another long puff from his Cigar and then said "Well good work Raimond, and thanks again Woodward, I don't know what we would do without you"

Woodward smiled slightly and thanked the captain before Fenchel moved on down the hall to the radio room. Davis still stood by sipping tea. He said "I am awfully glad Dolgava was able to use these ships, it would have been a rotten shame if they had been torn apart".

Nate and Raimonds both agreed and as Davis slipped down the hall following the Captain, Nate put his hydrophones back on... He suddenly could hear something, the soft thudding, almost like a cat pidder patter pidder patter, then he could hear it, The engine rotations were slow and the displacement of water got louder and louder... The sonar screen started to show movement and it was growing by the second. Nate cried out "We got a big Son of a Gun coming straight at us", as loud as he could, footsteps ran down the hall and both Captain Fenchel and Davis appeared again

"What is going on?" said Davis

"What are you talking about?" said Fenchel

Davis's hydrophone kept getting louder and louder, engine sounds were all around and he could hear multiple large targets, the sonar screen showed similar signs of a fleet as it had completely sprang to life He then stated what he now knew to be fact, the RPM's and the sounds were distinct, they were a battle fleet and they were a Unionite fleet. Nate exclaimed "We are sitting under Admiral Trón's ass, holy smokes this is a damn big fleet".

Davis and Fenchel looked at each other for a moment and then came to the same conclusion, Fenchel reached the phone on the desk and turned on the PA! "Action Stations, Action Stations, everybody get to action stations". Suddenly the boat came to life, men ran down the hall, noise was everywhere, Fenchel ran back to the bridge and Davis leaned against he wall and drank his peach tea. Nate and Raimonds were given the order to alert the bridge if new targets were acquired on the hydrophone and the sonar screen but the only ones that showed up were the fleet, now completely over them and traveling North toward Davostan.

Fenchel voice could be heard ordering the radio operator to relay a message to the Naval Command on Karzon the coordinates of the Unionite Fleet and their positions and where they were going, this was relayed to Hutori intelligence services as well as the rest of the NC. The two radar operators listened, the ocean was once again mostly quiet, only the sound of water moving. Nate was about to give Fenchel the all clear when... Suddenly he heard another sound... This time Nate and Raimonds heard it and looked at each other,

Raimonds asked "What is that"

Nate said "That my friend is a submarine", he listened more closely "In fact that is a blade tip cavitation of a submarine, it appears to be..." Nate paused, "That is someone's sub", he then called to the bridge, "new sonar contact 212 Diesel Electric Submarine!!!

Captain Fenchel appeared and said "I'll be darned," before making his way back to the bridge

Raimonds then asked Nate "Are you sure you know that was a Dorvish sub"?

Nate responded "As many years and as much experience as I have, I would bet large amounts of money that this is either a Istalian, Lourennian or Dorvish sub, trust me I know what one sounds like".

The two sonar operators chuckled and then Captain Fenchel appeared one last time and said "Well men Dorvik has the right idea, I would hate if we missed the party, lets get this ship turned around and join our friends in following that fleet!".
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Jan 21, 2021 1:16 am

Small diner, Highway K-127, Province of Lirnak, Sovereign Republic of Kundrati

Unlike the prior meeting with Faam, this one was in a public place, on a major highway between cities and close to both the Irkadon and Kirlawan borders. While Mogensen was somewhat nervous, he remained relaxed as he glanced at his companion, who passively sipped his coffee, waiting for their orders of food to arrive. Faam had waited two weeks to contact his cell after their successful raid on the Endralon military base. While his cell had lost several operatives, and they hadn't gotten the real targets, they had sent a message to NACTO and to Endralon in particular. With the news coming out of Davostan that apparently NACTO had firebombed his brothers and sisters in arms into oblivion, by blowing up several buildings, the Kundrati cell was likely the most powerful and numerous cell remaining in the AEFNS. This both elated Mogensen but also worried him; how long would it be until NACTO turned their attention back here.

If Faam had shown any worry, he gave little to no notice of it. Instead, he accepted his order of food and began to dig in, not saying much for several minutes, as the two men ate in relative silence. While Mogensen wanted to say something, he knew he had to be patient; it was a critical part of his cell staying alive as long as they had. After Faam has finished half his plate, he put his utensils down and smiled at Mogensen. He spoke in casual conversational tones, not trying to keep his voice particularly down, which with it was actually a type of cover all by itself, their chat getting lost in the rest of the diner chat.

"You did very well selling as much product as you did at the last meeting. I was sorry to hear the client wouldn't take the entire order, but even a partial order such as you were able to process was indeed quite impressive." Faam said, smiling and nodding, as though they were discussing business. Mogensen was used to this particular code; it was easily lost in general conversation, rarely if ever remembered, and was so general, it was unlikely to ever be repeated to anyone who was even paying attention. "Thank you my friend. The client took a little more negotiating then I would have liked, but I think the next time we meet, especially if we can get a similar order size as the last, we should be able to seal the deal and get them on the books long term."

Faam scratched the slight stubble beneath his chin thinking on it. "That shouldn't be too difficult. As it is I have a significant amount of product that needs to be moved out from the warehouse, sooner rather then later, and I do happen to have a lead on a new client, entirely untapped for their needs. How is your sales team?"

Mogensen had to think on that for a heartbeat. He had lost several operatives, but the fighting in Davostan had allowed recruitment in Kundrati to spike. He had willing volunteers, though, at Faam's insistence, many of them were untapped and waiting the Aldegarian's personal vetting; Faam was becoming more and more the de-facto leader of the cell. While Mogensen couldn't complain too much, clearly the Aldegarian had a lot of experience in this business, the Aldegarian seemed at best professional nonplussed about it. Mogensen also knew that if his cell failed, Faam would disappear and never be heard from again, and their last ally and supply line would be gone.

"I'm still processing some resumes to fill some slots, but the team is otherwise already good. We'll likely need to expand to second location in the not so distant future however.

Faam nodded, pleased. He tossed a 20 Kuno bill onto the table to take care of the bill for their food, and left a folder behind.

"All details on the new client list are inside. Once you've got the sale complete call me, and we'll talk about a possible promotion."

Faam got up and went out the door, smiling to the waitress as he walked out. Mogensen leaned back his corner booth and open the folder giving it a quick look. These were far simplier then the last one, and in many cases much less guarded. Mogensen was wondering why Faam had chosen such easy targets when compared to the Endralonian military base from before. He shook his head, and got up, tipping his hat to the waitress, having stowed the the paper from the folder in his pocket and made his way back to his vehicle.

The targets might have been simple; but he would take them seriously. Faam had not driven them wrong yet, and he doubted the Aldegarian would start now.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Jan 21, 2021 3:21 pm

Point Hotel Bravo, 1.5 kilometers away from Baltusian "Volunteer Regiment" Camp, Republic of Ntoto

Looking through a powerful set of binoculars, the operative known as Ayo glanced over the primary base of operations for the Baltusian unit known as the Free Volunteer Regiment. Ayo shook his head slowly, not truly understanding the stupidity of the Baltusians down there. To a man, most were white, and were openly carrying arms and equipment brought in directly from Baltusia; it wasn't exactly subtle. Despite have a kilometer and a half between the Baltusian base of operations and the small cliff that overlooked Ayo still whispered to his comrade, more to avoid breaking her concentration then out of a fear of being overheard. "I wonder who in the Baltusian government thought it a good idea to deploy a full Battalion of soldiers, under the command of a very recently retired Major and thought 'no one will notice us.'"

HIs companion didn't respond with anything then a soft grunt of acknowledgement, which from her when she was concentrating said enough. The reason Akanni didn't respond was her total concentration on peering through the sights of her H15X God's Eye Sniper Rifle. A build upon the H15 Black Wolverine Sniper Rifle, that had been brought into service with Hutorian special forces, during the Macon War and after, it had been designed and developed with long term reconnaissance, and assassinations in particular in mind. It was chambered in the lethal .50 BMG rifle round, the most powerful sniper cartridge in the world. The record for a kill with the rifle was set during the final days of the Macon War, when Hutorian special forces sniper, from the Special Parachute Assault Detachment had sent a round through a Kivonian commander at a range of 3,540 meters. Under normal circumstances a skilled sniper could be pin point accurate with this thing within 2 kilometers; Akanni was not a skilled markswoman, she was a surgeon that could put a bullet inside of the ace in the dead center of a card at 2,000 meters, 10 times out of 10. In essence anything she looked at through the scope of that rifle was not just a target, but if she willed it, a dead target.

Akanni didn't say anything as she peered through her scope, but gave deep through on her compatriots comment. The one aspect of the Baltusian volunteers that had never really jived with her always come back to the why. The how she frankly didn't give a damn about, they were here, they were targets, and whether or not they got on Baltusian marked ships, 3M merchant ships or rode whales didn't matter. However the "why" of why a full Battalion of "volunteers" decided Ntoto was a good idea to set up, when they didn't fit in with the locals, they didn't look like the locals, and when Baltusia had no strategic or geopolitical goals or connections to Ntoto just didn't sit right with her. She had read the newspaper of the Baltusian government denying they had anything to do with, and had even caught glances of the World Congress debate where they claimed they had no idea who they were, where they got their equipment or where they were trained. Akanni was able to answer two of the three questions just be moving her scope and rifle across the camp. The equipment was overwhelming Baltusian, the fact that numerous senior NCOs and junior Officers of the Baltusian Armed Forces were present in command positions proved that they had likely received the majority of their training in the Baltusian Armed Forces (whether they were still members or not was entirely irrelevant. The only question that remained was where they got their equipment, but frankly as far as Akanni was concerned, if veterans of the Baltusian Armed Forces were present, it was more then likely they had connections inside the procurement supply chain of the same Armed Forces. Not difficult at all.

She would have kept on the same thoughts but then something caught her eye. "Got him." Was all she muttered, just loud enough for Ayo to hear. "Dark large tent, near the centre, command tent."

The two had had a bet on the importance of the large tent near the centre of the compound and as it turned out, Ayo had been right; it was likely the Senior Officer's Command tent. Akanni hadn't thought they would be stupid enough to be that obvious, as it turned out they were indeed. "Target acquired." Akanni said, her sights on the senior officer in charge of the Baltusian Volunteer Regiment; she had memorized that picture more times then she could count knew him from any distance. "Adjustments?" She asked her companion.

Ayo made a couple of notes. "Distance, 1645 meters. Heights, I'd estimate 200 meters, gravity will do all the work for you. Wind speed, 15 knots from the southwest... it's like mother nature wants us to do this. The shot is good, if you've got it, fire at will, we are already ready to bug out."

Akanni didn't respond with words or motions outside of her finger flicking the safety to off; confirming she planned on taking the shot. At the range they had, it would take 2 second for each shot to impact home. Her H15X had a five round magazine; while there was an extendable clip with 10 rounds, if you need 10 rounds to take out one target, you didn't deserve to have rifle. It took on average, a full second for her to acquire a new target. She could take out three targets, without difficulty, before they had to bug out. She took a deep breath, in and out, regulating her movements down to the millimeters, acquiring her targets, doing minor adjustments to her scope. Once she was ready she breathed in and out one more time, held her breath and squeezed the trigger. The heartbeat the shot was gone, she automatically cycled the bolt, bringing a fresh round into the chamber, made a minor adjustment to her aim, and fired again, cycling the bolt one more time and firing one final time.

She watched through the scope confirming what she had done. After she pulled the trigger the third and final time, the first round impact, straight through the skull of Major Charles Phillips, turning his skull, and most of his upper body for that matter, into a red mist. Shock had gripped the troops around him, not understanding what happened before the second round impacted through the body of a second senior officer, blowing a not so insignificant hole through his chest, the third round finding a target through a third senior officer as the sound of the first round finally made it's way to the camp and let the Volunteer Regiment know they were under attack.

Once Akanni and her companion confirmed that the third rounds, and take out a chunk of the brain trust of the Baltusian Free Volunteer Regiment, it took them less then ten seconds to get up and disappear into the brush, stopping only long enough to police her brass, picking up the empty cartridges of her rifle, dismantling the rifle under cover, before they were gone entirely. By the time the Baltusians ever found this little lookout, Akanni and Ayo would be long gone and their presence entirely forgotten.

The thing that would be forgotten was the close up photos taken by Ayo, and delivered quietly to the Jason Cayfield, including the equipment, the look of the soldiers themselves, and the last known picture take of Major Charles Phillips before a sniper rifle entered his skull. The Baltusian government could deny it, but the fact that so many of their country men, carrying the gear of their Armed Forces, and being lead by members or former members of their Armed Forces, are entirely undeniable.

Cayfield made sure they made their way, entirely unofficially, into the hands of numerous governments that had proven to be making loud sounds about Baltusian involvement in Ntoto. This would give them something else to shout about.
Last edited by colonelvesica on Mon Jan 25, 2021 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby colonelvesica » Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:59 pm

Taberna Octo, outside of Athol, Sovereign Republic of Kundrati

Mogensen sat nervously in the room at the cheap motel going from somewhere to somewhere. The Taberna Octo, was a minor motel known for three things, the fact they were generally found on motels between towns and cities, they accepted cash as a payment option, and asked absolutely no questions about giving fake names for registration. As long as the fee was paid, these motels rarely cared what happened in them.

A soft knock on the door brought his attention up from the bed the insurgent had been sitting on. He got up, and opened it, expecting to see Faam, but instead a young woman stood there instead. She was absolutely stunningly gorgeous, and based on what she was wearing, Mogensen would have assumed she was either a model or a prostitute, either way in the wrong room. He was going to say something, but she shook her head, grinning slightly, entering and closing the door behind her. The blinds were already closed tightly and the TV was up loud enough no one could have heard anything anyways. The woman took a smartphone out of her pocket, turned on a music app and added yet more noise into the din before taking Mogensen by the hand, again not answering any questions, and pulling him into the bathroom. Mogensen was about to say something when she turned to face him and said in very clear Dorvische. "The fight for Sovereignty is long and hard Brother.

It stopped Mogensen cold. Those exact words were the words that Faam had said to him the first time they had met, when the Aldegarian had introduced himself as a friend to the AEFNS and offered to supply them with arms, training and expertise for as long as the Kundrati Branch of the Front was active. "You know Faam?" He asked back.

The woman chuckled. "Yes I do, you could almost say that I work for him. You didn't think a man such as Faam worked alone did you?"

Mogensen wanted to say yes, but instead he shook his head. Faam was but a man, not a god, and it was clear he was connected to something, even if Mogensen couldn't contemplate what it was. "Do you also have a name?"

The woman lit a cigarette, blowing out a long stream of smoke, having turned on the bathroom fan, again to add more ambient noise to the background. "You may call me Mia. It's as good a name as anyone ever gets out of me. Faam has instructed me to help you however I can, so that we can better aid your organization. I'm also hear to pass on instruction for the next phase."

Out of her purse she gave him a list of phone numbers, which Mogensen noted were the list of numerous different locations across Kundrati, with a chunk of them in the capital city. When he looked at the instructions themselves he frowned. "Wait we are not actually going to attack anything?"

Mia cocked her eyebrow. "Your warrior spirit is commendable but unncessary. There will be plenty of time for glorious death in our futures... we didn't kill anyone in the last series of attacks, and Faam would prefer to keep the amount of casualties we inflict to a minimum unless absolutely necessary. We must not be wasteful."

Mogensen wanted to say more, but he cut back. Thus far Faam had no lead them astray, and for the most part everything had gone according to plan. There was little reason to deviate now. He nodded. "It will be done of course."

Mia nodded, finishing off her cigarette and tossing the butt down the toilet, flushing it as she went. "Good, we'll be in touch once the day goes off without a hitch. Worry not, there will be blood yet my friend, but it will be on our terms. Not those of the oppressors."

She walked to the door, then looked back gesturing for Mogensen. She kissed him on the cheek, leaving a bright mark of lipstick, before collecting her cell phone. Mogensen was confused, but she gave him a knowing look as she walked out the door saying simply. "I hope we have a chance to have a good time again." Before she disappeared back to her car. Mogensen understood at that moment her cover had been what she had originally pegged her for, and now understood why Faam had picked this location for a meeting.. and why he sent this Mia. The more he dealt with the wily Aldegarian, the more he knew that the Aldegarian was truly the one in charge.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Jan 22, 2021 6:31 pm

Outskirts of Knivby, 50 kilometers from the Hutorian-Davostani Border, Union of Davostan & Kivonia

Snow crunched as a woman walked back to her motel room, her winter coat held tightly against her body. The calendar said November, but rarely if ever did the mountains in the eastern UDK ever actually bother to remember that on paper it was still fall, even if the foot of snow on the ground screamed that the mountains believed it was winter. The woman, likely many of her tradecraft and specialty, was both someone you could fall in love with upon meeting, and forget as soon as she left your side if she called for it. She was beautiful, lean and athletic woman in her early thirties, whose good looks allowed her to lie between five and ten years off her age depending on her strategic use of make up and who she needed to be that day. She was slightly below average height, that she usually compensated for by weaing high heel and well heels boots. Her clothes were generally high fashion, a staple of a woman in her professional field, of moving things where they needed to go. She had long natural red hair, she kept long and free flowing, although well executing business it was either kept up in a ponytail, or under a wig of various colours. While she had a name, like all in her trade, she had long abandoned that name for the use of her legend, an identity so built into her she had entirely forgotten that she was originally from another country, and not her adopted one that allowed her to fit in as well as she did. The woman whose legend was Irina Sorokina was, as far as everyone who had ever tried to learn anything about her, a Trigunian businesswoman who spoke not only her native Trigunian, but local Kivonian and Davostani nearly without an accent. She could get by haltingly in Luthori when prompted, which made dealing with the few Hutorian clients she needed to deal with more difficult, but she needed to deal with few Hutorians in the run of her day.

She returned to her motel room, opening the door and closing it quickly, both as a matter of personal security but also to keep the bitter Davostani night at bay. She took off her heavy winter coat, stretching grabbing a bite to eat and turning on the television to the Trigunian State News, to pay attention to her business interests, and to continue to immerse herself in her "native" tongue, before sitting at the small desk. She powered on the laptop that was kept there and pulled out a small USB, that was kept next to her person at all times. She put it into the laptop, before beginning to type her password. The first 10 characters were a personal code only she knew, the final ten were randomly generated every sixty seconds, and allowed the laptop to be extremely and heavily encrypted. Combined with the USB, which scrambled her IP through one of the most sophisticated VPN Spoofers ever designed by Horizon Technology Corporation, she was well and truly invisible electronically while she was using this particular computer. She noted she had a single email waiting for her. She cocked her eyebrow with interest and opened the file. It held a voice file rather then any text beyond two letters at the bottom "CH". That caught her attention for an entirely different reason. She plugged her headphones into the laptop, turning her TV up slightly more to throw up more background noise and listened to the file. The voice, another woman's was sharp, terse and business like, and a voice the woman known as Irina Sorokina hadn't seen in person in almost five years since she had adopted her legend. The voice spoke in Luthori, a language Irina rarely had to use otherwise, but it gave simple instructions.

"Current assignment ended, all objectives complete well and above the course of duty. New assignment; Meet with Contacts Already Established, Reactivate the Medivh Syndicate, make NACTO Bleed. Good luck."

The woman now formally known as Irina Sorokina nodded slowly to herself. It made sense that this was to be her new job. While officially she had been a businesswoman here in Davostan for much of the past five years, her actual mission had been to funnel money, weapons and supplies to the Anti-Endralon Front for National Sovereignty. The former Republican administration in Bekenial had not trusted Endralon anymore evidently then the new Monarchist government did, and had wanted NACTO caught up dealing with these terrorists for as long as they could make it happen, though they hadn't wanted to involve themselves directly. The operative had been given free reign to give them the tools of war, smuggled in from the Trigunian black market for the most part, but how they used them had been up to them. In due course she had also created a massive network of contacts, connections and informants across the Union to keep track of her business. She had purposefully called it the Medivh Syndicate, harkening back to the ancient Unholy Empire of Davostan in case anyone started snooping around. While she was head of that network they had even given her the unofficial name of Djavul, an ancient Davostani word loosely translated common day in Satanil. The reference had given her no unending amount of amusement, her natural red hair and alluring beauty having had several people accuse her of being a seducing devil and temptress in human form.

She had watched the news with public shock and private impassiveness as NACTO had wiped out the AEFNS in Davostan, lead by that Endrlonian Grand Admiral that had simply used bloodier tactics then the AEFNS had been prepared for and wanted to use themselves at Storholt last year. The destruction of her primary client had made her quiet the Medivh Syndicate, though it was still active and still working, and wait for further instructions. Based on the news she was hearing out of Kundrati, it would appear that her nominal boss, the DDO back in Bekenial had decided that they needed a more direct impact in the fight, and having seen it work in Kundrati, and now with Davostan quieting down and NACTO pivoting to attempt to deal with the extremely troublesome Kundrafti cell, it was time to remind Davostan that their terrorist troubles weren't over.

Djavul nodded to herself, prepared for the next step. She smiled as she sent out an encrypted email to the Medivh Syndicate, announcing they were back in business full time. Now the real work and fun began.
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Re: A Battle Unseen

Postby Augustus Germanus » Fri Jan 22, 2021 10:55 pm

14:25 AM, 15 December, 4880 - Kasaema, Peghonai, Sovereign Republic of Kundrati

The man, simply known in his new circle of life as Andreas, had light brown hair and an insignificant eye color, walked into the remote Indralan restaurant. He carefully looked around the place, there were a few guests, two groups appearing to be families, and another man, of a more blonde hair color and piercing blue eyes. It appeared to be him. Andreas sat down in the blonde man's booth. "Had this been Davostan, you would have been suspended and thoroughly investigated for incompetence, never to receive another job in service to the state again" the blonde man coldly said. Andreas simply looked at the man who gave him a cold but piercing look back. "I'm s-sorry? I don't really understand now" Andreas carefully asked, the blonde man snorted and then said "You are five minutes late!". Andreas was completely surprised and in his own honesty shook to his core, simply sat there quietly. "Anyways, we have more important matters to focus on. The Colonel wishes to know exactly what the informant had told you", the man said. "Well... they told me that the cell of sympathizers is in some kind of basement in an alley in the old town" Andreas answered, trying to remember it in more detail. The blonde man simply looked at him with clearly disappointed eyes, and said "You will contact the informant, and meet up with him to guide us to this basement, is that clear?", with seriousness filling the tried face of Andreas, he responded simply with a "Yes Sir".

"How is he?" the woman on the other side of the phone call asked, the blonde man, identified by his code name Charles answered with clear suspicion in his voice "It appears that he is at his limit Ma'am. Despite being able to identify and locate one of the most prominent local terrorist sympathizer, he seems to be clearly unfocused", a brief silence appeared in the phone call, "Then perhaps it is time, he has served his purpose well, I'll leave that decision up to you" the woman said before hanging up. Charles put the cellphone down, quietly answering to himself "Yes Ma'am".

22:50 AM, 15 December, 4880 - Kasaema, Peghonai, Sovereign Republic of Kundrati

As Andreas walked in the small streets of the old town he could finally see the man he was looking for, completely knowing that he had led his informant into a trap by leading the agents following him to him. "Hello, how are you?" Andreas asked the nervous man who was clearly freezing. For some reason it had begun snowing more than usual these couple of days. The informant, somewhat below average height and pale looking, had some sort of paranoia in him as he looked around every other second, "Fine, I think, It's better if we get this over with" he said, Andreas simply nodding. The two reached the dark alley of the supposed basement, the informant walked to the front door, discreetly knocking on it. One could hear the careful footsteps from within the basement, a shadowy man opened up the basement door, not much but to the point of which he could see the two outside. Andreas, however, realized that this wasn't a man, it was a simple teen. "Is this him?" the person who stood behind the door asked the informant, the latter simply nodding, "Come inside" he said carefully looking outside to see if anyone was watching. As Andreas finally reached the bottom of the stairs, he couldn't believe his eyes, it was about 6-7 teens simply playing cards, but it didn't take long before all hell broke loose. In stormed several black uniformed individuals holding heavy firearms, no insignias could be seen. Every single person, all teens, the informant and Andreas himself stood now at gunpoint, down the stairs came the blonde man he had met earlier during the day, the man code named Charles.

"You have done well Andreas" Charles said giving off a somewhat malicious smile. "What is this? What are you doing?" Andreas asked confused, in his mind he couldn't understand a single thing. The plan was simply to follow the informant to the suspected cell of sympathizers, and after meeting them he and the informant would return outside to meet up with the agents that had followed him. But this was beyond his expectations. Andreas did not realize however that the next few hours would be his most nightmare. For several hours he was forced to witness the black uniformed soldiers torture the teens, who a few weeks earlier had openly sympathized with the terrorist group AEFNS and one member of their small gang bragging about having a real connection to the Kundrati branch of the terrorist organization. Andreas sat on his knees simply staring at the lifeless bodies in front of him, he could still hear the frightened screams for help and for their mothers, none could of course be answered. The bragging member of the teen group had revealed the name "Syrsa", a code name heard before by this operative group which had now rooted out this small cell of braggers. "Why? Why?" Andreas asked Charles with empty eyes, he was answered with a smirk "Because no one gets to attack liberty and peace without consequences". Andreas simply looked at him uncomprehending the meaning of the words, "Goodbye, your service to the Union has been much appreciated" Charles said with irony mixed with seriousness in his voice, making a gesture to one of the soldiers. Andreas looks at his left side on the floor, and sees the informant, without understanding what had happened to him. Of course, the trauma of the few hours had made him question what he saw. As the steps of his former recruiter became quieter and quieter the more he walked up the stairs, the last thing he sees is one of the soldiers drawing his handgun at him.

02:15 AM, 16 December, 4880 - Kasaema, Peghonai, Sovereign Republic of Kundrati

"I see, well done Charles" the woman said before closing down the call, she had platinum blonde hair and grey eyes, with a neatly fit grey uniform, with a grey cap and black boots. "Sir, it appears as if the raid against the alley in the old town was a success, the name "Syrsa" appeared", the woman said intrigued by her own words. The man who appeared in his mid thirties in front of her, of average height, light brown hair and blue-green eyes smiled "Perfect, one step closer until we can begin the next phase", a man who holds the rank of Colonel and named Rikard Kroon.
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