Vanuku for B

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Vanuku for B

Postby Kubrick » Fri Oct 14, 2016 4:55 pm

For Seat B of the Security Council


Democratic, stable, diverse and progressive representation that Majatra deserves, for everyone and not just the Ahmadi nations.

The new Prefect of the Kingdom of Vanuku, Cornelius Ashur, is leading the campaign to get proper representation for Majatra.

After a long period of doubt Vanuku has announced it will actively campaign for Seat B, for long it seemed the Kingdom was unwilling to engage with nations for votes. Yet the appointment of the new Prefect by the King has sparked a renewed interest in attaining this seat. Cornelius Ashur believes that Majatra, as the most diverse continent of Terra, needs proper representation by a diverse and democratic nation and not a theocracy built on slavery, poverty and civil war. Vanuku is one fo the world's leading nations in development, military, economy and technology and has a diverse population consisting of Hosians, Ahmadi's, Jelbic shamanists, Yeudi's and other religions. Even culturally the nation is diverse, making it the perfect example of a true Majatran nation.

Say no to a theocracy that only cares about itself and its friends, say yes to a diverse free nation that cares about Majatra and that has successfully defended Majatra for decades.

Vote Vanuku.

This message has been paid for by the Banmek-Sntazed Holding Company.
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Re: VOTE VANUKU (Vanuku's campaign for Seat B)

Postby SelucianCrusader » Sat Oct 15, 2016 6:21 pm

DAWNSTAR - The Pontesian Foreign Minister, Kastoro Doku, has congratulated the Vanukuese campaigners for Security Council seat B. As a gift, he presented them with an improved version of the famous Remove Kebab video:

Mr. Doukas commented:

The brave boys and girls of the Crimson Crusade, aided by the Felinist Claws and Paws Militia and others displayed a heroic endeavour in their removal of Kebab from Pontesian soil. Barmenia instead chose to tolerate these dogs and was destroyed in a brutal Ahmadi campaign of genocide, enslavement and rape - the things the savage Ahmadi holds sacred, the teachings of Jelbania as of today. Some slaves in Jelbania might even be descendents of Barmenia Felinists. The Remove Kebab Brigade stands as a symbol of muscular liberalism and the hope of all free, democratic nations and everyone who believes in human rights to get rid of this menace. Today Vanuku is a symbol of those same values and hopes for a bright future of mankind and all other species.

Kastoro Doku
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