International Anarchist Organization for Liberation

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International Anarchist Organization for Liberation

Postby ChengherRares1 » Mon May 11, 2020 9:07 am

The IAOL had been created on March 4754 by Isaac Osborne and Oscar Gayoso as a world-wide NGO with the target of promoting values of freedom and equality by spreading the word of syndicalism, doing communitarian and humanitarian activities as well ensuring to fund various movements across the planet. The final target of this organization is to create a space for all anarchists to organize in political parties, labor movements and more. The project is still in it's early days and has many issues to fix, such as lack of funds, instabilities that are found in Lodamun in 4754, etc. The starting base of the organization had been chosen to be Orean city, found in Andalay, Lodamun.
Gabriel Boțan, oldie
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Re: International Anarchist Organization for Liberation

Postby ChengherRares1 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:56 pm

The IAOL had organized social programs for poor people in Vorona to aid them and improve their lives through community services and cooperation as well funds from various non-governmental anarchist and not only organizations. Couple volunteers were sent as well. The main target is helping the rural communities of Vorona, a nation that is ruled by Syndicalists. With the aid of international pundits as well internal openness for cooperation with the locals will allow for greater development of these rural communities. The anarchists have as well planned to discuss in Orean how the Lodamese Civil War should be fixed and how to guarantee the survival of the successful anarcho-syndicalist experiment in the north of the country. It is yet to be seen if the petitions as well diplomatic missions will solve the issue and bring justice to the people in Orean and St Martin.
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Re: International Anarchist Organization for Liberation

Postby ChengherRares1 » Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:41 pm

The IAOL to officially host Grand Congress in Baltusia
January 4801
The establishment of Seleyan Anarchist Federation came with hosting of new Grand Congress of anarchist and communist organizations, unions and various political and civil associations, and in small number, party members. Plans Congress in Malivia next year
Group photo with a part of those attending the Grand Congress

On 4 October 4800, the various anarchist associations and non-governmental organizations, alongside the very rare anarchist parties alongside with radical libertarian socialist and communist groups planned a Grand Congress not held in years. The issue came where it should be held. With the uncertainty surrounding Lodamun, the traditional host nation, associations and organizations turned eyes onto Baltusia, deemed, despite the right wing forces dominating the society, safe choice, especially given that Baltusia is growing as an anarchist powerhouse. Following years of right wing subordination, leftism is increasingly popular among young and lower classes, as well minorities.

The Grand Congress was organized with the help of local anarchist wings and groups, preparing a meeting for three days, featuring marches, discussions over usage of direct action and reform for preparing the revolution, how will the revolution be achieved as well let people discuss other different matters. Over the cross of three days, several smaller daily congresses showcasing different themes and attendees, as well work upon the formal declaration of the anarchist Manifesto of 4801 and creation of Seleyan Anarchist Federation.

The meeting was hold on 2 December. It happened without incidents and revolved around discussions planned before with various members and personalities, from philosophers to union leaders. Side by side with plans for the future of the movement, the consolidation of Seleyan Anarchist Federation with help of local Baltusian members such as Oscar Burton, prominent anarchist philosopher, was successfully done, with a new organization to help Seleyan local movements and organization, coordinate better the strikes and boycotts as well fund properly different sympathetic causes, be them social, political or economical. The Grand Congress folded with no problem and in complete legality, having over 1000 participants from all parts of the world, important members of Lodamese anarchism and socialism were also present, such as Oscar Gayoso, writer of many important books and leader of leftist organizations and parties back in Lodamun. Other important members such as Bukarin, who was responsible for many direct actions in Lodamun, Aloria or Vorona, as well establishment of many local organizations in various nations such as SUFL in Lodamun.

Outside, protests and marches for support were espoused, with mostly peaceful protestants numbering 15-20000 marching in Johnston District Dove, the place where the meetings were held. Except few incidents, the demonstrations ended well. They encompassed as well slogans and songs, such as the "Black Flag" or "To the Barricades" as well shouting ChangeNow twitter slogan.

IAOL is planning a meeting next in Malivia with the local Free Artanian Worker Confederation and Malivian Anarchist Association, as well with other labor unions and movements. The meeting is expected next year and to encompass at least 500 direct participants and peaceful street demonstrations numbering few thousands. The theme of discussion are minority rights such as LGBT+ or women rights, as well discussing intersectionality and the relation of capitalism, hierarchy and oppression. Everyone will be free to attend these talks, as well they will be locally distributed through newspapers and broadcast through various anarchist stations and podcasts on internet. IAOL plans as well to address in the mini Congress in Malivia the caste system dominating the Gerajan society as well proposing various direct action tactics to pressure the Malivian government in reforming socially and permitting everyone to have equal access no matter their caste, religion or ethnicity.
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Re: International Anarchist Organization for Liberation

Postby ChengherRares1 » Sat Mar 12, 2022 9:38 pm

Second Grand Congress held by anarchists in Dolgavia, discussing a new rise in radical thought in Dolgavia
July 5087
Establishment of an international fund for anarchist and syndicalist organizations begins, invites PBG party to the Congress.
Official meeting held in an outdoor environment

With decreasing economic instability and relative peace around the world, the numbers registered in major anarchist groups around the world, and IAOL started to dwindle. Up until now, when a civil war in Deltaria, economic meltdown of its economy as result and increasing right wing backlash against workers and minorities prompted a resurgence of radical movements such as anarchism or syndicalism. Collapse of socialist regimes such as in Jakania or Dolgavia specificially saw resurgent numbers of new members across radical groups, such as IAOL, who had registered over 30 000 new members for the past 4 months.

Other than these numbers, Dolgavia has seen own rise in radicalism, among youth, LGBT community members and many workers that are disgusted and appalled by the sheer incompetence of the conservative administration, which ended with small protests across nation, but especially Aikums, where it sees rising number of teenagers, students and trade union members joining in IAOL and the PBG as counter reaction to the increasing level of conservatism of the government, with central issues being the recent sweeping privatizations that led to many job losses, lowered wages for state employees and to backlash against workers by the new oligarchs that bought the new amenities, with reports coming around about anti-unionization measures exerted by private company owners.

IAOL had declared that it is time for a second Grand Congress, for more policy set up and for action against the rising right wing and nationalist rhetoric across Terran. To tackle this issue, have convened anarchists of all branches, syndicalists and some communists and Medzist members. Upon long debates in a conference room, closer to an empty airfield hall, parts of the organizers and presenters from delegations have come around and introduced themselves to the public, holding moving speeches for the people. It is a miracle indeed that these meetings were allowed, but of course not without legal difficulties, more than any other meetings, with restrictions on total numbers, intentional delays for documents and approvals and large numbers of police units present to oversee the whole meeting. The meetings were all peaceful and prompted a message for radical change and demand for fairness.

On the other side, IAOL new Congress set out a path of protest as tool of the proletariat and social minorities against the governments of the world, stating that "just as past meetings, it is imperative to fight back, not with swords, but with the fist and solidarity of common people, for guns bring only more disaster, but united, in peace and labor, we will prosper."

This meeting prompted for the first time a rise in syndicalists among delegations and among set out policies, with strikes, mirroring old Lodamese strikers led by revolutionary syndicalists as the way to gain ground against bosses and even destroy capitalism. Other than these, the Congress came to agreement that it is vital that a fund for anarchist movements across world, and not only, to exist to help in fellow comrades, all relating to wages covered during strikes and protests, easing out asylum seeking if necessary and to provide shelter for homeless people. The initiative is rather small, as IAOL only has 300 000 members across Terran, but with this first program, to succeed to organize the movement around a common cause, attract more people and investors, and partner with new regimes and fellow non profit organizations.

The PBG had made good impression at these gatherings, with Oscar Estebal especially presenting his work with success in front of gathered men and women to listen to the astounding and well articulated philosophical inquiries and his analysis of modern society, which proved successful even with the old socialist Lodamese vanguard agreeing partly to the well put message. The meeting has been well received and the organization registered new record of new members, with 10 000 new members just in three days following the event, with many from Dolgavia but not only.
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Re: International Anarchist Organization for Liberation

Postby ChengherRares1 » Mon Jul 24, 2023 4:58 pm

Important gains done by the IAOL in Ikradon
June 5336
Anarchists gain organizational level in Ikradon
Anarchist art done in Ikradon

Anarchist IAOL, a long standing union of large anarchist and like minded movements across Terran has had several more congresses, each with relative lack of success though. In recent years economic stability saw less anarchist agitation, crackdowns in Dorvik, Trigunia as well hostility in Endralon toward trade unions and the move toward the right in Deltaria have hurt local branches, in some cases destroying the branches entirely.

Lodamese branch, renown strong branch has collapsed in recent years, although potential reconstruction is underway. In Kalistan a third large congress is planned. Though greatest gains were in Ikradon where around 20 000 new members were registered, with local branch organizers speculating more to come. Successful housing programs iniatied by mutual aid societies and coops served to rehabilitate a small town. Art convetions and literature circles are proliferating in the nation.

In nations close to Kalistan and even within Kalistani borders they took large inspiration from their cultural vibrant life, as well way of life. Local bands singing joyous anarchist songs or expressing themselves in new ways that would put other avant garde wannabes to shame. One of greatest painters within the movement and possibly among general public is Ștefan Robert, a Kizenian national migrated to Kalistani to live the dream.

Kalistani branch is small, though highly active. In Lourenne the movement saw some gains, but mostly around the squatting movement. In Lodamun, part of the reason cars got banned were the environmental anarchists, some sources say.

Movement more peaceful

One of the observed tactic change and mindset review is seen in many IAOL is focusing on constructive direct action: civil societies, protests for issue and build mutual aid cooperatives and agro communes. One such example is Endralonian Carthian Agro-Commune. Is large enough to host around 100 dwellers, slightly remoted within vecinity of a forest, living of the land bio ethical.

Numerous violent anarchist movements though decried this change and have put forward thought provoking ideas to restore a more unsubmissive coordination of loose movements to overthrow the system. The over emphasis on cooperatives, borrowing from the overly outdated Lodamese Oreanese region model seen as long over due. New radical currents, especially around animal liberation, furry rights and critique of car centric economies and infrastructure have emerged.

Lourenne has reported a 300 people fringe group calling for banning cars. It is surveilled due to rumors of tereorist tendencies.
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