Dispatch Terra

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Dispatch Terra

Postby RedReaper » Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:03 pm

Dispatch Terra is an international geopolitical and economic news organisation based in Haldor, Dorvik. It is most famous for publishing the Dispatch Terra newspaper, which follows and analyses major news stories from throughout Terra.
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Re: Dispatch Terra

Postby RedReaper » Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:36 pm



With Nimitz Almost Gone, What Is Next For Hulstria And Gao-Soto?

The Nimitz regime will soon see its last days. Coalition forces are beginning to encircle Karlstadt, preparing for a final assault into the Capital. However what will happen once Nimitz has been overthrown, once the Coalition forces begin to withdraw?
Currently the situation is highly complicated, as Civil War's have a habit of being. There are multiple players with stakes in the new State which will form, with huge conflicts between all their interests.
For one, you have the Septembrists, die hard democrats, who's uprising and conflict with the Reichswehr lead to the coalition intervention. The Septembrists seem to be the best view of the future of Hulstria and Gao-Soto. Their future state bares resemblance to the United Imperial Crownlands Of Hulstria and Gao-Soto, a government which ended in 3789. The Septembrists have the most external support, due to their liberal and democratic values, seen by many as necessary to ensure an end to the violent struggles and oppression with most Kunihito Crownlanders face.
Then we have the Communists, Metzist-Leonidist guerrillas, who's have been at war with the Hulstrian government since 4304. Their stronghold is in the Southern Mountains of Hulstria, aswell as in Western Ostland. They are not prone to negotiations or support for democracy, and their economic theories are more likely to cause continuous sanctions from abroad and poverty at home. They are certainly not what the International Community wants for Hulstria. However, currently finding peace is more on people's minds, and a deal between the Septembrists and the Malivian backed People's Party may still be on the table, however unlikely that may seem.
Finally, we have Nimitz loyalists, far right militia groups, which could likely continue fighting if the Septembrist policy of banning Fascist parties is implemented. These however, are low in number, and without resources or popular support they would most likely pose little to no threat to a future State.
Negotiations are expected to be held soon after the conflict ends, only time will tell if peace is around the corner, or if the war that nobody wants is set to continue.


What Is Hyperion Really Up To In Dalibor?

The Hyperion Corporation's intervention in Dalibor have caused quite a stir recently, as the Dalibor Protection Agency have marched on the Employee Union headquarters, demanding that they fund government investment. Hyperion's involvement in the conflict between the Proletarian Liberation Front and the Dalibor Government caused wide spread condemnation, with some at the time calling for Psy Scott to stand down as Chairman, and with the Wolfshelm Outbreak, tensions in the nation between the Workers and the Corporatocracy are only set to get worse. Dispatch Terra predicts a continued spread of violence in the region, followed by large scale Government and Private crackdowns. Hyperion's grip on the nation gets ever tighter, but the people of Dalibor have so far not been crushed.

With Growing Divides Between North And South, How Would A New Dorvik Monarchy Cope?

With an election of a new Monarchist President in Dorvik, debate over who would become a new monarch has reached fever pitch, with North and South Dorvik, which were until fairly recently embroiled in a Separatist Insurgency, backing rival candidates for the Dorvish Throne. The South have backed a highly populist candidate, Estelle Dietrich, a philanthropist who rehoused Southerners during the Insurgency struggle. The South regards Dietrich as a close friend of the people there. Dietrich however, has a rival, Emil Faust-Essen, a 22 year old motor car racer and Military Veteran. With support on either side of the debate gaining a growing nationalist and economic character, the risk of such a struggle leading to a return to conflict cannot be underestimated. The threat of the Separatists using this event as a staging point for further violence is real and with these events coming off the heels of such a destructive conflict, the Dorvik Monarchists need to focus on ensuring that their peaceful intentions don't spark violent outcomes.

What Does Rildanor's New Dictatorship Mean For Terra?

The situation in Rildanor currently goes to show how fragile democratic states can be and how suddenly they can be overcome by totalitarian forces. Josué Victorieux, current Chief of State of Rildanor and the 'Axman' of the fascist Victorieuxist Ideology, was only a few months ago an ordinary politician running in democratic elections. Now he is a tyrant and a dictator, revered by many of his followers as little less than a demi-god. His transition to power was swift and brutal, his brothers exiled from the party, and with countless opposition leaders arrested.
It is hard to argue that the current trend in dictatorial regimes on Terra isn't anything more than a coincidence. Growing instability economically and politically have driven many people to seek highly extreme candidates for leadership. This has been expressed in growing support for extremists on the Right and the Left, with associated dictatorial tyranny and oppression.
The time has come when the sane politicians of the world need to start showing how their views are better than these power hungry madmen, or soon the fall of Rildanorian democracy will only be the tip of the iceberg.

As Selucia's Fascists Threaten Beitenyu, Are Either Side Truly Ready For War?

The fascists in Selucia have imposed dramatic restrictions on the people of Selucia, have oppressed opposition leaders and have taken action to alter the Selucian economy. It does not surprise anyone that they have now begun to repeat another notable fascist policy; rounding up Yeudis. The fascists past several acts outlawing the Yeudi faith in Selucia, followed by giving Yeudis three months to leave the country before facing the wrath of the police and military. However, Beitenyu, understandably, wasn't too happy to have such a massive influx of refugees, and attempted to negotiate with Fascists.
However, surprisingly, Fascists take your negotiations and demand appeasement. At present, the Fascists are threatening to invade the Holy See in a bid to gain the Arch-Patriarch's support for further oppression. Such a move however would prove disastrous for both sides, Selucia lacks the resources for a prolonged invasion, whilst Beitenyu and Zardugal would doubtlessly intervene, spelling years of bloodshed on all sides. Dispatch Terra regards the moves of the Selucians as a ploy to project power when none truly exists. Whether their ploy succeeds, or a war between them and the rest of Northern Majatra begins, we cannot predict.
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