Kalistan for C

News and events related to national election campaigns for the World Congress Security Council.

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Kalistan for C

Postby jamescfm » Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:24 pm

Kalistan Launches Push For Security Council Seat
Big three Kalistani parties come together in Kaliburg to begin the Kalistan for C campaign
Kaliburg, Ananto, Kalistan
January 18 4102

Mica Bennots-Gates, SPoK Ambassador, is expected to be a significant figure throughout Kalistan for C

The Conservative Independence Party, Labour Party (Libertarian-Labour Alliance) and Socialist Party of Kalistan united as one last night in order to launch the Kalistan for C campaign to get Kalistan elected to Seat C on the Security Council in several years time. All three parties have appointed an ambassador who will work together to liaise with other nations in order to secure as many votes as possible. Kalistan for C is already off to an impressive start, with the nation already having received six votes and more waiting to pass. The initial launch event featured speeches from the aforementioned Ambassadors in addition to the Premier, Foreign Affairs Minister and other significant figures within the three major parties.

Tony Curti, Foreign Affairs Minister, said that Kalistan had 'an excellent opportunity to fight for a peaceful future for our world' whilst Mica Bennots-Gates, the Socialist Party Ambassador, claimed that Kalistan for C 'showed the capacity of our parties to work together for the benefit of our country and wider Terra'. Politicians from all walks of life have taken the opportunity to put their differences aside and work in cooperation. As the election draws closer, the Ambassador's will embark on a series of trips across the globe to speak with everybody from international diplomats and business innovators to charity leaders and trade union executives and ensure that Kalistan safeguards and represents as many people as possible if it is elected.

Additionally, Kalistan for C announced that it would be supporting nations in the other seats being contested: Kirlawa for Seat A, Jelbania for Seat B and Hutori for Seat D. Libertarian-Labour Alliance Ambassador Oscar Machado made a statement explaining that it was 'crucial that nations which have a clear history of democracy and peace were supported wherever possible'. In exchange, it is hoped, these nations will support Kalistan for Seat C. As the event drew to a close, there was a clear positive buzz around the building that a new, better future was in store for a new century!
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby jamescfm » Sun Oct 09, 2016 2:03 pm

Ambassadors Prepare For Next Stage of Tour
Following a productive stay in Hutori, Kalistan for C is ready to depart for the Grand Duchy of Vorona
Bekenial, Adelia, Hutori
May 22 4102

Oscar Machado, Libertarian-Labour Alliance Ambassador, talks to Hutori
television presenters about Kalistan for C

Key personalities in the Kalistan for C are preparing for the next phase of a grand tour of Terra, aimed at raising the profile of Kalistan across the globe. Initially, the plan is to visit nations which are already voting for Kalistan to encourage them to spread the word to their neighbours and allies further afield. Led by official ambassadors from the three major parties in Kalistan, the delegation spent the previous fortnight meeting people from across Hutori and listening to their ideas and proposals for the campaign. Engagements included interviews on several Hutori television broadcasters, where the ambassadors outlined how Kalistan planned to improve the quality of life for Terran citizens in addition to a personal meeting with Michelle McManus, Hutori's Foreign Affairs Minister. Tonight, they are due to fly across the world to the Grand Duchy of Vorona, where they will be greeted by the Grand Duchess of Bostosan Marija Manoc. They will spend a further fortnight travelling around the island, connecting with citizens and generating as much support as possible for Kalistan.

The Kalistan for C Campaign appears to be paying dividends already. New figures released earlier in the week show that if the election was held now, Kalistan would secure Seat E (awarded to the regional runner-up with the most votes worldwide) but this is unlikely to be enough for many of those involved in the campaign. Certainly, Oscar Machado, the Libertarian-Labour Alliance Ambassador, appears to be of the view. When he was asked by a reporter whether he was satisfied with the developments, he responded 'Definitely not, we want to win Seat C and we want to have the backing of as many nations as possible so that we can benefit as many Terrans as possible! We won't stop working with our whole being to secure Kalistan's place on the World Congress' Security Council'.

Details for later destinations have yet to be confirmed, although it is understood that Kalistan for C will begin to shift their focus to nations which are currently running for the seat themselves but have minimal support and those who are backing nations which have declined to run. The suggestion is that Baltusia, Valruzia and Indrala could all open their borders to the campaign.
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby Doc » Mon Oct 10, 2016 3:34 am

Kalistan for C Campaign makes major Gains
Ambassadors fan out across Globe to continue momentum

Kaliburg, Ananto
September 15, 4102

Ambassador Mica Bennots-Gates, one of the three Ambassadors working on the Kalistan for C Campaign, visits Cobura to work for the vote of the Ahmadi Bloc

Kalistan took an early lead last month in its efforts to secure Seat C for the Security Council. Kalistan now has eight votes, edging out Indrala in the Selayan Seat. This effort was largely due to the efforts of the three ambassadors and their staffs traveling the globe, working hard for the nominations of undecided countries. Kalistan has, itself engaged in strategic voting, and it seems that several nations are preparing to vote for Kalistan in the seat.

Ambassador Mica Bennots-Gates, a representative for the Campaign and a Socialist, issued the following statement: "I am proud that despite our political differences, all three Kalistani Parties are working together to really move this nomination forward. I want to give special recognition to my colleagues for their efforts. The work they have done is really paying on for Kalistan, and while there is still a long way to go and many votes to secure, it is really our hope that we will be able to continue. This is a multi-year, multi-nation effort, and with the continued support of our government, it is our hope that we continue to pick up more nominations."

Of Kalistan's current nominations, it would appear that Jelbania and Hutori seem to be the most viable, but Kirlawa is struggling. Bennots-Gates mentioned that in the long stretch between now and the election, Kalistan may be willing to switch nominations in Seat A to another choice, but she quickly added, "Nothing is currently being considered in that respect."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby Autokrator15 » Mon Oct 10, 2016 12:37 pm

New Endralon switches support to Kalistan but askes support for Endralon

Endrafold, November 4102

The New Endralonian government has decided after discussions with the Kalistani government to switch their allegiance and vote for Kalistan.

When asked the President, Jakab Hunyadi awnsered: "With the internal focus and radio silence of the Indralan government our nation has decided that seeing that Hutori, our second closest ally, is voting for Kalistan we could do so aswel."

When asked about the Kalistani support for Kirlawa and the New Endralonian campaign for their Endralonian brothers President Hunyadi awnsered: "Though the Kalistani support for Kirlawa is admirable it is a wasted vote. The A seat is between Endralon and Dorvik. And we have told Kalistan that New Endralon and Hutori are not so happy with Trigunia and their friends in the Security Council. We call upon the Kalistani government to vote for Endralon in the Seat A election."
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby jamescfm » Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:49 pm

Campaign Cancels Trip to Baltusia In Favour of Telamon
Big three ambassadors continue their grassroots campaign strategy, which is proving successful
Telamon Rampart, Sevescia, Telamon
December 30 4102

Oscar Machado and Phil Fortesque emerge from a dinner engagement in Telamon together, earlier this week

The Kalistan for C Campaign has decided to postpone (indefinitely) an official visit to Baltusia, following the nation's decision to cast their vote for Dorvik in Seat A. An official spokesperson for the campaign informed us that;
Kalistan for C has precious time and resources available and therefore we have to ensure we are fully utilising them in order to reach out to as many nations and governments as possible. In light of Baltusia's decision to persist with their own personal campaign and back Dorvik in Seat A, we consider that we will not be able to have a sufficient impact in that nation when compared to others.

Despite being Kalistan's immediate neighbours and having a shared history, Baltusia has refused to endorse Kalistan for C and instead choose to launch their own campaign titled 'Vote Baltusia'. It is their decision to support Dorvik, and the Dorvisch Nationale Volkspartei (formerly known as the National Fascist People's Party), which has resulted in the ambassadors cancelling the trip, though. Oscar Machado summarised the feeling of betrayal by Baltusia when he delivered a speech to the National Assembly of Kalistan, saying 'it is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend'.

Kalistan for C were wasting no time on the matter, though, and they have now arrived in Telamon, on the continent of Makon. The new government in Telamon, made up of the Brethrenist Party of Telamon, shares a religious connection with Kalistan- where Brethrenism is the most popular religion. In addition to meeting with Sister Jill Solveig and Sister Kya Ingridsdatir, two senior government officials, the campaign spent a considerable amount of time talking to ordinary citizens about their views on issues such as faith, security, justice and economics. In particular, Phil Fortesque, the Conservative Independence Party ambassador, has developed a habit of spontaneously producing a notepad and scrawling down the suggestions made to him by local residents.

Telamon will be the campaign's residence for the next week before they intend to make the trip across the sea to Trigunia, where the Konstitutsionno-Demokraticheskaya Partia Archchancellor Lieutenant-Colonel Duke Nikolay Kirillov has already promised to nominate Kalistan for the seat if his party wins the next election. He was quoted saying 'We must support Kalistan in their Kalistan for C campaign, to ensure the long standing friendship between Trigunia and Kalistan remains strong'. It isn't clear whether the current ruling party support Kalistan yet.
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby jamescfm » Tue Oct 11, 2016 9:35 pm

Machado Dissapointed With Election Tone
Labour Party ambassador asks all nations to consider consequences of their rhetoric
Craigtref, Caermoel, Aloria
July 25 4103

Oscar Machado speaks to the Alorian Senate about Kalistan for C

Oscar Machado, the Labour Party Ambassador for the Kalistan for C Campaign, has been delivered a significant speech live on international television. To the backdrop of 575 assembled members of the Alorian Senate (known locally as the Senedd or Senat), he made a call for less division in the overall campaign.

Good afternoon to all who have gathered in this historic building and institution and indeed to those who are watching around Terra, as I deliver this message. Strange though it may seem, it has now been eighteen months since Mica, Phil and were nominated as the ambassadors for Kalistan for C and we began to plan how we would seek to improve lives across Terra. In that time, we have met so many amazing and inspiring people; the kind of people who make you realise why Kalistan for C is so important. From aid workers who risk their lives by rushing into war zones to help the wounded all the way to individuals who want to make the leap and set up their own business, all different yet all wanting the same thing. All of the people we've met have one thing in common: they want to create a better world for the next generation.

As I reflect on the gains we have made, the positive relations we have built and the unique people we have met, I develop a new motivation to work even harder. I know that we are not even halfway yet and that so much could change in the vast time between now and the date of the election that I couldn't possibly let myself become complacent. Obviously, I am not the only one who feels this way. Through Kalistan for C I have had the opportunity to work with two individuals who would otherwise have been completely inaccessible to me- the Conservative and Socialist ambassadors. When it comes to economics and civil issues, there are disagreements between us but what this campaign has given me the opportunity to realise is that actually, we agree on a lot more than we like to tell ourselves. We believe that things can change across the world.

One thing we made sure of at the outset of this campaign was that we would always conduct ourselves in a professional, open-minded and productive manner. We wouldn't attack other campaigns and we wouldn't base our campaign on ideology, religion or cultural identity. I want to conclude my remarks by appealing to the other nations running for the Security Council. When you resort to below the belt attacks, personal critiques and bickering, you are downplaying the huge challenges that our world faces. Terra is no joke! I am personally asking all campaigns to ensure they conduct themselves with dignity and professionalism at all times. We need representatives who can cooperate and compromise to get the best deal for everybody. In my view, that comes by voting Kalistan for C.

The speech comes in response to several other campaigns making what Phil Fortesque described as 'deeply hurtful comments' about the Kalistan for C campaign. Although Kalistan now boasts double the number of votes of its closest rival (Indrala), the leadership of the campaign are said to be extremely disappointed with the conduct of 'Vote Baltusia' in particular. The statement that Kalistan has 'ruthless paramilitary militia groups' has stirred much controversy, given that one of these highly-trained and organised forces helped the Baltusian government defend against a Communist revolution in the previous century. The big three ambassadors have promised they will not be criticising other nations, though.
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby matthewleitch » Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:19 pm

Vote Baltusia apologise for any offense caused, stand to condemn paramilitaries

Ryan Gray has spoken today in a television interview broadcast around the Terra about the Vote Baltusia campaign.

Q: Mr Gray, will you,withdraw your comment about Kalistans Ruthless paramilitaries?
A: Well can I just be clear that I apologise if Kalistan are offended at my comments regarding their paramilitaries. Baltusia will continue to seek to condemn paramilitaries and believe that they are a cause for harm in the Terra. My comments were based purely on Kalistani Baltusian tensions and past experience in previous decades.
Q: Do you plan to continue this tone to your campaign?
A: I hope to carry this campaign with a respectful internationalist outlook. My tone regarding Kalistan is due to the fact that they were so negative regarding our support of Dorvik and pursuing our own campaign. Hopefully both sides of this dispute shall resolve it quickly and agree not to continue their negative tone on each other.
Q:So your campaign is based around condemnation of paramilitary forces?
A: Absoloutely, something I condemn 100%. Baltusia has a strong history of condemnation of paramilitary militia forces and we shall continue to do so, a great reason for us to be elected to Seat C of the Security Council.
4042-4190: Baltusian Republican Party (Baltusia)
4190- : Republican Party (Cildania)

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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby Doc » Wed Oct 12, 2016 5:49 am

Bennots-Gates Dismisses Baltusian issues with "paramilitaries"
Calls for Global Unity Behind Kalistan

Telapolis, Telamon
September 28, 4103

Kalistani Ambassador Mica Bennots-Gates, visiting Telamon with her team, made case for Kalistan

Kalistan's Ambassador team made a brief visit to Migadon Island in Telamon while their plane refueled on their way to tour Artania. There Ambassador Bennots-Gates addressed Baltusian comments about Kalistan and Kalistani "paramilitaries" specifically. Below are her comments.

"Let us be clear- During these months we have traveled around the world, talking with wonderful people, meeting our collegues in government, the one thing we have been able to stress, with confidence is that Kalistan is the obvious choice for Seat C because Kalistan is for Neutrality. We base our foreign affairs on neutrality, and have done so for decades. Kalistan knows how destructive war is. My family knows how destructive war is- my great great grandmother's sister, former President of the Republic Poppy Smith-Bennots, was killed in a war which might have been entirely avoidable. And since then, Kalistan has worked for peace in the region, peace in the Anantanese Ocean, peace between Kalistan and Baltusia, peace and prosperity and openness between Kalistan and all of our neighbors in the Northern Selaya Economic Community. Kalistan does not field ruthless paramilitaries: Our militias have recently been engaged in a fight against a terror faction which was killing innocent civilians. Kalistani Militias are a vital part of our national defense, and since they are funded by the Parties, while working in coordination with the Regular forces of Kalistan, we are able to send money which would have otherwise been used for weapons of war to help feed and educate children, and to provide refugees from all nation with a place to settle where they are welcomed, fed, clothed, and housed.

"Kalistani socialism is a model for the world, and despite the rough comments from other campaigns with regard to my country, you can believe that we are freer, more open, more at liberty, and more democratic than many of the nations which are running against us for the seat. But this does not matter. What matters is who you want representing you. Do you want a nation which is currently deciding whether to keep certain classes of citizen from fully participating in public life, or one where the matter of equal opportunity is long settled? Do you want a nation which attempts to jail its political opponents, or one which harbors the persecuted of other nations? Which is a better representative of the yearning of people to be free? One which tells a citizen what he or she may do with their body and limits the choices they may make in the pursuit of their own health, or one which has supported free health care, free food, free education, and general welfare for all for centuries? Kalistan is not some totalitarian dungeon. Kalistan is a land of opportunity, where anyone who wants to work is guaranteed a job, and nobody worries about starving to death in the streets, forgotten by their society, and unloved by the people who cross to the other side of the street to avoid having to deal with poverty.

"At the end of the day, we ask you for your nomination. We ask you this because we believe that we can do a fine job representing the people of our continent, in ensuring peace, in helping nations to develop, in protecting people's lives on land and at sea, in helping refugees and migrants to get a new start and enjoy a bright future, and in providing a fine example of democracy and liberty which may be seen as the envy of all nations of Terra. We ask for your nomination and will greatly appreciate it if you find it possible to vote for us. Many thanks to our gracious hosts here in Telamon. We look forward to working with them in the future, and we look forward to all the countries we will be visiting over the course of the next couple years. Kalistan for C!"

The Ambassador did not take questions during the brief stop over in Telapolis.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby jamescfm » Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:00 pm

Kalistan for C Perplexed By Baltusian Allegation
Machado and Bennots-Gates forced to continue the campaign without Conservative ambassador following serious health complications
Fort Thorne, Parlos Decina, Beluzia
February 5 4104

Oscar Machado (right) pictured alongside the moderator for the Q and A forum

Oscar Machado and Mica Bennots-Gates today attended a question and answer panel in the Socialist People's Republic of Beluzia. They invited citizens from far and wide to pile into the local town hall to get their questions answered and the venue was packed to the rafters. Sadly, Phil Fortesque had to drop out of the session as a result of a heart issue, which (it has since been announced) will mean he will be unable to see out the rest of the campaign. With the Conservative Independence Party having now left politics, it is believed that Fortesque's replacement will be a figure from either the Society of Brethren or the Kalistan Trade Union movement- depending on which party gets their preference.

The two Kalistan for C figureheads were left confused, however, when a question was asked about allegations made by 'Vote Baltusia', a very similar campaign to Kalistan for C which was created just a few months after it. The question was asked by an elderly man, who had read about the assertations in the newspaper. He queried 'What do the ambassadors think of the statement made by Ryan Grey, leader of Vote Baltusia, saying that Kalistan had been offensive and made accusations?'. When asked for clarification, he produced a small clipping which contained a transcript of a media interaction by Mr Grey towards the end of last month. Once it had been passed to Bennots-Gates and Machado, the Labour Party ambassador's response was;

I have to be honest and say that I was not aware of this story, which is surprising as it seems to be a few weeks old. Consequently, I can only respond to the brief description given in this article, which I thank you for bringing with you, sir. We have been very careful to try and keep religion out of this race as much as possible, without denying that it will undoubtedly affect the ultimate outcome of the election. Erm.. Sorry, I wasn't really prepared for such bizarre allegations against us. So it says here, 'challenge Kalistan to prove evidence for us saying that we refer to Amhadism is a radical religion'. I have no evidence, I don't recall us mentioning Ahmadism at all in relation to Baltusia to be quite frank. As for this claim that they will be suing, that's completely baseless. Well, I'm not overly familiar with Baltusia's legal system but certainly in Kalistan, that would be completely baseless. The last comments, saying 'Amhadism is a good religion', are kind of irrelevant. It should be apparent that I agree with that, as you all know I am Ahmadi myself.

With regards to this whole incident, I would just say that Kalistan for C has made a concerted effort to keep all debate and discussion throughout this election as positive and focused on the issues as possible. I believe this really proves why that was necessary; when politicians resort to taking shots at one another, the issues of the day get neglected as a result. We don't want that and neither to Terran citizens. Overall, then I guess I will take the opportunity to remind 'Vote Baltusia', once again, that we want a proper discourse not petty personality politics. My party's Foreign Affairs Spokesperson is scheduled to travel to Baltusia in a few days time, I'm sure he'll be able to resolve this issue with the Baltusian Congress directly.

The ambassadors went on to explain their plans for developing more efficient and environmentally fuels for the future and how to tackle global inequality, both of wealth and of social factors such as race and sex. The out-of-the-blue attack on Kalistan for C for remarks which this publication can find absolutely no reference too will likely cause a headache for the Baltusian goverment, who represent a different politics to that of campaign leader and failed Presidential candidate Ryan Grey.
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby Doc » Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:12 am

Kalistan for C Visits Kirlawa
Ambassador Bennots-Gates "Nonplussed" at Baltusian Mudslinging, Mobilization rumors

March 21, 4104
Indrala City Merkan Kirlawa

Ambassador Bennots-Gates speaking to an aide ahead of a Speech in the Capital Grounds, where she was informed of rumors of Baltusian troop mobilization

The Kalistan for C delegation swung through the Republic of Kirlawa last week as it continues its tour or Artania. Ambassadors Machado and Bennots-Gates met with local supporters and ensured them that Kalistan was not under threat from Baltusia. It would seem that a whisper campaign has begun and has been repeated at several stops that Baltusia is once more amassing troops along Kalistan's southern border. Ambassador Bennots addressed these rumors publicly in her speech last Saturday. Below is a transcript:

"People and Friends of Kirlawa,

My colleague, Ambassador Machado, and I wish to thank you for such a wonderful reception earlier. We are so happy to have the opportunity to visit Kirlawa at long last. This is a beautiful country, and everyone we have met has shown us love and care which has seldom been matched on this long trip. So thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. I should not be surprised- Long have our two nations enjoyed close ties. Kirlawa has worked with Kalistan on a number of important issues dealing with international peace, economic and cultural development, and mutual affinity. We greatly thank you and your fine government for their support as we continue to stand for Seat C in the World Congress Security Council. We have bonded over mutual ties in the Society of the Brethren, and we look forward to many more years of friendship and shared interests.

Recently, many troubling rumors have been brought to the attention of this campaign, and I would be greatly remiss if I did not address them, here for you, our Friends, as well as for the International Press who is gathered behind you. You may have heard rumors of Baltusia building up troops along our borders. I want to assure you, this is not true. Though their campaign has explicitly threatened our nation over this nomination bid--- I know. I know, it is true, we just read about their threats last week, declaring that we will, what were their words? "pay for this violation" I think their delegation said... Yes, I know- this is indeed quite scandalous... [at this point, the booing of the crowd could be seen to be preventing the Ambassador from continuing. -ed.] Friends, please. Booing Baltusia, while they may be an easy target, is no solution: we hope to focus on the issues at hand. I'm just as nonplussed as you, I can assure you.

To my point, we wish to assure the world that we have absolutely no evidence, whatsoever, that the rumors which have been widely circulated, concerning the Baltusian build up of troops along our Border over a propaganda hit piece penned by one of their diplomats, are absolutely unsubstantiated. We--- [the Crowd can be heard to express its displeasure, and the Ambassador turned from the mic to speak to one of her aides briefly. -ed.] Friends, we have no evidence that Baltusia is engaged in anything of the sort. Now. I would like to say that Baltusia and Kalistan are at peace, a peace based on a Kalistani-proposed (I might add) treaty which ensures that any movement of Baltusian troops along the borders would be preceded by an abrogation of this agreement by Baltusia. To date, I can assure you that my government has received no such notice, and none of our intelligence indicates any sort of troops movements.

But we wonder more at the sources of these unsubstantiated rumors- Kalistan for C aims at promoting the positive aspects of Kalistan to the World. As you well know here in Kirlawa, we engage in progressive relationships with our friends. We promote a positive message of peace for not only Northern Selaya, but also for all nations of the world. If there was therefore a source of the rumors, it must also come from the same source which brought you the libel of Mr. Gray. I-- Comrades, Please--- I 'm sure he's an honorable--- Comrades--- Yes, yes, I know... Yes... [a member of the audience yells something inaudible to the Ambassador. -ed.] Well, that's what HE says, isn't it? [a massive cheer goes up from the crowd. -ed]

Lovely. Look- if you want peace, if you want friendship, if you want good trade, fair trade, honest trade, If you want a secure globe, one that is backed up by a firm commitment to helping you meet your interests in the world, you can't do better than Kalistan for C. We are supported by so many wonderful people, so many great countries. We think we can bring you the sort of leadership that you expect in the Security Council. I know Kirlawa is already with us, and we're with you! Brothers and Sisters, and I say that because it is true... together we can walk into a new dawn, one which is not defined by petty squabbles and rumor mongering. One that is instead defined by equality and peace for all people in the globe. One that is defined by freedom to live the sort of life we all want to live, where nobody goes hungry, nobody is left out in the cold, nobody lives in ignorance... I may not have been born to a working family- My family's name is more than 1500 years old, and we have been close to the center of Kalistani Politics for most of that time. But I promise one thing- if Kalistan is put, by YOUR votes into seat C, I promise that I will work every single day to keep your trust in my country. I will work my heart out to make sure you, and every other country who supports us, do not regret your vote. It is time, Kalistan for C!"

The Ambassador left the stage to a deafening roar from the massive crowd gathered to hear her speak. At the end of the stage, she took a moment to wave at the crowd, and then disappeared backstage. Needless to say, this stop was certainly one of the more raucous and well attended, but there is no doubt that the Ambassadors have put to rest any doubt that Kalistan is in this race to win, whatever chicanery Baltusia is engaged in.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
Parti des Frères Lourenne, 4109-4132
Gaduri Brethrenist Movement (MHdG), 4481-4485
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