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Re: MSCO - Majatran Security Cooperation Council (MSCC)

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:18 am
by GreekIdiot
Yeshua Shavit, Deputy Representative to the MSCO, Homeland State of Beiteynu

Considering the situation in Cobura is an internal matter, they have not asked for any military assistance and the fact that the MSCO does not, under any circumstances, impose upon the sovereignty of states in Majatra, members or not, there does not seem to be any direct option available.

Should the Deltarian command of the CMRF find it prudent to ensure overall regional security, Beiteynu advises contextual measures such as increased patrols in the west and south maritime passages, increased border checks in surrounding nations and so forth.

SW-NG is already active in northwest Cobura, to which we had tasked an aircraft carrier strike group decades ago; Deltaria also assigned forces to it.

Re: MSCO - Majatran Security Cooperation Council (MSCC)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 5:04 pm
by Drax
Dimitry Petrescu, Admiral Commanding, Collective Majatran Responnse Force:(CMRF)

I have been commanding CMRF for some time but have now been reassigned. The Deltarian Defense Minister is designating my replacement.

Re: MSCO - Majatran Security Cooperation Council (MSCC)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:18 pm
by Rogue
Renato Brozović, Prime Minister of the Grand Empire of Deltaria

To our fellow member states. The Grand Empire hereby announces that it will not be designating a replacement for the commanding officer of the Collective Majatran Response Force. We make this decision following Beiteynu its apparant disregard for Majatran security by inviting a Artanian nation to host troops on our continent. While we firmly believe in the sovereignty of nations, the Grand Empire has been working to prevent foreign powers from stationing troops in Majatra, granting our continent a ideal position to maintain its own security. With recent actions from Beiteynu and its various organisations, this effort is directly undermined and we increasingly look towards a multipolar security situation in Majatra which becomes harder to tackle by the day. Taking its responsibility as commander of the CMRF, the Grand Empire will not designate a replacement for Petrescu out of protest.

Re: MSCO - Majatran Security Cooperation Council (MSCC)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:37 pm
by GreekIdiot
Yeshua Shavit, Deputy Representative to the MSCO, Homeland State of Beiteynu

Welcome, Prime Minister. This is fascinating. What changed in Deltaria's policy? We have been hosting non-Majatran fleets in Beiteynu for quite a while now; in fact, it was the primary reason the MSCO managed to contain 2 major simultaneous conflicts at the onset of the century.

Re: MSCO - Majatran Security Cooperation Council (MSCC)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:45 pm
by Rogue
Renato Brozović, Prime Minister of the Grand Empire of Deltaria

Since i came to office it has been government policy to prevent foreign troops on Majatran soil, making it easier for the Deltarian Home Fleet to protect the Majatran Sea but also allow the CMRF to better safeguard Majatran security. We were encouraged by Beiteynu sending away our Lourennaise friends, seeing it as a sign that Beiteynu had adopted a similar strategy. With the introduction of ships from Narikaton-Darnussia onto our continent we have come to face the reality that this isnt the case. Deltaria likes to ask Beiteynu to seriously reconsider its position and side with Deltaria on this policy, until we reach consensus within this body on this matter we shall not appoint a replacement for Petrescu

Re: MSCO - Majatran Security Cooperation Council (MSCC)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:59 pm
by GreekIdiot
Yeshua Shavit, Deputy Representative to the MSCO, Homeland State of Beiteynu

[looks around, mic faintly picks up a "...did I miss a memo?...what's this guy's shtick?..."]

Prime Minister, with all due respect, you seem misinformed. We did not send away the Lourennais. Bannerhafen is also not the only one to have sent a fleet to northwest Beiteynu. Most JAMS ratifiers have - a framework that you, yourself commended, might I add. The CMRF is directly coordinating, in fact.

We're not sure how non-Majatran forces cooperating perfectly with the MSCO, now and in the past, is jeopardising security...?

Re: MSCO - Majatran Security Cooperation Council (MSCC)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:06 pm
by Rogue
Renato Brozović, Prime Minister of the Grand Empire of Deltaria

Deltaria commends bilateral cooperation and agreements that do indeed put to rest potential points of tension. But our views also change, our security needs change, and so do the needs of Majatra and its security. Mr. Shavit, my "shtick" is that i seek a secure and defendable Majatra. The way you, as a representative of the Homeland State of Beiteynu, are being demeaning to the Grand Empire and its people is highly disrespectfull. Our position is clear. It is up to Beiteynu to respond to our concerns with respect and an open mind. If you will excuse me, i will leave the floor to our foreign minister, mr. Brkić as i myself have to return to certain domestic issues at home.

Re: MSCO - Majatran Security Cooperation Council (MSCC)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:36 pm
by GreekIdiot
Yeshua Shavit, Deputy Representative to the MSCO, Homeland State of Beiteynu

Goodbye, sir. [watches the Prime Minister of Deltaria leave]

Re: MSCO - Majatran Security Cooperation Council (MSCC)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:49 am
by Rogue
Vladimir Brkić, Foreign minister of the Grand Empire

If the Beiteynese delegation is incapable of taking their regional partner seriously, Deltaria should seriously reconsider its role in the CMRF. If no respectfull and constructive response is given, we will be forced to determine whether or not there is a place for Deltaria at all within the CMRF structures.

Re: MSCO - Majatran Security Cooperation Council (MSCC)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 12:48 pm
by GreekIdiot
Yeshua Shavit, Permanent Representative to the MSCO, Homeland State of Beiteynu

With all due respect, Mr. Brkic, but you are demanding a respectful and constructive dialog with us after throwing the MSCO under the bus to score electoral points, commending the JAMS initiative and then standing against its necessary pillars of cooperation, issuing ultimatums on the CMRF after having commanded it for decades on end - working with non-Majatran forces perfectly well - and are now citing security concerns with non-Majatran forces while not only are there absolutely no security concerns for the region at present from non-Majatran forces in Majatra but the MSCO has a pristine record of working with non-Majatran forces.

And all of this under mostly Deltarian command of the CMRF, might I add.

Far be it for us to judge the foreign policy of Deltaria; you are absolutely more than entitled to pursue anything you like, which we understand that to be as playing the Deltarian "greatest hits" cassette from back in the day.

The landscape is also vastly different.

If you do not wish to continue Deltaria's post as Admiral Commanding of the CMRF, that is absolutely no problem. Either another state can take up the mantle freely, such as Badara, or the CMRF will decentralise naturally across the MSCO's member states.

Mind you, Beiteynu still casts its confidence to Deltaria in recognition of that exact pristine record of Deltarian conduct in the past and the CMRF's excellent rapport with Majatran and non-Majatran forces alike, yet again, under your country's command!

So, Mr. Brkic, forgive us for we do not understand. We will gladly listen to your security concerns for the region if you can cite specific examples to back these concerns. After all, this is a military organisation that operates on hard, cold facts and verified intelligence.