Section 6 - Role-Play Procedures, Guidelines and Administration1. Role-play is a significant part of Particracy, it comes in many forms and ways but at its core, Particracy is a political simulator with certain mechanics. Generally, "game mechanics" come first though there are exceptions;
2. Large scale RP planning (such as wars, regional/continental conflicts, economic collapse, etc.) should be planned (as best as it can be) and should have consent of a majority of players involved. It is possible to RP smaller events without the consent of all players or others;
-- 2a. Players are required to pass a bill authorizing the RP which must be passed by a majority of players with seats within the nation (for major, large-scale roleplays such as civil wars, wars, significant economic or RP-related political reforms, etc.) Players are required to create an OOC RP planning bill or forum post discussing the general outline and discussion for planned RP; it needs to include a link to the passed RP authorization bill (for all players);
-- 2b. Players who engage with RP via newspaper posts, in-game messages or other forms of in-character communications are generally accepted to be consenting to the RP. In the event that consent or authorization comes into question, players who have engaged will be counted as voting for or authorizing the RP.
3. Players are reminded that Particracy is loosely based on the real world, RP must be kept with that in mind. RP must be realistic, grounded in real life and not in fantasy or "futuristic" technologies and other items;
4. Players are reminded that going back on established RP ("retcon", "retconning") is generally unaccepted and Moderation will be involved in the event of significant retcons/retconning, especially when there are OOC issues surrounding RP. Moderation reserve the right to approve or deny retcons/retconning as they see reasonable and realistic;
5. Role-play Laws "RP Laws" are permitted to be created as secondary laws to in-game law variables. RP Laws that require a party to vote or act in a specific way (exemptions are bills that set procedures for speaking within the legislature such as "Mr./Mrs. Speaker", etc) are prohibited and will not be enforced by Moderation;
-- 5a. RP laws follow the same passing rules as in-game variable laws. Laws that are not of a constitutional nature require a simple majority "Yes" vote from active parties currently holding seats. Laws that are of a constitutional nature require a 2/3 majority "Yes" vote from active parties currently holding seats;
-- 5b. RP laws passed must be listed within the "Bills Under Debate" section under a bill entitled: "RP Laws of COUNTRYNAME" and must include a brief synopsis of the RP law and a link to its original passage;
-- 5c. RP laws are generally prohibited from banning specific political parties and ideological groups; however with appropriate background RP and justification, a country may ban specific political parties and ideological groups. Nations that do this must follow the procedure for normally passing a constitutional law and then will have to have the RP law approved by posting it
HERE alongside appropriate posts, justification and facts to support the banning. RP laws that create a one-party state follow similar rules to the ones stated above;
-- 5d. RP laws that grant extraordinary powers, ban specific parties or ideologies, create one-party states, grant or allow powers that might not be granted by normal game mechanics or otherwise authorize dictatorial or executive authority must be posted
HERE for review by Moderation; these laws must include that they can be repealed by a simple majority vote within the bill. Please note that RP law approvals may take sometime and Moderation will respond as promptly as possible;
-- 5e. RP laws may be abolished a simple majority vote this applies to ANY RP law. Moderation reserves the right to declare RP laws invalid with reasonable and justifiable cause.
6. Characters are always owned by the player who originally used/created them. Users can transfer control of character via character transfers located
HERE. Characters, noble houses/dynasties or bloodlines who have been inactive for 250 in-game years can be applied for using the aforementioned character transfer thread. Please note that any request for an "inactive" users characters, noble houses/dynasties or bloodlines must be accompanied by a brief synopsis on the requester plans for the character.
-- 6a. As an alternative, players are authorized to create cadet branches of the primary noble houses/dynasties or bloodlines. For example, the the House of Smith has not been used but we want a Smith monarch, so I create the House of Smith-Johnson, which is related to the main "House of Smith" but is a cadet branch and thus able to be used and possessed by me in place of a character transfer or waiting another 250 years to use the character.
7. Nations that are inactive (empty of players with seats) cannot be interacted with, via RP, in any significant or major way. Players can petition Moderation for interaction with an inactive nation in certain circumstances and the GRC will decide on the merits of the RP;
Last updated: 30 June 2020