Luthori for A

News and events related to national election campaigns for the World Congress Security Council.

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Luthori for A

Postby MarkWill » Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:41 am

Parties Unite Behind 'Luthori for A' Campaign
Fort William, Luthori
January 17, 4151

Gareth Holloway is leading the 'Luthori for A' campaign.

The Luthori People's Union, Luthorian Worker's Party, and the Hosian Democratic Union agreed to send representatives to back the 'Luthori for A' campaign, the nation's official campaign arm as Luthori launches its Security Council bid. After decades of isolationist foreign policy, the Holy Luthori Empire is beginning to exercise its historical presence in international affairs, recently acting as a mediator in the Aldegar-Baltusia incident.

Gareth Holloway (HDU), the former CFO of Renou Holdings Group PLC, former Minister of Trade and Industry (4142 - 4144), and current well-known and influential back-bench MD, is leading the campaign. Elijah McCluve (LPU) and Nina Francis (LWP), both members of the Imperial Diet, are directors in the campaign. The campaign appears to have already exchanged remarks with Baltusia, Kalistan, and Istalia and has reached out to Malivia and Rildanor. 'Luthori for A' is slated to see an increase in its operations in the weeks leading up to the official vote count, which will be held in a few years. Holloway is expected to tour Artania and Selaya while McCluve campaigns in Dovani and Francis campaigns in Majatra.
Turdidae, formerly Mark3, Mark2, MarkWill

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Re: Luthori for A

Postby Aquinas » Sun Jan 15, 2017 1:51 am

Potensi's outgoing President and current nominee for Minister of Internal Affairs, Vijay Tripathi, has issued a personal declaration of support for Luthori's campaign for a seat on the Security Council:

Under my leadership, Potensi switched support from Hawu Mumenhes to Luthori for Security Council Seat A, and it was not a controversial decision - every party here supported it.

We continue to regard Hawu Mumenhes as a good friend, but when it comes to being an active and positive presence on the world stage, it is obvious now that Luthori is the better candidate to support. I hope other nations will follow Potensi's example and lend their support to Luthori's campaign. Terra needs a strong and active Security Council - and that means it would be inconceivable to leave Luthori out of the team.
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Re: Luthori for A

Postby matthewleitch » Sun Jan 15, 2017 11:18 am

Gareth Hernandez, Head of VoteBaltusia campaign declares support for Luthori:

We believe that Luthori have demonstrated their analytical and mediation abilities in the General Assembly superbly. Our picks for Security Council have to be the best of the best, and Luthori is certainly in that category. That is why today I am delighted to announce Baltusia's support for Luthori for A.
4042-4190: Baltusian Republican Party (Baltusia)
4190- : Republican Party (Cildania)

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Re: Luthori for A

Postby MarkWill » Sun Feb 26, 2017 8:52 pm

'Luthori for A' Campaign Urges Nations of Terra to Vote Luthori
Fort William, Luthori
June 13, 4172

With the Security Council elections coming up in less than two years, the 'Luthori for A' campaign decided to launch its global canvassing tour with a message reaffirming the importance of Luthori's presence on the council and the work the Artanian nation has done while holding Seat A.

The Holy Luthori Empire first won its seat on the World Congress Security Council in 4159 following the decline of Hawu Mumenhes and its increasingly-noticeable silence on the world stage. Luthori promised to bring a measured hand, balancing the primal goals of the World Congress with the fundamental sovereignty guaranteed to every existing state, in dealing with international issues. By and large, we have succeeded, and we have shown that the Security Council is a body that outlives any temporary ordeal, no matter its size or scope, and that it is an institution capable of keeping the peace and serving as a force for good in the world. Luthori affirmed its support of communication and open dialogue by voting in favor of Resolution 13, which reversed a previous decision to exclude Saridan. Luthori also introduced Resolution 15, condemning the National Military Council of Aloria during a brief time period of instability and heightened tensions following warmongering remarks. The swift approval of the Resolution was instrumental in defusing the crisis, pressuring the resignation of key NMC officials, and triggering new elections in Aloria which restored stability in the nation and the region. As the 'Luthori for A' campaign prepares for another worldwide tour, we urge the nations of Terra, both in Artania and out, to consider voting for Luthori for Seat A if they have not already.
Turdidae, formerly Mark3, Mark2, MarkWill

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Re: Luthori for A

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Nov 18, 2023 11:40 am

Luthori re-launches bid for Seat A of the Security Council.
The Government has announced that the Empire will be re-launching its bid for the Seat A of the Security Council.
23rd, June 5395

The Foreign Office, led by Foreign Secretary Brad McDouglas, has announced that the Empire will launch a new campaign to award votes from nations around the world for Seat A of the World Congress' Security Council (WCSC). This gesture was defended by the Foreign Secretary as "one more step for a nation whose international position as "second power of Artania" and "rising power" is no longer in doubt. The Foreign Secretary declared that a turn of his part in various nations likely to change their vote towards Luthori could be organized in the coming months by the Foreign Office. For the moment, the frontrunners are Dorvik and Kundrati, both having 12 votes and Luthori having 7, the next few months must serve to prove that Luthori is capable of taking on such a great international responsibility.
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