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Re: Reformed Hosian Church

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 4:41 pm
by John Cracker
OOC: I looked, its illegal for foreign pastors to visit, I edited the post to fit this.

Re: Reformed Hosian Church

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 11:33 pm
by John Cracker
John Benton Takes Trip to Jelbania

John Benton and eleven other pastors took a seven day trip to Jelbania were they preached all over the country, total conversions are around 2,000-3,000. They also are collecting funds to erect a massive church in Jelbania which will be able to seat 5,000 people, the Hamilton Family has donated 1,000,000 LIK, and many from Likatonia are donating to.

Re: Reformed Hosian Church

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 1:59 am
by Yolo04

Re: Reformed Hosian Church

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 10:06 am
by Locke1342

Re: Reformed Hosian Church

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:47 pm
by John Cracker
Pastors Sent to Jelbania, Badaraian Pastors Continue Conversions, Week of Prayer Announced After Restrictions

After success in Jelbania John Benton has taken twenty five pastors with him on a two week trip to Jelbania, they will be breaking ground on a new mega-church that can seats five thousand in the capital city in hopes of reaching out of Jelbanian politicians. They will be going around making speeches and preaching wherever they can, some have had meetings with families, others are preaching to hundreds, it is estimated that after their first five days they may have been able to convert another one to two thousand people to the Reformed Hosian Church. Due to foreign pastors not being able to visit Badara Badarians have come to Likatonia to hear Benton and others preach, Benton has trained around twenty native pastors by now, who have had great success in Badara it is expected they have been able to convert between six and seven thousand people their, they have also finished building a church in Badara that can seats three thousand people.

John Benton made a speech encouraging Reformed Hosians, and condemning the restrictions of travel,

I encourage our brothers in these turbulent times, countries are restricting us, even though we have caused no violence, governments are in an outrage, only because they are afraid of us. I ask for these travel restrictions to end, I ask for religious freedom to prevail, you countries that ban travel to Likatonia, we are not just in Likatonia, we have a small church in Hutori, we have believers in Badara and Jelbania, we will not lose this fight we will prevail. Your scrutiny is unnecessary we cause no violence or unrest, it is you who does that, I urge all Reformed Hosains to peacefully protest do not cause violence only defend yourself, we will get through this. I call for a week of prayer for our persecutors, I call for all Hosians to join.

Re: Reformed Hosian Church

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 10:19 pm
by John Cracker
Church in Hulstaria Finished

A new reformed Hosian church has been built in Hulstaria, the church will be able to seat 3,000 people, the first service will be held in one week.

Re: Reformed Hosian Church

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 1:36 am
by John Cracker
Benton Makes Speech Responding to Dolgova, Request Meeting With Queen

Dolgova has every right as a nation to restrict travel, however that doesn't make it right, they have lied, just like everybody else. They say the government of Likatonia has backed this religion, that is not true, they just didn't intervene, we are used to lies like this, it appears to have become the statues qou. I am calling for a unified church, we did not leave the Aurorians because we wanted to divid Terra, we left them because we felt that the church had drifted to far away from true Hosanism, right now we need to be focusing on the mases that do not believe not squabbling and closing borders. The Queen of Dolgova is the only high up official that appears not to support this decision which is why I am requesting a meeting with her, not to try to convert her, but to try to work with her for unity.

Re: Reformed Hosian Church

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 9:22 pm
by John Cracker
Reformed Church Announces Meeting to Take Place in One Month

Today John Benton and other RHC leaders announced that the RHC will have a meeting in Clovisport in one month to regroup and decide what the best steps are for the church to take, each region that has a RHC church in it will send a representative to participate. People who are not Reformed Hosians are allowed to go and spectate the meeting, questions may be asked at the end

Re: Reformed Hosian Church

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 4:27 pm
by John Cracker
RHC Meeting Concludes
After hours of debating and voting the RHC meeting has concluded with John Benton announcing to reporters the results, they decided on things like, a central leadership and what the RHC should be defined as. Their were 20 representatives, 8 from Likatonia, 2 from Jelbania, 2 from Badara, 4 from Hulstaria, and 4 from Hutori.

Central Leadership: The RHC meeting voted 14/6 not to have a central leadership and instead to have a meeting every 3 years to make sure the RHC is not drifting away.

The Hamilton Company: at the General Assembly concerns were raised over The Hamilton Companies donations to the RHC, the meeting voted 18/2 not to expect for than 1,000,000 LIK a year from the Hamilton Company, Benton siad he hopes this will give the RHC more integrity, and that this move forces them to trust more in God.

Dorvik, Dolgova, and Keymon: The meeting voted 11/9 (the most narrow vote of the night) not to try to sent pastors in disguises to preach in these countries, they meeting viewed it as dangerous, and John Benton said that the RHC would not brake the laws of these countries and needed to earn the right to preach.

Next Steps of the RHC: The meeting decided 20/0 that the best steps for the RHC were to continue building the RHC in the countries they are in, and to make an official appeal to the World Congress for recognition.

Likatonian "Corruption": Many concerns in the General Assembly have been raised concerning the RHC relationship with the Likatonian gov. the meeting voted 20/0 that the only thing they could do was to point out that the RHC has not senate or cabinet seats.

Official Definition of the RHC: The meeting voted 18/2 that the HRC would be defined as a "Big-Tent Charismatic Movement" John Benton said tat the HRC needed to define itself and this fit it the best.

These were the biggest six decisions of the night, although 11 other things were voted on, John Benton is traveling to the General Assembly to make an appeal.

Re: Reformed Hosian Church

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 9:28 pm
by John Cracker
BREAKING NEWS: RHC Refuses Corporate Money

John Benton has just made a announcement that the RHC will not take any corporate money no matter what company it is from, and will only expect money from personal donations, expect from the Hamilton Company and Family from which they will take no money. The move comes after the RHC, CRP, and three companies came under scrutiny for being closely tied. John Benton says the church will run of small donations only.