A Return

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A Return

Postby LordStephen » Fri Oct 25, 2019 3:27 am

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well. Some may still recall a guy who played in Jelbania years ago with the Grand Nationalists Party. My characters were centered on the Sebastian and Stephens family who were Anglo/American/Westerners ruling over the majority ethnic Jelbeks. I just stumbled upon this website again, and I seem to still recall the details to my old account. Definitely interested to play again, but will just spend the few days finding my through and catching up. :)

Also, just for the record, I would like to address some things which were said about me. Reading back (threads and threads and threads and threaaaaaads back, I now acknowledge that there were criticisms on how I went with my roleplays. And while I do not seek to litigate old issues, please allow me this opportunity to explain my side (since some of the players were perfectly alright with disparaging me in public rather than bother message me if they had issues with my stories to begin with), I would just like to straighten out that I had no intention of going against what appeared to be a community consensus. I was young then, and my interaction with the forums were limited to activation requests, name changes and roleplaying news articles. I was playing under the impression that the individual nations were like sandboxes, entirely left to the players in control then to determine everything about it.

Nor am I the same person they claim me to be, another former player who apparently was on the banlist. In fact, what fueled my thinking that the creation of my characters was alright is because they were quite similar to the old player who was then in control of Jelbania. I did not know that there was some prearranged agreement or consensus that Jelbania was to be some Mongolia type of nation. Eventually, of course, upon my return, the administrators gave me helpful reminders on what has since changed. But sadly, i had little time to adjust as I again went inactive.

I mean no offense by this message. I just want to clear my side, especially since I hope to play again. Some of you, especially those who know me, might still have a negative impression. I hope to clear that up. I really look forward to working with all of you so that all of us can have a good time here, I did back then, I had fun creating characters, stories, histories from the ground up. I had fun reading the reaction of the characters of my other players. I had fun waiting for the results of the elections etc. I had fun about what this game gave its players and the community it built. I hope I can relive those days again.
United New Jelbania

Formerly, the Grand Nationalists Party
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Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2012 2:02 pm

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