A Battle Unseen

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A Battle Unseen

Postby PaleRider » Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:03 am

A Battle Unseen is a first-person role-play thread where players can post events from a first-person perspective- that might not make the national news...

The world is becoming ever more interconnected and dangerous. Wars are hardly fought in the open any more but the war in the shadows is growing and growing more violent by the day. Intelligence agencies, official and unofficial paramilitary groups, terrorist cells, transnational gangs, multinational corporations, spies and a host of private and freelance actors. A whole shadow world lurks beyond the pale of the mainstream news, where politicians hide their secrets, real business and diplomatic deals are made and wars are regularly avoided and sometimes started.....

OOC: this is a first person based RP. All are welcome to post but it must be done through a first person basis. You are free to create your own characters as needed, but they should be RP'd cautiously and in a realistic way. Best of luck!!!

Cafe Ontbjit, Wiel, Vanuku; 0752
Salyzar Mrnskyn finished his morning breakfast as usual at the small corner cafe he always ate at. It was run by a lovely Jelbk couple who had moved from Baofluz to seek more opportunity than can be found in Jelbania. It was one of the few un-talked about secrets in the new Jelbk Empire that was being constructed. Jelbania was the sick man of this new union and with the new found "partnership" and more crucially, the reduced economic barriers, those who could leave left and went to a land of better chances. For many, with tensions high with Zardugal (which usually served as a crucial shippoint of the western Majatra black market) blocking that route off, many went to Vanuku and for the few that could afford the flight, a move to Pontesi.
The diner he once frequented had changed dramatically over the last two years. The Van Schoosten's (Mr Van Schoosten had traveled to Jelbania when he was a low level embassy staffer and met his Jelbk wife there; they opened their little dinner some 20 years ago) place was located in a once sleepy, migrant section of Wiel. Now however it was a full of activity. Jelbk and Pntek immigrants had been flooding the city, and indeed the country for close to 2 years now and the streets were alive with action. New, cheap apartment towers were being built for the low income migrants (the Van Schoosten's opportunistically bought the block when their landlord died last year and were making a hefty profit from renting it out to migrant families; several lived in the apartments above the restaurant and many of the younger family worked there; they also collected rent from some shops which opened first level store fronts as well), mobile carts became ubiquitous in the city as ambitious young men, middle aged men looking to provide for their family and old, near retirement aged men looking to muddle through what should be their retirement all fighting to hawk their goods to passers by. They swarmed the city during the day time, reaching from the posh neighborhoods of north Wiel (where the rich and powerful liked to "treat" with them for interesting nooks and such) to the downtown commercial districts and everywhere in between. On this particular morning there was no school (it was a holiday as the Conference going on in the government centre had taken up most of the city's attention) and so as Mr Mrnskyn walked out of the diner, he heard the sound of children playing in the streets and at the nearby park while cars drove up and down the street and the city metro line ran in the centre of it all.
He hopped his usual tram and sat down for the ride to his job at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He opened the newspaper he picked up earlier and returned to an article stressing about combating Zardic Imperialism. He mentally sighed, his grandfather had fought in the Zardic-Vanukuean War some 50 years ago and died. "Didn't the post elite in North Wiel get tired of war?" he thought to himself. As the tram moved through its route more and more people boarded (the city's mass transit system was now almost always full from the new waves of migrants; in fact the Wiel Metro Authority posted its first profit in so many years, people joked no one at the Authority remembered what the word profit meant), and he gave his seat up to an elderly women with a small basket of bread. She was clearly one of the locals and she looked disdainfully at all the new migrants.
It was roughly eight thirty am when he made it to the Ministry. Salyzar Mrnskyn had held the job for 2 years there as a janitor/technician where he made repairs to the various systems. He remembered when he first came to the city many years ago from the Vanukuean border town of Stormkapp. He had Jelbk family on all sides of the borders and he initially was going to stay there and work at the local meat processing plant. He would be general manager there now (he had been working towards a bachelor's degree in business management and his father, a local city councilman was friendly with the plant owners) except things didn't turn out like that. The factory went bankrupt after Health Ministry officials closed it for severe food safety violations. With the city now reeling from the factory loss his father lost his city council seat (fortunately he saved up enough to retire in some level of comfort) and he went to Wiel to look for work. He spent a few years bouncing between technical jobs, mostly working for the Metro or whatever phone companies would hire him. Finally, around 2 years ago he applied for his current job at the Foreign Ministry and got it.
It was also around that time, later that Eliayhumus that during a family reunion he met with his Zardic Jelbk cousins (Zardugal having an extremely small Jelbk community of its own), who had to submit to extra security screenings before crossing the border, but his father retained enough political clout locally to make their journey north a bit less harsh than for others. One of his cousins, Menchal Mrnskyn (an Yeudish Jelbk) took him aside and congratulated him on his new job at the foreign ministry. He was stunned. How did he know that? he wondered. Soon they retreated to the basement with his father and some other family members to discuss politics, a touchy subject as the SSA were always around and local party authorities had a knack for finding even the most closely guarded secrets out. They talked off the increasing repression against dissent, of how the economic elite benefited while they suffered and how the new Jelbk Empire would only mean more war. Menchal soon wrote on a piece of paper "I work for the FIA. Join us cousin." Salyzar was stunned, he heard rumors of the intelligence agencies battling for influence in expatriate and divided communities like his family was apart of, but he never knew it would touch him one day. His father was already recruited he had seen, indeed he was bitter at the local party authorities for leaving him to dry when the plant went belly up and Salyzar had his own grudges too.

He walked into the office and checked his emails. He sorted through his inbox and it was mostly the usual crap. An invoice needed in triplicate to be sent to this office, an eval sent to that office. All the usual stuff. Then he noticed a request for help. One of the Communications desk circuits had tripped and he had to reset the system. As the ministry began to fill with people that day he took his new co-worker, Hans and went downstairs into the third underground floor to check the breakers. Ah yes, here is the problem, he thought to himself. He told his new co-worker to go and fill out form T-189, a request for some new fiber optic cables and power lines. As he went back upstairs, Salyzar looked into the hatch below the breakers themselves and lightly singed the fiber cables (which ran right next to the power lines) and implanted two small bugs onto the cables themselves, enabling the IDA and the FIA remote access to start intercepting the cables.
His assistant returned and what luck! The supply office had a couple of spare cables from when they renovated the high security room on the second floor (he was not allowed up there because he had no clearance that high) and he quickly replaced them. The deed was done and he filled out his log as usual. By 11 when lunchtime came, the Zards had remote access to begin infiltrating the interior network of the Ministry.

Lt James Devarius was running his usual patrol in Lake Majatra. The Maritime Security Agency was working overtime these days trying to interdict the illegal, black market trade through the area. Federal authorities in Belgae were tired of letting Jelbania and Deltaria have such an "easy" out as they called it and the Lake Majatra area black trade routes were some of the most profitable in the world, given how 3 of the biggest economies weren't even talking to each other, much less willing to regulate each others trade. Coastal and customs officials were an easy bribe in Jelbania and Deltaria, were most of the trade commenced. Drugs, weapons, people, and every other sort of material was traded through this axis. Trafficking lords in Deltaria were the most aggressive and made the most profit but the Jelbk traders had stronger links to the Jakanians thus proving invaluable to the Deltarian gangs and their own as well. Indeed, it was not unheard of to have the same Jelbk traders and navigators working for multiple Deltarian gangs and Jelbk trafficking rings.
Lt Devarius hated it all. Born of elite stock in Kostandian Bay, he went to the Naval Academy and became an officer in the reserve which allowed him to get a real leadership position in the MSA. He spent one tour doing coastal security work in Gatineo and when he made Lt, he was put in charge of this patrol boat off the coast of Limenostomo. Out of all the Zardic cities to be hit by the waves of immigrants and refugees, Limenostomo was the worst hit. Belgae and Kostandian Bay were the traditional assimilation centres and handled the increases to their population quite well. Limenostomo did not. The Ahmadi and Majatrans assimilated alright, having some historical link to the city and their conservative attitudes made them more politically attractive for the ZPP to recruit. The various Jelbk and Deltarian peoples, not so much. The Deltarians were disdained because they were associated with the rise in gang violence and crime in the city. Every other day it was a new crime on the local news, murder here, gang revenge shooting here. Drug bust in lower east side.
Now the Lt was at the front, fighting to keep these gangs out of his country. He surveyed the calm waters with his binoculars, and as he swept around he caught something sticking out of the water. He looked intently at it and then went over the PA: "General quarters. Prepare to intercept and board." The crew of 11 quickly sprung to action and readied their weapons while the boatswains mate took the helm and steered the boat right to the partially submerged vessel. The 50 calibers mounted on the boat were quickly loaded and trained at their target.
The ramskacle submarine now began to surface as best it could and a man popped from the hatch and fired his assault rifle right at the boat. The 50 cals quickly tore him to shreds and the patrol boat pulled up beside the mini-sub. Two MSA agents armed with assault rifles of their own quickly boarded and went into the sub. After several tense minutes the all clear was given and another accomplice was pulled from the sub. Inside were a couple of kilos of Baltusian cocaine, an assortment of assault rifles and ammo and worst of all, slaves. Several clearly underage girls (the Lt estimated between 12-16) were brought up and quickly given some light medical attention. By 1400, two more patrol boats had arrived and the vessel was being towed back to port while the one remaining Deltarian national was quickly arraigned on charges of human trafficking, drug trafficking, illegal arms sales and illegal immigration. He was probably going to do 20-life in a federal prison since there was little chance of him being deported.
Lt Devarius was thinking as he pulled back into port: "We struck one for the homeland. That's fewer sex slaves on the streets, fewer young girls being abused and raped. Fewer drugs destroying communities and families." But when do we strike at the heart of the beast he wondered?

Zardic Communications Agency, National Information Operations Centre, 35 miles southwest of Belgae; 1423
Major Gregori Masvili (the grandson of refugees from Doron Akigo, he has a noted dislike of Deltarians and considers Jelbk's to be assistants to genocide) of the Zardic Air Force got back to his seat after lunch. Nothing fancy today, just simple meal from the cafeteria in the compound. Opened two years ago, the NIOC was one of the central intelligence hubs from communications and cyber in Zardugal. Other hubs were built across the nation and a few were rumored to be mobile and located outside the Federation. Bah. He didn't care. No, all he cared about was making sure the Doron Akigan rebels got the best intelligence they could. He was responsible for leading the effort to break the codes of the security forces and armed forces of Deltaria and give vital intelligence to the rebels and leaders of the resistance. It has only been for long developed links and massive Zardic support that the Akigan rebels have lasted as long as they have. Sometimes they grow into major fighting units, other times they are a vast guerrilla network. They were a network right now, one of the most advanced transnational networks at that. They have spent decades building weapons trade routes and for somehow getting contact to the outside world.
He chuckled as the room got busy again with his analysts. The Deltarians had horrible intelligence security and were even worse at encrypting their systems, even after years of Vanukuean support. Their tanks didn't work, they used two generations old equipment and they weren't even well trained. The fact that Zardugal could run low level recon missions without worrying about Deltarian fighters spoke for itself. Drones regularly flew over the Deltarian westernlands, but neither government admitted it. Zardugal didn't because there was no need and Deltaria didn't because these repeated violations of their airspace would only humiliate the government and might prompt more powerful nationalists to come into power which the ruling elite did not want.
As the afternoon wore on, Major Masvili reviewed the days successes. They intercepted a transmission revealing an attempted Deltarian raid on a weapons smuggling route in northern Doron Akigo, supplies were being moved now. They had finished targeting a local prison holding several leaders of the resistance, now a paramilitary squad from the FIA, with local assistance was going to execute a raid tomorrow. All in all, another day at the office.

Zardic Merchant Vessel Jolombra, 300 nautical miles east of Migadon, Telemon; 2236
Lt Commander Issac Tsvargi was an unlikely choice to be a naval officer. He was born to Mallan parents in 3740, and was able to have a much better life than his father for sure. His father had been a local organizer for the Mallan Liberation Front while his mother was a left wing political activist, who to this day was still organizing food drives and clinical visits for their poor mining community north of Kitrinoro. Gangs, violence and drugs were common here along with regular police brutality. At least that how it was until the day of Peace, which happened two days after he was born. Government negotiators and Mallan rebels reached a landmark accord which focused more resources on the state along with political enfranchisement, something his parents fought for. He developed well in school and because of his changed world, he saw less and less of the bad of government, and more avenues for advancement. His parents were strict with him (and his siblings) and demanded only the best from school. That he was in the top five of his graduating high school class was no mistake. Taking that, and the new found funds for educational advancement he went to school at Zardic National University to study international relations with a focus in conflict resolution. What's more he went on a naval scholarship which meant that between government grants and military funding, he had education set. His mother was more shocked than his father, when he told them he was going to become an officer, but nonetheless they supported him and were so proud at his pinning ceremony.
But that was years ago, now was a different time. After showing himself to be an exemplary leader he went to do highly classified work with the FIA. He regularly was imbedded in civilian cargo vessels to ensure sensitive deliveries were made on time and without difficulty. As he watched over the side of the ship, with it churning through the water, he was reminded of the last time he was through these waters. In 3765, back when he was just a LtJG and first recruited for his job at the FIA, he was put in charge of delivering weapons to the Hosian Liberation Front in Lodamun. One day, his last delivery, during a particularly nasty storm, he was nearly seasick with the Kalistani fishing trawler he was on rocking violently from one side to the other. Not less than 30 minutes after the storm subdued, the HLF appeared in a speed boat, hardly half the size of the trawler. Water was all over the boat and a faint smell of vomit convinced the LTJG that they too were caught in the storm. Nonetheless they put on a brave face and took the crates of guns and rocket launchers. Soon it was all over and they parted ways. Not 3 days after the delivery the mission was called off and he packed up his things at the Baltusian naval base and went home.
Now he was on the medium sized Jolombra and with an entirely professional crew supplied by joint effort of the FIA and Kostandian Bay Maritime Corporation. It was full of vital cargo heading to Dankuk. Weapons, munitions, intelligence collection equipment. All of it highly illegal (under Zardic and international law) and dangerous should the ship be captured. No wonder then the regular crew was heavily augmented by a special security staff. He was just a first mate in training too, better to conceal his own identity as leader of the mission. Ships captain Mark Ellsco ran the operation and he was barely briefed on the matter. Perfect plausible deniability.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
Anti: leftist, multiculturalism, Islamic radicalism
Currently the Zardic People's Party
Starring as Wiendonia in NS
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Kubrick » Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:11 pm

11:31, the old square, centre of Belgae, state of Endiraho, Federation of Zardugal.

Ludoviko Vangelous sat down at a small table on the sunny terrace of the aptly named "Old Eagle". Once a week he would come to this café, always around noon. He was well acquainted with the staff of the establishment and the polite waitress brought him his strong coffee without him even ordering. He was in his early forties and looked like a true Majatran mutt with his short dark beard. The Majatran mutt is a mixture of all the peoples that roam the continent, Augustans, Majatrans, Jelbics, Ludoviko counted them amongst all his ancestors. After finishing his coffee he carefully took a white rose from his bag and walked to the center of the old square. A bronze statue of a giant two headed eagle with arrows and laurels in his beaks stood in front of him, the plaque dictated that this monument was placed here to remember the Zardic heroes that died defending this old square against the foreign hordes during the last Majatran War. Ludoviko placed the white rose down at the bottom of the statue, to honour his grandfather whom had perished in the fighting here. When people asked he had always claimed his grandfather had fought for the Zardic army and was shot by the despicable Vanukean invader.

Truth to be told, Ludoviko's birth name was Leo Jezkrzi and his grandfather was captain Eksandr Jezkrzi, a heroic infantry officer in Vanuku's Armed Forces. And while Ludoviko worked at a large hotel chain throughout Zardugal as a senior staff consultant his actual employer was the dreaded State Security Agency. Frankly, Ludoviko was one of the members of the mythical Directorate 9; the most highly trained intelligence and covert operations officers of the SSA. His true loyalty lay with the godly Khagan, saviour of Majatra. He was first deployed in Zardugal during the reign of the great Arend-Heijtri. The SSA had fabricated him the identity of Ludoviko Vangelous, a man who had once lived but had gone missing a good 20 years ago without relatives. As long as Ludoviko brought no attention to himself the Zardic state would likely never even realize he wasn't the real Vangelous.

After honouring his war hero grandfather he took a taxi to the illustrious Photios-Walker Hotel. The five star luxury hotel was over a century old and had survived the previous war mostly unscathed. The hotel was a part of the large chain that Ludoviko worked for. The Photios-Walker was the hotel where Ludoviko had his office and the political elite of Zardugal often invited guests to the hotel and when the parliamentary buildings could not sustain it, they would hold meetings in the conference rooms. The hotel was one walking distance from a lot of important governmental buildings, which made it even more attractive. Of course it is no coincidence that Ludoviko worked here on the exact day the Coburan delegation visited. During the late hours he had bugged their room, carefully avoiding the night audit. The word of the Augustan unification had already been mentioned a lot in Zardic and Coburan newspapers alike. His contact person of the SSA, known to him only as Georgo, had specifically instructed him to get as much information from the Coburans as possible. He would let their visit go by untainted, listening in quietly. When they would leave, he would take one of them and hopefully safely extract him to the Khaganate. If not, the man had to die. A sacrifice for the greater good, a sacrifice for the demi-god; Khagan Laurens-Wrntukai.
Last edited by Kubrick on Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Reddy » Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:59 pm

14:43 Julian Hostel, Aŭgusta Justiniana, Ingomo State, Zardugal

“This batch is almost finished. We are going to need to apply for more from the Department. This whole thing, it’s not really working, is it?”

Is it?, Capt. Husn Jeztri sighs deeply at his deputy’s question and comments. There have been here for the past eighteen months. 542 days, I counted each of them. And each day I chewed the Majatran tea. The Razamid yoke was never really broken, it’s in the leaves now. Popping yet another sour leaf, the heady feeling slowly kicks in. Jeztri lifts up a bunch of leaves and says, “This is the only thing the Caliphs gave us that means anything.”

With the failure of the mission the Secret Department sent him and 14 of his fellow agents to, Jeztri is afraid to even think just how bad it will get when they return to Baofluz at the end of the year. It’s not my fault the bloody Malians wouldn’t catch on to it. We could have had the riot we wanted but who can spark a riot for sure. Perhaps some conservative blowhard Zard pol would have finally carried out a population exchange with Cobura. We would still got all the Zardic dogs in one giant net. Cobura would have had to end up hating the Augustans like everyone else A leafy voice in his head replies: You lie. You had the right look, the right budget, the right men but you let me take over.

He should have followed his earlier dream to enter the small Jelbek Navy. The Secret Department paid better however and for an impoverished serf from a squatter family with at least two or three brain cells, it was too much to resist. Nine year later, since he got here however, his family hadn’t seen a single tenge. I’ve stopped bothering making excuses and they’ve stopped bothering to ask. I even spend my entire salary on this wicked leaf and still it’s not enough. I have slept since that day when we tried out the leaves, just to check of course, haha. I will chew till my teeth fall out...

He remembered the last time he went home to report to the Director-General himself. I could get up and scrub up nicely, this time I won’t be able to. None of the others will be able to, two of them almost blew the entire thing arguing over a single leftover leaf. The DG won’t be kind, he will find out, we never really kept any records and any blind man can see that not one Malian has picked up the habit. We tried flavouring it but none would still take it. The two days travelling to Baofluz and back were like hell, not a single ounce of the leaf passed his lips. He’d returned and just shoved his face in the supplies. The Malians never got any and the kids looked contemptously as he offered them to try it out. They have their own leaves to worship. One god is enough for any man or child.

"We’m not going back, We have to claim asylum or something". The Department won’t be nice to us, we will end up like those clowns who nearly blew up the entire Purple Palace." They were never found and their families never asked. The other guys just nod their heads lazily, they are not on the same planet, one just drools and reaches for more leaves. Jeztri picks up his little bag and gets ready to go out; where, he doesn't really know . The cleaning lady the clever, jovial Mrs Salyzr cheerily calls his name and asks him to help her with something, he can’t really hear what she says. He reaches the basement supply closet and at the door, a heavy pain shoots through his head and he falls to the ground, joining many of his colleagues who are also lying down in the supply closet. I almost got out but the Department could have never allowed it, it won't stand for such a loose end. Moments later, his eyes open but he can't move much else. He hears a familiar crackly sound.That and the unmistakable smell and very warm feeling of fire.
To live outside the law, you must be honest.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Kubrick » Wed Jan 07, 2015 1:35 am

9:21, Department of Control & Order, State Security Agency headquarters, city of Wiel, Principality of Vanuku.

He trembled and rubbed his right hand on his shirt to dry his sweaty palms. He read the letter again, and again. Two missing field agents, four civilian casualties and up to three million marks in damage. There is a leak. How else could a simple project end in this mayhem. His project had been simple, as overwatch he just had to deal with the foreign dissidents. His eyes read the paper one last time before shoving it in the burner. With a lump in his throat he stood up and made a hasty walk to the office of the Director-General. A weight lifted off his shoulders as the secretary told him he was out to meet the Khagan. This buys time, time to find the leak, time to fix this before it gets out of hand. It already got out of hand. It can be fixed. The bickering with himself soon ended as he called on the secure line to the chief of the field operations. "Cancel all field operations and report back to base, we have a Hawk-Phoenix-Bowman." He dug through all the paperwork he had left, checking the entire route of communication, checking the files of all the agents over and over again. There can be no leak, these are proven men, these are loyal men.

He was shaken from his train of thoughts by a roughly opening door. "Chief's back, you're requested." He swallowed, nodded and stood up. He quickly gathered the documents, shoving them in the office safe and hastened himself to the office, two fast knocks followed by an audibly angry "Enter". He swallowed a last time before speaking. "Director-General, I fear the extraction of the dissidents has not gone as planned, our agents were targeted and are MIA, we counted four civilian deaths and up to three million marks in damage. Since it was at a gas station we covered it to the news as a malfunction and most tragic explosion of one of the fuel tanks." The eyes of the man are piercing. I'm done for, this is it. They always need someone to catch the bullet. "Lieutenant, since I presume you have canceled all current projects I hereby command you to activate Project Horse-Archer." Horse-Archer? Seize all black listed foreigners? "But sir, the Khag-" The Director-General interrupted him. "The Khagan has authorized it himself. He is convinced all the listed foreigners must be working with the enemy. Have them seized." He stuttered for a moment. "T-the leak? What about the leak?.." The imposing chief of the SSA rammed his fist on his desk. "Damn the leak! 9 and 7 will deal with the traitors amongst our ranks. I'll have this place purged, damn it! Now get the fuck out!" He didn't wait for the next slur of insults and hastened himself out.

While moving down in the elevator he stood next to two tall, silent and imposing men of Jelbék descent. Without a doubt they were Directorate 7's, interrogation, torture and execution. When he exited at his floor there was more and more movement as if war had broken out already. He ran into Lieutenant Obmé who quickly informed him that the Department of Home Security had arrested two diplomats and a female administrative worker at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Random arrests, they are clawing around in the dark. Just swinging and hitting things always worked for the SSA, there was no time for justice nor mercy at the State Security Agency. In his office he called his chief of field operations for the second time in twenty minutes. "Conqueror, this is Unifier again, activate project Horse-Archer." The response was swift and short. "Conqueror confirms." The click of the call ending was silent and he sighed. This was truly the end, the façade couldn't be hold up after this. Up to five thousand people could be arrested, everyone will know. He slumped down in his chair and thought about where he hid his reserve money and if the country house of his parents in Schoorvesten would keep him and his wife safe from the coming war.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby PaleRider » Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:21 am

Immigrantenwijk, Wiel, Vanuku; 2058
It was a dark but warm night and the district which housed the Cafe Onbjit was anything but friendly at night. Despite housing many families and new migrants, these new migrants brought problems. Gangs, trafficking and prostitution rings, and inter-communal violence were all a common feature of the night life here. Shady clubs and establishments operated where gang leaders met, fought and dealt with each other. Police presence was virtually non-existent at night, the only forces responding to emergency calls with heavy force.
A young Jelbk-Vanukuean youth named David Lnkym knew this. A tall, lanky man of 23, he wandered the streets with his hoody on and a pistol in his waist line. All sorts of disgusting types were out tonite. Rumors of a police raid had spooked everyone and now the streets were going to be filled with drugs, and any sort of illegal item as dealers and gangs prepared to fight and flee. However, gangs and violence weren't the only things to be found here, spies were also to be found as well. The shady neighborhoods of south Wiel, full of the poor, migrants and discriminated against was fertile ground to find willing recruits and grow spy and drug networks.
On this particular night, young Lnkym was moving through the streets to head to his usual nighttime jaunt. It was a seedy little club thing located near the abandoned car factory (which itself was turned into a squatters camp, confounding local authorities) and he would usually be able to pick up a date for the night, maybe buy a couple grams of pot. He was a simple day laborer as it was, and worked when and where he could find it. Right now he worked at a nice nickel and dime shop where the owners (Pntek migrants who had arrived some 3 months before) paid him to do heavy lifting and work the floor. They were alright and he made enough to help his roommates cover rent at their crappy apartment above the store itself. Yet tonite was not going to be the ordinary night he thought it was gonna be.
As he neared the club, the people became more numerous, walking all over the place, rap music blared from the cars, scantly clad women were all around and loud, thumping music could be heard from the club. He entered and moved to the bar and ordered a couple shots of his favorite drink and looked around. He saw the usual crowd, a couple of his friends from the gangs and also a few fellow clan mates. He originally lived in western Jelbania till inter-communal violence forced him to flee last year. Part of his family was dead or missing though his mother, grandmother, cousin and sister were able to make it out safely. He had just gotten back in touch with them in Baofluz last week in fact and he was planning on using the illegal migrant networks to head there soon. Like many of the new migrants to Wiel, he came into the country by less than legal means and it was not just migrants transferred over that route. Drugs, slaves and weapons were all trafficked in across the porous border with Jelbania and getting across it, with the right connections was no big hassle.
As the night wore on, he hit the dance floor, mingled with the scantily clad women and took a few hits from a blunt. Another great night in paradise he thought to himself as some chick gave him a lap dance. All was going well until....well that was odd he thought. Out of the corner of his eye he actually saw a decent dressed man (who looked frazzled) enter the club and quickly take a booth in the corner, and he watched him order a drink while he nervously checked his phone repeatedly. This was very odd, but soon he was too distracted by the butt on his lap to care much any more.

Of course while he indulged in the sins of man, the man he saw come in was joined quickly by a few others. A couple of local gang members and one of the few Zardic operatives in the city. Agent Tskaov was smuggled in using the illegal migrant networks across the border. He operated under the guise of being a local gang lord with impressive connections to the Zardic side of the border and having a growing reputation as the man to go to if you needed anything done or gotten. However things were going wrong and going wrong fast.
Salyzar had barely made it to the club in time, the SSA had found the Foreign Ministry bugs he had implanted and he was desperately trying to work out an escape. Tskaov knew time was ticking and the latest ZCA intercepts showed increased police activity and chatter regarding the district. At the booth, after a quick panic by his gang lieutenants, they quickly dispersed to rally their men up to fight the coming anti-terror raid being organized by local police and the SSA. Several tons of drugs were located in the factory nearby, along with weapons, money and explosives and while none of it could be traced to Zardugal, it represented a major investment.
Tskaov and Salyzar ducked through the crowd in the club and quickly went to the basement and into the sewer system and ran towards the plant. There was a car there they could take to the evacuation point and from there base their next moves. As they ran through the sewer system, overhead they could hear police sirens blaring and gun shots firing as the police fought the gangs in a vicious battle. The police would win (the side with MRAP's usually does anyways) but it would be a bloody confrontation. Madly they climbed out of the sewer and into the old junker car Tskaov bought for such a contingency. In the factory, families ran around screaming, panicked by the gunfire and police presence while gangs members and wayword youth took what guns and drugs they could to fight back against the police. However the two made it out and by sunrise the next morning were on a rural back road to the Jelbanian border, to link up with cleared associates who could get them back to Zardugal. They weren't the only network operating in Vanuku by any means but with this loss the FIA was going to double its efforts now.

Alas the story of Mr Lnkym is not as fortunate. Just after Tskaov and Salyzar had rushed out, people at the club started panicking and he soon found out why. In the distance he heard police sirens and gun shots soon thereafter. Reacting (with all the speed of a stoned young adult) he grabbed a bag of weed, got his pistol out and started trying to navigate out. Gun fire could be heard in the alley's and from the roof tops and windows in the building as police advanced to clear out the establishment. Two bullets grazed his head and he ducked into an alleyway to avoid more fighting. However as the police advanced and the gang members began falling back, he jumped to take cover behind a dumpster. As he did this his leg was hit by a ricochet bullet and as he fell, he hit his head on the edge of the dumpster knocking him out.

He awoke later, being dragged by two police officers. Standing in front of a cop car was an impeccably dressed special agent. "Aw fuck" he muttered to himself. The officer looked at him and smirked.
"Tell me son, have you seen this man?" He held up a picture of Salyzar.
"Yea...he...he was at the club earlier. When y'all showed up musta bolted."
That was good enough for the officer. The two other cops through him by the curb, left to die, and drove off as the rest of the operation continued.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
Anti: leftist, multiculturalism, Islamic radicalism
Currently the Zardic People's Party
Starring as Wiendonia in NS
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Kubrick » Wed Jan 07, 2015 10:00 pm

00:21, Department of Control & Order, State Security Agency headquarters, city of Wiel, Principality of Vanuku.

Lieutenant Wim van Banmek rubbed his temples while sitting behind his empty desk. This is the end for me, clean out your desk they said, pack your things and await a visit from your superior. I'm done for, the leak was my fault, I let it get by. Those people died because of me. The story of the gas station accident had gone over well though, people were too focused on the next anti-Zardic broadcast on state television. Nobody cared for four souls. The SSA didn't care for those four souls, the SSA cared for the two missing operatives. His operatives. He gulped. His heart stopped in his chest as the door to his office flung open, two high ranking agents stepped in and then.. the Director-General. He looked up to the man in fear, forgetting to even rise in respect for his superior. The Director-General set his fists down on his desk. "Listen son. Earlier today there were talks of having you be re-educated at one of those education centres in the desert. But you know what, boy? That black list of yours featured a guy, Salyzar. Krlmek with Zardic roots and relatives, you marked him as a person of interest 2 months ago. He bugged the wires in the Foreign Affairs Ministry." The weathered man smiled at him. "Well done, kiddo. You're going a floor up with me." His shocked expression creeped into a smile as the news hit him. They wouldn't send him to the camps, a promotion.. "But, sir.. How?" The Director-General sighed. "He was a minor maintenance and administrative worker, his background checked out. In the report you marked him because of his Zardic relatives. Foreign Affairs then, in coordination with the Department of Homeland Security, approved the travel documents for his Zardic relatives. We didn't catch anything by then, even though we bugged his place. Apparently they did get to him and they managed to smuggle the bugs over the border as well. When one of those wires malfunctioned he must've managed to stick it up there. They had access to one secure line. Not so secure by then but it was the line you were using for the deployments. You saved your own hide, kid, don't thank any of us here." He smiled again and let out a small chuckle. I survived.

One of the senior agents, impeccably dressed, stepped forward after that. "Unfortunately, Lieutenant, we were unable to seize him in the raid. His Zardic contacts smuggled him away only seconds before we got to their base of operations. Which brings us to your new function. You will be the Senior Lieutenant in charge of finding traitors and in close cooperation with Directorate 9 agents you will bring these men home. Your first assignment.." The agent slided a picture to him. It was a simple man of Jelbic ancestry, a regular Jeztri. Salyzar Mrnskyn said the name at the bottom of the picture. Bastardized Brmék. He stared deeply into the eyes of Salyzar and felt like he had known the man his entire life. I will find you, I will bring you home. I will make you pay for my friends.

18:11, Phalangos Apartments, urban east of Belgae, state of Endiraho, Federation of Zardugal.

Ludoviko stepped out of the bus, thanking the driver on the way out. He set a hasty step to his apartment building. Once this had been a prestigious part of Belgae but urban decay was everywhere these days. Riots were the norm in the cities of Zardugal and the same violent youth were also present around the Phalangos Apartments, plus with many street lights broken by the vandals he could hardly see them either. Or that's what he wanted them to think, the hotel manager afraid of blood. He smirked to himself as he walked in the apartment building. He opened his post locker and took out the bundle of newspapers. He skipped the broken elevator and walked up the stairs to the third floor, apartment 308. He took off his coat, grabbed a cold beer, put on some classical music and took his cold beer and newspaper to the "dark room". To the public, and any intruders, mr. Vangelous looked like a photography enthusiast. The padded room rarely functioned as a dark room and he swept it daily for bugs. At the counter he opened the bundle of newspapers and skimmed to the puzzles, writing down every number of the first two rows. He did this for the other two newspapers as well. The system was genius with the mole they had at the editorial office for the Belgae Herald. He took out a list from a box behind the wall, carefully hidden. He decoded the message swiftly, as he had done a thousand times before. He then translated the code words in his head. Camel Rock Ivory Clay Arrow Arrow Six Majatra Dovani Dorvik Dorvik. Re-assigned? Await further orders, check the channel. Odd, the Coburans had not yet left Zardugal. Either he had disappointed the SSA with his intelligence or something new had come up.

Half an hour later, at 19:00 exact, he took out his hidden radio and tuned in to the special channel the SSA had set up to transfer special assignments and messages. His numbers came first which could only mean his mission was of the highest importance. The numbers came quickly to him and he barely glanced at his chart, he knew them by heart now. Re-assigned to an officer with the call sign of "North-East", extracting traitors from now on, priority target, pick up data at confirmed drop off point at set time for the eighteenth day of the month. He smiled as the message ended. No more messing with the Coburans, he would be bringing the traitors back to the fatherland. The true enemies of the Khagan would face a worthy adversary.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Reddy » Fri Jan 09, 2015 7:37 am

18:54 somewhere in suburban Belgae, Endiraho State, Zardugal

She walked up to the front door and and patted behind the big flower pot, finding the little house key. Briefly looking around, she thought, Not bad for a middle ranking civil servant. She went in and navigated through the dark like some night creature right through the long hall to the furthest room on the right. The handbag was lying just there on the nightstand. A great treasure lie within it.She took the handbag, replacing with her own heavy satchel. Green paper for blue. Maybe he could win after all. The Zards like our own, always choose the maddest hatter.

It was easy perhaps too easy. The thought bothered her as she left the house, the sticky fat suit was becoming too uncomfortable under the tight maid’s uniform. She had to be a Jelbek house maid both in appearance and thought, and rotundness is part of the image for the Zards. That and equinophilia of course. In other times, other worlds she had been other things, never for more than a few months. As she passed the third house, she felt something poke at her back or rather the fat suit. As she turned around, she knew it was on. The yellow teeth, the bald head and fiery eyes said it all. ‘What you doing here at this hour, horse woman, all these other horse women are gone by now, shifts ended hours ago?,’ the man hissed. His rifle rose to her neck while his left finger pointed to his Neighbourhood Watch badge on his left shirt pocket.

Darn. ‘I was called over to do some emergency work at my boss’ home. He has party on weekend.. I..I.” She tried her best to speak broken Augustan as a migrant half educated Jelbek housemaid would do . While she said, her right hand worked the gadget in her pocket. The man saw that and shoved his hand into her pocket, yanking out the phone. “How does a horse bitch like you get something fancy like this?,” his suspicious eyes never leaving her face. “I’m placing you under citizens arrest.” She froze. If only it were like in the movies, I could break his neck with some fancy high kick and flee. The man took out a walkie talkie from his pocket and after Overing repeatedly, he said, “C’mon over here, I’ve got a horse b.. um Jelbek thief here.” The other two came over and were similarly displeased to see her, snarling at her just the same.

A minute or two later, a police car came by and stopped by them. A young police officer stepped out and asked them what was going on. “I caught this horse w... um Jelbek thief red handed, well not red handed as such, but she was loitering her and she has this fancy phone no horse woman could afford.” He was right about that, she reflected. The Secret Department said each one cost more than she’d earn in her lifetime, which was considerably more than a Jelbek housemaid would ever make, even here. The officer grimly told her that he was placing her under arrest on suspicion of theft. “Please no, I can’t no return to Jelbania. My family starving there already!,” a superbly hysterical show which startled even the three gun wielding vigilantes. The policeman handcuffed and placed her in the back of his car and drove away.

A minute later, Tri Salyzr breathed a sigh of relief, adjusting the accursed fat suit with her elbows and said to her counterpart, “That was too close, it’s a good thing the phone still had battery strength. It could have well been the real police themselves who got there before you.” Jeiri shrugged and stopped the car and reached out to the back and unlocked the handcuffs and said smiling, “We might have had to wake up the Ambassador then. We could have ended up like those leaf chewers from last year." The mention of the leaf chewers' fate brought a chill to Tri, she'd been shocked to see just how expendable inconvenient agents were to the Secret Department. Jeiri noticed nothing, going on, " At least here our ZPP friend got his green and with five thousand 100ZAR notes nothing will stop him being elected to Congreso next year, with greater luck he might even land a junior ministerial post in Defence. It's a fairly small price to pay for all these blueprints.”
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby PaleRider » Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:26 am

Federal Counter-Intelligence Task Force (FCITF); Federal Intelligence Agency Building, Govt District, Belgae; 0846
The meeting was already underway and tension was high among the senior staff and executive leaders. It seemed Zardugal was under siege from all sides. Domestically the rise of the new leftist parties severely tested the political establishment forcing the ZPP to moderate its stances significantly to keep power and stability. The folks over at the Trade Ministry were already calculating the costs, a mild dip in this quarters GDP growth but nothing too serious this time.
However the domestic political authorities were dealing with this. The job of the FCITF was to work with all intelligence agencies to root out the rot of foreign corruption caused by foreign intelligence agents. The prime geographical location of Belgae, so close to Jelbania and Vanuku created a very difficult mix to navigate to track down foreign agents. Security and surveillance was already tight on the migrant and refugee communities along with the accredited diplomatic posts. But as usual, there was more to the story. Indeed, Belgae was not immune to the troubles of western Jelbania or the socioeconomic dislocations caused by Jelbk unification. Northern Belgae was hit particularly hard as poor migrants and refugees swarmed the city, and inundated the working class communities formerly present here. It was here, the underbelly of the beast that the intelligence agencies acted on. Transnational gangs from Artania and Vanuku operated here trafficking weapons, money, drugs and people every which way. These networks not only endangered Zardugal, but provided the perfect avenues for the growth and protection of illegal migrant routes, which in turn facilitated easier entry into the country of foreign agents, notably Vanukuean and Jelbanian agents.
Belgae wasn't the only city affected either. Kostandian Bay, a traditional immigrant centre and the largest port in the country was awash with agents and gangs trying to use the port and shipping routes to further their aims. Add in major federal and ZPP offices in the state along with the presence of the Naval Yard and the Naval Officers Academy and it was a ripe target. Perhaps, the worst affected city in Zardugal though was Augusta Justiniana. Once a prosperous industrial city, the collapse of several factories and the surge in Jelbk and Majatran immigration has raised the social tensions considerably and it was the number one hub of entry for illegal migrants. And it was here the journey started....
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. As you know, the situation worldwide is tough. Dorvik is resurgent and under SNP leadership, we expect a significant recovery within the decade. Jelbk unification is perhaps the biggest event in generations and we still have tensions with Deltaria, Dankuk, Lodamun and Indrala. No shortage of issues and threats to manage. I want a full summary as usual." spoke Director Greg DePhi, the FIA special agent tasked with leading the Task Force which included representatives and agents from the FIA, CTA, FPS, DSO, FDP, FBP, ZINS, NDA and a whole host of other agencies along with a presence from the President's Office and the Prime Minister's Office. "Agent Blackwell, update from Artania."
"Sir, we've long been had an exclusive network of agents and informants in the area, but the politics of the region is changing. Despite running a sophisticated operation from our Alorian Chancery we still now face a major competitor from a resurgent Dorvik and less than compliant Dundorf. We need to aggressively expand operations in Dorvik, Rutania, Aloria and Dundorf. Reopening embassies in Dundorf, and Dorvik should be a priority, as I outlined in my memo to the Foreign Ministry. In my professional view, we must court Rutania and Dundorf aggressively to keep Dorvik from fully backing Vanuku. Restoration of full ties between the two could lead to a serious intelligence problem."
"Alright, good. Everyone should have a copy of that memo. Next I want to brief about the cyber-security and information dominance report from the NDSC. Assistant Roswell everyone."
"Fellow Zards, we have made leaps and gains in the area of cyber operations. Our firm and directed R&D efforts and solid funding have created a cyber operations force second to none. They already conduct operations with impunity against Jelbania and Deltaria, as witnessed by our recent efforts to free several rebel leaders in Doron Akigo. I give commendation to the ZCA for carrying out that mission.
To continue, again we face no serious competitor in this field. Indrala, Vanuku and Dorvik could be potential challengers in cyber space, but based on intercepted communications from their own Foreign Ministry, they are more concerned about keeping their new Jelbk Empire together while Indrala is distracted with issues in Dankuk and southern Dovani. We must not let our advantage here slip. Asymmetrical warfare abilities given to us by cyber operations can balance out our numerical inferiority and unique geographical position. As a project update, Project Nova Terra, our effort to infiltrate the critical infrastructure systems of Jelbania, Deltaria and Vanuku is moving apace though we wish to have more progress in Vanuku."
"Alright, Agent Glenn Risorio from the Zardic Immigration and Naturalization Service has a special report on the illegal immigrant murders that took place a little while ago. Agent Risorio?"
"Yes...er it is a pleasure gentlemen. Anyways...er let me cut to the point. Several weeks ago, numerous bodies were found mutilated and dumped in a dumpster in an alleyway in Augusta Justiniana. While local news sources say it was a drug fueled murder, local police noticed some....er...irregularities when their alleged names were ran into the system. Our office was contacted and we quickly determined their papers were fakes. This led to an investigation of the local area for ties to the gang and migrant networks we've been working against for sometime. Apparently from our informants they were not to be messed with and apparently had wealthy backers out of Baofluz, though no names can be ascertained yet. We forward this to the Task Force as we believe there is a larger and more complex Jelbanian intelligence operation than previously thought to exist in Zardugal. We must be vigilant for wherever the Jelbk Horde is to be found, their masters in Vanuku cannot be far."
Mummers could be heard around the table as all flipped to their copy of the report from ZINS, usually a low level agency and not a frequent partner in these operations. There would be larger discussions later.
"Alright, alright settle down folks," said Director DePhi, "We all know the threats that face us. I invite Elaine Moorson, of the Presidential National Security Working Group= Vanuku to brief us on the impact the current crackdown has on our operations in Vanuku."
"Thank Mr Director. It cannot be understated that our efforts are deeply effected in the area. Connections to local gangs and criminal organizations are severely damaged as several trusted associated have either gone missing or are in jail while several key assets have been forced to evacuate. Agent Tskaov was forced to extract our point person in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, codenamed SCHOONSTEN. They have made it across the Jelbanian border and are currently waiting out of a safe house in the countryside as we arrange to get them back and de-brief SCHOONSTEN.
However there is some good news. Agents Umbrella, Rainwater and Runoff remain operating in Wiel and are working to rebuild our damaged networks. The Federal Security Officer at the Chancery stated that contact is secure and regular, however he wants a full review of critical staff for CI reasons. Umbrella has moved operations to the wealthier parts of the city and is currently working with some upper class bankers who he is blackmailing, with Rainwater is working to keep our sea based operations in the area up and running. Runoff is is surveying the damage done to our networks and is trying to re-establish contact in the southern sections of the city. In conjunction with the IDA and ZCA we are making progress intercepting and breaking diplomatic cables in Vanuku, thanks to the intercepts we managed to collect."
"Alright folks we have to move and move fast. Agent Tsparis and Agent Eswell, get back to the FPS and CTA and tell them to start working with the ZINS and FBP and FDP in trying to figure out this Jelbanian network that could be operating in the country. Focus efforts in Limenostomo, Sebasto, Augusta Justiniana and Kostandian Bay.
Colonel Waygard (ZAAF), get back to the NIOC and tell them to begin sounding out our own strategic communications network. The last thing we need is leaks now. And Agent Goodwell? Go inform the DSO and FPS that we need to do a full background check of Chancery Staff in Vanuku for CI reasons. Tell them to call me if you have issues."

Zardic Chancery, Llanymôr, Aloria; 1025
The Zardic Chancery in Aloria was the main hub of diplomatic and intelligence activity in the continent, not only for Zardugal but for any nation. It ran one of the most sophisticated human intelligence and other intelligence operations in the world and it had to. Aloria was a mostly neutral nation and it offered the perfect place to organize intelligence operations from. From heavily classified intelligence collections operations in Aloria, to managing resources in Dorvik and coordinating continent wide operations, Aloria was the focal point of Zardugal's Artania intelligence operation. Security standards were high and strict with several layers of background checks and tight OPSEC procedures to follow.
At 1025, the daily faxes came in from the high level meetings in Belgae. Daily briefs from the other stations filtered into what was known as the "Brain Room" were a team of analysts made sense of collected intelligence and packaged it to the leadership in Belgae. Daily reports from Rutania and Dundorf and Dorvik flooded into the room and by 1045 the staff was in full swing and one small wheel in the giant Zardic machine churned. However today was no ordinary day. With the SNP back in power, the equation had changed and new operations had to be designed. And ZSO Colonel Fredrick Sanche was the man to lead the operation.
He started his career as a Marine intelligence officer and quickly rose through the ranks because of his skill at management and dealing with the bureaucracy, no mean feat. Based out of the Alorian Chancery, his main staff consisted of some 50 people (a high number for such an overseas operation) however the total number of assets under his direction in Artania was heavily classified. Only a select few knew that number, and all were under tight surveillance in Belgae. No, he was a manager and got the job done. His office had direct contact with a limited number of secondary agents, those relayers who were responsible for connecting the front line troops with the centre in Aloria. And if needed to know or request additional resources he had to speak to the Artania Operations Manager, a Mr Smith, who worked in Belgae as far as he knew.
With all the activity in the room, he didn't notice the two agents enter. They were dressed not in the usual suit and tie, but in security force uniforms, but with no insignia save a skull with two daggers crossed behind it.
They slid over to his office and entered without knocked and quickly closed the door. A startled Colonel Sanche jumped and exclaimed:
"Just who do you think you are? This is an Above Top Secret Area!" He quickly reached for his gun and went to push the security alarm.
"Calm down Colonel. The name is Special Agent Wrothe, Special Affairs Unit, GMIO." he flashed his badge as proof of this.
"Wait...what? SAU? What the fuck are you black baggers doing up here?" Things didn't make sense. SAU was the heavily classified paramilitary unit of the General Military Intelligence Office which engaged in all sorts of activity that no one really should do much less know about.
"We've been dispatched by President Harrison personally to bring up to speed about future plans for Dorvik and to read you into Bracket 10 Clearance."
Holy shit thought Sanche, was a ZSO he was only supposed to have a Bracket 7 but because of the nature of the job he had a Bracket 8 but now a Bracket 10? Something big had gone down in Belgae. As the briefing started, he was more and more amazed by the minute at the facts and objectives of his new mission. Deep penetration of the SNP was ordered, full collection on all diplomatic communications even mentioning Dorvik and the AU. Even more deep cover operations such as psy ops, use of paramilitary teams and working with transnational gangs to infiltrate and get inside Dorvik.
"Colonel, we have a very small window here to make a lasting, potentially game changing impact here. We get into the rebuilding Dorvish State early, we earn years of valuable intelligence." And with that the efforts changed, all focus on Dorvik.
Political Affiliation~ GOP (US)
Pro: Liberal Conservatism, Paleo-liberalism, Chicago Capitalism, social conservatism, neoconservative
Anti: leftist, multiculturalism, Islamic radicalism
Currently the Zardic People's Party
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Kubrick » Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:59 pm

22:05, Control Room, Greater Horde Command Centre, a good 100km west of Wiel, Principality of Vanuku

Shouting, running people, flying documents. Chief of Staff General Bunjamín Wilhelmrsko stood silently at the end of the long meeting table holding a top classified document signed by the Khagan himself. He didn't hear the shouts, zoned out in his mind, but he could taste the stress and panic everywhere. He knew the Zards wouldn't budge. He looked down and read the order once again.


Commence the mobilization of the our mighty hordes. Commence the deployment of these troops on the Zardic border as per Operation Keyser. Await further orders.

Hajánékhaján Jelbijékai Laurens-Wrntukai

He had followed the conference on Dankuk closely, his own son Noh was an aide for Prefect Grnohekam and let him know the general details after every meeting. He knew this was to come and he knew the Zards would react in force and resilience. He closed his eyes for a moment. It all came down to him now, as supreme commander of the Greater Horde. He inhaled deeply and shouted to get the attention of the room. "Listen up! All of you, sit down. In the next few weeks we will be closer to war than the nation has ever been since the early twenties. I'll remind you all that on that occasion the Zardic nation declared war on us. We must fully expect this to happen again. I want Operation Keyser in full effect. I want a direct line with the chief of the State Security Agency. Get me a report on the status of all corpses." For a moment he looked at the group of startled officers, aides and analysts. "Go! Go! Get on it, you sacks of shit!" Within minutes documents were handed to him and a red telephone was pushed in his hand. The Director-General. A personal detachment of intelligence officers would be assigned to him and a special file would be delivered as soon as possible detailing the breakthrough in reconnaissance and intelligence. The last bit of information intrigued him, he knew the budget for cyber intelligence had been suspended, roughly a quarter of it had been added to cyber defence but the rest had disappeared for a new intelligence project. He would have to wait and see for that. As he looked down on the map he could only wonder if they could really sustain an offensive. The Pontek forces were being reorganized, refit and retrained, their officers has been "purged" so to say, with most of the loyalists having left the nation, leaving a big gap in the leadership of their forces. The Jelbék forces had never been truly impressive, excelling at scouting, raiding and foraging but not at head to head combat. Vanuku's forces remained rather unchanged, there had been no political instability and funding was always available. Although most units had been split up and merged with Jelbanian units in the unification. At least they had enough men.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby colonelvesica » Fri Jan 09, 2015 9:39 pm

Büro der Diplomatischen Angaben HQ, Dunberg, Bundesrepublik Dundorf, 0900 Dunberg Standard Time

Officially the Federal Republic of Dundorf has no foreign intelligence service. Following the reform of Dundorf into the Bundesrepublik President Klaus von Wald has purged almost the entire government intelligence apparatus and shut down almost every organization from their years of corruption underneath the tyrannical rule of the Fatherland Party, believing them completely irredeemable. True two organizations still existed that did provide the Federal Republic with intelligence and information. The Haussicherheitsbüro, or Domestic Security Bureau, protected Dundorf internally, performing counter-intelligence and operations within Dundorf to protect it from external threats. The military still had the Militärischen Nachrichtenkorps, which served directly under the Oberkommando der Bundeswehr to provide intelligence directly relating to the powerful Dundorf military apparatus and had officers and non-commissioned members of the Bundeswehr globally. That said, despite what the officials said Dundorf wasn't completely without foreign assets.

Within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was a little known office known as the Büro der Diplomatischen Angaben, or Bureau of Diplomatic Information. According to its mission statement the BDA was responsible for writing, processing, and obtaining diplomatic and ambassadorial reports for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. While for the most part no one would give this even a second glance, the one oddity to the BDA was no office outside of a small department within the Ministry, which actually existed, and really did as it advertised. What was unknown to most was that, that was only the tip of the iceberg. The majority of the work of the BDA was done at a non-descript office building in central Dunberg quite near the Bundestag and from inside that nerve center and behind the non-descript façade a powerful Dundorf intelligence organization was run. With assets, agents, officers and safehouses in nearly every single nation on Terra, and with at least a single Officer assigned to every single Embassy, Consulate, or Diplomatic Mission that Dundorf has open to it, the BDA was in fact a massive and expansive global network that kept tabs of anything of interest to the Bundesrepublik.

On this particular morning Executive Director Karl Rundestadt had been going over reports from the previous day that required his personal notice when a report from Majatra caught his attention. According to a well placed asset in Vanuku's military, there were rumors of mobilization of units of the Greater Horde. Where they were being sent was, as of yet, unknown and purely scuttlebutt but it still caught his interest. He would need to see what assets were available in Zardugal and Vanuku and go from there. For the time being Dundorf would take a wait and see attitude like they were doing with Dorvik... in fact Rundestadt was still waiting on confirmation that he could reach out to his counterpart in Dorvik... with the SNP back in power it was hoped that the formerly chilly relations between Dorvik and Dundorf would be repaired... but unfortunately like so many other things... patience was key.
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