Kalistan for C

News and events related to national election campaigns for the World Congress Security Council.

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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby Doc » Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:32 am

Ambassador Bennots finds Baltusian rumors to be "obnoxious"
Marenburg, Darnusia
September 4, 4104

Kalistani Ambassadors, Machado and Bennots-Gates, seen here boarding the campaign's passenger jet,
return to Kalistan after exhausting sweep of Northern Continent

Kalistani Ambassadors finished their tour of Artania this weekend, capping off a several month long visit and consultation session with the Continent's Governments. Both Ambassadors are said to be "in good spirits" as they return to Kalistan, but the wear of the Baltusian rumors is showing on both Ambassadors' faces. Bennots- Gates delivered a short statement to reporters who were traveling with the Ambassadors. Below is the transcript of the speech:

"Good day to the members of the Press who are on board with us on our return to Kalistan. I know you will appreciate the rest and relaxation as much as we will before we pick up once again after the new year in Majatra. The last several months in Artania have been a whirlwind, and at the same time, this business about the false and obnoxious accusations of the Baltusian Government weigh on us like a stone. To recap: Baltusia has made false libelous and slanderous accusations that our campaign has claimed that they are anti-Ahmadist. For the life of me, I can't remember who said this or where it was supposedly said, and they have not been able to provide a single shred of evidence that backs up their claim and puts the responsibility at the doorstep of Kalistan. They can't of course, because such evidence that we made such a comment does not exist, as you all know, since you have been writing my every word, including all the, shall we say, indelicate ones. But that doesn't keep them from saying it, of course. Because if Baltusia is known for something, it is for starting problems with her neighbors.

But what is more troubling to us is that those bogus lies on the part of the Baltusian government, and yes, they are fully sanctioned lies presented by members of the Baltusian Government acting in their official capacity... What is more problematic is that Baltusian agents are encouraging other countries to repeat these terrible and repulsive rumors. Just the other day, Zadragul made awful statements about the Ahmadist bloc and tied us to their position, BECAUSE of the slander from the Baltusian foreign minister. It goes without saying how we feel about the Ahmadism. We have endorsed the Ahmadist bloc's candidate in two of the four races. And that is all we need to say about this. We will ignore all comments which somehow tie us to vicious rumors unless Parties making these utterly ridiculous accusations against our team can produce evidence of statements made by any one of our Ambassadorial team. If they cannot, then the world will know those comments are entirely and completely a piece of utter and abject slander fabricated by the Baltusian Government, and it shall ever remain that way. That won't be Baltusia's reputation in just our neighborhood, but across the face of Terra.

We wish you good day, and will direct all further questions to the Jill there. She'll take good care of you. See you in Kaliburg."

The Ambassador then returned to her quarters and reportedly slept the entire way home.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby jamescfm » Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:00 pm

Kalistan For C Encourages Baltusia to Support The Campaign
As Kafuristan makes the decision to switch their vote, new ambassador encourages Baltusia to follow suit
Kaliburg, Ananto, Kalistan
January 20 4105

Maia Yoshida speaks to the assembled masses in Kaliburg

The newest ambassador to the Kalistan for C Campaign gave her debut speech today at a rally in the centre of Kaliburg, supporting the campaign. Maia Yoshida is a high-profile trade unionist who was previously the leader of the Kalistani Transport Workers Union and the figurehead of the Trades Union Coalition. She was born in Lodamun before her parents fled across the Kalistani border when she was just four years old. She has taken on the role of Trades Union Ambassador to the campaign and her appointment, it is rumoured, will be followed by the appointment of ambassadors representing the religious and business worlds.

Miss Yoshida's first engagement was an extremely well-attended rally in the heart of Kalistan's capital, at which her own speech was the main event. Yoshida choose the decision of Kafuristan to switch allegiances as the focus of her address, a short extract can be found below;

Now, we find that Kafuristan will support Kalistan at last! [A large cheer erupts from the crowd] I agree! More and more nations are getting behind Kalistan for C by the week and I think that is a real testament to the work that the campaign has done around getting the message out and encouraging support from all corners of Terra. We aren't resting on our laurels though and we will be doing everything we can to continue the positive impact that I feel we have been having across the globe.

There are still many, many nations which feel that Kalistan wouldn't represent them well on the Security Council and that disappoints me. Of course, I know we cannot keep everybody satisfied but I want to help as many citizens of Terra as possible. I'll be appealing specifically to those nations which have considered our campaign and stated 'no, that isn't what we want' to try to show them what impact Kalistan will have on the Security Council.

With that said, there is still one nation which stands out as feeling extremely disappointed with Kalistan: Baltusia. This is an appeal to the Baltusian government and to the citizens of Baltusia. You have told us that Kafuristan is one of your 'closest ally's', you have told us that you 'wholeheartedly support democracy' and you have told us that 'Amhadism is a good religion'. Why, if this is all true, do you not support Kalistan? It's clear we have similar values, goals and interests so what more can we do?

Yoshida covered a plethora of topics in the lengthy speech from her experience as a Trades Union figure to her support for greater openness and equality in Jelbania, welcoming the ban on slavery being introduced.
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby jamescfm » Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:39 pm

Machado Opens Up
Kalistan for C Ambassador talks to Enrica Fonda about the state of the campaign

Romula, Mezzodiurno, Istalia
June 30 4106

Oscar Machado and Mica Bennots-Gates on the campaign trail for Kalistan's security council election

Oscar Machado, Labour Party ambassador to Kalistan for C has given an exclusive interview in which he gives his view of the campaign to date. Commenting on a range of topics, from the incredible number of votes Kalistan has so far received to the failing candidacy of neighbours Baltusia. Mr Machado is now part of a five-person team which also includes the Socialist Party ambassador, Mica Bennots-Gates (with whom he has apparently developed a 'close friendship'), Trade Unionist Maia Yoshida, religious figure Dave Holloway and business leader Carmella Suarez of the ODEN. Machado refused to be drawn in when asked about Kalistan's Seat B endorsement despite rumours that the nation would switch to Istalia, where the interview was conducted.

EF: (Enrica Fonda, reporter): Good evening, Mr Machado. Let's not waste too much time and instead get straight into the big questions. Do you think the Kalistan for C Campaign has been a success, so far?

OM (Oscar Machado): Good evening and thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about the campaign and its work. Has it been a success? I think that's very difficult to say. There are clear areas where we have been extremely successful, obviously. The latest figures suggest that Kalistan would win Seat C if the election was held today, with more votes than any other nation on Terra and treble the number of our closest rival, Indrala. Furthermore, we were the first nation to launch an official campaign and that has evidently been a trend which others have sought to follow, to wildly varied results. On the other hand, we still only have nineteen votes and that, while it's a clear majority of voting nations, is not even close to a majority of all the nations of Terra so, now that we are a decent way ahead of Baltusia and Indrala, we can shift our focus to securing a proper majority and meet with individual leaders who have issues they would like addressed. That isn't to say we are going to stop campaigning, just that we're going to focus on abstaining nations and those who are voting for candidates with only a few votes.

EF: You talked about other nation's campaigns and you also mentioned Baltusia, specifically. I have with me a quote from the former Patriotic Party ambassador to 'Vote Baltusia' Felix Farquharson, he said "Given the debacle over the Kalistan-Kafuristan allegations and the role I played in this I find my position is untenable". He went on to describe Baltusia as "scarred" on the international stage. It is no secret that Kalistan and Baltusia have maintained a rivalry of sorts in recent decades, what would you say to Ryan Grey, leader of 'Vote Baltusia'?

OM: Actually, most of what I would like to say has already been said, either publically or in communications with the campaign. I will be honest in saying that it was deeply hurtful when Baltusia, our closest neighbour, launched their campaign in a manner which was both similar to ours structurally, with ambassadors and such but which was also so rude and deceitful about Kalistan as a nation. I think they ultimately paid the price for what was an attack on an historic comrade. Having said that, I don't want to sit here and completely condemn Baltusia because they have raised some important issues throughout the campaign so far. As always, I will say that if Baltusia want to join Kalistan for C, we would be overjoyed to welcome them into the family. Baltusia and Kalistan have a shared culture and identity but we also have shared concerns. We have both allies and rivals in common and we will both benefit, as will all nations in Terra, from Kalistan being on the Security Council.

EF: What about the actions of the former President of Baltusia, in calling for withdrawal from the Mutual Amity agreement?

OM: We can't reasonably judge an entire nation purely on the actions of one individual, even if he was elected by a majority of the population. I don't hold any hard feelings towards those particular actions and I won't be offering further comment.

EF: Okay. We're here in Istalia as part of Kalistan for C's continuing tour of Terra. There have been reports that Kalistan intends to switch allegiances in the race for Seat B, from Jelbania to Istalia, can you confirm or deny these reports?

OM: I think we both know the answer to that, I cannot. We have endorsed Jelbania because they were the only nation to come to us and present a compelling case. This was, however, on the condition that we saw reform regarding freedoms and human rights on some issues. It isn't a deal that is effective for all time and if we feel that Jelbania is not the right choice then we will reconsider but looking at the viable alternatives, Vanuku and Zardugal do not fill me with enthusiasm. Istalia is probably the closest to Kalistan politically but there are many more factors that should be taken into account and this should be a carefully considered decision.

EF: A lighter subject, now. What do you think of the contribution of the three newest members of the Ambassadorial team?

OM: We now have an extremely talented and experienced team of individuals from a range of different backgrounds and professions. By including a variety of different skill sets, we ensure that we can appeal to everybody, no matter their personal viewpoints. I know Miss Yoshida very well from my time in domestic politics but in the short time I have spent with all three individuals, I can offer nothing but praise. I am convinced that we have put ourselves in an even stronger position than before with these appointments. It really shows the ambition and diversity of Kalistan for C.

EF: Thank you very much for your time, Mr Machado.

OM: It has been my pleasure, I hope we get a chance to speak again before the campaign is over.
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby Doc » Mon Oct 17, 2016 6:44 pm

Ambassador Suarez Addresses Small crowd in Istalia
"Kalistan represents Best Bet in Selaya"

June 25, 4106
Romula, Istalian Republic

New Ambassador Carmella Suarez, head of Ananto-ODEN makes the case for fair trade

New Kalistan for C Ambassador Carmella Suarez, who recently was the head of ODEN-Ananto, addressed a small assembled crowd, mostly of Istalian industrialists and small entrepreneurs as the new five-person Kalistani delegation arrived in Istalia. The visit kicks off Kalistan's major Majatran effort to sew up the Majatran vote for Security Council. During the speech, Ambassador Suarez made a strong case for liberal trade policies promoted by Kalistan, and promoted individual liberty. Her innagural speech was met with a warm response by those in attendance, though it alone is not deemed likely to secure the Istalian nomination without further lobbying on the part of Kalistan.

Ambassador Suarez's comments were brief:

We thank the representatives of the Istalian business community for their warm welcome of the Kalistani delegation, and on behalf of all of us, we wish to say we greatly appreciate the dinner which you have provided for us. This is definitely a different spice palate than we are used to in Kalistan, and it is my firm wish that my government begin importing more of this food into Kalistan as soon as humanly possible! [crowd clapped politely, some a bit more boisterously than others. -ed.]

It would be impossible to do so without robust free trade between our nations. At present, Kalistan and Istalia have no bilateral trade agreements. This is a shame. Some of you have asked me, "Ambassador," you said, "How is it possible that Kalistan, a socialist nation, can support the sort of liberal policies we would need to make a profit in the Kalistani Market through trade and investment? Your policies seem to be restrictive, of capital and investment most of all. You manipulate your currency, you have restriction on majority share acquisition in Kalistani companies, and you have a generally nationalist trade orientation. Why would we trade with Kalistan if we are not likely to profit."

I respond, as I have to dozens of individuals who asked me about this very thing when I served as head of ODEN in Ananto, I say, "Friends... Amitchi! see- my Istalian via Gaduridan via Vrassan is a bit rough... Let me try again. Amici! That sounds correct... Dios mio... [speaker receives laughter and then applause at her fumble from the good hearted audience. -ed.] Friends, (I'll stick with the Vrassan, I promise), Kalistan's policy is to give you the same deal as you give us. With respect to our national industries, it is true that Kalistan will not permit foreign interests to gain majority shares in Kalistan, but be assured, we welcome foreign investment. In fact, we absolutely are thrilled by the potentials of foreign investment in Kalistan. And trade barriers do not exist where none are placed upon us. If you have zero percent import tariff, we offer you the same deal on all imports into Kalistan. We won't be taken advantage, but supplying an entire national market with guaranteed price supports in all necessities, and fair pricing in all other items ensures that other countries may come to Kalistan, and add their production into our massive cosmopolitan marketplace. In Kalistan, foreign production does not compete with Kalistani goods- it compliments it and we have always welcomed foreign participation in our economy.

Of course, free trade is nothing without individual liberty. Kalistan has the reputation of one of the most open and permissive societies in the entire world. We oppose slavery, we oppose state repression, we have removed almost all restrictions of content of media and literature, and our laws are designed to protect the people from an oppressive elite, rather than to protect the state from the people. Kalistan has adopted the Dual Economy and have perfected it, whereby there is almost no restriction over what people may produce in the private sector, which is characterized by the provision of private goods, while at the same time, we have an educated and supported work force which control their own labor, as well as the terms of their own compensation. We have very few laws which concern themselves with the private lives of the people.

Civil liberties are incredibly important to Kalistan. Because we support the sort of free trade in Kalistan which would certainly benefit both Istalia and Kalistan, and because of our rigorous defense of the rights of working people and citizens, because we welcome the world to our doors, because we have been a moderating force in the world, we think we would be an excellent choice for Security Council in the World Congress. I am not ashamed to come before you today, as one of the directors of Kalistan's drug exporting cartel and a proud Socialist, and ask you for your vote for Seat C in the Security Council. I think we have quite a bit in common, and without disparaging any other campaign, I can assure you that Kalistan is your best bet for the Selayan Seat: we will work to promote the values that Istalia and Kalistan share in all of our decisions. In the coming weeks, we will be speaking to a broader cross section of the Istalian Polity, and it is our hope that you will urge your government to support Kalistan for C. With trepidation, but optimism, I say, "Gratzee, amici, per ee vostree cwari aperti ay la vostra Battere lay mani."

The crowd laughed heartily at the Ambassador's attempt and applauded her none the less.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby jamescfm » Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:49 pm

Kalistan for C Issue Statement on Baltusia
As Kalistan's neighbour ends its campaign, Baltusia is welcomed by Kalistan for C

Villita, Albiland, Baltusia
February 3 4106

A spokesperson for the Kalistan for C campaign has provided an official statement in relation to Baltusia's decision to endorse their immediate neighbour:
Now that it has become clear that Baltusia will, in fact, vote for and endorse Kalistan in the Security Council election, we want to place on record our thanks to a nation which has given us a tough ride at points throughout the campaign. Whilst we understand that matters were sometimes difficult, it is clear that we have more in common than we do apart. With that in mind, we looking forward to working with Baltusia in the future and that begins with convincing the nations supporting them- Kazulia, Dorvik and Beiteynu- to switch their votes too. As ever, we won't stop campaigning for votes, not until the election is over.
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby Doc » Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:51 pm

Kalistan for C responds to Jelbanian Denouncements
Tour of Majatra about to wrap up with visit to Selucia

Florentia, Selucia
June 21, 4109

Kalistan for C Ambassador Mica Bennots-Gates to Speaks on Jelbania's concerns

Recently, representatives of the Jelbania for B campaign called Kalistan's switch of support to Istalia a "Betrayal", and called Kalistan "Traitors" for the move. But Kalistani ambassadors, currently wrapping up their tour of Majatra, were more sanguine about the move. Mica Bennots-Gates gave the following comment recently before an assembled group of pro-human rights advocates in Selucia on the event:

"We should address the changes in policy of my Government with regard to Jelbania. Jelbania associates our support for Istalia in the Seat B race as support for anti-Ahmadism. We have been accused before of stoking anti-Ahmadism elsewhere, and it has not been true. I suppose it may be seen like this though: We are moving our support from an explicitly Ahmadist state to an explicitly secular state. So I suppose that is one way to take it.

"Another way to take it, and this, I believe more accurately reflects the calculus of my government, is that Kalistan is a secular nation. Radically so. It is only recently that our government removed the prohibition on explicitly religious Parties in Kalistan following the passage of the one Party Act. Support for a theocracy, even a Lite-Theocracy would seem to run afoul of our commitment to freedom of Conscience. Istalia is also a secular nation, and so it would seem that we should support them over a theocracy.

"Furthermore, up until 4104, Jelbania permitted slavery in their country. Kalistan has never permitted slavery in its country, and when this fact was brought to our attention, our continued support for Jelbania became problematic. I understand that Jelbania has recently outlawed the importation and trade in slaves, but we understand that it takes a while to wipe the legacy of that horrific institution from one's social order. It is unreasonable to expect that a radical civil libertarian state like Kalistan could support a State so close to this dreadful institution, which shackles humanity in chattel service to another, especially for a seat in an institution that is expected to promote human rights in the globe. If slavery had been abolished in Jelbania for 100 years, it would have been less difficult for us to continue to support them. Istalia, on the other hand, is a republic, which values the freedom of its people, has moderate laws and supports human rights. They are a much closer fit for Kalistan in this regard.

"Finally, our support for Jelbania was a thorn in the side of relations between Kalistan and Baltusia and other nations of Selaya. It is no secret that Baltusia supports Jelbania's adversaries, Beiteynu for Seat B, and our efforts to obtain the support of our neighbor were hampered by our continued support for Jelbania. It is only fair to me to say that my government feels that good relations with our neighbors and potential constituents in Selaya take precedence over good relations with countries on the other side of the planet. We have few interests in Southern Majatra, but we are intricately linked with Baltusia, in good times and in bad. The interest of other Selayan Nations are, for better or worse, a priority of Kalistan. While our support for Istalia does not diminish Beiteynu's prospects for election one bit, it also does not run contrary to the interests of our neighbors and possibly constituent nations.

"None of these three reasons which I have outlined suggest a hatred for Ahmadism as a religion, the Jelbanian people or Government, or a desire to act treacherously toward Jelbania. We have nothing but good will toward Jelbania and its people. We appreciate that they and a host of other nations provide the opportunity for those of the Ahmadi faith to have a safe an secure place to practice their faith. But we feel that Istalia will better represent the interests and values of Kalistan and its neighbors on the Security Council. We look forward to a day when we can repair our relations and move forward."

The Ambassador then went on to discuss matters specifically of Kalistani-Selucian interests, which are not in this transcript.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby jamescfm » Tue Oct 25, 2016 9:20 pm

Campaign Still Fighting Says Machado
Ambassador insists work isn't done just yet, despite laid back approach to campaigning

Cetatea Albă, Tilarnia, Kizenia/New Endralon
March 20 4110

Oscar Machado, on-stage with Selector and Iguana of Change

As the latest Security Council election data was released, Kalistan possessed a twenty-two vote lead over their nearest rivals Baltusia (who have already declared their support for Kalistan). In spite of this, Oscar Machado and the rest of the Kalistan for C ambassadorial team are still working hard to provide Kalistan with the largest mandate possible. Additionally, the campaign are said to be 'watching closely' the race for Seat B- in which Kalistan's own vote has been significant. When the Republic switched their vote from Jelbania to Istalia, the former was the frontrunner for the seat. Now, however, it is Istalia which is set to secure election, with Jelbania sitting in third.

Machado has taken time out from formal engagements to accompany a plethora of Kalistani artists on their ODEN-funded tour of New Endralon/Kizenia, where he welcomed the development of a thriving multi-party democracy. Last night, he was even able to find time to join Kalistani act Selector and Kizenian pairing Iguana of Change as they gave a rendition of the latter's classic Prince of Peace. Once the show had completed, Machado gave a short word to our reporter, Kevin Howard-Reynolds;
Yeah, we're still fighting as hard as we can for the seat. We are not letting up- we want a majority of- [Machado appears out of breath] Phew, sorry, erm- ah yeah! We want a majority of all votes not just enough to see us over the line. Thanks, see you back in Kalistan, Kev. Legalise it, brother. Peace.
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby jamescfm » Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:22 pm

Kalistan for C Pioneers Reunited
Five campaign ambassadors head south to appeal to remaining Seleyan nations

Dehāt, Somasi, Aldegar
May 29 4135

Mica Bennots-Gates, one of the ambassadors joining the tour through Seleya

Over thirty-three years since it was initially launched and with Kalistan now into its second term as a member of the World Congress Security Council, the five 'ambassadors' to the Kalistan for C campaign have been reunited. Aiming to secure Kalistan's place on the Security Council for the long-term, the group have arrived in the Aldegarian capital of Dehāt after a brief stopover in Tukarali. Once they have spoken with the Aldegarian people, they will continue towards the highly controversial Republic of Saridan and eventually Alduria. None of the four nations are currently voting for Kalistan in Seat C, mostly opting for themselves, although Aldegar is backing Kalistan's close ally Baltusia. The message from the team will be that Seleya can only be properly represented and influential if it is united behind its representative.

Kalistan's first ambassador to the World Congress Oscar Machado will be joined by Mica Bennots-Gates as well as former ODEN Director Carmella Suarez, Brethrenist Dave Holloway and eighty-four-year-old Trade Unionist Maia Yoshida. Rumours abound that Machado will return to domestic politics now that he has retired from his role as the leader of the Kalistani delegation to the Security Council, after he announced publically that he had rejoined the Labour Party. He has a well-documented friendship with Jean-Baptiste Fabian, Labour's General Secretary, who has repeatedly asked him to support the party, believing that his widespread popularity would help them in general elections.

In Tukarali, however, Machado was firmly focused on Kalistan's continued presence on the Security Council. He spoke to a small gathering of journalists in the capital, saying;
In my view, it is obvious that Kalistan's presence on the Security Council has been beneficial for Seleya at large. Our leading role in the eradication of slavery within Saridan, the last Seleyan nation to allow the practice is but one example of that. While I completely understand why Tukarali may want to pursue their own run, at this moment, it is crucial that we unify behind our representative as a continent- that is Kalistan.
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Re: Kalistan for C

Postby jamescfm » Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:40 pm

Foreign Minister Appointed Kalistan for C Director
Laura Michelakakis tasked with reaching out to nations still not convinced with Kalistan's candidacy

Kaliburg, Ananto, Kalistan
January 4 4151

The Kalistani Foreign Minister following her appointment as campaign director

Recognising the growing support for Baltusia in the Security Council election, the Foreign Minister has been appointed as the new 'director' of the Kalistan for C campaign, which was hugely influential in securing Kalistan's election to the Security Council in the first place. Since then, however, the organisation has seen its role largely reduced with only sporadic rallies, meetings and campaigns. However, Premier of the Republic Franklin Foster is looking to change all that, by granting the Foreign Minister executive control over Kalistan for C.

Already, a process of appealing to nations across Terra is underway, with a particular focus on abstaining nations. The campaign is hoping to emphasise the tremendous experience Kalistan, as a nation, has over Baltusia when it comes to the Security Council. Furthermore, they wish to highlight Kalistan's far superior record on human rights, freedom and sovereignty- areas in which Baltusia is seen as weak. In order to try and maximise appeal, all three parties with seats will have the opportunity to appoint an 'ambassador', as was the case in the original Kalistan for C campaign.

During a press conference unveiling the revamped structure Minister Michelakakis remarked;
Over time, we have failed to remind the nations of Terra of the crucial reasons to support Kalistan for Seat C. In a situation where other members of the Security Council are consistently missing votes and failing to contribute to discussion, now more than ever it is absolutely imperative that a free, stable and democratic nation like Kalistan represents Seleya. Not only do we have one of the most robust and innovative economies on the continent but we also have a clear record of standing up for the universal values which we all share: freedom, democracy, sovereignty and rule of law.

It's true that there are other nations which would like to see themselves elected to our position but the truth is that they simply are not capable. We need to be able to guarantee that whoever is elected will be there to represent everybody's interests, not just those who it is convenient to support. Kalistan has shown that it will not take sides arbitrarily, we will always evaluate a situation and reach our own decision about the correct course of action. Sometimes, that means that nations which we would otherwise call allies do not support our decisions but that it what sets Kalistan apart.
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