by SocialistAlduria » Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:23 pm
Within the Recent National Assembly Elections, The Parti de la République Socialiste aldur, or Aldurian Socialist Party, Came out over the Parti Unitié des Royalistes, or the Aldurian Royalist Party, In a landslide conclusion of 247 Seats to 158 Sears out of a total of 405. The Parti de la République Socialiste aldur's recent work has aided the Public greatly, such as Advocating for the protection of lands owned by families against Robber Barons that Thrive within the religious setting of the Royalist Party. This has sparked a growing number of Pro-Republic Sentiment from the Public. Many farmers have called for The Parti de la République Socialiste aldur to make moves to Abolish the monarchy entirely. The Parti de la République Socialiste aldur has not yet responded, as they are trying to stop the royalists from turning the beautiful Farmlands of Alduria into a Polluted hellscape.