Rildanor for C

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Rildanor for C

Postby jamescfm » Fri Jul 07, 2017 8:54 pm

Rildanor: Forward With Seleya
Government Launches Push For Security Council Seat

May 4233

In a remarkable sign of the country's shift away from isolationism, the Rildanorian Foreign Affairs Minister Cyrille Rodier has announced that his government will be pursuing election to Seat C on the World Congress Security Council. Despite Rildanor's historic self-centred foreign policy, the relatively young administration has signalled that they will be changing course. Rodier, who spoke extensively to journalists at a press conference to announce the proposal, said that the decision was based on the failure of Seleya's current and previous representatives, Baltusia and Kalistan, to properly stand up for the continent's interests. In particular, Rodier highlighted the necessity of a Canrillaise voice on the Security Council.

Fabien Garnier, left, arriving in Kanjor for initial talks with the government

Additionally, the government has founded a campaigning organisation in order to promote Rildanor's appeal named Rildanor: Forward With Seleya. It will be spearheaded by Fabien Garnier, a former business magnate and well connected international personality. As part of the campaign's initial phase, he has been dispatched to the People's Republic of Kanjor to liaise with the freshly elected Senate. Rildanor and Kanjor are close trading allies and have a cultural heritage which extends back thousands of years; Garnier is looking to harness this ancient connection to convince Kanjor to support their nomination.

Rildanor has a somewhat stable foundation to build upon. On top of their own vote, they already have the support of Hawu Mumenhes, Narikaton/Darnussia and Pontesia however this is still ten votes below the fourteen which would be necessary to secure Security Council Seat E- given to the runner up who receives the most votes. Rildanor: Forward With Seleya are believed to be targeting two key groups, nations which are voting for Indrala and Kalistan, to draw their support from. Both are traditionally powerful states which have seen their influence markedly decline in recent times; the government is looking to take advantage of their diplomatic neglect.
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Re: Rildanor: Forward With Seleya

Postby Arapaima13 » Sat Jul 08, 2017 9:16 pm

Rildanor to be Given Backing by Kanjor
By Nicolas Roussel
(Kanjor Times)

Foreign Affairs Minister, Tobie Moineau, after talks with the Rildanorian Representative, Fabien Garnier.

The Senate is currently voting for their nomination for Seat C to be given to Rildanor. Whilst voting is not yet complete, both parties within the majority government have backed the proposal, and the bill is therefore set to pass. Introduced after talks with the Rildanorian Representative, M. Fabien Garnier, the move will see Rildanor claim another vote in its path to securing the nomination for Seat C.

The Government stated the reason for its support was a mixture of its good will and support for Rildanor and its belief that a Canrillaise voice is necessary on the Council. The Foreign Affairs Minister, Tobi Moineau said this regarding the matter, "Let us show Rildanor that we care for this relationship and back them for the seat. We will be represented should they be elected, and that is what we want to be. Seat C's current nominee, Baltusia doesn't care for Kanjor. But Rildanor does. We need that representation - why don't we vote for it."

Later on, the Foreign Office released another statement urging other nations, in particular Alduria to vote for Rildanor. "The fact is that Rildanor is a significant nation in Terran politics, and it would be ludicrous for them to left out of the Council. For too long has Southern Seleya been ignored by all the world powers - and that needs to change. The Kanjorien Government urge those in Seleya, and those out of it, who want a fair and mediating voice at the World Table to back Rildanor for its bid to become the Seleyan candidate for the Security Council."
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Re: Rildanor: Forward With Seleya

Postby Mbites » Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:06 pm

TE launches support Rildanor campaign

Newly appointed Chairwoman of the TE Selene von Thaller announced that they will keep supporting Rildanor, even though in the Bundestag the conservatives mentioned a change in this regard. "We will not stand still, in fact we will start a small movement with party funds to help Rildanor gather more backers!"
In general though the matter of who sits on the security council is not a big one in Narikaton, and those willing to change its choice will have a hard time doing so.
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Re: Rildanor: Forward With Seleya

Postby jamescfm » Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:29 pm

Rildanor: Forward With Seleya
Cabinet Insider: We've Never Met Baltusian Representative

November 4238

The senior civil servant's identity has been kept under wraps

This week, an unnamed source from within the civil service has revealed that Rildanor's government has never been contacted by the individual who is supposed to represent them on the Security Council. Isobella Descartes of Baltusia was appointed by the Seleyan nation to represent the interests of the entire continent at the World Congress' decision-making body however this latest information from the heart of the government suggests there is a disconnect between national administrations and their supranational officials. Baltusia has represented Seleya in Seat C for a number of years but many, including Rildanor, feel they have neglected the real needs of the continent at large.

While they can't be formally identified, the source is believed to be a senior figure within the cabinet machinery. Speaking to the Rildanor Associated Press, they said:
In the time that they have been chosen to represent Rildanor and the rest of Seleya on the Security Council, the Baltusian government has never, ever sought to engage with our nation in even the most elementary manner. Despite putting on a show at the elite bodies where they clearly enjoy spending time, they do not show an active interest in pursuing the concerns of our continent as a whole. Unfortunately, Baltusia is too focused on pleasing their Istalian allies and making sure that they are able to govern Majatra as a hegemony to actually do the job they were elected to do. It's shameful and I'm glad that someone is finally trying to change things.

Fabien Garnier, leader of Rildanor: Forward With Seleya, was queried about the comments during a press conference at the end of his time in Kanjor. He wouldn't be drawn into discussing who the source was but confirmed that the reports were "broadly accurate based on what I have heard from the government". In addition, he expanded on the remarks by stating that "Baltusia has consistently under-delivered for Rildanor, Kanjor, Alduria and the rest of Seleya; at times, they have even thrown themselves under the bus to benefit Istalian interests". Since beginning their campaign for the Security Council, Rildanor has already increased their number of votes by twenty percent.
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