Hutori for D

News and events related to national election campaigns for the World Congress Security Council.

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Hutori for D

Postby lawrence.depe » Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:28 am

The Federal Republic of Hutori officially announces its election bid for Seat D of the Security Council. In this 3rd Security Council, Hutori has placed itself as a neutral mediator in the Aldegar-Baltusia conflict and has also supported the extradition of Kotari Ravel from Lodamun to Potensi.

Mr Josef Cervenka of the Hutorian Socialist Party addresses the Great Bekenial Hall.

As one of the speakers at the opening of the 'Hutori for D' campaign at the Great Bekenial Hall in the nation's capital, Mr Josef Cervenka, the Secretary of the Hutorian Socialist Party stated:

We the people of Hutori wish to represent our part of Terra in the Security Council. In response to the attack formulated by the bid of the nation of Kazulia, we deny that we are an inactive member and we also deny Aldegar's accusation that we are initiating a "title snatch". Our nation has undergone some recent discussion as to who was to become our new representatives in the General Assembly and Security Council, for which we now have Mrs Rebecca Johnson from the New Democratic Party. This was the reason for our partial and temporary inactivity on the world stage.

Later throughout the campaign opening, Prime Minister Howard Galt of the Liberal Democratic Party announced Mr Justin Steven of the New Democratic Party as the nominee for Hutori's Security Council bid. Mr Steven is the current Minister of Foreign Affairs and is an excellent diplomat who champions Hutorian values of democracy, fairness and justice. During the announcement, Mr Galt described the candidate as "fantastic" and "a true representation of what it means to be a Terran".
HUTORI SOCIALISTS // Hutori's Progressive Alternative

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Re: Hutori For D

Postby Adithya » Tue Jan 17, 2017 8:33 am

Hutori Foreign Affairs Minister Justin Steven addressing Guests and Reporters in the Great Bekenial Hall:-

Good Evening,First of all,We need to make it clear to the world why Hutori must be the choice for seat D.Hutori is a Economic and Military superpower which respects Democracy and human rights as it's two eyes.We will be a impartial mediator and will solve various crises between nation's through diplomacy and Negotiations.We were discussing about appointing a new Ambassador and that's why it took time for Hutori to respond to the crisis between Aldegar and Baltusia and now,we are taking part in the council proceedings very actively, and we have started campaigning among various world nation's for support and we have received support from many of them.

Our Campaign for the Seat is a Campaign Based On Hope for the Betterment of All of Terra and peace and not based on Attacks.

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Re: Hutori For D

Postby lawrence.depe » Sat Feb 18, 2017 1:23 am

'Hutori For D' Campaign Restarts

President Elisabeth Harland has officially restarted 'Hutori For D', the Federal Republic of Hutori's campaign for Seat D of the Security Council. Mrs Harland has stated that every nation in Terra has been comtacted and that she hopes Hutorian representation in the international body can sustain for a fifth-straight term. The current Hutorian ambassador to the World Congress and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Juan Pavel, spoke at the event in the Great Bekenial Hall stating:

This campaign seeks to demonstrate that Hutori represents the values of unity, freedom, justice and, most importantly, democracy. We have shown that we are capable of representing our region of Terra and have demonstrated our commitment to these vital values. Hutori For D is a mission for all Terrans wishing to be heard on the international stage.

With already a number of votes for Seat D carrying on from the previous election, Hutori come in as the favourites to retain their seat.
HUTORI SOCIALISTS // Hutori's Progressive Alternative

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Re: Hutori For D

Postby Paul Hewlett » Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:04 am

Lodamun supports Hutori for seat D in Security Council

Current Lodamese cabinet led by President Bennet sends clear signal that Lodamun support Hutori to retain their seat in Security Council.

President of Lodamun Michael Bennet

NDP always supported Freedom and Liberty in Lodamun and across Terra. We share these values with Federal Republic of Hutori. The values that are new for Lodamese people and still fragile in Lodamun. That's why my cabinet decided to support Hutori in incoming elections for security council seat D. I know their ambassador will protect these values and stand for best interest of democracy across Terra.
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Re: Hutori For D

Postby colonelvesica » Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:22 pm

Hutori Launches Seat D Campaign for 53rd Security Council

Long out of international affairs, the Kingdom of Hutori is reportedly beginning preparations to launch a campaign for Seat D, a seat Hutori historically held prior to it's appointment to a permenant seat in the distant past. The Hutorian Ambassador to the World Congress, Noah Morrison, came forward announcing the campaign.

Once Hutori held a place of promience on the world stage, and with Hutori's re-entry out of an century of isolation we believe the greatest honour that could be bestowed is re-earning our place on Terra's highest diplomatic body. This will be a a decade and half long campaign, and we look forward to the conversations with our fellow nations in the years to come.

Noah Morrison will be leaving his term as the WC Ambassador in two and a half years and will be taking over the Campaign full time when a new Ambassador is appointed.
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Re: Hutori for D

Postby colonelvesica » Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:21 pm

Hutori Formally Re-Launches Bid for Seat D

Hutorian Foreign Minister Erika d'Entremont has announced that Hutori will be restarting their campaign to claim Seat D on the World Congress Security Council, including a planned international tour to win over potential voting states. Hutori currently hold 6 votes to incumbent, Lourenne's 12. The Hutorian Foreign Minister noted that a majority of member states aren't casting votes at all, and those would be the focus on the Hutorian campaign to prove to Terra that Hutori was once again ready to take on a leadership role inside international affairs.
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