Human Rights Foundation

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Human Rights Foundation

Postby jamescfm » Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:46 pm

The Human Rights Foundation is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation seeking to advance the causes of justice, freedom, truth and dignity. It is a global movement aiming to harness the collective strength of its members and supporters to enact change in government while using their unique talents to promote the interests of humanity in whatever way possible. The Human Rights Foundation supports a number of initiatives on the local, national and international level. From workshops which educate children about the concepts of liberty and fraternity to lobbying governments to ratify the International Declaration of Human Rights.

Fundamental issues to the Human Rights Foundation include:
•the right to a fair trial
•freedom of thought, expression and association
•an end to capital punishment
•equality between men and women
•banning torture
•limiting the supply of arms
•aiding refugees and displaced persons
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby jamescfm » Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:06 pm

Sophia Conti, Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation, has announced the publication of a 'blacklist' of nation's which still permit capital punishment to exist within their borders. A total of twenty nations have not yet outlawed the death penalty and Conti was outspoken in her condemnation remarking, 'we have nations here which claim they are civilised and modern, like Trigunia and Vanuku, but which allow and endorse the most archaic and repugnant practice- to take the life of their own citizens. Execution is an irrevocable act which, multiple studies show, does nothing to deter criminals. When combined with biased justice systems and restricted political rights, the death penalty is a fundamental breach of an individual's freedom. It represents a system and culture of violence and is in no way a solution to it.'

January 4132 Blacklist, nations which permit capital punishment:
•Trigunskaya Imperiya (Trigunian Empire)
•Diktatura kráľovstvo Deltárskych (Fascist Kingdom of Deltaria)
•al-Saltanat al-Jakaniyyah (Sultanate of Jakania)
•Jelbék Ám'ádsrlji Rekvakns (Ahmadi Republic of Jelbania)
•Kongeriket av Kazulmark (Kazulia)
•2nd Great Democratic Republic of Lodamun
•Unholy Davostag Empire
•Dorvisch Republik (Dorvik)
•Endarloni Köztársaság (Republic of Endralon)
•Holy Luthori Empire
•Großreich Darnussien
•Free State of Malivia
•República Democrática do Tukarali
•Koninkryk van Seridjan (Kingdom of Saridan)
•Democratic Republic of Solentia
•Pontesi Federation
•רפובליקת יידיש של ביתנו (Yeudish Republic of Beiteynu)
•Dāsu Gurōraiku Mikuni-Harusutoria
•生古塢王国 (Kingdom of Sekowo)
•Republic of Beluzia
•Izcilako Savieniba Dolgarijas (Most Excellent Union of Dolgaria)
•al-Ittihad al-Badara (Union of Badara)
•Esinsundu Empire, Cobura
•Jumhuriat Kafuristan (Republic of Kafuristan)
•Koninkrijk Vanuke / Wrnukék Knzknstat (Vanuku)
•Brmék Mlk'knstat (Kingdom of Barmenia)
•대쿄제국 (단국 Dankuk)
•Republica Socialistă Vorona (Socialist Republic of Vorona)
Last edited by jamescfm on Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby TheTsar » Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:42 am

A letter to the Secretary-General anf the members of the Human Rights Foundation, Sophia Conti, from the Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Trigunian Empire, Count Vladimir Borisov:
Dear General-Secretary Sohia Conti and honourable members of the HRF,
I am writing to you to explain why our nation allows the capital punishment. First of all, I would like to tell you that the death penalty is only used on cases of high level treason, murder of more than one person and high level corruption. All these criminal offences, in the mind of most Trigunians, deserve the capital punishment. Furthermore, the capital punishment is only legal in a number if Federal Subjects, namely the Petrograd and Aleksandrovsk Governorates and Lesnov Oblast. In addition, the Governing Senate, which is our equivalent of a constitutional court, needs to approve any and all death sentences before they can be carried out.
Thank you for your understanding,
Yours sincerely,
Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Trigunian Empire
Count Vladimir Borisov
Народно-демократическая Партия Социалистов Монархистов/People's Democratic Party of Socialist Monarchists
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:33 pm

An open letter to the Trigunian Empire's Chairman of the Committee of Ministers from the Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation, Sophia Contia.
Count Borisov,

Thank you for contacting me. Unfortunately, I regret to inform you that your desperate attempts to justify the wilful slaughter of your own citizens is very much falling on deaf ears. According to the legislative record in Trigunia and supported by your comment, the use of capital punishment is a matter for local governments to decide. Therefore, whether or not a Trigunian citizen is granted the most fundamental and inalienable human right, the right to life, is in some sense a complete postcode lottery. Personally, I spent a number of years as Kalistan's primary foreign diplomat and during that time I often met with Trigunian counterparts. It is my own opinion that the Trigunian Empire is a nation which should be at the forefront of the fight for a just and free world however when you claim to stand for these values and permit such archaic, barbaric and atrocious provisions to exist as a part of your justice system, you are committing hypocrisy of the very highest calibre. Until such a time as capital punishment has been abolished, Trigunia should not claim to stand for human rights on the global stage nor should any nation which endorses the death penalty.

Sophia Conti, Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby TheTsar » Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:52 pm

Yet another letter to the Secretary-General and the members of the HRF
Dear General-Secretary and honourable members of the HRF,

I am writing to you to inform you that even though the first part of your letter is correct, as only some Federal Subjects allow the death penalty, however the second part, regarding the right to live is put in a "post-code lottery", is incorrect, because even if the Federal Subject allows the capital punishment, any death sentence needs to be deemed suitable and necessary by the Governing Senate, which is half-appointed by the government that the majority of all Trigunians had bestowed power upon when exercusing their right to vote, and half elected by the citizens themselves. I had mentioned this before when I wrote to you, however, you must have skipped that part of the letter, or you would not be mentioning what you did when you wrote to me.

Thank you for you understanding,

Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Trigunian Empire,
Count Vladimir Borisov
Народно-демократическая Партия Социалистов Монархистов/People's Democratic Party of Socialist Monarchists
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby jamescfm » Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:08 pm

A further response to the Trigunian Empire's Chairman of the Committee of Ministers from the Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation, Sophia Contia.
Count Borisov,

I assure you that I am perfectly capable of reading a letter and that I comprehended- quite completely- your communication. Your rebuttal is rather poor although this is to be expected from an individual who believes the intentional butchering of its citizens to be a legitimate function of a government. When I say that the right to life (which is an inalienable human right and any nation which infringes should be considered a human rights abuser) is a 'postcode lottery', I am acknowledging that two individuals, both alike in lifestyle, personality, behaviour and crime, could be treated differently for no other reason than the particular region of the Trigunian Empire in which they were born and reside.

Now I am not certain which crimes would be considered 'worthy' of the death penalty in your nation but presumably terrorism and mass murder are among the capital crimes. So, engage in a thought experiment, in which there are two criminals who commit identical terrorist attacks, both killing hundreds of people and injuring hundreds more, but one takes place in Kozak Hetmanate while the other in Lesnov Oblast. In this scenario, one man is sentenced to death, the other to life imprisonment. The only difference being the location of the crime. In what possible way can you consider this a fair system and can you claim that Trigunia is in any sense a nation which upholds the values of justice and liberty?

Sophia Conti, Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby TheTsar » Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:31 am

Dear General-Secretary and honourable members of the HRF,

Perhaps you may be infamiliar with the way our Federal Subjects are run, but the two governorates can only determine their own policies on the policies marked as "determined by local governments" or something of the kind. Lesnov Oblast, has full authority over all policies except foreign, military and economic policies except those marked as "determined by local governments" or something of the kind. The Kozak Hetmanate and the Kaiserreich of Tirgith Hulstrians have full authority over all policies except foreign and military policies except those marked as "determined by local governments" or something of the kind. Therefore, the two autonomous states decided tht they do not want the death penalty and the governorates an the autonomous region decided that the death penalty is legal. We respect all decisions and we have no right to change their laws. If you are going to condemn the death penalty, condemn the local governments of Trigunia who legalise the death penalty.

Thank you for your understanding,

Chairman of the Committee of Ministers,
Count Vladimir Borisov
Народно-демократическая Партия Социалистов Монархистов/People's Democratic Party of Socialist Monarchists
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby jamescfm » Fri Dec 09, 2016 4:55 pm

Count Borisov,

I ask again that you do not patronise me with your tone. I understand, comprehensively, what you have told me, however, that does not mean it is right. The Trigunian Ambassador to the World Congress spoke about human rights abuses in Saridan, saying 'we will be willing to destroy their government and install a puppet nation in Saridan, and openly announce this in front of the World Congress, than to let men, women and children remain unfree'. My question to you, then, is that if Trigunia, indeed your own Kadet Party, is willing to illegally enter another nation, forcibly remove the governing party and install a regime sympathetic to your own interests- all in the name of justice- why can you not take the legal decision to ensure none of your regional governments murder their own constituents? You have the power and the authority to end this barbarian punishment in the Trigunian Empire immediately. Why won't you do it?

Sophia Conti, Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby Kubrick » Fri Dec 09, 2016 6:00 pm

Dear "Human Rights" Foundation,

What a laughable attempt at trying to shove legislation through the throats of sovereign nations. The HRF claims to be non-governmental but to me the Kalistani influence is very clear. The last time the death penalty was applied in Vanuku was the execution of Admiral Shlajkai-Jansen, the man responsible for the terrorist attack that killed the Kalistani president and 53 other innocent souls. The Kingdom of Vanuku heard no objections from Kalistan back then. In ninety-nine years that is the only person to be executed in Vanuku. And for that we end up on a blacklist? Utmost hypocricy to try and force us to change our laws to the liking of your organization.

The Kingdom of Vanuku will not alter laws solely because a Kalistani organization puts the name of the state on a blacklist. The Kingdom will retain its right to execute terrorists, mass murderers and high treason defectors no matter what.


On behalf of His Royal Highness King Wrntukai III,
Crown Prince Juhn Banmek-Sntazed, Archduke of Banstill
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Re: Human Rights Foundation

Postby jamescfm » Fri Dec 09, 2016 6:46 pm

Crown Prince Banmek-Sntazed,

Thank you for making contact with me. It was not my intention to have such public correspondence with figures of government but I now consider that it is an ideal way to highlight the nations which persist in their abuse of human rights. While I am certain you will feel differently, it is the view of the Human Rights Foundation that the nation of Vanuku is one which has repeatedly breached human rights and, further to that, supported other nations which breach human rights- often turning a blind eye to offences far worse than would permitted in your own nation.

The foundation of Vanuku's tolerance for these disgusting policies is 'sovereignty', the concept that the people of a nation have the right to govern themselves. Nonetheless, Vanuku has also shown that it does not believe in this principle, except when it is convenient. There was no respect for the sovereignty of the Republic of Saridan when the First Fleet pushed into Saridanese territory nor was there when they were forced to accept the supreme dictatorship of a member of your royal family.

Furthermore, a distinction should be made between the Kalistani government and the people of Kalistan. Indeed, the Human Rights Foundation is currently based in Kaliburg and as you appear to understand, my previous experience was in Kalistani politics but that should be irrelevant to the matter at hand, the advancement of human rights across Terra. It disappoints me that you would rather concern yourself with my country of origin than actually what I have to say. It is rather unfair to criticise me for not speaking up in relation to the execution of Admiral Shlajkai-Jansen, given that I would not be born for fifty years but obviously the position of the Human Rights Foundation is that he should not have been killed. Regardless of how infrequent executions are, you will remain on the blacklist until they are banned outright.

I am not asking you to alter your laws because you are on this list, I am asking you to alter your laws because they represent a breach of human rights.

Sophia Conti, Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation
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