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Re: Human Rights Foundation

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 3:06 pm
by TheCaliph
"Our nation comes first.....we will pass legislation that is best for our nation and not the foundation"
President Of Telamon-Haytham Kennedy

Re: Human Rights Foundation

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 11:24 pm
by TheCaliph
The Human Rights foundation should stop tryign to limit our rational bills and fight against the current racist bill that is going to pass in the Republic of Saridan ... lid=496928 We will help in every way to stop this racist movement

Re: Human Rights Foundation

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 11:30 pm
by jamescfm
Human Rights Foundation statement;

The Human Rights Foundation is quite capable of managing its own affairs without the commentary of a party who believe in state-mandated slaughter of citizens. It stinks of hypocrisy that an individual who decried the HRF for putting pressure on his nation now seeks to put pressure on the Human Rights Foundation.

Re: Human Rights Foundation

PostPosted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 11:57 pm
by jamescfm
The Human Rights Foundation is calling on nations across Terra to put pressure on fellow nations who have yet to outlaw arranged marriage. Arranged marriages force people, usually young girls, into potentially abusive and exploitative relationships against their will. Allowing parents to override an individual's right to decide who they want to be with is an appalling breach of human rights and all nations should strive to eliminate it from Terra completely. Nevertheless, a total of fourteen nations (including two Security Council members!) allow arranged marriages to take place within their borders. This situation is a shame for our world and it is time we began tackling it!

Nations which have not outlawed arranged marriages:-
Malivia; Aldegār; Saridan; Dolgaria; Trigunia; Deltaria; Jakania; Talmoria; Beiteynu; Hawu Mumenhes; Luthori; Valruzia; Solentia; Jelbania

Re: Human Rights Foundation

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:17 pm
by Polites
The nation of Mikuni-Hulstria has issued an open letter to the Human Rights Foundation:

Dear Secretary-General,

We were informed that our nation, the beacon of light in the Orient, the pinnacle of human spiritual evolution, the offspring of East and West, has been placed on a "blacklist" due to our practicing "the most archaic and repugnant practice", namely capital punishment. The Hulstro-Mikun government strongly protests to our nation's inclusion on any blacklist, particularly one penned by a foreign Septembrist terrorist organization. We do not protest out of some misguided form of pro-sovereignty ideology, ignoring the universality of objective spiritual truths accessible to all beings everywhere, but because we believe there is a far worse and more repugnant practice that nearly all nations engage in daily without the Kalistani Septembrists batting an eye.

All but eight nations on Terra engage in the genocide of millions every day, while also torturing, experimenting on, and enslaving for mere entertainment countless other innocent beings. We are talking of course about animal slaughterhouses, vivisection laboratories, the fur industry, circuses, in short, of the crimes committed against innocent animals, greater than the non-crime of putting guilty human criminals to death. And the "Human Rights Foundation" by its very name is complicit in these repugnant practices and will continue to be a human supremacist speciesist organization. The HRF will protect the guilty and harm the innocent because of their warped and arbitrary view of the role of humans in the ecosystem, as if we were in any way more privileged morally or spiritually than other animals. Your organization makes such a big fuss about acts of violence against real or potential enemies of our cause and makes itself complicit to the infliction of pain and death on beings who are by definition incapable of taking a cause or breaking laws. And for that, you and your organization make yourselves deserving of death.

Takahashi Gentarō,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Great Reich of Mikuni-Hulstria

Re: Human Rights Foundation

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 6:03 pm
by jamescfm
The Honourable Minister Gentarō,

The cause of Human Rights is the primary objective of the Human Rights Foundation. There are a number of other organisations focusing on animal rights, perhaps you should contact them with your concerns instead.

Sophia Conti, Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation

Re: Human Rights Foundation

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 2:39 pm
by jamescfm
The Human Rights Foundation has published an updated blacklist, accompanied by some notes on the changes in relation to the death penalty across Terra since the organisation was founded.

October 4141 Blacklist, nations which permit capital punishment:
•Dorvisch Republik (Dorvik)
•Republic Of Telamonia
•Dolgavan Confederation
•al-Ittihad al-Badara (Union of Badara)
•Esinsundu Empire, Cobura
•Jumhuriat Kafuristan (Republic of Kafuristan)
•Koninkrijk Vanuke / Wrnukék Knzknstat (Vanuku)
•Brmék Mlk'knstat (Kingdom of Barmenia)
•Kongeriket av Kazulmark (Kazulia)
•Marele Ducat al Voronei (Grand Duchy of Vorona)
•Endarloni Köztársaság (Republic of Endralon)
•Holy Luthori Empire
•Narikatonisches Reich & Koninkrijk Darnussien
•República Democrática do Tukarali
•Pādshāhi-ye Amjad-e Aldegār
•Republiek van Seridjan (Republic of Saridan)
•République de Rildanor
•Democratic Republic of Solentia
•Potensi Gaṇarājya (Repubic of Pontesi)
•רפובליקת יידיש של ביתנו (Yeudish Republic of Beiteynu)
•Dāsu Gurōraiku Mikuni-Harusutoria
•生古塢連邦 (Federal Republic of Sekowo)
•Unholy Davostag Empire
•2nd Great Democratic Republic of Lodamun
•al-Jakania al-Razama (Razamid Jakania)
•Trigunskaya Imperiya (Trigunian Empire)
•Jelbék Ám'ádsrlji Rekvakns (Ahmadi Republic of Jelbania)

In the period between the first blacklist and this one, much debate has been had over the issue of capital punishment and that means that, undoubtedly, the initiative has been a success. Furthermore, there are now only twenty-eight nations which permit the death penalty, one fewer than in 4132. Deltaria, Malivia, Dankuk and Beluzia have all criminalised it in this period. Dorvik, Baltusia and Kazulia have limited its application without outlawing it completely. In contrast, Rildanor, Aldegar and Telamon have repealed bans on capital punishment. Jakania and Saridan have extended its application further.

Re: Human Rights Foundation

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2016 3:05 am
by Aquinas

Re: Human Rights Foundation

PostPosted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 11:35 pm
by Aquinas

Re: Human Rights Foundation

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 6:08 pm
by jamescfm
After nearly seventeen years in the role, Sophia Conti has today decided to step down as Secretary-General of the Human Rights Foundation. Her successor, Loïc Jauffret, is a former Human Rights lawyer from Kanjor. He has said that the HRF should 'ensure that the international community is not allowed to ignore the crimes against mankind being perpetrated across Terra' but would not be drawn into the Baltusia-Aldegar debate.