Human Rights Foundation

Organizations in the political sphere such as party organisations, pressure groups and political campaigns.

Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby jamescfm » Mon Dec 12, 2016 11:13 pm

With the passage of the Human Rights Bill, Baltusia becomes the thirty-first nation to abolish capital punishment and remove itself from the blacklist. Said Secretary-General Sophia Conti, 'we must celebrate this victory for human rights in Baltusia- for that is exactly what it is- but bare in mind that this bill passed narrowly and that major parties in Baltusia opposed it. I urge the Patriotic Party of Baltusia and the Conservative Party of Baltusia to recognise the great benefits this new legislation brings in proclaiming Baltusia as a nation of liberty and justice. Moreover, there are still twenty-seven nations where the death penalty is legal: our fight continues for a just and free Terra'.
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby lordmichael » Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:00 am

In an open letter to the Human Rights Foundation:

Secretary-General Conti:

It is my hope that one day a great number of the civil liberties currently restricted by the military-government of the Grand Duchy of Vorona will be a thing of the past. While the Committee for National Restoration has certainly made great strides in improving the economic conditions in Vonrona, it has sadly not reversed its decision to "temporarily suspend civil rights" after four years governance. Despise the best efforts of the Liberty League to reverse this situation and reduce the power of the military in the national government through the introduction of various bills in Vorona's legislature, all have failed. Calls for early elections have been similarly stymied.

While it seems likely Vorona shall remain under the control of the Committee for National Restoration for the next two years, it is my hope that the international community -- and the Human Rights Foundation in particular -- will not forget about the people of Vonrona.

All the best,

Antonio Szilágyi, Leader of the Liberty League
~Antonio Szilágyi
Chairman of the Liberty League, a political party in the Marele Ducat al Voronei (Grand Duchy of Vorona)
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby Sir Thomas Hill » Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:10 pm

A letter from the Government of Solentia

"Dear Secretary-General,

I write on behalf of the Government and peoples of the Democratic Republic of Solentia to note most strongly our objection to being placed on a so-called blacklist of nations condemned by your organisation for statutes relating to judicial procedures in our nation.

Our Attorney General and diplomatic staff have assessed your reports and have concluded that whilst Solentia does indeed allow for what is internationally referred to as capital punishment as a part of our justice system, we are not at this time moved to repeal statutes relating to this matter. The Government of Solentia has no current plans to remove from statute provisions for capital punishment and you should be advised that this is an avenue of decisive conclusion.

We furthermore wish to object to our inclusion in your list on the grounds that it is, by merit, a flawed one. Your own opening statement upon announcement of this so-called blacklist, Secretary-General, referred to the combination of bias justice systems and restricted political rights. It stated, to quote "when combined" these things are "
a fundamental breach of an individual's freedom". I am pleased to, therefore, inform you that no such conditions exist in our system. Solentia is noted for being of neutral, peaceful mediatory ethos and for over a thousand years has stood firmly as an example of a modern, credible nation-state. To include us on your blacklist after you personally outlined these conditions for freedom being breached, is to bring our judicial professionals into disrepute, something that has severe repercussions for international law.

For a non-governmental organisation to attempt to bring about criticisms of professional judgement in this manner is unbecoming of statesmen and Solentia shall not be swayed by such external pressures. Our own human rights advisors have given the Government assurances that the current system of justice in Solentia, notably where capital punishment is applied, is credible and proportionate; applying only to crimes against mankind, treason and terrorism. This, we find, to be most fair and reasonable and the court of public opinion in Solentia over the last thousand years would back up this point of view.

Secretary-General, we object to such international pressure being unduly placed on nations who are simply exercising their sovereign right to uphold justice and security within their borders. We value the dignity of human life and the fundamental fairness found in bringing those who murder, terrorise and commit vile human rights abuses to the justice they deserve. Our priority is now the establishment of a frank and open dialogue on human rights with our partners across Terra.

Yours sincerely,

Scott Zadan,
Solentian Foreign Secretary & Unionist Party Leader"
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby jamescfm » Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:44 pm

The Honourable Mr Szilágyi,

I support you in your quest for justice. The Committee for National Restoration is, indeed, a grossly oppressive regime and it is worthy of nothing but condemnation. It is my desire that the Liberty League will lead Vorona into a new era, one in which the rights of all humans are valued, not just those the government deems worthy of life.

Sophia Conti, Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation

The Honourable Mr Zadan,

Your correspondence begins by stating your 'objection' to being placed on the blacklist: this is an utterly ludicrous position. The blacklist, as I have repeated on numerous occasions, is a statement of fact, it is not up for debate or negotiation. If a nation has not outlawed the death penalty, they are on the list- it is not hard to comprehend. Evidently, you understand the lunacy of your own position because you later remark that 'Solentia does indeed allow for what is internationally referred to as capital punishment'. There is no reconciling those two positions; they are inherently contradictory.

It is extremely pleasing for me to hear that the government of Solentia has found the government Solentia to have an impeccable human rights record, however, I don't believe that such a finding is sufficient for me (or the Human Rights Foundation) to ignore your nation. You appear to lack even an elementary understanding of the role of the HRF, it is an organisation which holds governments to account. I will thank you, though, for demonstrating why such an organisation is required. You repeatedly assure me that your system is 'fair' and 'reasonable' yet I see no evidence of this. Most humorous to me is the contention that Solentia 'is noted for being of neutral, peaceful mediatory ethos', I tend to disagree. I felt neither a neutral nor peaceful ethos when a member of the Solentian government instructed the Premier of Kalistan to take cyanide in our National Assembly.

If you have further comments, Mr Zadan, please do contact me.

Sophia Conti, Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby jamescfm » Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:58 pm

The Human Rights Foundation is disappointed to have to place the Secular Socialist Republic of Telamon on the blacklist following the passage of the Inclusive Reform act. Sophia Conti, Secretary-General of the HRF has urged the governing Justice and Equality Party to live up to their name and reconsider their decision.
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby Sir Thomas Hill » Tue Dec 13, 2016 11:00 pm

"Dear Secretary-General,

The Foreign Office found your reply to be somewhat lacklustre in substance and instead seemed to focus on a rant of justification for you organisation's existence followed by a series of xenophobic slurs, contenting that a few crazed libertarians outshine a thousand years of the Bailenist Republic. Your ignorance of Solentian history is noted, though unsurprising.

It would appear given your reply, that your organisation has little interest in cooperating, improving relations, persuading or even in diplomacy therefore we shall leave this matter here and consider it closed.

Yours sincerely,
Scott Zadan,
Solentian Foreign Secretary & Unionist Party Leader"
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby jamescfm » Tue Dec 13, 2016 11:09 pm

The Honourable Mr Zadan,

I apologise for considering the actions of the government of Solentia when formulating my opinion on the government of Solentia if, as you remarked, that constitutes xenophobia. Evidently, it has become apparent to you that your positions are, as I stated, inherently contradictory because you attempted no justification of them. I will presume you have accepted that you absolutely deserve to be on the blacklist.

Depth of knowledge in the field of Solentian history is largely irrelevant to the cause of human rights so I will admit that it is not a particular area of interest to me.

Nevertheless, you are correct when you claim the Human Rights Foundation has no intention to cooperate with regimes which slaughter their own citizens nor do we wish to improve relations with such barbaric governments. My recommendation (if that is what you seek) would be Saridan, Davostan or perhaps Beiteynu- the most prolific human rights abusers on Terra.

Sophia Conti, Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby TheCaliph » Wed Dec 14, 2016 12:43 pm

"We would like the Human Rights Foundation to reconsider their decision about our country by putting it in their blacklist.
For what is a country if it is not just and fair.
and nothing,i repeat nothing is more fair than punishing the people who commit attrocities fairly and in the same way as they punished our own....we will punish traitors terrorists and genociders with what they deserve...DEATH...what would the foundation have us do exactly ?..feed people who have sworn death upon our own ?....we refuse...and we will continue on the path to prosperity whether anyone agrees or not...." -President of Secular Socialist Republic Of Telamon Haytham Kennedy
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby matthewleitch » Wed Dec 14, 2016 10:39 pm

"With the passage of the Human Rights Bill, Baltusia becomes the thirty-first nation to abolish capital punishment and remove itself from the blacklist. Said Secretary-General Sophia Conti, 'we must celebrate this victory for human rights in Baltusia- for that is exactly what it is- but bare in mind that this bill passed narrowly and that major parties in Baltusia opposed it. I urge the Patriotic Party of Baltusia and the Conservative Party of Baltusia to recognise the great benefits this new legislation brings in proclaiming Baltusia as a nation of liberty and justice. Moreover, there are still twenty-seven nations where the death penalty is legal: our fight continues for a just and free Terra'"

Dear Madame Conti

This isn't what Baltusia stands for. This will be changed as soon as the next election rolls around. The communists and far lefts in our country have pretty much destroyed our great nation with a set of horrendous reforms.

This isn't Baltusia. We will strive to be back on your 'blacklist' as soon as possible.

Matthew Burgmuller
Conservative Party of Baltusia, Leader
4042-4190: Baltusian Republican Party (Baltusia)
4190- : Republican Party (Cildania)

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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby jamescfm » Wed Dec 14, 2016 11:00 pm

The Honourable Mr Kennedy,

You need only repeal your legalisation of the death penalty and you will find yourselves removed from the blacklist.

Sophia Conti, Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation

The Honourable Mr Burgmuller,

Evidently, the people of Baltusia disagree. You are out of touch and they have punished you by electing parties who really understand their views! It disappoints me that you feel so strongly in favour of the institutionalised slaughter of your own citizens, you are truly reprehensible human being and not worthy of leading a major political party.

Sophia Conti, Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation
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