Apostolic Church of the East

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Apostolic Church of the East

Postby AfroRastaman » Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:31 am


The official organization page of the Apostolic Church of the East.

Founding: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5100
Organization: http://classic.particracy.net/vieworgan ... ionid=2924

Autocephalous (Independent) Churches:
Hobrazian Orthodox Church
Badaran Apostolic Church
Apostolic Department of Cildania
Barmenian Apostolic Church
Aldegarian Apostolic Church
Kanjoran Apostolic Church
Coburan Apostolic Tewahedo Church
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Re: Apostolic Church of the East

Postby AfroRastaman » Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:45 am

Autocephaly of Coburan Church

Following the fall of the Augustan-led government in Cobura and the creation of the Deltarian Kingdom of Cobura and of autonomous monarchies for Mallans and Irkawans, the Lashane of All Irkawans Shanouti Refsohi and the Ras of All Mallans Ezana Yaqub appealed to Patriarch Wrntukai II of the Barmenian Apostolic Church for Coburan Apostolic autocephaly. The Apostolic Church of the East has been present in the country since the 8th century, when it was brought by Barmenian missionaries, creating the Catholicosate of Cobura. The Catholicosate had been until now an autonomous part of the Barmenian Apostolic Church, led by its own Catholicos, appointed by the Barmenian Patriarch from among Coburan bishops. The Church's main following in Cobura has always been among Irkawans and Mallans, and has played a central role in their cultural and ethnic identity.

His Holiness Wrntukai II agreed to the request filed by the Lashane and the Ras, and issued an Apostolic Tomos of Autocephaly to the Catholicosate of Cobura. The Catholicos of Cobura, His Holiness Yusab, was enthroned as the Catholicos-Patriarch of the Coburan Apostolic Tewahedo Church.

His Holiness Yusab I, the first Catholicos-Patriarch of Cobura
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Re: Apostolic Church of the East

Postby Polites » Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:52 pm

Rise of Apostolic Militancy

Coburan Apostolic militia in Zardugal

The large-scale destruction and devastation resulting from the ongoing Jelbic-Augustan Wars have given birth to sectarian and inter-ethnic conflict throughout the continent of Majatra. Amongst the most affected by the conflicts is the Apostolic Hosian community; the implementation of a radical Ahmadi regime in Barmenia, the conquest of Zardugal by the Black Horde, and the resentment felt by Augustan nationalists towards the fall of their Empire have all led to increasing persecutions and discrimination against members of the Apostolic Church of the East. The Church, while being one of the largest denominations in Majatra, is a minority faith in all Majatran nations but Cildania. The ancient Apostolic Hosian centres of Arakhim, where the Barmenian Apostolic Church still maintains a strong presence, and Cobura and Zardugal, where the Coburan Apostolic Tewahido Church is the second largest denomination, are witnessing numerous attacks on the life and property of Apostolic faithful. In response, the local Apostolic Hosians have begun forming their own militias to defend their communities. Allegedly sponsored by the wealthy Apostolic Department of Cildania, the Apostolic militias have begun engaging in terrorist activities against members of the other religious and ethnic communities, further fueling sectarian conflict on the continent.
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Re: Apostolic Church of the East

Postby Polites » Wed Apr 02, 2014 8:31 pm

Apostolic Militias Merged

The various militias and terrorist organizations affiliated with the Apostolic Church of the East that emerged due to the violence and conflict of the Augustan-Jelbanian wars decided to form a united organization, the Apostolic Army in Majatra. The AAiM, known by its Kathuran name Ḥelawati Šliḥɑ b-Qedar (ܚܝܠܘܬܐ ܫܠܝܚܐ ܒܩܕܪ), is based in Qart Qildar, the capital of Cildania and of the Apostolic Department of Cildania, the largest Eastern Hosian Church. Benefiting from the unofficial blessing of the Cildanian Church and its large funds, the Apostolic Army in Majatra uses violent tactics to campaign for the interests of the Apostolic community on the continent. Cildania too witnesses the aftermath of Majatran sectarianism, as the National-Apostolic Defence League, a newly formed Action Fascist party associated with the AAiM, has announced its intention to seize power in Cildania and implement a religious nationalist regime, with the unofficial support of the Church.

Logo of the Apostolic Army in Majatra
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Re: Apostolic Church of the East

Postby jamescfm » Fri Aug 04, 2023 11:38 pm

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