University of Fort William (or Luthori) - Publications

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University of Fort William (or Luthori) - Publications

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Apr 24, 2024 2:08 pm

Here, you will see all the theses advanced by students, professors or researchers at the University of Fort William or any other universities in Luthori.

For simplicity - please see this guide:

- Professor Blanknek’s Essay on "The Consequences of the Hubris War on Luthori." - University of Fort Willliam
- Professor Martings' Essay on "What is Luthorian Constitutionalism?" - University of Northminister

Te in adversis manet triumphus. ~ Motto of the University.
Last edited by Robert F. Kennedy on Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:45 am, edited 4 times in total.
Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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Robert F. Kennedy
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Re: University of Fort William - Publications

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Apr 24, 2024 5:28 pm

What were the consequences of the "Hubris War" on Luthori? ~ Dr. Joseph Blanknek

We may ask to ourselves this question all over again, what were the true and real consequences of the Yeudi-Lourennais War or, as it was called first by the Yingdalans, the "Hubris War". This conflict between the two's most powerful nations at this time - Beiteynu and Lourenne, this conflict was mainly fought on sea, with both nation's navies being at the forefront of the War, while both nation's armies were staying at retreat. During this war - which is today said to be a Lourennais victory - the Luthorian trade network effectively collapsed - political instability and government incoherence was something that came out of Luthori, the economy collapsed, while at the same time - other nation rose in prominence by showing more coherent leadership and a more careful diplomacy. We'll look at what are the consequences of the Hubris War on the Luthorian Empire.

Economic Aftermath of the War

If we want to talk about the Hubris War's consequences on Luthori - we need first to speak of the first aspect that has been hit, the economic aspect of Luthori. The Luthorian economy was - honestly speaking - going through a stagnation period. According to the Vandam Economic Report of 5453 and 5463 - so during the Pre-War Era, in 10 years, the Luthorian GDP has barely moved from LFR 4.6 trillions (LPD (£) 3.04 trillions), to LFR 4.96 trillion (£3.25 trillions), a result in GDP, so far, yet so close of having breached through the LFR 5 trillions glass wall of the Luthorian economy. Yet - ever since its inception, the Vandam Economic Report reported two flaws in Luthori's economic success - the first was the problem of political instability. That problem comes from a lack of understanding between Parliament's objectives and the government's objectives - which undoubtely creates political mismanagement of the economy. According to some economists - another problem comes from the government's involvement in the economy and for others, it's the opposite, but I'm not going to enter this economic debate as for now. The other weakness that is being continously reported on by the Vandam Economic Report is the "Weak Competition" part, this is present in the 5433 economic report, the 5443 economic report, the 5453 one, the 5463 one and even the most recent report stated that this problem is still an issue to this day. Even though, the Luthori Employers Association ended its policy of "Pro-Luthorian business" back in 5401, during Prime Minister Asters' Ministry. Since then, in theory, any foreign business is welcome in Luthori - yet, the ghost of the LEA's lobbying (in light with the recent Senate scandal) is still a brake in the development of foreign companies into the country. Yet, today - it seems that the government finally understood something about dealing with this problem, with the passage of the Model Treaty, which if signed, would make all Luthorian and X countries companies be considered as being nationals by governments of both signatory countries, so making their possibility of integrating themselves into the complex Luthorian economic system much, much more easier.

Yet, here we are talking about the economic aftermath of the war. Well, honestly, this comes from the Government's weird decisions in regards to the Yeudi-Canrillaise Crisis - then War. Luthori had a big disadvantage in this crisis - first, it was linked with Beiteynu through the Monarch's person and an alliance agreement between the two nations. We shouldn't also forget the numerous trade routes that exists between Mainland Luthori and the Yeudi State, it was said that 14,7 % of all Luthori trade goes to Beiteynu. So - the outbreak of the war and its economic ramification to Beiteynu sure did a lot of consequences on Luthorian trade and - then, in the Luthorian economy. The other issue that Luthori had was its "sort-of" alliance with Lourenne, people considered that Luthori & Lourenne were just misunderstanding each other's issues and concerns and needed a big straight up talk about their relationship - that was the goal of the Rottingham Conference, yet, as of now, the Conference was postponed in the wake of the outbreak of the war by both parties - in a mutual agreement - that's what Crown Street told us at least. Luthori's trade with Lourenne was also big, representing 13.2 % of all Luthorian exports and 14 % of all Luthorian imports, and the outbreak of the war gave a crippling blow to the economy. That blow came with the collapse of the Fort William Stock Exchange - opening an economic crisis now known as the "Albertan Economic Crisis" ~ (in reference to the Albertan Era of Luthori, where the Emperor is named Albert) - well that forcasted collapse that never happened - the FWSE just entered a case of it dropping. Another blow was dealt to the economy when Kundrati's Kasaema Stock Exchange also collapsed, throwing Luthori into economic disarray.

One of Luthori's biggest advantages, its extensive trade network which helped bringing riches to the Homeland, just became its worse enemy. Honestly, here, the previous Government put in place a policy of economic investments into the economy - in order to do damage control and keep what can be salvagable. With the changes of governance in Crown Street - it remains to be seen whether or not this policy will hold or not. For now, it's likely that a "Second Lost Decades" is how this 40-years period will be remembered, with weak leadership, weak economic progress and weak diplomatic response to help balancing all of this.

Worse - this period of "Lost Decades" can easily be continued by any following governments or even the current - should its style do not contribute on Luthori quitting the "shit zone" in which she has been sleeping for far too long. But, alas, as the Lourennais says: "Luthorians always make the first good steps, but always blunder on the second steps and so on..."

Speaking of diplomacy.

Luthorian Diplomatic Blunder

You see - the Derby Premiership will be remembered for a lot of things - its first part will be remembered for its attempt at making Parliament be more involved in daily decision making process - in the foreign policy realm with the passing of the Model Treaty model bill. Its second part will be undoubtely remembered for the diplomatic blunder and its handling of the "Hubris War" between the Homeland State of Beiteynu and the United Kingdom of Lourenne. Since the outbreak of the war, with the Third Azhara being sent off to Lourenne and the clashes of Beiteynuese and Lourennais ships in the Sea of Lost Souls. Luthori called openly for peace since the first day, yet, at the outbreak of the war - silence from Fort William. Nothing came out, and nothing will come out about the beginning of the war. Except when it came, the Prime Minister made a speech in the Conservative Party's Annual Conference calling this war "an opportunity" for Luthori to "reaches" new heights in terms of power by taking over as a 3rd reasonable power - yet, some days later, the FWSE collapsed and all plans were thrown into the trash as soon as the government had realized the magnetude of the crisis, taking drastic measures to save the economy - well trying to save it - - and not focusing it self on the foreign policy realm except on the part to give a piece of Luthori's mind to Kundrati for its "un-Artanian" actions according to the Foreign Office. Yet even though, Luthori did nothing in the foreign policy realm except calling for peace - something that will piss Yishelem off (for some reasons that I'll try explaining later). Yet, it came, one fateful day, Kundrati intervened - and the Luthorian Prime Minister, was...livid, immediately afterwards, Luthori sent a note to Kundrati saying two words: "Back off". While immediately afterwards, what was seen was a big conflagration of the conflict, Davostag threatened with war, NEK did the same and Dolgava announced partial mobilization. This ultimatum revealed just a little problem - only Dundorf beneficated from this, by calling for peace and reason between both parties, and by continuing its continued support to Lourenne, thanks to this, their campaign for the Seat A of the Security Council - seat that Luthori currently holds, see much more success. [The Seat A and Luthori's complicated relationship will be talked upon in the thesis of my colleague at the Imperial Academy, Georg Brassner.]

What I can say, seeing Luthori's gradual shift from Lourenne & Beiteynu to form its own bloc, alongside the currently Luthori-dominated Commonwealth, through the Northern Security Treaty Organization, that many people, as well as me, are seeing as the recreation of the Northern Council - something that some colleagues and many, many members of the Imperial Government are not liking this comparaison [An essay about the NSTO and what does it show of Luthori's gradual realignment will be done by my colleague at the University of Alchester, Dr. Emily Underwood]. I can safely say that the Luthorian economic recovery and the diplomatic recovery, are going to need a work in tandem with both private and the public, a work in tandem, between the government and the opposition. Without that and a strong leadership, nothing will come out and Luthori will be condemned by staying an irreleveant, not constructive member of the world stage for the decades to come. Of course, this transition must come smoothly, not just like that in a bang, yet with the arrival of a Labour-LNG government in Crown Street, it's likely that more collaboration between Darlington and Crown Street - especially with the election of Mr. Meyer as Chairman of the Foreign Committee - would be seen.

With it, I'm going to end this thesis, while it's just a excerpt of what I've given to the school and that real thesis is now accessible to you in the archives. Thank you for reading, thank you for your attention.

Joseph Edward Blanknek, Professor and Searchor at the University of Fort William.
Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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Robert F. Kennedy
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Re: University of Fort William (or Luthori) - Publications

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Apr 27, 2024 8:45 pm

What is the Luthorian-style Constitutionalism?

In this essay - I - Professor Ophelia Martlings - would like to embark in a journey explaning what is the foundations of Luthorian constitutionalism and what it's role in Luthori's governance.

So, first, to begin, greetings to every of the readers who would be quite interested to know more about Luthori's system of governance - and what is exactly the word "constitutionalism" means?

Since the beginning of Matilda Weddall's tenure as Prime Minister, it seems that the concept of Luthorian "constitutionalism" has been heard around the world for quite a while - speaking as of now. The word constitutionalism - speaks about the political ideology of the same name - which refers to a broad array of ideas, attitudes, and patterns of behaviour which reflect the principle that the authority of the state is derived from, and is limited by, a codified or uncodified form of fundamental law, such as the constitution of a state. Constitutionalism asserts the preferability of the rule of law over rule by arbitrary fiat or judgement, coercion or force.

So that's what is constitutionalism - so why am I doing an essay about it? It's a little more complicated, you see to understand the birth of Luthorian constitutionalism, first within the Constitutional Democratic Union and then within the Conservative Party and the wider Luthorian political scene to become the dominant internal affairs courant within Luthorian politics.

History of Luthorian Constitutionalism

Luthorian Constitutionalism technically was never born out of a particular event - yet since the 5300s, it seems there has been a rising trend for more separation of powers between Parliament and the Cabnet - this mostly felt during the Crisis of 5370s - but even before during Bennett's and Lord Threwiford's extensive crackdown of the socialist movement - crackdown which didn't work entierly - but succeded in some points - the (1) point being the gradual reformation of progressivism and socialism in this country from a more militant organization to a more established and liberal (economic sense), getting it more closer to social democracy or social liberalism - (2) - the radical/militant/extremist left-wing factions were effectively sidelined from politics - by the establishment of the Democratic Process Stabilization Act, finally - while the recent success of left-wing parties might go contrary to it, the right-wing trade union, traditionnally less politically involved - by their ties to the Holy Luthori Church - saw more success compared to their left-wing counterparts, because of their willingness to be more pragmatic in negociations and by not being targeted by government's agencies during their inquiries.

So, yeah, while it's mostly an history of the most recent leftist movement. Luthorian constitutionalism belivies that the "right way" of things happening in the Palace of Darlington, are the following:

- a traditional, established left-wing party (ie. the Labour Party), which has strong ties to the progressive movement and to the working class - as well as showing some sort of compromise with the corporate/business sphere while also implementing some sort of workers-friendly reforms.
- a traditional, well-established right-wing party (ie. the Conservative Party), which has strong ties with the root of the "gentry" (Luthorian aristocracy), the bourgeoisie, big business, liberals (in the economical sense) and conservatives - they are keeping some ties and root with the working class - with the help fostered by the said right-wing unions and some policies and cross-partisan bills in favour of workers' rights.
- some small minor parties playing the role of "kingmakers" within the legislature.

That is important because constitutionalism is hanging to that balance - by fostering inter-party and intra-party collaboration, by these large "Crosspartisan" bills either tabled by the Opposition or the sitting Government coming after months of debate between both the Opposition and the Government. But, as I've said before, with all of this history of authoritarianism, how is Luthori becoming more of a "normal" democracy than it was before, and the answer is simple: Matilda Weddall. Becoming Leader of the Constitutional Democratic Union and Prime Minister in 5434 - in the aftermath of the Ikradonian Intervention, she brought with her a new era of Luthori politics, an era in which Parliament would be more concerned with the daily decision-making in the country than ever before. While she did lose her post to a Labour Party Prime Minister afterwards - her decisions with the Constitutional Democratic Union to persue constitutionalism as a goal made her an hero for the political right and the political left (for reason that we'll cover later.), at the foundation of the Conservative and Nationalist Party - coming from a fusion from the Constitutional Democratic Union and the Conservative Nationalist Party, she resigned from her post - and was replaced by Lord Derby - who continued her policies as Leader of the Conservative Party or Prime Minister -until the Beiteynu-Lourenne War or the "Hubris War" which saw him continuing the policies of ignorance of Parliament by the Government. Today - with the Luthorian Economic Recovery programs, it seems that once again, the Government and Parliament are once again working together hand by hand, with the former basically delegating its role as an executive of the latter.

Now, let's dive in into the constitutionalist ideology.

The Ideology of Luthorian Constitutionalism.

Constitutionalism - in the Luthorian sense - is technically an ideology which seems to want to relegate the Imperial Government to a more executive power - not a tyrannical power - but something bound to the will of both the Parliament and the Emperor/Empress-Regnant.

According to Constitutionalists - the Government is just bound to the will of Parliament (the electorate) and the Monarch - the embodiement of the nation's will. With that in mind, the Parliament should've most of the powers and prerogatives of the Imperial Government. Yet, in the same time, the necessity of having a central government - when Luthori is technically a great power - the necessity of a quick response to event and an organization guiding the nation's policy is understood. So, Weddall's Constitutionalism - is merely asking about more collaboration and transparency between Darlington and Crown Street/Blackhall. According the Consitutionalists - the Sovereign's the embodiment of the nation and the highest personnality in Luthori - as head of state.

That's where I'll end this topic for now.
Thank you for reading that, I understand it's not as long as Profeessor Blanknek's Essay, but it's likely I'll come out with another thing about that said subject in the next days/months.

Professor Martlings, from the Imperial Academy of Fort William
Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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Robert F. Kennedy
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