Statement on the 2nd Great Terran War RP

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Statement on the 2nd Great Terran War RP

Postby cm9777 » Wed Mar 28, 2018 2:01 am

As many of you know, there were plans and indeed a public thread on the possibility of having a Roleplay of a 2nd Great War. Save to say, things did not go according to plan and it never got off the ground. The New RP Commitee has been spoken to about what to do about this in-limbo project and whether to scrap the idea or to try again.

The logistics of organising such an rp are immense yet it was done once before and there appears to be significant demand for it.While it is important to emphasize that you as players do not require permission from Moderation or the RP Committee to initiate a Great War or any other RP, The General Consensus view is that such a conflict would have to grow organically through rps beforehand. Basically what is being said here is that the RP can happen on the condition that members of the community put the work in to allow such an RP to grow without it being forced. This is a statement from Moderation and the RP Commitee to the community that the war may still occur if there’s enough organic growth to justify it.

I hope this clears up any doubts as to the status of this RP. Discussion is Welcome though I do not perceive it as necessary. Keep it on topic if you are going to discuss it thanks.
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