☼ News from the Felinist world ☼
September 4218
Felinists flock to Pontesi where a leader seeks to unite Geraja and Religio Seluciana under the banner of Felinism
CAMPUS STELLA (DAWNSTAR), Selucian Pontesi - Shrimati Daena Simhi Acharya (legal name Dr. Jeovanna Arimanius), who is called Aashirya by her students, is a new Seluco-Pontesian Felinist leader and ordinated Gerajan Acharya (Priest). Being a practitioner of both Gerahja and Felinism since birth Aashirya has had an unique chance of studying both traditions from within. Having come to the conclusion that both philosophies rest upon the same foundation, the Sanatana Daena (Natural Law), just like all non-Qedarite religions, Aashirya then managed to obtain a doctorate at the of Rajdarbar (Devoleia) in Daenic Studies. Earlier this year she founded the Felinist Temple of Natural law (Selucian: Templum Lex Naturalis) with the intention of rallying followers of Geraja, Religio Seluciana and other 'pagan' religions widely practiced in Pontesi behind the Felinist banner. Her inclusive philosophy has attracted a quite sizeable amount of followers, with many even immigrating from Barmenia and Selucia to join her movement. Some claim it can be seen as a reformation with the intention bringing the diverse cultural and ethnic traditions that constitute the Felinist community and faith under one single framework.
We've obtained a booklet that's distributed freely by her followers, explaining the basic principles of Natural Law (Daenic) thought and how it correlates with the Felinist faith:
The Temple of Natural Law views Myth as the supreme arbitrator of theology. Consciousness begets reality and Myth begets Consciousness. Thus, the Temple accepts and respects all religious traditions and practices thought to have been developed organically as expressions of Daena.
The Guru says:
'I don’t think any of us realize, the force, the daimonic force that the great myths and legends have. From the profundity of the emotions and perceptions that begot them, and from the multiplication of them in many minds – and each mind, mark you, an engine of obscured but unmeasured energy. They are like an explosive: it may slowly yield a steady warmth to living minds, but if suddenly detonated, it might go off with a crash: yes, might produce a disturbance in the real primary world.'
As per our proud Felinist tradition, the Temple recognizes that Grimalkin embodies all the virtues of the Master – a being that is complete and not in the need of others who are also incomplete. Thus they are worthy of devotion and obedience. The ultimate purpose of faith is to become one with Daena or the eternal Consciousness, and this can be best accomplished through discerning the General Feline Will as our ancestors did as was revealed and taught by Lady Ershébef Kepahisn over a millennia ago.
The Guru says:
'The dog appeals to cheap and facile emotions; the cat to the deepest founts of imagination and cosmic perception in the human mind. It is no accident that the contemplative Jalkanians, together with such later poetic and aristocratic spirits as Galt Freyja, Alamar Xarfaxis, the Medes and the Fahramars were all sincere worshippers of the supple grimalkin.
In short, a dog is an incomplete thing. Like an inferior man, he needs emotional stimuli from outside, and must set something artificial up as a god and motive. The cat, however, is perfect in himself. Like the human philosopher, he is a self-sufficient entity and microcosm.'
Further, the Guru teaches that there are seven primary Feline gods that can be found in some shape or form in every religion on the planet that follows the Daena. These are:
Bastet, who represents Terra and the element of Earth, and is identified with Terra Matter and Ajana Alla in the Selucian and Gerajan pantheons.
Azarean, who represents the Sun and the element of Fire, and is identified with Sol Lucidus and Duka in the Selucian and Gerajan pantheons.
Zarafet, who represents the Moon and the element of Water, and is identified with Neflons and Maha in the Selucian and Gerajan pantheons.
Laetitia, who represents the Sky and the element of Air, and is identified with Mercuria and Putera in the Selucian and Gerajan pantheons.
Oreon, who represents the Light and the element of Knowledge, and is identified with Gentitrix and Waktu in the Selucian and Gerajan pantheons.
Casiopiea, who represents the Arcane and the element of Magic, and is identified with Forcula and Samatar in the Selucian and Gerajan pantheons.
Sethi, who represents the Shadow and the element of Void, and is identified with Alpus and Zirafah in the Selucian and Gerajan pantheons.
Bellow them there are countless gods and demi-gods as well as spirits worthy of reverence, each with their own portfolio given to them by the Daena and each with their own abilities, that may help or hurt an individual depending on her own decisions and how she chose to intact with them and with the Daena itself. There are also Ashuric (demonic) beings understood as the antithesis of Daena needed for it to exist, who haunt the cosmos trying to achieve Godhood by subverting Daena instead of becoming one with it. The God of Ariel is though to have been such a being, entering a 'businesses deal' with his devotee(s), promising land and wealth in exchange for worship and power. However, the Guru stresses how the person of Eli the Hosios is something else than the religion is associated with and was exiled for revolting against Arielan laws by espousing Daenic principles.
As a result, the Guru and the Temple teaches that all the Qedarite religions constitute a revolt against Daena (the Natural law) and that modern ideologies such as liberalism, socialism, capitalism and fascism are outgrowths of this revolt against nature. On the other hand – nearly all 'pagan' religions are thought of as one with the Daena and simply different manifestations of it. Among these the Guru counts Geraja, Religio Seluciana, Daenism, Yazdism and of course Felinism together various forms of (neo-)paganism shamanism and other eastern religions. As manifestations of the Daena, these may all be practised to some degree by followers of the Temple of Natural Law in accordance with Felinist tradition.