Feedback: Statrica cultural background

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Feedback: Statrica cultural background

Postby jamescfm » Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:00 am

Moderation and the Forum-Based Countries Coordinator would like to provide an opportunity for players to provide feedback on a proposed change to the cultural background of Statrica. The change was motivated by a desire to improve the coherence of the spread of cultures in the game and to reflect the role-play history of the country. Below is the proposed new cultural background.

Statrica: In the past Statrica has been controlled by Dorvik, Deltaria, Lourenne and Zardugal and since independence it has experienced a turbulent political history. Due to civil war and subsequent invasion by Lourenne and Kazulia, the country has struggled to achieve stable governance in the past four centuries. In demographic terms the majority of the population are Asli (West African) peoples while the legacy of colonialism can be seen in the prevalence of the Statrican (Croatian) people along the country's western coastline.

At the moment, the country is described as being populated by the "Kuawi" (Somali) people. In the context of western Dovani this does not make much sense because the region has historically been associated with the "Asli peoples", who are based on a number of West African ethnic groups. Somalis are an East African ethnic group who speak an Afroasiatic language and they are more closely related to groups currently located in Majatra and eastern Dovani.

Let us know if you have any thoughts or suggestions.
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Re: Feedback: Statrica cultural background

Postby jamescfm » Sun Dec 20, 2020 11:46 pm

The change has been implemented. If you have any further feedback then please feel free to share it here.
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