Law Drafting Committee- New Members Wanted

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Law Drafting Committee- New Members Wanted

Postby FPC » Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:03 pm

After reviewing the work of the Law Drafting Committee over the last month or so, Moderation has decided to make some changes to the make-up of the committee and the structure. The LDC had some success at the start of its time however recently has become stagnant and inactive. As a result we have taken the decision to change up the membership of the committee and to make some other (minor~ish) reforms which will be announced later.

I have a number of names in mind for the committee but before I reach out to them I would love to find out who would be intrested in joining up, don't worry if you are not a hugely experience member of the community we want this to be a stepping stone and a way for newer players to really have their say in the community as well as a forum for older, more experienced players to improve the game. Anyone who wishes to apply please send a short message to this account stating why you would like to be part of the Law Drafting Committee. I am not looking for an essay or anything, just a few short sentences will suffice.

For the record: The LDC is charged with reviewing the current variables and making proposals on how to improve or remove those which are not so good or are just duplicates. It would also make proposals of its own and advise Moderation on which proposals are suitable for adoption. To make it easy, you guys have been tasked with proposing news bills, commenting (and possibly) adding to bills being proposed by players in this thread.
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