Baltusia for C

News and events related to national election campaigns for the World Congress Security Council.

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Re: Vote Baltusia

Postby jamescfm » Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:32 pm

Statement on Kafuristan Claims

The Kalistan for C Campaign, President of Kalistan Rowan Phillips, Premier of Kalistan Frieda Carrangus and Foreign Affairs Minister of Kalistan Tony Curti have released the following joint statement in response to allegations made by Abul-Fazl Hamza.

We are not familiar with Mr Abul-Fazl Hamza and have not been in contact with him either relating to the campaign or for other reasons. Likewise, we have never referred to Baltusia as 'Anti-Ahmadi' and would never do so. We ask that those who make such allegations provide links to the quotations in either their regional press, the Kalistani press or the respective campaign publications otherwise we will continue on the assumption that they are a manufactured fiction.

Having looked into the nation of Kafuristan, it appears that they are voting for Baltusia for Seat C and we are therefore presuming that is the reason why they have made the allegations against us. Unfortunately, we don't have time to waste on issues such as this one. While Baltusia plays a semantics game, thousands die of malnutrition across the globe. We will return our focus to the election to the Security Council.
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Re: Vote Baltusia

Postby matthewleitch » Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:53 am

Ryan Gray tells international news 'Kalistan know there is evidence.'

Ryan Gray has today issued a statement regarding Kalistan for C.

The Vote Baltusia campaign are disappointed that Kalistan have continued to lie, and we shall, alongside Kafuristan attempt to publish the source. Kalistan shall not get away with making lies to Kafuristan and then lie that they even made them! Kalistan know there is evidence. Kalistan now have a chance to own up to what they have done, before we prove it.

The unrefutable evidence is hoped to be published by 4108, unless Kaistan admit to their lies.
4042-4190: Baltusian Republican Party (Baltusia)
4190- : Republican Party (Cildania)

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Re: Vote Baltusia

Postby Doc » Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:36 pm

Keverclin wrote:Image

In a recent meeting with Paul Grey, the Kafuri amabassador to Baltusia, Abul-Fazl Hamza, has commented on some startling news:

We were surprised to hear that Kalistan would lie about the Baltusian anti-Ahamdism to garner more support for Seat C. At first, we thought it was just another political argument between two nations. Our support just leaned where the OAC would go- all we wanted was a better world where Ahamadis and the rest of Terra would live in peace and prosperity. However, Kafuristan cannot tolerate the lies that Kalistan has told us- our sympathy leans towards Baltusia at the moment. All diplomatic relations, no matter how tense, should be carried out in honesty and virtue.

The Kafuri Representative Assembly will soon conduct a meeting regarding the Seat C scandal for Kalistan and make appropriate actions for it, whether the OAC approves of it or not.

We reiterate the challenge, but put it in more blunt terms.

Produce the evidence, signed by an official of the Kalistani Government that we can verify, or quit smearing Kalistan. Or: put up or shut up. Baltusia's whisper campaign where they get other countries to do their dirty work, is ineffective.
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Re: Vote Baltusia

Postby Keverclin » Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:30 pm

In light of the increasing tensions between Kalistan and Baltusia, Abul-Fazl Hamza has made the following declarations of Seat C for the security council.
Baltusia has constantly been asking the KDP to publish the communication details between Baltusia and Kalistan. We understand that Kalistan may have made an error in being controversial in the matter of anti-Ahmadism, but it is important that this conflict does not grow beyond the diplomatic hostilities that ensue at the moment. Kafuristan will not release the details out of respect for Kalistan; we do not want to be responsible for a global conflict. It seems reasonable to us that Kalistan is wining the vote because other nations truly believe that Kalistan will be unbiased international representative for the humanity of Terra. At the moment Kafuristan, abides with the decisions of the Organization of Ahmadi Cooperation.

Later, Hamza stated that all Kafuristan wanted was peace, and, if possible, that a treaty between the two nations would be a favorable resolution to the conflict.
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Re: Vote Baltusia

Postby matthewleitch » Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:59 pm

Ryan Gray 'disappointed' at Kafuristan decision

Thank you ladies and gentlemen.

It is a difficult time for me, with Kafuristan, one of our closest ally's, turning their back on us and voting for a Kalistan.

Kalistan are innocent until proven guilty, and without Kafuristans support, we cannot prove that.

Whilst I am disappointed at Kafuistans decision to not publish evidence and vote for Kalistan, I respect their decision.

This is obviously a very difficult time for me and I shall be considering the best route for the campaign to take.

Sometimes, life doesn't give you what you want, but you must prevail. And that is what we shall be doing.

Thank you.

Ryan Gray, speaking at Villita, Baltusia
4042-4190: Baltusian Republican Party (Baltusia)
4190- : Republican Party (Cildania)

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Re: Vote Baltusia

Postby matthewleitch » Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:03 pm

Baltusia to endorse Kalistan, suspended their campaign

Ryan Gray, leader of the Vote Baltusia campaign

Ryan Gray and the 'Vote Baltusia' campaign have today suspended their campaign to support Kalistan, they have released a statement saying:

Whilst this has been a difficult decision for all a part of the 'Vote Baltusia' campaign, we have decided to suspend our campaign today.
We have also made the decision to support Kalistan for Seat C.

Our campaign has unfortunately not been as successful as hoped, although we have not canceled the campaign and we shall be campaigning in future elections.

The Campaign are fully aware that we have multiple votes, and we shall be persuading them to change their vote to Kalistan.

Ryan Gray is expected to give a lengthly interview next month in Kalistan.
4042-4190: Baltusian Republican Party (Baltusia)
4190- : Republican Party (Cildania)

“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.” -Milton Friedman
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Re: Vote Baltusia

Postby matthewleitch » Tue Jan 10, 2017 7:33 pm

VoteBaltusia reignited

Baltusia's campaign for the Security Council Seat C has been restarted, with a new campaign team, they say they look forward to travelling the Terra to engage in diplomatic negotiations.

The new Campaign Leader, Gareth Hernandez spoke at a campaign rally in Villita last night:

I am absolutely delighted to announce that we are going to today 'reignite' VoteBaltusia! I am looking forward to working my team as they have a great variety of knowledge in many different fields. We plan to visit Istalia next month to officially begin our campaign. Here's to a better, safer Terra!
4042-4190: Baltusian Republican Party (Baltusia)
4190- : Republican Party (Cildania)

“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.” -Milton Friedman
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Re: Vote Baltusia

Postby matthewleitch » Sun Jan 15, 2017 11:28 am

Gareth Hernandez outlines Baltusias picks for Security Council seats:

Thank you for joining me here today in Costa De Oro, as you know I shortly leaving to travel the Terra to gather support for our campaign. But before I and the team leave, I would like to officially outline who we believe are the best options for a safer, more peaceful Terra. They are:

Seat A: Luthori
Seat B: Baltusia
Seat C: Istalia
Seat D: Trigunia

I believe that the above nations would be an absolutely formidable team in the Security Council, and with different skill sets and areas of expertise, the Terra would be a better, safer, more peaceful place. Thank you.

Gareth Hernandez along with members of his campaign team, including Michelle Trevistock and Anthony Blake, is now expected to make visits to multiple different nations across the Terra.
4042-4190: Baltusian Republican Party (Baltusia)
4190- : Republican Party (Cildania)

“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.” -Milton Friedman
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Re: Vote Baltusia

Postby stuntmonkey » Mon Jan 23, 2017 11:22 am


Mason... Baltusia is perfectly placed to represent every country on Terra.

Former President Ralph Mason - one of the country's most successful politicians of recent time - Has joined the Vote Baltusia Campaign as an International Ambassador.

The two-time Head of State and former Majority Speaker of the House of Congress will juggle his position as the Non-Executive Chairman of the Port Oro Minerals and Mining Company with the high-profile overseas role.

He will look to drum up even more support for Baltusia's campaign which has gained traction over the last five years and is on the verge of helping secure a historic Security Council Seat.

Mason said: "Some international commentators sniff at Baltusia's bid - they say we are not a major power and have no right to a security council seat. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are perfectly placed to represent every country on Terra - from the smallest upwards - and make their voices heard.

"I want to bring some of the success I had during my presidency to bear on the campaign as we push towards the finish line. We have a great team here, working around the clock, and I am delighted to see that all parties in our country are working together to make this happen."
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