Augustan Church

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Re: Terran Patriarchal Church

Postby Polites » Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:01 pm

Vanukean elected Pápež

Pápež Vladan I, in traditional Jelbic liturgical vestments

December 4708 - In a historic election, the Holy Sobor of the Terran Patriarchal Church has elected the first Vanukean Arch-Patriarch in its history. 75 year old Kardinál Rnárd Trmékez was elected Pápež, narrowly defeating his closest rival, Deltarian-born Kardinál Štefan Řezník. Unprecedented as it is, the election of the Church's first Vanukean Arch-Patriarch was made even more exceptional as a result of the pontifical name chosen by the new Pápež, who adopted the name Vladan in honor of 36th century Deltarian political leader Kardinál Vladan Martinek.

As a priest and later Archbishop of Naban and later still as Kardinál, Vladan Martinek is a controversial political and religious figure and an unlikely inspiration for the leader of Terra's second largest Hosian community. As leader of his own political party in the Deltarian Czardom, the Hosian National Party, Vladan Martinek made himself a champion of Hosian morality against Czarist dictatorship and of the independence of the Church from the abuses of absolute monarchy, condemning secular government, slavery, and genocide at great personal risk to his own life. In government Vladan Martinek led what many see as an example of what a Hosian-based regime ought to look like in Deltaria, by taking steps to eliminate slavery, cracking down on corruption, reducing the power of the aristocracy, condemning what the Church sees as immoral practices, including homosexuality, and even going as far as to force the hand of the Czar to accept significant reduction in his power. For all these and more, Vladan Martinek's fall from power at the hands of Czarism led to his violent persecution, as most of his cabinet was executed and he himself was blinded with a red-hot iron and confined to a monastery, where he spent his last days and ultimately died of starvation.

Long neglected in a nation where the Terran Patriarchal Church had essentially become the religious department of the Czarist state, the revival of Vladanism by none other than the new Arch-Patriarch points to a resurgent and more confident Church. Freed from the shackles of monarchist oversight and purged of Czarist and aristocratic elements in the aftermath of the war against the Coalition, the Terran Church may now feel emboldened enough to flex its long dormant political muscle and assert an independent role in Deltarian and Terran politics. The first act of Pápež Vladan I points in that direction, as on the same day of his assumption of the Pápežate he canonized his namesake as Saint Vladan the Confessor. By granting him the title of "Confessor", traditionally given to saints who have witnessed to the faith and suffered for it but not to the point of martyrdom, the new Arch-Patriarch implicitly recognized that the politically-motivated imprisonment and torture of Kardinál Vladan Martinek due to his leading an anti-Czarist government was motivated by anti-Hosian sentiment, and thus that governing Deltaria in the name of the Church is an act of faith. The implications of the Pápežate of His Holiness Vladan I on Deltaria and the wider Terran Patriarchal communion remain to be seen. A politically active Church will certainly have a significant impact on the young and still fragile Deltarian Federation, the first liberal democratic Deltarian regime in centuries.
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Re: Terran Patriarchal Church

Postby ReformedEndralon » Wed Mar 10, 2021 4:01 pm

Terran Patriarchal Church Remains Largest Hosian Denomination in Kizenia and New Endralon

Although the Terran Patriarchal Church is spread around Terra, it is amongst the nations of the island continent of Keris that the TPC enjoys some of its largest congregations. In Trigunia over 48% of the population adhere to Terran Patriarchalism, in Dolgava it is 50% and in Kizenia it is around 30%. This makes Terran Patriarchalism the largest single Hosian denomination in Kizenia.

Kizenian Patriarchal Church in full communion with the Terran Patriarchal Church

The Kizenian Patriarchal Church is in full communion with the Terran Patriarchal Church although enjoys the benefit of having its own Patriarch, although he remains subordinate to the Pope. Underneath the Patriarch are the Archbishops of Tilarnia, Tiania and Kuzaki. The Archbishoprics of Tilarnia and Tiania cover the same area as the cantons of those names, while the Archbishopric of Kuzakia tends to the north-eastern three Cantons of Kizenia that have significantly fewer members. You see, the Kizenian Patriarchal Church is firmly entrenched in the ethnic Kizenian community, the logic of which is that the Church uses the Kizenian rite in its worship and official business.


Almost one-third of the population adhere to Terran Patriarchalism.

Dolgavan Minority

Although the Terran Patriarchal Church has utterly failed to make any inroads into the ethnic Zyldavian or [url=]Kuzakian populations, one ethnic minority population is devote in its loyalty, the Dolgavians. There are about one million ethnic Dolgavans (also known as Dolgavians or Dolgarians) living in the Confederation. Whilst their Dundorfian speaking Hulstro-Dolgavan neighbours in Dolgava are typically Luthoran, the Dolgavans proper living in the Confederation are mostly followers of Terran Patriarchal Church, albeit one that has dispensation to use the Dolgavan rather than Kizenian. The Dolgavan rite Church is an integral part of the Kizenian Patriarchal Church, but in the [url= Canton of Tiania[/url] there are a two Bishops that specifically serve the Dolgavan community.
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Re: Terran Patriarchal Church

Postby Polites » Fri Jun 23, 2023 11:36 pm

Historic Election of Female Arch-Patriarch
September 5321

Maria Ignatia I, the second female Arch-Patriarch of the Terran Patriarchal Church

In a momentous occasion that has sparked both celebration and controversy, the Holy Sobor of the Terran Patriarchal Church has elected Archbishop of Rodshyadam Ekaterina Ivanovna as the new Arch-Patriarch and Papisa (female Pápež) of the Terran Patriarchal Church. Taking on the name Maria Ignatia I, the new Arch-Patriarch is the second of her gender to be elected to the Terran Patriarchal Vigilate, although her predecessor, Jana I, is not universally recognized. The election of Maria Ignatia I has been met with mixed reactions, reflecting the diverse perspectives that exist within a fractured Terran Patriarchal Church emerging from six decades of persecution in its homeland.

Under the 60 years of the authoritarian communist Putica regime all forms of religion were banned and all faiths were driven underground. Although the holy city of Dolinka, the headquarters of the Terran Patriarchal Church, is located in Deltaria, this did not prevent the communist authorities from enforcing the anti-religious legislation against Deltaria's largest faith. It was only in 5318 that religion was decriminalized, although current legislation remains very restrictive. Since then the Church has spent most of its efforts on reestablishing Apostolic Succession in Deltaria, bringing in clergy from Trigunia, Zardugal, Kizenia, and other places where the Church exists unmolested. With its clergy restored, the Church could only now restore its Holy Sobor, which proceeded to rectify the lack of an Arch-Patriarch from which it has suffered for decades.

Maria Ignatia I hails from Trigunia, where the Terran Patriarchal Church underwent its own significant transformation. In 5294 the Trigunian government, led at the time by a utopian feminist technocracy, implemented the Gender Equality in the Trigunian Hosian Church Act which forced all Churches in Trigunia to allow women in all positions of authority within the Churches. This included the Terran Patriarchal Church in Trigunia, the second largest branch of the TPC by number of faithful. With the Church's leadership in Deltaria decapitated, the TPC could not prevent this reform in spite of the fierce criticism it received from more conservative elements of the Church. It is the Gender Equality Act that allowed women to become bishops and ultimately permitted the election of Ekaterina Ivanovna as Archbishop of Rodshyadam.

The election of Arch-Patriarch Maria Ignatia I marks a significant turning point in the history of the Terran Patriarchal Church. Supporters of the female Arch-Patriarch highlight her theological expertise, pastoral experience, and commitment to social justice exhibited while she served in Trigunia, and believe that her election marks a step towards a more inclusive Church that embraces the wisdom and talents of women in positions of leadership. Traditionalists on the other hand contend that the election of a woman as Arch-Patriarch goes against the Church's long-standing ecclesiology, and question the validity of the election in light of controversies surrounding the unrecognized Vigilate of Jana I.

Addressing these divisions, Arch-Patriarch Maria Ignatia I used the occasion of her inaugural address to call for unity, dialogue, and understanding within the Church. The election of a female Arch-Patriarch not only challenges traditional gender roles in the historically traditionalist countries where the TPC forms the majority, but also raises broader questions on the future of the Terran Patriarchal Church in a changing world. As the TPC moves forward under the leadership of Arch-Patriarch Maria Ignatia I, it is expected that her Vigilate will bring profound changes, the impact of which will be visible for years to come.
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Re: Terran Patriarchal Church

Postby Polites » Sun Jun 25, 2023 10:06 am

Maria Ignatia I Convenes Church Council
June 5322

Papisa Maria Ignatia I has convened a Church Council

Faced with a divided Church and a contested Vigilate, the second female Arch-Patriarch in the history of the Terran Patriarchal Church Maria Ignatia I had convened a Church Council in the holy city of Dolinka in Deltaria. Bishops, archbishops, and lay theologians from the entire Terran Patriarchal world have been called to attend a Council to discuss the most pressing matters affecting the TPC communion.

Although the future Council of Dolinka does not have a pre-determined agenda, it is certain that the matter of the ordination of women will the most discussed and most furiously debated. Although the opponents of the election of a female Arch-Patriarch have not, at least for now, entered schism, they threaten to do so if their concerns are not given due consideration. With a plurality of delegates to be sent by the Church in Trigunia, where the ordination of women is now widely accepted, it seems likely that the Council will enshrine this policy among the canons of the Church.

The Terran Patriarchal Church has not had a Council since its founding three millennia ago, therefore it is undoubted that its decisions will be monumental and far-reaching. Among the most likely topics of discussion is the Church’s ecclesiology. The TPC remains very archaic in this respect, insisting that the single most important factor determining individual salvation is being in full communion with its Arch-Patriarch, with the lack thereof condemning any person, no matter how righteous, to eternal hellfire. It is this outdated belief that justified the Church’s launching of Crusades and Inquisitions as recently as the 35th century, and had brought the TPC to relative obscurity since the loss of its political power.

But although the Terran Patriarchal Church has never had a Church Council does not mean that it is a stranger to concilliarism or a synodal organization. During the so-called “years of enlightenment” (2325-2777) the office of Pápež was de facto abolished and the Church was led by an elected Holy Sobor. Not is the TPC unfamiliar with progressivism. Arch-Patriarch Adrian I aimed to counter the collapse of the Church’s authority Terra-wide that had been taking place in response to the abuses of his predecessors by implementing progressive reforms. Although this proved unfruitful and the reforms were ultimately reversed, there is precedent for a more progressive Terran Patriarchal Church.

Whatever decisions the upcoming Council of Dolinka will take, its impact will certainly be felt for years to come.
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Re: Terran Patriarchal Church

Postby Polites » Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:16 pm

Council of Dolinka Sparks Controversy
Papisa Takes Decisive Action

March 5323


A highly contentious Church Council convened by Arch-Patriarch Maria Ignatia I in the holy city of Dolinka has concluded, leaving the Terran Patriarchal Church even more embroiled in controversy and divided opinions. The Council, aimed at addressing several pressing issues within the Church, has resulted in significant internal strife and sharp disagreements among its members.

The primary point of contention was the proposed introduction of progressive reforms by Papisa Maria Ignatia. Among these reforms are the recognition of female clergy, ecumenical dialogue with other faiths, and a revision of certain traditional teachings. The reforms were strongly defended by the Deltarian and most of the Trigunian delegations, while the most vehement opposition came from the Zardic delegation presided by Archbishop of Beleco Georgio IV. Also a Cardinal in the Holy Sobor, Georgio IV was Maria Ignatia’s main opponent in the Arch-Patriarchal election, and had since remained the fiercest critic of her Vigilate.

As the debate became heated and, according to eyewitness accounts began to threaten the unity of the Church, the Papisa directly intervened and had her opponents excommunicated and forcibly removed from the proceedings. This drastic intervention was hailed by her supporters as a decisive action necessary to prevent an even greater schism, but critics argue that the Arch-Patriarch’s heavy handed approach reflects poorly on her own stated commitment to unity. The excommunication of the dissenting party has created a schism within the Church, now divided between those rallying behind Papisa Maria Ignatia's vision for a more inclusive and progressive TPC and those who vocally reject these changes, viewing them as a departure from the Church's sacred traditions.

With this drastic action the proposed reforms, most notably including the ordination of women, were unanimously approved and the canons of the Church were updated to reflect this and the other changes adopted by the Council. Also approved were reforms on the Church’s position on LGBT rights and an acceptance of the validity and spiritual value of other faiths.

However, one aspect that has not caused controversy at the Council is the official recognition of the worship of the Tokundian Gods. These pagan beliefs had been part of the TPC’s practices for millennia, but they had never before been officially recognized as a doctrine of faith. Terran Patriarchal lay theologians were instrumental in incorporating the Tokundian deities in the Church’s official beliefs and the formulation of a theological justification for their inclusion. The Council of Dolinka ultimately decided that the mainstream binitarian Hosian beliefs regarding the nature and relation between God and His Spirit can serve as the framework for recognizing other deities. In the Aurorian belief to which the TPC has always subscribed, the Spirit is subordinate to God and distinct from Him, though They share an equal nature. In spite of this subordination and distinction, orthodox Patriarchal Hosians declare that God is God and His Spirit is God and still profess a belief in One God. As the Council decided, the same is true of all Gods, each of Whom is God without denying their individuality and distinction from each other and from God Itself. Just as Hosians worship the One God by worshipping the Spirit, so too can they worship God by worshipping each God.

In the wake of the Council's decisions, the TPC finds itself at a pivotal moment in its history. The challenges it faces may be daunting, but they also present opportunities for growth, renewal, and a reimagining of its role in Terra’s ever-changing religious landscape. The true test of the Terran Patriarchal Church’s resilience and relevance will lie in its ability to navigate these challenges.

In the aftermath of the Council, the delegates promulgated the below Confession of Faith. An Arch-Patriarchal encyclical recognizing the decisions of the Council of Dolinka and addressing the split in the Church is reportedly upcoming.

We believe in One God, the Almighty Boh, the Creator of Caelum and Terra, visible and invisible.

We believe in the Spirit of God, a manifestation of His divine power and wisdom. We recognize the Spirit as the immanent aspect of Boh, through Whom we are led towards liberation and communion with the Divine.

We believe that Elijah, the Spirit of God made flesh, was sent by Boh as a teacher, prophet, and guide. Through his teachings and His Sacrifice, He leads us on the path of righteousness and union with God.

We believe in the Divine hierarchy, where the Gods share in the divine essence, each occupying Their unique place within the celestial hierarchy. We acknowledge that all Gods and Goddesses are, like the Spirit of God, united in their shared divine essence and serve as mediators and intercessors.

We confess that among these Gods those of our ancestors, among Whom Parnum, Paparuda, Volos, Divonaya, and Satanail, are worthy of honor and worship as the Gods of our ancestral traditions. We acknowledge and honor all other Gods and Deities.

We commit ourselves to justice, equality, and the pursuit of the common good. We reject discrimination, oppression, and all forms of injustice. Inspired by the teachings of Elijah, we promote social harmony, peace, and the alleviation of human suffering.

We recognize the sacred Sacrifices of our Church, instituted by Elijah and His Apostles, through which divine grace is bestowed upon us.

May the same divine grace guide us, and may our faith lead us to everlasting life. Amen.
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Re: Terran Patriarchal Church

Postby Polites » Wed Oct 04, 2023 9:07 am

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Re: Terran Patriarchal Church

Postby Polites » Tue Jan 02, 2024 12:07 pm

Church deadlocked nearly a century after Dolinka
Highly polarized Sobor unable to elect an Archpatriarch

November 5417

The momentous Council of Dolinka that took place in March 5323, convened by the controversial second female Archpatriarch of the Terran Patriarchal Church Maria Ignatia I, is still, in a way, ongoing. The groundbreaking decisions adopted by the Council, including the vocation of women or the recognition of same-sex unions, go against centuries of conservative Terran Patriarchal Tradition, but were accepted with near unanimity, save the vehement opposition of the Zardic delegation. But while a majority of the delegates were strongly in favour of the proposed reforms, it took the threat of excommunication and a heavy handed approach by the Archpatriarch to force the Council in line and approve the progressive proposals brought forward by Papisa Maria Ignatia.

Although the Council of Dolinka successfully adopted a historic change in the trajectory of Terra's second largest Aurorian denomination, the façade of unity and universal agreement imposed by force at Dolinka began to crack not much after the Council was over. The Dolinkan reforms were adopted in a unique historical context, when the vast majority of Terran Patriarchal faithful and the leadership of the Church were largely supportive of a break with TPC conservatism and its transformation into a modern progressive Church. In the 20s of the past century Deltaria and Trigunia, the two nations with most adherents, had just undergone profound societal changes that made the traditionalist TPC a thing of the past. Deltaria had recently emerged from an anti-religious and socially conservative communist dictatorship, while in Trigunia a utopian feminist technocracy had forced all Trigunian churches to accept the vocation of women. It is in this unprecedented historical context that the radical reforms adopted at Dolinka were possible, temporary Zardic opposition notwithstanding. Indeed, the Zardic Church, once the harshest critic of the Vigilate of Papisa Maria Ignatia, eventually became one of the fiercest supporters of the Dolinkan reforms, though this support is likely motivated more by political calculus than sincere belief.

The context that led to the Council of Dolinka no longer exists, and in the near century since then the Dolinkan reforms have been ignored or even quietly abandoned in much of the Terran Patriarchal communion. Ironically it is Trigunia, the birthplace of Papisa Maria Ignatia I and the origin of the reform movement that has done the most to undo the Council's decisions. Like in Zardugal, the Trigunian church has a long history of independence and a desire for autocephaly, which has recently grown among Trigunian clergy. Coupled with the traditional conservatism of the Church in Trigunia, this means there is now a growing Trigunian-led movement to reverse the decisions of the Council of Dolinka. Meanwhile, in Zardugal and Deltaria, two largely secular and generally socially liberal nations where Terran Patriarchal adherence has historically been on the decline, the embrace of progressive reforms has made the Church more relevant and more in line with societal attitudes, something that clergy there is keen to maintain.

These opposing forces are now engaged in a bitted conflict for the soul of the Terran Patriarchal Church. After Papisa Maria Ignatia the Vigilate was held by moderate Archpatriarchs, all male, who did as much as possible to avoid rocking the boat while effectively brushing Dolinka under the rug. But now growing polarization between pro- and anti-Dolinka factions has made maintaining equidistance between them impossible. With the death of Pápež Sava IX this week the Holy Sobor, the governing council of the Terran Patriarchal Church, has found itself unable to choose his successor, being divided between the two factions and with no moderate candidate available, or indeed desirable by either. The two leading candidates, Deltarian bishop of Naban Paisius Rajačić and Trigunian Kardinal Porphyrius Yarushevich, embody the progressive and conservative factions, respectively, with the former wishing to deepen the Dolinka reforms and even enter communion with other syncretic Hosian denominations like the Hosio-Pagans of Selucia or the Mbandistas of Tukarali, and the latter willing to fully condemn the Council of Dolinka and Papisa Maria Ignatia I as heretical. Whoever of the two is elected will undoubtedly lead to a schism, as the polarized factions are effectively unable to agree on anything. With no compromise candidate available, the Holy Sobor now has the unenviable task of reconciling the irreconcilable.

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Re: Terran Patriarchal Church

Postby Polites » Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:42 am

Deadlock continues permanently
Holy Sobor indefinitely defers election of Archpatriarch
May 5418

The Terran Patriarchal Church has been without a leader for half a year, since the death of Archpatriarch Sava IX in November. Although a prolonged state of nesplĭnitŭ prestolŭ (lit. "empty throne"), the name given for situations when a diocese is left without a bishop, is not an uncommon situation for the Archpatriarchate, what is unusual is when such a situation arises from an inability to choose a candidate without causing a major schism, which is what the Terran Patriarchal Church now faces. After the Council of Dolinka the Church has been divided into progressive and conservative factions, and polarization between them has increased to the degree that a schism seems imminent. The passing of Sava IX, the latest in a series of moderate Archpatriarchs who did their best to avoid splitting the Church after Dolinka, marks the end of an era of uneasy coexistence between the two factions. With no moderate candidate for the Vigilate and the leading candidates championing the more stringent interpretations of their respective factions, the Holy Sobor had to decide between electing one of them and fracturing the TPC into two denominations or simply not taking any decision.

The latter is precisely what the Holy Sobor eventually settled on. Citing the precedent of the long "Years of Enlightenment", the Holy Sobor decided that the best path forward for the Terran Patriarchal Church is to embrace a state of perpetual nesplĭnitŭ prestolŭ and thus avoid alienating either faction. As most compromises go, this is a suboptimal solution for all parties, but one they can all conditionally accept. While the progressive faction has no qualms with a de facto abolition of the Archpatriarchate, the conservatives needed additional persuasion to make this compromise a reality.

Having long threatened to leave the Terran Patriarchal communion if not granted autocephaly and the right to disregard the decisions of Dolinka, the Trigunian Church, the leader of the conservative faction, was partially granted its wish in exchange for agreeing to the new Pápež-less status quo. Trigunia has a long history of independence from the Terran Patriarchal Church, most notably under the state-mandated Trigunian National Church of the 36th century, and since reunification with Dolinka it has often used the threat of a new schism to obtain various concessions. The most recent concessions granted to the Trigunian Church are also the greatest. Wishing to maintain Trigunia within the communion, the Trigunian Church was granted autocephaly in the form of an Exarchate, to be led by a new Exarch elected independently by the Trigunian Church as it sees fit. The new Exarchate was granted a partial exemption from the decisions at Dolinka, being allowed to refuse the vocation of new female clergy (though existing ones will continue their ministry), and to refuse same-sex unions in the form of marriage (although it may still be required to bless such unions if the ritual is distinct from the Sacrifice of Love).

The new Trigunian Exarchate happily accepted this compromise, now for the first time enjoying full internal independence while remaining in the Terran Patriarchal communion. But this massive concession granted to the Trigunian Church has left others, particularly the Church in Zardugal which has also demanded autocephaly for a long time unsatisfied. The more vocal progressive clergy are also highly critical of the right granted to Trigunia to selectively ignore the decisions of the Council of Dolinka, though the maintenance of unity as well as the core of the Dolinka reforms has quieted most dissenting voices. Still, the fact that the Trigunian Church was granted its own Exarchate and not the other branches of the Terran Patriarchal Church means that further reforms in the structure of the TPC are likely to be adopted in the months to come. Also likely to change is the name of the Church. Since Dolinka the TPC has renounced its claim of universality, which means that the "Terran" part of the name is now outdated, and while theoretically women can become Archpatriarchs, the fact that the name "Patriarchal" is inherently male has not escaped notice. The need to rename the Church is perhaps the one thing both conservative and progressive factions agree on, meaning that the days of the Terran Patriarchal Church as we know it are now numbered.

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Re: Terran Patriarchal Church

Postby Polites » Thu Jan 04, 2024 3:17 pm

End of the Terran Patriarchal Church
Church adopts new name as reforms continue
January 5419

In the months following the Holy Sobor's decision to indefinitely postpone the election of an Archpatriarch, the Terran Patriarchal communion has continued to undergo significant organizational and ecclesiological changes that effectively transform it into a distinct denomination. The precedent set in May whereby the Trigunian Church was granted autocephaly as an Exarchate started a chain of events that gradually eliminated all central authority within the Terran Patriarchal Church and turned it into a communion of fully independent autocephalous national Churches.

The first to demand and receive the same special treatment given to Trigunia was the Church in Zardugal. Autocephaly has been a historic demand of the Zardic Church even before the Council of Dolinka and the resulting controversies, and emboldened by the concession granted to the TPC in Trigunia Zardugal succeeded in obtaining its own autocephaly in July last year. With the second and third largest branches of the Terran Patriarchal Church gaining ecclesiastical independence, it was only a matter of time before all other national Churches would be granted the same privilege, until, with the establishment of the Exarchate of Jakania this month, only the Deltarian Church remained under the omophorion of the Holy Sobor. Faced with this fait accompli, the Holy Sobor had no other choice but to accept the end of the Terran Patriarchal Church and to become the Holy Synod of the Exarchate of Deltaria.

Having agreed to put an end to the governing structure of the now defunct Terran Patriarchal Church, the Exarchates also unanimously agreed to rename the communion to reflect its new ecclesiology. No longer claiming itself the sole legitimate successor of the Holy Apostolic Hosian Church of Terra and no longer governed by Patriarchs and Archpatriarchs, the former TPC chose a new name to symbolize its cultural heritage and status as the inheritor of the legacy of the ancient Augustan Church. Henceforth the new name of the communion is simply the "Augustan Church", a name reflective of its liturgical rite and modern descent from its ancient namesake. The leadership of the Exarchates agreed to allow for a transition period whereby both official names shall be used concurrently, following which the communion shall be solely known under its new name.

In spite of this significant rupture, the new Church maintains a large degree of continuity with its predecessor. The canon law of the old TPC will remain binding, and its doctrine and liturgy will remain unchanged. What does change is the degree of independence each national Church will have to interpret and apply canon law and the extent to which the worship of the Tokundian gods will be embraced. Although all Exarchates remain bound by the decisions of the Council of Dolinka in matters of faith and as such acknowledge polytheism as orthodox, not all national Churches embrace the Delic cultural legacy that led to the revival of pre-Hosian worship in Deltaria and its former colonies, while in some places the local polytheist tradition carries greater weight and has therefore been unofficially incorporated into local practice. Therefore each Exarchate has latitude in the degree to which polytheistic worship is incorporated into its liturgy and which pantheon(s), if any, it accepts, though overall the new Augustan Church is so indebted to Deltarian culture that Tokundian worship is nearly universally accepted.

The new Augustan Church was effectively born out of the Council of Dolinka. The bold and unexpectedly progressive reforms adopted in 5323 threatened to break the unity of the Church and divide the Terran Patriarchal Church in two. What happened instead is that, after almost a century of attempted reconciliation, the progressive and conservative factions of the former TPC finally managed to see eye to eye on one thing: a complete reformation of the Church into a communion of autocephalous national Churches, in a compromise that imperfectly reconciles these opposite viewpoints without giving full satisfaction to either. Whatever the future of the new Augustan Church may be, its leaders can for now celebrate that by accepting its own demise the Terran Patriarchal Church survived one of the worst crises in its history.

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