International Academy of Music (IAM)

Events and organizations involving any of the arts, including film, music, visual arts or dance.

International Academy of Music (IAM)

Postby jamescfm » Wed Jul 05, 2017 9:09 pm

Kalistan Most Musical Nation In Terra
IAM releases data about the most influential nations in the world music scene
May 4237

The International Academy of Music (IAM) has published new data relating to the differing impact of various nation's on Terra's musical zeitgeist. In the most comprehensive study of its kind, the IAM analysed a number of factors varying from the musical artists originating from the country to the proliferation of music venues within it. According to the study, entitled 'Impact of the Nation on Music and its Themes', Kalistan has contributed the most to the international music industry, closely followed by Dranland and New Endralon/Kizenia.

Dranish indie rock band Kathleen's Fishing recently released their third studio album The Van

Kalistan is renowned for its outdoor festival Ganjam, one of the largest in Terra, which draws monumental crowds each year. As well as a plethora of musical talent, the festival highlights comedians and, sporadically, more diverse art forms. On top of that, Kalistan is recognised in the study for supporting a variety of musical genres from its iconic reggae and ska beats to the fusion of styles known as 'Bananti'. It is their position as an attraction for talent across the globe which was the most significant factor in their placing, though, with the authors highlighting the vast array of acts who were able to kick-start their careers in the country.

Rounding out the top three, the ranking of Dranland and New Endralon/Kizenia was primarily centred on the volume of artists emanating from those countries. Dranland, in particular, was referred to as a 'hotbed' of rock music. Though the study didn't identify a single reason for this, it highlighted a specific culture in the country which sees parents regularly taking their children to concerts and surrounding themselves with music. According to its research, Dranish nationals listen to seven hours more music each week than the average Terran citizens. It is unsurprising, then, that so many individuals decide to make the leap and create their own music.

Other nations to be praised within the report include New Verham, for their reputation for infusing traditional sounds into modern melodies, and Egelion, who's language has become one of the most prevalent in world rap music. In their final summary, the report's authors left a warning message, however. Across Terra, the trend towards cutting funding for artistic institutions is making it increasingly risky for groups to begin their musical journey. Unless that is reversed, there is a risk that our ability to enjoy music will be limited further and further- something which would be a great tragedy for future generations.
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Re: International Academy of Music (IAM)

Postby jamescfm » Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:06 am

Indie Supergroup Break New Ground
New IAM-supported Cerdor: Lake Trusehl festival in Rildanor proves successful
June 4243

Former lead singer of Konks, Lucas Phillips, appeared as part of Friendly Flight for the first time

A brand new international music festival named Cerdor: Lake Trusehl (after the Rildanorian lake nearby), the result of a partnership between the International Academy of Music and the Rildanorian Ministry of Culture, has been praised as ground-breaking and innovative. Originally conceived by Sabrina Duchemin during her tenure as Minister of Education and Culture, the event was designed to attract music-lovers from across Terra to the country for the weekend but concerns about the location and timing of the event meant it had to be pushed back on three occasions. Eventually, the date was set as Thursday 27th to Sunday 30th June 4243 and a plan for releasing tickets was drawn up: a certain number would be allocated to different regions of Terra to draw visitors from far and wide.

As the event drew closer, speculation grew about who would be selected to headline the inaugural event. Promoters promised that a diverse set of artists would be on display at Cerdor: Lake Trusehl with the 'Crown Stage' for heavy rock fans, a 'Rhythm Tent' for dance-lovers and 'Great Escape' stage for those who enjoy country music. When the first batch of musicians were released last September, the response was positive. Little Fox Dream were to headline the main stage on Friday evening, a major coup for an event in its infancy. Additionally, the news that grunge legend Jesse Mikkola would make an appearance across the weekend, making it his first concert in over six years, excited fans.

When the festival finally arrived, the feeling of nervous excitement among attendees was apparent. The scenic choice of setting, alongside an historic Rildanorian lake, only added to the atmosphere. Little Fox Dream played almost without stopping as crowds continued to demand encores and in the words of their lead singer, the band weren't going to argue with them. In the Rhythm Tent, the music didn't stop until four o'clock on Saturday morning, with some present reporting that DJ Let 'Em 'Av It actually fell asleep towards the end.

Nonetheless, it was the Saturday evening which drew the most praise from critics and fans alike. Indie supergroup Friendly Flight confirmed that the festival would be their first event since merging together. Konks' frontman and lead guitarist had announced they would be collaborating with three of the four former members of Kathleen's Fishing nearly six months ago but there had been no updates about the nature of that project until just weeks before Cerdor: Lake Trusehl commenced. Playing material from the repertoire of both bands as well as covering other songs, the supergroup had an elated crowd in awe. By the time they reached the final song, Let You Down, their set had overrun by an hour and a half.

Lead singer of The Crazy Painter's Club, Petar Troester, during their headline slot

Iris Prudhomme, the event's lead coordinator, confirmed the day after the festival was over that she was hopeful they would be able to repeat it soon, though she hinted that it may have to be in two years time due to the immense amount of preparation required in order to ensure it was a success. President of Rildanor Jessica d'Orléans-Vasser, who is rumoured to have been among the tens of thousands in attendance for Sunday's headliners The Crazy Painter's Club, spoke of her admiration of the event, which she said 'highlighted the most important Rildanorian values of respect, community and cooperation'.
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Re: International Academy of Music (IAM)

Postby jamescfm » Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:49 pm

End of Days Near as Reptilians Take Control, Says Simon
Lead singer and trumpeter of the Funk Fusion Collective says that Terra is close to destruction
March 4377

Darryl Simon, the frontman and founder of the pioneering musical group Funk Fusion Collective, has become the first member of the band to give a public interview since they rose to prominence over two decades ago. Since the release of their debut album The Dranish Woman Who Lost Her Virginity to an Out of Breath Frog, the group have maintained an extremely secretive reputation, refusing to grant interviews to journalists or appear in press conferences and communicating with their fans only through cryptic messages on their official website. Consequently, little is known about who is involved in the project beyond the primary songwriters, Simon and his wife Kiro Tedros.

Kiro Tedros performs spoken word sections for the group, as well as playing bass guitar

Funk Fusion Collective are widely regarded as one of the most innovative and experimental artists of their generation, owing to their diverse influences. On their first three albums, all released within a period of nine months, they layered numerous vocal parts over brass instrumentation with a heavily distorted sound to tell the story of three women from different parts of the world which each end in tragedy. Since then, they have explored other genres, notably combining hardcore rock and funk techniques on their most commercially successful album <<<tAKing H A R D --DR((႟))gs is K℺℺ll.

Despite finally breaking his silence, Simon has retained his outsider status. Following a fierce battle between numerous media organisations, he eventually sat down for an interview with independent music magazine Beat Connection which lasted for over five and a half hours and spanned topics as diverse as religion, the state of the music industry, food and the real members of his group. "In total there are sixteen at present," he said, "but only a handful of us actually appear in live performances, the rest of the group are there to drive the creative process."

Darryl Simon at the IAM Awards with his side project Nurggghh

Simon has provoked controversy, though, with his thoughts on politics and philosophy. Asked why he felt a passion for creating music, Simon explained that his music is channelled through him by powerful spirits which are seeking to reclaim Terra from its Reptilian rulers. "We are now on the home straight in the race to the end of all time." he continued, "For hundreds, or maybe thousands of years, the Reptilians have slowly but surely worked their way into positions of power across the globe and undermined the planet's protectors. In case you don't understand what I mean by this, since the formation of Terra, it has been inhabited and cultivated by the Spirits. When human beings first evolved, the Spirits reached out to certain people. In history, these are the prominent figures we know, such as Ahmad and Eliyahu. However, the birth of humanity attracted Reptilians from across the universe and they sought to enter human society and control it from the inside. Reptilians are the ones who cause discord and conflict. Terra is such an unstable mess now because we are very close to the end."

Funk Fusion Collective's new album, entitled HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM REPTILIANS WHEN THE WORLD IS OVER, is released next month.
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Re: International Academy of Music (IAM)

Postby Doc » Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:41 am

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The Kalistani Republic
Focus: Retro-Futurism

A Fashion, but more than that; A Sound whose time has (finally) come

Kaliburg, Ananto District
May 24, 4414

A new trend has caught a segment of Kalistan's Youth. The trend, which is mostly associated with a particular type of music that has been developing over the last few years dubbed "Retro-Futurist", or RF for short, has also inspired websites, fashion, and clubs. In Kaliburg alone, there are no less than 10 "retro-futurist clubs" which are associated with the movement, and which are responsible for the spread of retro-futurist culture, art and fashion.

What is Retro-Futurism? John "Zap" Rogers, 32, of Kaliburg, who has a specialty show at Kalistan National University that features Retro-Futurism, describes it this way: "Retro-Futurism is like, if you remember the past, and how they thought the present was going to be today, they had all these weird ideas about how we were going to be all robots and having jetpacks and flying cars and all the music was going to be this weird syntho-ambience that had this really thumping bassline, but had all this weird synthesizer stuff playing around it, so you could still dance to it, but it wasn't hard, and... its basically what the past thought the future would be. We're basically representing the Present of an alternative timeline. A Modernity that never happened. Can you dig it?"

The song "Can't Get you Off of my Mind" by Pop/EDM Artist Kelly Minelli, widely hailed as the first true, and greatest RF tune of all time, turns 17 years old this year.
Both the style and the sound are archetypal for the modern Retro-Futurist Movement.

RF band Syn-Biosis currently tops the Dance, Electronic, and Urban charts in Kalistan, making them one of the most accomplished RF bands in history

RF fashion aesthetic features many facets. "Some people like to dress up as robots," said Rogers. "I don't know. You gotta be pretty deep into it to do that. The women, especially among the fans, but not so much the artists, really over-emphasize their sexuality with a lot of spandex and sheer clothes that you can basically see through in bright lights, and the men try to wear just outlandish, bizarre clothing with over the top shoulder pads, lightning bolts and sequins. I'm into it for the music, but the culture around RF shows is definitely an acquired taste. It's definitely all about sex and drugs. Most of these people are dusted to the eyeballs. But the musicians tend to be a lot more chill. They know they are providing the soundtrack for a million Kalistanis to trip to."

Female RF Style focuses primarily on sexuality, though female RF Artists often de-emphasize the style aspects

Men in the RF scene nearly always emphasize electricity and technology in their outfits

RF Bands have already made their mark on Kalistan's music scene. The country has had some type of retro-futurism in popular music in years past. Most of the bands who have played "L Night" at the Ganjam could easily be described as proto-retro-futurist. Using weird costumes, heavy synthesizers, and dance beats these "L Night" bands have contributed heavily to the sound and the aesthetic of their 45th Century descendants. "Oh yeah, this band, you probably never heard of them, Louisie Sue and Dave," said Rogers, "they played at the Ganjam like three hundred years ago, but they were basically doing this stuff too... They were on a LOT of drugs though, so I'm not sure how much of it was intentional. But yeah it was really ahead of its time."

Louisie Sue and Dave, a huge band among acid eaters in the 42nd Century, are revived as "Proto-Retro-Futurist Legends"

True RF music is not directly descended to experimental electronica of bands like Louisie Sue and Dave. "I suppose you could put RF in the EDM category," said "Tierama" Sue Daniels, a member of the Retro-Futurist band "12 Second Toaster." "We have played EDM concerts before. But, you know, we've been doing this for 10 years, and over that time, the sound, well, the whole scene has changed. People show up now in these weird robot costumes. They're way far ahead of the music with some of these clothes. They have these tricked out MOCO cars that are made of stainless steel, and have all these lasers on them when they show up to our concerts nowadays. It's strange how far some people are taking it: We're just trying to jam."

A RF trio getting freaky at a 12-Second Toasters concert

A RF car, modified from a MOCO C-3, and made with stainless steel; The Modifications alone cost more than the original car

Daniels continued: "You could say our music is now less EDM, and more like ambient-dubhop. As you can tell, my voice is very smooth. There can't be any sharp sonic edges. Even the bass, which is produced on the sequencer there, has to sound like its playing next door. Our band has a drummer, who does the percussion and the sequencing, a keyboardist who presents something like an uninterrupted modulating tone behind the music, another keyboardist, whose job it is to use the moog modulator to make these crazy zips and zaps and whirls and such that you hear in the background, and a third keyboardist, who is in charge, mostly of synthesizing the melody and the instrumentation. We have a guitarist, who lays down a nice rhythm, and we have a horn section. If you listen to our music, not only do we have the elements of EDM, but also emo, reggae, and hiphop all rolled into one. And I sing both in Luthori and Egelion in all of our songs, and we bring in this cute little girl who whispers Canrilaise on our tracks. The whole thing is suppose to be real sexy, you know. Music to get your groove on. You know, music to really give it to your girlfriend and/or boyfriend and/or wife to..."

"Tierama" Sue Daniels, of the RF band "12-Second Toasters" at last year's Ganjam

RF albums are almost all concept records, meant to be listened from start to finish. "Yeah, there's not a lot of singles on the records," said Rogers. "The artists are often opposed to gaps, so a Retro-futurist record doesn't usually lend itself to playing piecemeal on the Radio. Which is the benefit, I suppose of specialty shows like my own. I play full records from start to finish. The good thing is: These bands are almost all electronic and digital, but they are musical perfectionists and record on analog. They use a lot of meth and a lot of MDMA. It's amazing that they make such awesome music."

Former EDM artists Devon and Waterfall made the move to RF two years ago, to great critical and fan acclaim

RF Artists Das Crack headlined L Night at the 4412 Annual Ganjam

RF bands have really made their mark on Kalistan's music scene in recent years. The RF invasion of popular music began in earnest about 5 years ago. Since then, Ganjam has featured RF bands for 8 of the last 20 nights over the last five years. A RF band has yet to close out the concert yet as a head-liner, but it is expected that if retro-futurism continues its dominance in Kalistani Pop, that opportunity for any one of the 40 major Retro-Futurist bands currently on the charts will not be long off.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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Re: International Academy of Music (IAM)

Postby Doc » Tue Jul 03, 2018 7:13 pm

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The Kalistani Republic

KRTVN-4 Runs Cryptic Commercials
Makes Mysterious announcement during 6 popular afternoon shows

Python, Vrassa
April 7, 4418

This Cryptic Message was flashed over KRTVN Channel 4 yesterday afternoon

"The Beat Brothers are coming!" This slightly ominous message flashed no less than 9 times yesterday afternoon on Channel 4 during the afternoon shows. Teens and young adults who make up the vast majority of the afternoon demographic were treated to this "commercial" during the music and teen soaps. There was no further explanation fr the advertisement.

The ombudsman for the channel issued the following statement: "We are not sure what programmers are trying to do at Channel 4. But the official ruling from my office is that the advertisement does not violate the Republican law on truthful advertisement: We are not sure who the Beat Brothers are, when they are coming, or why they are coming, but as this is likely some gimmick for some future programming, there is no reason we have to rule that the advertisement has violated the law."

We at the Republic have done some research on who the Beat Brothers could possibly be. Our researchers discovered that the Beat Brothers are a band who scored a record deal with a Valruzian record label a couple years ago. This is all that is known about them. We approached Gary Kingston, a senior producer at Channel 4 for comment.

"I don't know anything about the Beat Brothers; I've never heard of them. Are they like a comic duo or something?" was his response. As to why the commercials are running on the Channel he is responsible for, he answered simply, "Well, that sounds like a marketing decision, and I run operations. I would suggest you speak with Loretta Khan. She is in charge of marketing and advertising."

So we did. "No- Each show has their own budget and their own creative staff. I only ensure that we run commercials on time. In fact, the only time I actually deal with creative aspects of the commercials is when they either make false claims or promises, or when they don't run the purchased amount of time each day. As a matter of fact, the content of commercials is decentralized to each show, but if you want to talk to our operations producer, the guy who runs the day to day of the station, his name is Gary Kingston."

We were getting nowhere.

At press time, the mysterious commercials had run again, this time on Radio, channel 3, during morning Drive. This time, just a voice, which simply said "The Beat Brothers are Coming." No other information.

Either this is a fairly elaborate Valruzian-led operation, which is entirely plausible given their embargo of Kalistan a few years ago, or some KRTVN producer is having some fun with the public. Or perhaps, the Beat Brothers actually are coming. We will continue to monitor and will report our findings, if we get to the bottom of this matter.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: International Academy of Music (IAM)

Postby Doc » Wed Jul 04, 2018 2:38 am

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The Kalistani Republic

Youth of Kalistan Eagerly Await Arrival of the Beat Brothers
Details of Arrival still scant

Sulari, Suldanor
May 28, 4418

Channel 4 reveals the identity of the Beat Brothers, ending nearly 2 months of speculation

We are, by now, all completely familiar with the ubiquitous commercials which announces "The Beat Brothers are Coming!". It started early last month, with a simple announcement that "The Beat Brothers Are Coming!" The identity of the group was unknown at the time, and it was believed that someone had hacked the signal of Channel 4. Instead, the commercials set off a veritable storm of interest and speculation, about the identity of this group, about the people behind the commercials. Within days, the imagination of a significant portion of the population, especially those who watch Channel 4, was captured.

A week later, it was confirmed that The Beat Brothers was indeed a Valruzian band that is currently gaining popularity in the rock scene in Valruzia. Their music was next to impossible to find in Kalistan, however, due to the embargo that Valruzia placed on our country at the beginning of the Straits affair. A few tracks were released anonymously, and picked up by Radio Channel 3: These tracks have been attributed to The Beat Brothers, but it has proven impossible to authenticate the source of these tracks.

Nonetheless, these unauthenticated tracks became number 1 requests for a solid week on the Radio Channel 3, and on the TV Channel 4 afternoon show called "Complete Music". This program normally attracts an impressive following of 7.5 million teenagers and young adults every afternoon. But as of late last week, it was reported that since the beginning of this "Beatmania" which is sweeping Kalistan, Complete Music's viewership had tripled, and captured every demographic under the age of 35. Meanwhile, the controversy surrounding the music was resolved. Of the 5 tracks attributed to the Beat Brothers, 4 of the 5 were misattributed. Two of them were made by Kalistani teenagers called the "Bash Bros" trying to capitalize off the mania, and two of them were covers of Lodamese folk music pirated from the Internet. The one which still remained unattributed remains highly demanded on tv and the Radio, but the other four have all but disappeared from the airwaves.

Early this week, the commercial changed to a picture of the four Valruzians but it kept the same message. The one remaining unattributed track was playing in the background of the 15 second long commercial. "Complete Music" producer Josephine Guerrero confirmed that the music of this unattributed song was indeed an early and pirated demo from the Beat Brothers, which had been smuggled out of Valruzia by a Valruzian DJ, trying to cash in on the growing fame of the Beat Brothers. Complete Music expected to be in talks with the Beat Brothers management to pay appropriate royalties to the band for the use of their music.

Meanwhile, the backlash has already begun. Felicia Banton, the influential columnist turned TV opinion personality, has lashed out at the corrosive effects of the Beat Brothers' music on the "minds of the youth" on TV Channel 1 last night. This incredibly reactionary opinion is characteristic of Comrade Banton is a bit on the extreme side, even for her. But she appears to have struck a nerve with Kalistan's "Over 40" demographic. This morning, the Republic ran a number of "Letters to the Editor" calling for KRTVN to stop running ads saying that the Beat Brothers are coming, and others suggesting that the Beat Brothers are going to warp the minds of the youth. Granted, this is the minority view: Most of the letters to the Editor about the Beat Brothers were calls for them to come (already!). People, especially the youth have already scoured the Internet looking for more information: They are the most highly searched term on various search engines. A number of Beat Brothers fan clubs have already started up in all Districts, and both girls and boys are showing up to "Complete Music" in "We love You, Beat Brothers" T-shirts that some enterprising scalpers are selling outside of the show.

There is still no information about when the Beat Brothers will finally arrive in Kalistan, and we are still at a loss as to who is responsible for the hype campaign. But if it is indeed just hype, one young lady we interviewed in the audience line for Complete Music yesterday said, "Well, I'm just going to have to find some way to go to Valruzia and see them there." She was immediately cheered by 250 kids in earshot of our interview.

The Beat Brothers may still be coming, someday, but the Cult of the Beat Brothers is already here, and millions of screaming girls are awaiting the arrival of their new Gods.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: International Academy of Music (IAM)

Postby Doc » Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:57 am

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Wewnątrz Nowogard

Beat Brothers hold roundtable press conference, hint at appearance in Kalistan
Nowogard, 23 June 4418

After about a couple months of whisper campaigns conducted by Kalistani music stations, the Beat Brothers held a roundtable press conference and spoke at length about what they had been doing in the past year. “We’ve been hard at work on our first studio album, ‘Here to Please’, and we’re in the works with a studio in Kalistan,” Says Hanuszek Leminski, the lead singer of the band. “It seems they’re very excited, what with all the marketing campaigns the studio is doing over there. We can’t blame them either, Kalistan is the music capital of Terra. Lot of genres originated there, rich musical history.” The band’s comments seemingly hint at a big show in Kalistan, which could be big, considering recently that Foreign Minister Pilarczyk has openly supported a full repeal of sanctions placed on them. Whatever the Beat Brothers are up to, Inside Nowogard will keep you updated every step of the way.

From left to right: Pawlik Mareczek, Rysiek Starewski, Jerzyk Hariuwek, and Hanuszek Leminski.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: International Academy of Music (IAM)

Postby Doc » Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:17 am

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The Kalistani Republic

Beatmania spreads to all corners of Kalistan as Valruzian Band plays Ananto

Kaliburg Ananto
July 2, 4418

Valruzian Quartet The Beat Brothers arrive in Kaliburg on July 1 to thousands of crazed teenaged fanatics

It finally happened. History has been made in Kalistan, and music tastes in the Republic will likely be altered for the foreseeable future.

If you hadn't heard that the Beat Brothers were coming to Kalistan, you must have been living under a rock since early April. But every kid between the ages of 13 and 19 know they'd be here, and sure enough they have arrived.

In late May, The Republic confirmed that the "Beat Brothers" referred to by the commercials was in fact the Valruzian Pop-Rock band of that name, and it was released a couple weeks later that the Valruzian government had agreed to allow the foursome to visit the Republic, which is still technically under embargo. A deal was concluded between the Beat Brothers' Management and the extremely popular KRTVN-4 program "Complete Music" to bring the Beat Brothers to Kalistan in June or July.

All of these arrangements were kept secret from the general population: The goal of the whisper campaign was to generate interest in this band which nobody in Kalistan had ever heard of before April. "Of course, we owe the Beat Brothers royalties," said "Complete Music" producer Josephine Guerrero. "We intend to hand them a fairly sizeable fee at the first opportunity."

The gambit payed off. By the time the Beat Brothers touched down in Kaliburg yesterday, they had already captured the hearts of the Nation.

The Beat Brothers arrived at Kaliburg International airport at precisely 13:35 on a Valruzian charter flight. Everyone there knew, without a doubt, that history was being made. When the four musicians stepped out the door of their plane, the assembled crowd went wild. Local security reported a crowd of more than 9,000 people were there to greet the Beat Brothers. As the band moved from the plane toward the waiting bus which was to take them into the city, the crowd beat the barricades down and mobbed the band. Local security forces sprung into action and immediately surrounded the band to keep them safe from the crazed teenagers. Slowly the scrum made their way to the City Bus, chartered for this event, and the band slowly left the airport, followed by the mob.

As the bus made its way through the city, the main streets were lined with screaming fans hoping to catch a glimpse of their idols. The bus slowly wound its way toward the Kalistan National Opera House. It turns out that "Complete Music" had organized a special show for that day, and announced that the goal was to fill the National Opera for the show. But they did not tell the fans who were in the Opera that the day's live band would be the Beat Brothers. The Host of Complete Music, Gregory Guerwitz got the word that the Beat Brothers were ready about 15 minutes into the live show.

"Friends, I've just got word that we're ready... alright. Now, I know we've had some great acts on this show, but I think... well, I think you're in for a treat." At this point, a rumor began to spread around the room, via text, from outside the Opera, that the Beat Brothers were in the house. The word slowly spread, and here and there, groups of audience members started yelling hysterically.

"Friends, here we go. Ladies and Gentlemen..." Before Guerwitz could complete his introduction, the curtains opened and there were the Beat Brothers, and the assembled crowd of 12,500 screaming teenagers lost their minds. Though Guerwitz said "The Beat Brothers", nobody heard him, because of the deafening roar from the crowd.

The Beat Brothers played a total of 5 songs, each about 3 minutes, of perfect pop rock: Songs like "Here to Please", "Darling, It's Me", "Shackles of Love", "Shake and Shout", and "Ezbieta, You Deserve Him" are all certain, in their own time, to become number 1 hits on the Pop and the National Charts in short order. The best song of the set, "Shake and Shout" has been playing on constant rotation on several private Radio stations since yesterday.

Unfortunately, the only people who heard most of it in the Operahouse were the sound operator and the members of the Band themselves, who had monitors in their ears. The television audience at home only really heard a few minutes here and there of the whole performance over the crowd noise. Nonetheless, rest assured, early reports demonstrate that the concert reached nearly every livingroom and Dorm Room in the entire country. The cameras spent the concert butting between the band and young women, and men, appearing to lose control.

The Beat Brothers play to a standing room only crowd at the National Opera

The concert lasted less than 20 minutes in total, but many of the youngsters present described the event as timeless. Following the concert, Guerwitz asked one of the band's Lead Singers, Hanuszek Leminski what his impressions of Kalistan were. He smiled and said, "It's... very loud." and the crowd went wild once more, as if to prove him correct.

"And what do you think of our young people?" Guerwitz said with a smile.

Liminski smiled, nodded at the crowd and said, "They're my favorite in all of Kalistan." And the crowd let out a massive, deafening roar again.

Following the show, the Beat Brothers were returned to the airport. This of course was a sign of the still existing tensions between the Governments of Valruzia and Kalistan. But the fans of the Beat Brothers didn't care about international relations yesterday. As the bus departed from the National Opera, the audience departed out the front way and formed an impromptu parade behind the bus, walking the 3 miles between the Opera House and the Airport. The bus obliged, at the Band's request, and slowly crept through the streets of the town, allowing the fans to see the band. The Beat Brothers hung out the windows and touched the hands of their fans who flanked both sides of the bus as it moved along.

Once at the airport, the Beat Brothers gave one final press conference, to a throng of reporters. Here they displayed incredible wit and confidence before a foreign press, even if they spoke Luthori in a heavy accent.

Q: How did you find Kalistan?
A: Turned Right at Lodamun.

Q: Will you come back to Kalistan?
A: We have not left.

Q: Did you know you were this popular in Kalistan?
A: Did you know you were so popular in Valruzia?

Q: What's your favorite song?
A: (from Drummer Rysiek Starewski) The one I did not write.

And so forth. The press conference, which was broadcast live on all television and radio channels of KRTVN, lasted for more than 10 minutes where the band also discussed their their new record, "Here to Please", which has just has been released in Valruzia, but which cannot be legally sold in Kalistan at the moment. "We will be sure to send a couple of copies to Kalistan," joked bassist Pawlik Mareczek. After taking pictures and waving, they were escorted out to the Charter flight, where they climbed the stairs to the flight and waved at the crowd, who was still screaming at the sight of the departing band.

At 16:45, the Charter flight lifted off and disappeared into the clear blue sky. All told, the Beat Brothers had been in Kalistan for 3 and a half hours, sung 5 songs, and given two interviews. They had been seen by more than 25,000 fans, and countless more at home. The Kalistani fans who watched the plane until it was out of sight hung around the airport for nearly an hour, discussing their experiences. Most interviewed said the same thing:

"This changed my entire life," said one young fan. She summed up the afternoon for millions.

By 17:15, Online sales of "Here To Please" began through third Parties, and it is alleged, though not confirmed, that more that 650,000 copies of the record had been sold to Kalistani consumers by Press time this morning.

Penny Georges, Age 15, who claimed that she stood less than 5 feet away as the Beat Brothers passed, was overwhelmed with emotion
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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Re: International Academy of Music (IAM)

Postby Doc » Fri Jul 06, 2018 7:37 am

Beat Brothers Claim Top Honors in Year Long Survey
Beatmania shows no sign of waning

Kaliburg, Ananto
July 5, 4419

"Here to Please", The Kalistani Release of the First LP by the Beat Brothers, sells out in Kalistan as soon as a new shipment arrives

Beatmania continues in Kalistan and is fed by new Beat Brothers Music. For a year now, Kalistani youth have gone crazy whenever new Beat Brothers music is released. When the new Beat Brothers Record arrived in Kalistan, it immediately sold out. So Kalistani distributors associated with the subsidiary VEMI-Kalistan put in another order, and it was immediately sold out once more. Four runs have not been enough to satiate the Kalistani Teen Market.

Now the Results are in. In a survey of Record buyers conducted from May 6-June 30 of this year, The Beat Brothers are far and away the most popular band among the 13-26 demographic. The Beat Brothers topped the "Best Band" and "Favorite Band" lists, and four of the top five songs on the List were performed by the Beat Brothers. The Beat Brothers dominance of Kalistani pop charts remains virtually undisputed, and they have opened the doors for other Valruzian bands to follow in their wake.

The Dawid Prysbyz 5 toured Kalistan in April and May, and their new Smash "Bits and Splinters" incorporates Ska rhythms into their pop, setting them apart from other bands

Already, Kalistani Bands are getting into act. Several local knock offs, including Python's Gdancek (RL equivalent: The Buckinghams) have already scored recording contracts with VEMI-K in a seemingly vain attempt to satisfy the Market. In addition, Kalistan is soon to be the target of a number of new acts that hail from the same roots. Two new Valruzian pop-rock bands have already toured extensively in Kalistan and share the same sound, which some are calling the "Szarybeat" sound: Grzegorz and the Beatkeepers (RL equivalent: Garry and the Pacemakers) and The Dawid Pryzbyz 5 (RL Equivalent: Dave Clark 5) who both toured in the Spring to sold out crowds.In the last week of June, 4419, all top 20 pop hits were Valruzian acts.

The Syndicate is the first Kalistani response to the Valruzian Invasion and its Szarybeat sound

The Valruzian Sound has already produced some backlash in Kalistan, though this reaction goes largely unnoticed by teenage fans, and doesn't appear on the charts. Kalistani pop septet The Syndicate (RL Equivalent: The Association) have incorporated a lot of VEMI's production style, but have dropped the rock and roll elements of bands like the Beat Brothers. Instead, they have focused on intricate 7-part harmonies and deep orchestration as a feature of their pop-driven music. In Late May, the Syndicate single "My Love" briefly broke the top 20 on Kalistan's pop charts, and was the first Kalistani band to do so in more than a year.

Despite the new explosion of music between Valruzia and Kalistan, the Beat Brothers remain on the top of Kalistani Charts now going into their second year. The Invasion continues.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

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Re: International Academy of Music (IAM)

Postby Doc » Tue Jul 10, 2018 3:22 am

reprinted from
The Kalistani Republic
Beatmania rolls on after tour of Kalistan
12 cities in 20 days as host of new Kalistani Bands adopt sound

Yoshimi, Suldanor
May 31, 4421

Pawlik Mareczek and Jerzyk Hariuwek of the Beat Brothers survey the crowd of adoring fans on their last night in Kalistan

Barnstorming Kalistan on a 12 city tour, crowd favorites the Beat Brothers returned once more to Kalistan in support of their new record released from VEMI-K, called "Introducing... The Beat Brothers," and in support of Jelbic recovery. Their fans are a little older now, making the crowds a bit less ebulent than the teenaged mobs that have plagued Kalistani's malls and television programs for years. But that doesn't mean the passion is any less intense for the Beatmaniacs, who have, up until this point needed to fly to other nations to see the Beat Brothers play Live. During the show, the Band played many of their hits, as well as a lot of new songs from their record, including their smash "All My Desires." Half the proceeds from all 12 shows have been donated to humanitarian recovery in Jelbania, and the Socialist Party of Kalistan donated an additional 1 million rubles directly to the effort.

Seeing the Valruzian foursome for the first time was a dream come true for 23 year old Kitty DeNapoli, from Low Bong, Neveras. "Oh, well, they were everything I dreamed, of course, very handsome. Their music was much better live, of course. I mean, I knew it was... hahaha, I mean... I oh, this is just... ha... where to start..." (DeNapoli dissolved into a somewhat manic giggle after this.)

It's impossible to miss the more mature sound of the Beat Brothers as they grow and develop as a band. They're still singing simple pop rock and roll, but recently, we've noticed a certain depth entering into their music. It is noteworthy that they are using different instruments in at least a few of their songs. For example, in their live show, they employed something like a clavier in at least one song, and Hariuwek, the lead guitarist, gave an interview where he talked about the Kalkali folk instrument, the sitar, and how difficult and exciting it is to play it. Great things are expected from the Beat Brothers as they chart a course toward a more mature sound which appears to show signs of growing up with their audience.

Guitarist Hariuwek acquires a Kalkali sitar while in Neveras last month

The Beat Brothers were not alone in touring Kalistan in April and May. The "Szarybeat" sound rolled on as other Valruzian bands both preceded and followed the Fabulous 4 to Kalistan over the last two years, the most popular of "other" Valruzian bands being The Dawid Pryzbyz 5, who scored two top 5 hits this year. In addition, Kalistan's own music scene appears to be attempting to answer Valruzia with a host of new acts of our own. Cleancut and sunshine pop stars, the Amphibians burst on the "Szarybeat" scene scene last year with a VEMI-K release "It's Me Babe."

Kalistan's own Amphibians broke the Top 10 last month with the Title track from their debut album "It's Me Babe"

Another Kalistani band which seems to have captured the interest of at least a segment of the record buying public has adopted more of a gritty, rock sound as compared to the pop-rock aesthetic of the "Szarzybeat" bands. The band, known simply as "Exclamation Point and the Imperatives" has already broke up, but their Number 1 hit on the Top 40 charts, which broke, for a single week, the Beat Brother's iron grip on Kalistan's charts, has inspired a bevy of knock offs of their own. Exclamation Point and the Imperatives, whose one hit wonder song "Too Many Teardrops", draws from indie rock and electronica and perhaps is colored with a bit of punk attitude, and though they only put out that single, they are still regularly requested, especially in Neveras and Vrassa.

Exclamation Point and the Imperatives, seen largely as a novelty band and one hit wonder, scored the first #1 for a Kalistani Band in 3 years

The Beat Brothers still have a massive fan base in Kalistan, and are loved by millions, but success breeds imitation, and imitation breeds evolution. For the Beat Brothers to stay on top, they have to start evolving too. Nobody doubts their ability to do just that, though. And meanwhile, lovers of pop-rock have a veritable smorgasbord of music choices in the flourishing cross-Selaya music scene. Even in these troubled times, music can still bring people together. And the Beat Brothers, for they part, have been remarkable good will ambassadors of their country to the entire world.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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