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PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 8:49 pm
by timeywimey
(Sorry if this is not in the right place)

I'm currently in Talmoria by myself and I'm not aware of if it has any cultural things I should be aware of when I'm playing! I had a look for some cultural protocols, but there were a bit weak. This bill has some information, but seems a bit out of date!

I can't find Talmoria on the world map either and in the election results, it doesn't colour the map; am I being stupid?

Also, the budget section seems to be a bit broken (I know it says it is in development!) - is there anything that can be done?

Thanks in advance if you can help with any/all of this to a relevant newbie :)

Re: Talmoria

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:22 pm
by Farsun
Welcome to the PT forum, a wretched hive of scum and villainy!

Talmoria was one of the new nations which was added to the game in it's development stages and is one of the few nations that has a broken economy, therefore the economic situation has always been RP'd as FUBAR. With that being said, it's tough to create an economy with a broken economy but I'd imagine that Talmoria would be akin to the economy of Somalia or many other failed states, essentially non-existent and clinging to dear life.

Culturally, I'm sure someone will come in correct me but the Asli people and culture come from there and I believe that the Asli are arabic africans or at least thats how I remember them being RP'd once. So, in reality, Talmoria can be anyone of the arabic african states that has a unique culture because of the other cultures involved in the nation. I believe a few regulars here on the forum have played in Talmoria and can give you much more information then I can, but that's what I know. ... a_3397.png <- Location of Talmoria, Dovani below Statrica (an RP-created state).

Re: Talmoria

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:45 pm
by TheNewGuy
Welcome, as Farsun said!

As far as I know, most of what Farsun said is correct, except I believe the Asli were generally RPd as sub-Saharan Africans, not north African Arabs, as those are generally located in Majatra. There may be some interchange; indeed, Talmoria was once an Islamic (Ahmadist, IC) caliphate if I recall correctly, so there is some room for license.

You may try contacting the user Zongxian. He's now in Dranland but he did some considerable work in Talmoria, I believe. You can find his current party page here.

Re: Talmoria

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:58 pm
by Afrocentric
I was in Talmoria, albeit for a short time. You can always ask me for help if you need it.

Re: Talmoria

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:32 pm
by MrBean111
Talmoria, the way I've always seen it, was a South African like state. A heavy 'Afrikaner' culture before the fall of the Talmorian Monarchy (House of Hemmingway). Lots of Luthor, Hulstro and Rildanorian influence for a long period of time. The Hemmingways at their prime were connected to many of the powerful royal families of the day and had a seat on the International Monarchist League governing council. To my knowledge when the Hemmingway's fell some of the indigenous people and other minorities who had political aspirations banded together to create a new state.

Re: Talmoria

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:18 pm
by timeywimey
Thanks for the all the help guys! Much appreciated :)